











跳到导航 跳到搜索
兵员 梅丽亚杜尔 6.png
稀有度 4 Rarity-4.png-6 Rarity-6.png
职业 神坛骑士
主要功能 Debuff、支援
获得方式 稀有召唤
期间限定 不是
国服专属 不是
出自 FFT
类别 人系
No. 567, 568, 569
信赖奖励 链锁法袍





稀有度 HP MP 攻击 防御 魔力 精神 攻击数 攻击掉落 经验值模式
44星 2102 102 79 71 73 73 3 3 LB.png 6
55星 2733 133 103 93 96 96 3 4 LB.png 6
66星 3553 174 135 121 125 125 3 4 LB.png 6

最高数据 (使用罐突破界限)

稀有度 HP MP 攻击 防御 魔力 精神
44星 240 40 16 16 16 16
55星 300 50 20 20 20 20
66星 450 75 30 30 30 30


Fire Resistance Ice Resistance Lightning Resistance Water Resistance Wind Resistance Earth Resistance Light Resistance Dark Resistance
- - - - - - - -
Poison Resistance Blind Resistance Sleep Resistance Silence Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confuse Resistance Disease Resistance Petrification Resistance
- - - - - - - -


Sword Great Sword Katana Bow Spear Fist
Light Shield Heavy Shield Hat Helm Clothes Light Armor Heavy Armor Robe Accessory
稀有度 能力槽数 魔法等级
44星 3 White Magic Affinity Lvl 4, Black Magic Affinity Lvl 3, Green Magic Affinity Lvl 5
55星 4 White Magic Affinity Lvl 5, Black Magic Affinity Lvl 4, Green Magic Affinity Lvl 6
66星 4 White Magic Affinity Lvl 6, Black Magic Affinity Lvl 5, Green Magic Affinity Lvl 7



稀有度 等级 图片 名称 效果 段数 MP
44星 35 Shield Break 溃盾 攻击1名敌人 (1.8x)
降低防御 (40%) 5回合
1 12
55星 15 Cleansing Strike 乱命割杀打 攻击1名敌人三次 (每次1x, 总共3x)
造成混乱 (30%)
1 16
55星 45 Mind Break 溃智 攻击1名敌人 (1.8x) 并降低魔力 (40%) 5回合 1 12
66星 30 Helm Break 溃盔 攻击1名敌人 (1.8x) 并降低精神 (40%) 5回合 1 12
66星 60 Weapon Break 溃武 攻击1名敌人 (1.8x)
降低攻击 (40%) 5回合
1 12
66星 65 Wish 冥界恐叫打 物理攻击1名敌人 (1.9x)
降低攻击/魔力 (40%) 3回合
1 20
66星 65 Wish 强甲突点破 攻击1名敌人 (1.9x)
降低防御/精神 (40%) 3回合
1 20
66星 70 Wish 天慧 提高1名队员防御/精神 (45%) 5回合 - 16
66星 85 Wish 诈死 使1名队员陷入无法战斗状态时自动复活1次 (80% HP) 3回合 - 21
66星 95 Preach 讲经 提高一名队员魔力的数值(100%)三回合 1 14
66星 100 Belief 信仰祈祷 提高全体队员魔力的数值(60%)一回合 1 18
稀有度 等级 图片 名称 效果
44星 1 Righteousness 冲击反击 受到物理攻击时一定机率 (30%) 使用普攻反击
44星 25 Righteousness MP+20% MP+20%
55星 55 Righteousness 防御+20% 防御+20%
66星 1 Righteousness 神圣骑士 提高精神 (20%)
战斗中每回合恢复MP (5%)
66星 40 Righteousness HP+20% HP+20%
66星 71 Righteousness 公平正义 反击发动率变为2倍


稀有度 等级 图片 名称 效果 段数 MP
5 Rarity-6.png 80 Ability 77.png [[超物防护] 提高全体队员防御 (40%) 3回合 - 24
5 Rarity-6.png 80 Ability 77.png 广魔防壳 提高全体队员精神 (40%) 3回合 - 24
6 Rarity-6.png 70 Ability 5.png 强放逐 对全体敌人发动光属性魔法 (1.8x精神) 1 20


