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上次编辑为2023 年05 月01日,浏览次数:60,541。

截止2021.5.21. Enlisted版本号为: 请注意,很多更新没有官方更新日志。


2GB 更新,未变更版本号 应对秋季活动

Changed experience gain in Custom Matches: if there are no players on the opposing team you will gain 20% of the experience, if there is one player in the opposing team you will gain 50% of the experience, if there are two or more players in the opposing team, the experience will be gained without change. This mechanic works in test mode and can be changed or disabled. Fixed the inability to change the game mode when creating a match in Custom Games. Added a battle time limit of 60 minutes. At the end of this time, the team with the greatest points will win. In Invasion, Assault and Destruction modes, victory goes to the defending team if the attackers have not completed the task in the mode before the end of the battle. Frequent flickering, which would occur in the game sessions list in ‘custom matches’, has been fixed. The placement of the “Hide Full” text in the filters while selecting Custom Games, which caused the text to be cut off, has been fixed. Fixed the “Show Filters” and “Create Game” buttons which were previously overlapping in the list of game sessions. Added the ability to spawn on motorcycles in the ‘Battle for Moscow’, ‘Invasion of Normandy’, and ‘Battle of Berlin’ campaigns in Custom Games… Corrected the name of the mission “Gorge” in the Russian localization of Custom Games.


The lack of voice-over for soldiers in battles has been fixed. A bug where the bayonet of the Mosin rifle mod 1944 would appear to hang in the air while reloading has been fixed. It is now impossible to occupy an incapacitated aircraft in the Airfield (Invasion) mission. The positions of vehicle respawn locations on the last strategic points in the Wilhelmstrasse (Invasion) mission have been improved. The positions of respawn points in the Wilhelmstrasse (Conquest) missions have been improved. Fixed the incorrect operation of the limitation in vehicle numbers in the Wilhelmstrasse (Invasion) mission.

20210520 ”At the Reichstag Walls“


“Invasion of Normandy” campaign:

Flamethrower М2 Flammenwerfer 41 M1A1 Thompson Beretta M38 with a 40-round magazine Johnson M1941 Gewehr 41

“Battle for Moscow” campaign:

AVS-36 ZH-29 PTRS 41 GrB-39 Arisaka Type 38 carbine 1905 М/28 rifle

“Battle of Berlin” campaign:

Mosin rifle mod. 1944 Lebel 1886 M93

Other Changes

The radio device cannot now be unequipped from a radio operator. The base amount of ammunition for the Enfield No 4 Mk 1 rifle has been changed from 5 to 3 clips and will now be 30 rounds to match other sliding bolt action rifles. The possibility of upgrading anti-tank rifles has been added. Recoil impulse on semi-automatic rifles has been increased from 5-10%. Predictability on recoil of semi-automatic rifles has been slightly reduced. Roks 2, M1, Flammenwerfer 35 — The capacity of the tank with the flame mixture has been reduced from 25 seconds of continuous fire to 15 seconds. TOZ-B and Luftwaffe Drilling M30: The amount of buckshot per shot has been reduced from 24 to 12 and corresponds to other pump-action shotguns. The damage from buckshot hits has been changed from 4.5 to 2.4.


“The Maisky Forestry (Invasion)” mission has been added to the “Battle for Moscow” campaign. “Airfield (Invasion)” mission has been added to the “Invasion of Normandy” campaign. “Wilhelmstrasse (Invasion)” mission has been added to the “Battle of Berlin” campaign”. “Wilhelmstrasse (Conquest)” mission has been added to the “Battle of Berlin” campaign”. Additional mission weather options have been added to the missions in the “Battle of Berlin” campaign”. Additional shelters have been added to the “Königsplatz (Invasion)” mission. Practice: Historically correct ground vehicles as targets have been added. Tutorial: Hints for controlling tanks while firing have been added. Tutorial: The amount of available grenades per soldier has been changed to two.


