欢迎各位来到超时空星舰,超时空星舰是世界上第一款完全由玩家自己控制管理的星际飞船科幻策略游戏。 在一个以像素为基础的庞大在线宇宙中,玩家将要负责进行星际飞船的建造和升级、AI的编辑和管理、船员的招募和训练、太空中的探索和战斗、资源的寻找和采集以及舰队的维护与支援等众多事物,现在就带着你的船员去探索无尽的太空吧!


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This is an overview of the namespaces table. Meanings of the data in the columns:

NumberNamespace number (0-15 used internally within MediaWiki, odd numbers are talk namespaces)
NameNamespace name, used as a prefix: on wiki pages in this namespace.
DefaultThis is the default name of this namespace in the local language, not an alias.
Namespace is listed under this name in Special:Allpages
Namespace is reachable under this name, but some other prefix exists as displayed default.
CanonicalThis is the default name of the namespace before translation.
Yes. (Note that each numbered namespace has exactly one canonical name.)

See Help:Namespaces for more information.

The namespaces table is empty.