名称 效果 段数 MP 类型 晶石 中晶石 大晶石 超晶石 神晶石 金币
冥界恐叫打+1 物理攻击1名敌人 (2.5x)
降低攻击/魔力 (40%) 3回合
1 20 黑色 15 8 5 1 - 250,000 Gil
冥界恐叫打+2 物理攻击1名敌人 (2.5x)
降低攻击/魔力 (50%) 3回合
1 20 黑色 23 12 8 2 1 250,000 Gil
强甲破点突+1 攻击1名敌人 (2.5x)
降低防御/精神 (40%) 3回合
1 20 黑色 15 8 5 1 - 250,000 Gil
强甲破点突+2 攻击1名敌人 (2.5x)
降低防御/精神 (50%) 3回合
1 20 黑色 23 12 8 2 1 250,000 Gil
天惠+1 提高1名队员防御/精神 (60%) 5回合
使1名队员减伤 (15%) 5回合
- 16 防御 15 10 8 2 1 250,000 Gil
天惠+2 提高1名队员防御/精神 (80%) 5回合
使1名队员减伤 (15%) 5回合
使1名队员减伤 (15%) 5回合
持续恢复1名队员HP (3000 HP, 9x) 3回合
- 25 防御 23 12 8 2 1 250,000 Gil
诈死+1 使1名队员陷入无法战斗状态时自动复活1次 (100% HP) 3回合 - 21 治疗 20 15 10 2 - 500,000 Gil
诈死+2 使1名队员陷入无法战斗状态时自动复活1次 (100% HP) 5回合 - 21 治疗 30 23 15 4 1 500,000 Gil
神圣骑士+1 提高防御/精神 (20%)
战斗中每回合恢复MP (5%)
- - 防御 15 8 5 1 - 250,000 Gil
神圣骑士+2 提高防御/精神 (40%)
战斗中每回合恢复MP (10%)
- - 防御 23 12 8 2 1 250,000 Gil


稀有度 名称 效果 段数 消耗
44星 神圣之刃 最低 对全体敌人发动无视防御 (50%)的攻击 (2.3x) 2 12 LB.png
最高 对全体敌人发动无视防御 (50%)的攻击 (3x)
55星 神圣之刃 最低 对全体敌人发动无视防御 (50%)的攻击 (2.5x) 2 14 LB.png
最高 对全体敌人发动无视防御 (50%)的攻击 (3.45x)
66星 神圣之刃 最低 对全体敌人发动无视防御 (50%)的攻击 (2.7x) 2 16 LB.png
最高 对全体敌人发动无视防御 (50%)的攻击 (3.9x)


5★ 6★
‎‎‎‎Icon-Seed of Life.png生命种子 (25)
‎‎‎‎Icon-Fury Seed.png斗气之种 (13)
‎‎‎‎Icon-Sacred Crystal.png神幻结晶 (15)
‎‎‎‎Icon-Hard Rock.png坚硬岩石 (8)
‎‎‎‎Icon-Holy Crystal.png神魔结晶 (8)
‎‎‎‎Icon-Prismatic Horn.png神兽的极彩角 (20)
‎‎‎‎Icon-Fairies' Writ.png妖精王密书 (10)
‎‎‎‎Icon-Rainbow Bloom.png乐园的幻虹花 (10)
‎‎‎‎Icon-Calamity Gem.png灾祸的封神珠 (5)
‎‎‎‎Icon-Divine Crystal.png神魔王结晶 (5)


44星 55星 66星
兵员 梅丽亚杜尔 4.png 兵员 梅丽亚杜尔 5.png 兵员 梅丽亚杜尔 6.png



4★ A woman who appears in the tales of holy stones known as auracite in the distant world of Ivalice. Meliadoul is a Knight Templar in service of the Church of Glabados, and as thus was entrusted with the Sagittarius auracite. However, neither her nor her younger brother Isilud knew about the power hidden within the auracite, believing it to be a peculiar stone at best. Following the death of her brother in Riovanes Castle, she swears revenge upon Ramza, whom she believes to be his killer.
5★ A woman who appears in the tales of holy stones known as auracite in the distant world of Ivalice. Meliadoul is a Knight Templar, like her deceased brother Isilud, who has dedicated herself to saving Ivalice from ruin by serving the Church of Glabados. Although Ramza attempts to explain to her that Isilud was killed by the legendary Lucavi demons, she refuses to accept this until she witnesses Marquis Elmdore turn into a Lucavi while in Limberry Castle. Having seen the truth with her very eyes, she joins Ramza in his fight against the demons of legend.
6★ A woman who appears in the tales of holy stones known as auracite in the distant world of Ivalice. Meliadoul is the daughter of Folmarv, a member of the Knights Templar who have been manipulating the course of history from the shadows. However, she was ignorant to the fact that her father was playing host to a Lucavi demon, as well as to the mysterious power hidden within the auracite. Once she clears up her misunderstanding with Ramza in Limberry Castle, she begins to suspect her father's erratic behavior and joins Ramza on his battle against the Lucavi. Meliadoul eventually confronts her father only to find that her fears are well-founded, as he confirms that he is indeed possessed.


4★ Change requires a degree of pain.
Without pain, true change cannot be achieved.
5★ I cannot allow myself to die in a place like this.
I must stay alive for Isilud...
6★ Shield not just your body, but your soul, as well!
Unpreparedness is your greatest enemy!
You should remember this.


5★ Regardless the weapon,
with my special techniques
I can pierce through anything.
6★ With my Unyielding Blade,
I'll crush the heads of even
the demons from hell!


4★ My name is Meliadoul.
Please allow me to go with you.
5★ The world cannot be changed by those unable
to handle even the tasks they've been dealt.
You had best prepare yourself.
6★ I swear to the gods,
I devote my blade to serving you.


To find something more important than oneself,
that must be what love is...