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文件:兵员 喜塔尔 6.png
稀有度 4 Rarity-4.png- 6 Rarity-6.png
职业 士兵
获得方式 稀有召唤
期间限定 不是
国服专属 不是
性别 男‎
类别 人系
No. 1041, 1042, 1043
信赖奖励 连接盾




稀有度 HP MP 攻击 防御 魔力 精神 攻击数 攻击掉落 经验值模式
44星 2279 96 71 77 63 79 2 4 LB.png 6
55星 2963 125 93 101 83 103 2 4 LB.png 6
66星 3852 163 122 132 108 134 2 4 LB.png 6

最高数据 (使用罐突破界限)

稀有度 HP MP 攻击 防御 魔力 精神
44星 210 35 14 18 14 14
55星 240 40 16 24 16 16
66星 390 65 26 34 26 26


Fire Resistance Ice Resistance Lightning Resistance Water Resistance Wind Resistance Earth Resistance Light Resistance Dark Resistance
- - - - - - - -
Poison Resistance Blind Resistance Sleep Resistance Silence Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confuse Resistance Disease Resistance Petrification Resistance
- - - - - - - -


Dagger Axe Hammer
Light Shield Heavy Shield Helm Light Armor Heavy Armor Accessory
稀有度 能力槽数 魔法等级
44星 3 White Magic Affinity Lvl 4, Green Magic Affinity Lvl 3
55星 4 White Magic Affinity Lvl 5, Green Magic Affinity Lvl 4
66星 4 White Magic Affinity Lvl 6, Green Magic Affinity Lvl 5



稀有度 等级 图片 名称 效果 段数 MP
4 Rarity-4.png 30 Ability 10.png 防御打击 攻击一名敌人 (1.4x)
自身减伤 (50%) 1回合
1 12
44星 60 驱魔猛击 驱魔猛击 解除1名敌人的状态效果 - 7
55星 80 盾牌打击 盾牌打击 物理攻击1名敌人 (5x精神) 1 45
5 Rarity-6.png 80 Ability 94.png 聚焦 自身容易被敌人攻击 (100%) 2回合
自身减伤 (30%) 2回合
- 24
6 Rarity-6.png 90 Ability 39.png 消除装甲 降低全体敌人防御/精神 (45%) 3回合 - 48
66星 100 钢铁之心替身 钢铁之心替身 代替1名指定的队员承受伤害 (减伤75%) 3回合
自身提高精神 (80%) 3回合
- 32
稀有度 等级 图片 名称 效果
4 Rarity-4.png 1 Ability 77.png 精神 +10% 提高精神 (10%)
4 Rarity-4.png 10 Ability 91.png 自动极限 战斗中每回合自动增加极限技槽 (1)
5 Rarity-6.png 20 Ability 77.png 防御 +20% 提高防御 (20%)
5 Rarity-6.png 40 Ability 85.png 堡垒 防御时恢复HP (340 HP, 8x)
55星 70 不屈之心 不屈之心 当HP高于40%时,一定机率 (50%)避免陷入无法战斗状态 (最多1次)
66星 1 斧盾体势 斧盾体势 装备时提高防御/精神 (20%)
6 Rarity-6.png 50 Ability 77.png HP +20% 提高HP (20%)


稀有度 名称 效果 段数 消耗
44星 接续护盾 最低 全体队员减伤 (20%) 3回合
提高全体队员被降低攻击/防御/魔力/精神的耐性 (100%) 3回合
- 12 LB.png
最高 全体队员减伤 (27%) 3回合
提高全体队员被降低攻击/防御/魔力/精神的耐性 (100%) 3回合
55星 接续护盾 最低 全体队员减伤 (25%) 3回合
提高全体队员被降低攻击/防御/魔力/精神的耐性 (100%) 3回合
- 16 LB.png
最高 全体队员减伤 (34%) 3回合
提高全体队员被降低攻击/防御/魔力/精神的耐性 (100%) 3回合
66星 接续护盾 最低 全体队员减伤 (30%) 3回合
提高全体队员被降低攻击/防御/魔力/精神的耐性 (100%) 3回合
- 20 LB.png
最高 全体队员减伤 (42%) 3回合
提高全体队员被降低攻击/防御/魔力/精神的耐性 (100%) 3回合


5★ 6★
‎‎‎‎Icon-Litrock.png光之石 (20)
‎‎‎‎Icon-Heaven's Ash.png天空圣灰 (10)
‎‎‎‎Icon-Sacred Crystal.png神幻结晶 (10)
‎‎‎‎Icon-God's Reliquary.png众神的遗物 (5)
‎‎‎‎Icon-Holy Crystal.png神魔结晶 (5)
‎‎‎‎Icon-Fairies' Writ.png妖精王密书 (20)
‎‎‎‎Icon-Prismatic Horn.png神兽的极彩角 (10)
‎‎‎‎Icon-Calamity Gem.png灾祸的封神珠 (10)
‎‎‎‎Icon-Calamity Writ.png终焉的预言书 (5)
‎‎‎‎Icon-Divine Crystal.png神魔王结晶 (5)


44星 55星 66星
文件:兵员 喜塔尔 4.png 文件:兵员 喜塔尔 5.png 文件:兵员 喜塔尔 6.png



4★ 『喜塔尔』是一名在阿尔多尔塔工作的士兵,与他的手足一起生长在一个贫穷的家庭,总是喜欢装疯卖傻。他的能力其实不错,但常常让好机会从身边溜走,因为他不够果断,还容易感情用事。
5★ A soldier of Aldore that works under Domino. 喜塔尔al is actually quite capable, but often lets good opportunities pass him by due to his lack of determination and tendency to get carried away by emotion. Always worried about the exhausted look on his best friend's face who has risen to higher ranks, he spends most of his days thinking of things to say to help relieve her stress.
6★ A soldier of Aldore who loves chatting. 喜塔尔al grew up in a poor household alongside his siblings, and has always portrayed a silly personality. Despite his great tendency to be sympathetic towards the weak, he became a soldier to continue his family's tradition and make them proud. After he left the Tower following a spy disturbance, the Aldore Army has returned to its original atmosphere of overwhelming gloom.


4★ Seems we've got some free time on our hands. Want me to tell you a love story?
5★ Such a luxurious offering for a simple soldier. You must be of some wealth, eh?
6★ There must be something we can do before mindlessly killing each other. Like trying to have a chat, for instance.


5★ Yeah, I gotcha. I even feel a bit more flexible now.
6★ It's okay, I understand. You look a lot better now, though. Did you finally get some shut eye?


4★ You think just because I'm a vision I want to battle? Or is it you think I want to have a laugh? Ah, maybe I said too much.
5★ You think just because I'm a vision I want to battle? Or is it you think I want to have a laugh? Ah, maybe I said too much.
6★ You think just because I'm a vision I want to battle? Or is it you think I want to have a laugh? Ah, maybe I said too much.


Doesn't appear there's any way of escaping you, that's how hard you've been working me lately. ...Just kidding, thank you really.