“Battle of Berlin” campaign

T-34-85 (D-5T) La-5FN M4A2 (76) W (premium) Panther A (premium) Now available for research: Т-34-85 ZIS-S-53, Il-2-37, Panther G, Ju 87 D-5, Bf 109 G-6, Pz.Kpw. IV Ausf. J.

“Battle for Moscow” campaign

USSR | Т-50 Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. J I-16 Type-24 (premium) Bf 109 E-7 (premium)

“Invasion of Normandy” campaign

P-47D-28 Thunderbolt Fw 190 A-8 M24 Chaffee (premium) Pz.III M (premium) ECONOMY AND PROGRESS Progress of 15 levels for the “Battle of Berlin” has been switched on (for all campaign CBT participants). 3 new campaign levels with new vehicles, squads and weaponry have been added for the “Battle for Moscow” and “Invasion of Normandy” campaigns.


The effects of bullets hitting rocks and other objects in the scene have been improved. Volumetric fog rendering for better image detail has been improved.


Quick messages have been added to the ALT menu. The main menu now shows all soldiers in squads larger than 7 members. The single improvement tree will now be centered. Excessively small text size in the login and password fields has been fixed.


The character’s braking speed has been increased, which combined with corrections of the camera behavior when braking should eliminate the drift of the sight after releasing the movement buttons. The player's swimming speed has been halved. The radius of deactivation of rally points built by engineers when an enemy approaches has been changed from 10 to 20 meters. Artillery hotkey call now also works in minimal interface mode.


Getting stuck when overcoming obstacles by soldiers with the perk to accelerate overcoming obstacles has been fixed. Incorrect camera behavior when a soldier moves has been fixed. Now the camera will no longer move on the vertical axis when moving. In addition, at the beginning of movement and when stopping, there will be no unwanted camera/character jerks, interfering to aim. The display of the enemy hit icon has been fixed. The position of the bayonet attachment point to the AVS-36 rifle has been fixed. Artifacts that occur when wounds are near each other have been fixed. The firing mode when using mount will be reset if the mount is destroyed. A bug that allowed in some cases to see-through deformable terrain has been fixed. The system of damage by tank shells to tanks including high-explosive damage has been improved. The absence or lack of damage to the internal modules of the tank when a chamber shell explodes has been fixed. A bug with incorrect respawn in the bunker for allied troops in the “Ver-sur-Mer (Conquest)” mission has been fixed. The disappearance of equipment when replacing a soldier from reserves in the active slot has been fixed. A bug with capturing the “Fountain Court” capture point from recesses in the “Hermann Goering strasse (Invasion)” mission has been fixed. Now you can not look through the snow in the lying position. Incorrect missile firing on the Bf 110 G-2 has been fixed.

You can now replenish the supply of grenades from the ammo box in the tutorial mission.

A bug where in some rare cases the game started set to integrated GPU and not a discrete one that resulted in a loss of performance in the game, has been fixed.

20210513 3GB


The “Vysokovo Village (Assault)” mission in the Battle of Moscow campaign has been added back into rotation. A new version of the mission “Le Bre (Invasion)” in the Invasion of Normandy campaign, has been added, in which allies are attacking. WEAPONS AND EQUIPMENT You will no longer be able to drop special items and weapons, like the engineer’s hammer.


AI-soldiers no longer prevent players from building anymore.

Improved system of AI-soldier enemy detection:

AI will be less effective at detecting enemies from behind and from flanks, if they do not shoot. This should make their behaviour more realistic, and allow for greater efficiency in flanking maneuvers. Sounds will affect the chance of being detected by AI much more. If the target does not move and does not shoot - it will have a low chance of being detected if not in direct sight. Reduced AI alertness for crouching and crawling players over long distances.


