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1.竞选警长 run for the sheriff

2. 焊跳 pretend to be a seer

3. 退水 quit the election

4. 金水 good identity

5. 查杀 bad identity

6. 扛推 vote for the worst speech player

7. 聊爆 make mistakes during the speech

8. 爆狼 I declare that I'm a werewolf

9. 三狼上警 three werewolves run for the sheriff

10. 自刀骗药 kill one werewolf during the night to defraud the witch's potion

11. 警徽流 a good use of the police badge

12. 狼踩狼 lynch your fellow werewolf

13. 不杀预言家 not killing the Seer


1、强势要警徽 I declare seriously that I'm a seer.

2、我查杀X号,他是狼人。 I have confirmed that Player X was a werewolf.

3、这轮好人跟我一起把X号票出去。 Everyone, especially humans should vote against player X with me and push him out.

4、上轮没有验出查杀,我验的是X号,他是好人。 X号玩家我已经给你好身份了,你要帮好人好好玩。 What a pity! This time I didn't find out any werewolf. I have affirmed No.X to be a good guy. Player X, I have proved/confirmed your identity in the hope that you can play nicely and help us to find out the werewolves.

5、 我觉得X号身份比较可疑,建议预言家如果没有验过的话下轮验一下他。 I suppose player X to be a werewolf. I don't know whether the seer have already verified him. If not, I hope seer could verify him next time.

6、如果预言家有验出查杀,请跳出来报下查杀,以免推错人。 If the seer have found out a werewolf, declare frankly and clearly, please. For fear that we push someone out wrongly.

7、这轮准备推X号和X号,先听他俩发言再决定先推谁。 Our pushing objects are No. × and No.×. I’ll decide which one will be pushed out first after hearing their statements.

8、你凭什么怀疑我啊? Why (on earth) do you suspect me to be a werewolf?

9、你们冤枉好人啦(我是冤枉的) You wronged an innocent person. I was wronged.

10、他是悍跳,我才是真预言家 I think that he pretends to be a seer. He isn't a seer. I formally declare that I'm a real seer (indeed).

11、平民若不确定,可以先不投票 The villager: You may abstain from voting, if you are not sure.



suspect vt. 怀疑,不信任; 怀疑…有罪 n. 嫌疑犯 vi. 怀疑

direction n. 方向,指示,命令

crafty adj. 狡猾的,狡诈的; 巧妙的,灵巧的 adv. 狡猾地,狡诈地

innocent adj. 无辜的,无罪的; n. 无辜者;头脑简单的人;天真无邪的人

guarantee n. 保证,担保; 保证人,保证书;抵押品 vt. 保证,担保

identity n. 身份;同一性,一致;特性

hide vt. 隐藏;隐瞒;鞭打 vi. 隐藏 n. 躲藏;兽皮;躲藏

situation n. 情况;形势;处境;位置

suspicion n. 怀疑;嫌疑;疑心;一点儿 vt. 怀疑

band vt. 使团结;用带捆;

believe i. 信任;料想;笃信宗教 vt. 相信;认为;信任

confirm vt. 确认;确定;证实;批准;使巩固

vote n. 投票,选举;选票;得票数

determine t. 决定;判决;使…下定决心 vi. 确定;决定;判决,终止

defend vt. 辩护;防护 vi. 保卫;防守

confusion n. 混淆,混乱;困惑

clue n. 线索;(故事等的)情节 vt. 为…提供线索;为…提供情况

thought n. 思想;思考;想法;关心

statement n. 声明;报告;陈述句;状态说明

bide one's time 等待时机

observe vt. 观察;遵守;说;注意到;评论 vi. 观察;说;注意到;评论

declare vt. 宣布,声明;断言,宣称 vi. 声明,宣布

lie vt. 谎骗 n. 谎言;位置

abstain i. 自制;放弃;避免

guess vt. 猜测;认为;推测;猜中

conclude vt. 推断;决定,作结论;结束 vi. 推断;断定;决定

disguise vt. 掩饰;假装;隐瞒 n. 伪装;假装;用作伪装的东西

possibility 可能性;可能发生的事物

affirm 肯定;断言

