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地图大小 2
游戏模式 生存
地图作者 Smartly Dressed Games

PEI (源于 Prince Edward Island 的缩写) 是 Unturned 的第一张官方地图。 爱德华王子岛位于加拿大东南沿海。 它由一个主岛和五个小岛组成。岛上的地形反映了温带生物群落的特点,有各种树木、灌木丛和草地,海岸线两侧是沙滩。两个最大岛屿上的大部分标记地点都由一条主干道连接。与现实中的地图不同,该地图有很多丘陵地形。远处可以看到加拿大大陆,但无法到达。





地名 类型 描述
艾伯顿 城市 一座带有一个大港口的沿海城市。城市中会生成各种各样的战利品。尤其是银行的金库,它被洗劫一空以便民兵物品的生成。
贝尔法斯特机场 机场 一座商业机场,其跑道被警方的街垒所遮断。
Cape Rock 地理地标 一个地理地标,其特征为灯塔和小型停车场。
夏洛特敦 城市 爱德华王子岛的首府。它作为一个强大的商业存在而发挥着重要作用。
联邦大桥 桥梁 A destroyed bridge that once connected Prince Edward Island to mainland Canada. There is a military presence in the area, and a Mega Zombie can spawn on the bridge.
Courtin Isle 岛屿 A small, private island with a mansion and a dock.
Fernwood Farm 农场 A wheat farm, with a barn and water well.
Holman Isle 岛屿 A large island with a militia bunker compound—containing a large assortment of different loot such as high-end militia equipment—and a cargo ship that has been ran aground.
肯辛顿露营地 露营地 A large campground. There are multiple cabins, tents, and docks.
Liberation Bridge 桥梁 A bridge connecting the two largest islands together, with a washing machine cratered into the nearby road.
蒙塔古 城市 一个居民小镇。虽然小镇缺乏更多独特的战利品,但有大量普通的平民战利品.
奥利里监狱 监狱 一座大型监狱,位于一个僻静的小岛上。该地区有加拿大皇家骑警驻守.
Oulton's Isle 岛屿 一座有城堡的小岛,岛上没有任何战利品或僵尸.
Pirate Cove 地理地标 A small coastal cave. Canadian coins can be found scattered about inside. There is a radio tower above the cove.
苏里斯露营地 露营地 A small campground. There are a couple cabins, tents, and docks.
斯特拉福德 城市 The largest city, with a wide variety of commercial buildings, residential housing, and public facilities.
萨默赛德军事基地 军事设施 A large military base, with multiple facilities such as a helipad. A Mega Zombie can spawn in the area.
Taylor Beach 地理地标 一个小沙滩。
蒂格尼什农场 农场 A wheat farm, with a large barn. The location has both a water well and a fuel tank. There is a small deadzone in the wheat field.
惠灵顿农场 农场 A wheat farm, with multiple barns and a water well.
Wiltshire Farm 农场 一座小麦农场,包含一间大谷仓、水井和棚屋。


文件:PEI Chart flora.png



爱德华王子岛是鹿的家园。在这两个最大的岛屿上总共有十二个不同的地方可以找到这些动物,它们经常成群结队地产卵。其中 11 个产卵区位于两个岛屿中较大的岛屿上,只有一个产卵区位于较小的岛屿上。单个产卵区的鱼群最大可能有五只鱼。

Fauna can be found grazing between Cape Rock and Stratford, just south of the bend in the connecting road. Fauna can also spawn directly west of Stratford, on the steep hills that border the Summerside Military Base. Directly to the west of the military base is another grazing location. There is a large clearing to the north of the road that leads onto the Confederation Bridge, and generally southwest of the main entrance into the Summerside Military Base, in which fauna can be found.

Directly west of Alberton's road intersection are steep, wooded hills where fauna can spawn. There is another grazing spot at the narrowest part of the island, just south of the road between Alberton and the nearby wheat farms. Fauna can spawn about the Pirate Cove, grazing slightly towards the western side of the cliff.

Similar to the Summerside Military Base, there are multiple areas around Montague where fauna can spawn. Directly to the south of the Taylor Beach parking lot is a clearing where animals may spawn, often grazing around the southern part of the clearing. Fauna can also spawn directly to the south of intersection in Montague, in the center of another large clearing. To the east of Montague, just north of the road bend that leads onto the Liberation Bridge, animals can be found grazing. The rest of the area to the north of Montague is rather bare, with only a single grazing spot that is located roughly in the middle of woods between Souris Campground and Belfast Airport.

There is one location on the smaller island where fauna can be found. They can spawn east of the road that connects Tignish Farm to Kensington Campground, grazing by the trees just before the woods open up to the coast.



2016 年 1 月 2 日,Behan 博士——天蝎 7 号的一名员工——被逐出他在艾伯顿的家,原因不明.

天蝎-7 最初在爱德华王子岛的第二大岛上有一个实验室,正在进行一个 DNA 拼接项目。当地政府最终开始调查该实验室。1 月 3 日,该设施的负责人开始与总部制定计划,准备搬迁到华盛顿或不列颠哥伦比亚省的新设施。不过,一些员工被重新分配到其他设施,从事其他项目的工作。天蝎-7 离开爱德华王子岛后,蒂格尼什农场取而代之。.

贝汉博士被重新分配到育空地区的设施,从事大 J 公司承包的一个项目。贝汉博士的爱犬 "斑点 "被留在了搬进提格尼什农场的那户人家。虽然不知道所有家庭成员的姓名,但这对父母的女儿名叫劳拉。劳拉的家人有在蒙塔古生活的记忆,但不确定记忆的准确性。实际上,劳拉和她的家人曾经住在华盛顿,后来天蝎-7 将他们的农舍拆除,建造了新的设施。.



模板:Achievement manager


  • 这是Unturned(3.0)中第一个可游玩的官方地图。
  • 爱德华王子岛是基于现实中的爱德华王子岛省,而“PEI”是爱德华王子岛的常见缩写。
