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文件:兵员 希摩尔 6.png
稀有度 4 Rarity-4.png-6 Rarity-6.png
职业 祭司
主要功能 魔法伤害
获得方式 稀有召唤
期间限定 不是
国服专属 不是
出自 FFX
类别 人系
No. 789, 790, 791
信赖奖励 耶朋的教诲





稀有度 HP MP 攻击 防御 魔力 精神 攻击数 攻击掉落 经验值模式
4 Rarity-4.png 2079 107 57 73 85 73 1 8 LB.png 6
5 Rarity-6.png 2702 139 74 94 110 94 1 10 LB.png 6
6 Rarity-6.png 3512 180 95 122 142 122 1 12 LB.png 6


稀有度 HP MP 攻击 防御 魔力 精神
4 Rarity-4.png 210 35 14 14 18 14
5 Rarity-6.png 240 40 16 16 24 16
6 Rarity-6.png 390 65 26 26 34 26


Icon-Fire Resistance.png Icon-Ice Resistance.png Icon-Lightning Resistance.png Icon-Water Resistance.png Icon-Wind Resistance.png Icon-Earth Resistance.png Icon-Light Resistance.png Icon-Dark Resistance.png
- - - - - - - -
Icon-Poison Resistance.png Icon-Blind Resistance.png Icon-Sleep Resistance.png Icon-Silence Resistance.png Icon-Paralysis Resistance.png Icon-Confuse Resistance.png Icon-Disease Resistance.png Icon-Petrification Resistance.png
- - - - - - - -


装备图标 短剑.png 装备图标 手杖.png 装备图标 魔棒.png
装备图标 轻盾.png装备图标 帽子.png 装备图标 衣服.png 装备图标 法袍.png 装备图标 饰品.png
稀有度 能力槽数 魔法等级
4 Rarity-4.png 3 Affinity-Black.png Lv.6 Affinity-Green.png Lv.1
5 Rarity-6.png 4 Affinity-Black.png Lv.7 Affinity-Green.png Lv.2
6 Rarity-6.png 4 Affinity-Black.png Lv.8 Affinity-Green.png Lv.3



稀有度 等级 图片 名称 效果 段数 MP
4 Rarity-4.png 60 Ability 26.png 疯狂暗袭 对1名敌人发动暗属性魔法攻击 (2.5x)
降低暗属性耐性 (50%) 3回合
1 35
5 Rarity-6.png 26 Ability 10.png 死刃交击 消耗发动者的HP (50%)对1名敌人发动魔法攻击 (4x) - 32
5 Rarity-6.png 54 Ability 77.png 黑暗执念 自身提高魔力 (100%) 3回合
自身降低精神 (50%) 3回合
1 20
6 Rarity-6.png 100 Ability 26.png 连续咏唱 1回合内可使用2次魔法 - 0
6 Rarity-6.png 1 Ability 77.png 提高MP (10%) 提高MP (10%)
6 Rarity-6.png 1 Ability 77.png 提高HP (10%) 提高HP (10%)
6 Rarity-6.png 32 Ability 77.png 提高魔力 (20%) 提高魔力 (20%)
6 Rarity-6.png 32 Ability 77.png 召唤魔法 +20% 提高幻兽召唤伤害 (20%)
6 Rarity-6.png 67 Ability 77.png 魔力 +30% 提高魔力 (30%)
6 Rarity-6.png 67 Ability 77.png 召唤魔法 +30% 提高幻兽召唤伤害 (30%)


稀有度 等级 图片 名称 效果 段数 MP
4 Rarity-4.png 1 Ability 21.png 烈炎 对全体敌人施展火属性魔法 (1.4x) 1 9
4 Rarity-4.png 1 Ability 22.png 冰冻 对全体敌人施展冰属性魔法 (1.4x) 1 9
4 Rarity-4.png 1 Ability 26.png 昏暗 对全体敌人发动暗属性魔法 (1.4x) 1 9
4 Rarity-4.png 1 Ability 20.png 震雷 对全体敌人施展雷属性魔法 (1.4x) 1 9
4 Rarity-4.png 1 Ability 23.png 激水 对全体敌人施展水属性魔法 (1.4x) 1 9
5 Rarity-6.png 26 Ability 21.png 爆炎 对全体敌人发动火属性魔法 (1.8x) 1 20
5 Rarity-6.png 26 Ability 22.png 冰封 对全体敌人发动冰属性魔法 (1.8x) 1 20
5 Rarity-6.png 54 Ability 23.png 狂水 对全体敌人发动水属性魔法 (1.8x) 1 20
5 Rarity-6.png 54 Ability 20.png [暴雷]] 对全体敌人发动雷属性魔法 (1.8x) 1 20
5 Rarity-6.png 80 Ability 26.png 幽暗 对全体敌人发动暗属性魔法 (1.8x) 1 20


稀有度 名称 效果 段数 消耗
44星 安魂曲 最低 魔法攻击全体敌人 (4x)
提高自身魔法攻击对死灵系魔物的伤害 (100%)
1 12 LB.png
最高 魔法攻击全体敌人 (5.4x)
提高自身魔法攻击对死灵系魔物的伤害 (100%)
55星 安魂曲 最低 魔法攻击全体敌人 (4.5x)
提高自身魔法攻击对死灵系魔物的伤害 (100%)
1 16 LB.png
最高 魔法攻击全体敌人 (6.4x)
提高自身魔法攻击对死灵系魔物的伤害 (100%)
66星 安魂曲 最低 魔法攻击全体敌人 (5x)
提高自身魔法攻击对死灵系魔物的伤害 (100%)
1 20 LB.png
最高 魔法攻击全体敌人 (7.4x)
提高自身魔法攻击对死灵系魔物的伤害 (100%)


5 Rarity-6.png 6 Rarity-6.png
20 魔原石 Icon-Mystic Ore.png13 魔性液滴 Icon-Wicked Drop.png7 神幻结晶 Icon-Sacred Crystal.png5 幻兽之泪 Icon-Esper's Tear.png5 神魔结晶 Icon-Holy Crystal.png2500 Gil 20 灾祸的封神珠 Icon-Calamity Gem.png10 终焉的预言书 Icon-Calamity Writ.png10 乐园的幻虹花 Icon-Rainbow Bloom.png5 神兽的极彩角 Icon-Prismatic Horn.png5 神魔王结晶 Icon-Divine Crystal.png4000 Gil


55星 66星 77星
文件:兵员 希摩尔 4.png 文件:兵员 希摩尔 5.png 文件:兵员 希摩尔 6.png



4★ A young guado who sought to rid Spirans from the suffering of existence by destroying the world. Seymour succeeded his father as a Maester of Yevon after the latter's death. He boasts of incredible summoning powers as proven by his quick elimination of the fiends threatening the port city of Luca, which he disposed of by summoning forth the powerful aeon known as Anima. Unbeknownst to the people of Luca, however, this had all been a plan devised by Seymour himself to win their trust by saving their lives.
5★ A young guado who sought to rid Spirans from the suffering of existence by destroying the world. Seymour planned to use Yuna to accomplish his goals of destroying Spira, as his twisted mind had led him to believe that "If all life were to end in Spira, all suffering would end." Although in the beginning he pretended to be a well-mannered gentleman by going as far as proposing to Yuna, he eventually turned violent and unapologetic, ultimately trying take possession of her through sheer force.
6★ A young guado who sought to rid Spirans from the suffering of existence by destroying the world. Seymour grew up seeing the threat that Sin presented for Spira since childhood, and came to the conclusion that the only way to save Spira was to bring about its destruction by becoming Sin himself. He lost his life after facing Yuna and her guardians in battle, but his strong emotional ties to the world caused him to remain as an unsent, allowing him to continue thwarting Yuna's actions multiple times.


4★ I do not take kindly to being flattered.
5★ I will save all with the power of death...
All sadness will disappear.
6★ Entrust yourself to the power of destruction,
and you will find peace.


5★ You should know of my darkness...
It calls for a world devoid of light.
6★ Life is but a futile dream.
The death that follows is all that is permanent.


4★ As a maester of Yevon,
I must stake my life
on realizing our ideals.
5★ If all lives are to be destroyed,
then all pain...would be healed as well.
I shall grant you eternal peace.
6★ Sink into the peace of death.
I shall sever all ties between you and grief.


I will save you in your time of need.
You should be grateful.