Bronze orders for logistics are no longer awarded for completing battle tasks. You can now obtain them for every 3000 campaign experience points earned, orders for weapons and for troops are granted in turns. The amount of battle tasks each player can complete per day is limited to 9 with the Elite Battle Pass, and to 3 without. Battle Pass: added ability to skip levels and get battle pass rewards for ingame gold. Price of each skip depends on the amount of levels already skipped: First 14 skips cost 45 gold each, From15-th skip and till the 21-st skip - 75 gold each, From 22-nd skip till the 28-th skip - 125 gold each, From 29-th skip and above - 175 gold each. GRAPHICS AND ANIMATIONS Added new effects for tank shell penetrations when hitting different objects. Added visual effects for tank and machine gun hits to different objects. Added reloading animation for the M2 Hyde.


The debriefing menu will now display the campaign experience gained from each squad and the premium account effect on gained experience. The camera direction marker in transports is now more visible. Now you can remove a marker by clicking on it again. If a player earned a Battle Hero badge, it will be shown on all squads in the debriefing. Added a star animation when a new soldier is delivered. Added an ammo image in the menu. Battle task progress can now be checked in battle. When trying to use an enemy’s supply crate, you will now see a message about that crate belonging to the enemy. Improved the icons in the logistics menu. They now better represent weapons in each category. Now you can change the squad in Practice mode from the main menu. Tutorial: checkpoint zones were made higher and wider so that they are harder to miss. Disconnected players are shown in a dark tone in the debriefing to make balance scores more clear.


Grenade throwing mechanics have been improved, and the angle of throwing and arm movement have been changed. The left hand thumb now indicates the throwing direction. You will no longer be able to aim while jumping. Removed the temporary immunity of soldiers spawning at mobile rally points set by an engineer. Now you are only prohibited to build rally points near the stationary spawn points in each mission. Now respawn points in Invasion mode are moved immediately after a new strategic zone is captured. Mobile rally points built in close proximity to each other are now grouped as one single point on the map. You will respawn at one of them automatically if the group is chosen. If any stationary or dynamic capture or spawn point is activated in the mission, all mobile rally points are destroyed near it. Now the mobile rally point can only be destroyed by the enemy or the player who has built it. Now the amount of supplies dropped from dismantled crates depends on the amount of unused ammo in it. Tutorial: added a special target tank entity. Practice: added actual tanks as practice targets. Now shells are ejected on bolt action weapons when the fire button is released. You can now set up FOV separately for vehicles and soldiers. Removed the setting for TPV sensitivity, as that mode is not present in the game. Now if you control a plane by the keyboard, mouse controls are blocked.


Fixed a bug in which a player could join into a battle even after cancelling the process of searching for one. Now picked up weapons will have the correct properties. Target markers will no longer remain on downed planes. When set on fire, the tank compartment will be filled with smoke. Fixed the walk animation for soldiers more than 30 meters away. Removed the building preview for soldiers in cars. Fixed immunity when respawning on a player beyond the battle zone. When using a stationary machine gun, the player’s body parts will no longer obscure vision. Corrected the commander positioning in the hatch of the BA-11. Changed EAC warning message when kicking a player from the game. Reduced visual ghosting artifacts related to Ambient Occlusion. Fixed interacting with ladders when looking straight above. Increased swimming speed upwards when looking up. Fixed a bug in which the Кar98k rifle with the Schiessbecher launcher was reloaded with a clip when the magazine was partially full. The mass of the Mannlicher 1895/30 has been corrected. MAS-36 — mass corrected. Reload speed reduced from 3.5 to 3.1 seconds. MP 40/1 — improved usage of the double magazine shaft. After one magazine is depleted, a bolt is used to switch to the second one. Magazines are replaced when empty. Fixed a bug that lowered damage from shrapnel hitting tank modules after the explosion of an incoming shell. Fixed the display of the propeller while at low RPM. Fixed incorrect damage calculation on aircraft modules in certain cases. Fuel mass is now calculated in aircraft physics. Fixed incorrect raindrop effects on the cockpit when flying aircraft. Now the rain effects in Berlin should only appear when the weather conditions are appropriate.



The Panther F tank has been replaced with the Panther G. AI-soldier navigation has been improved. Balance for capture points has been improved.


Fixed the possibility of getting stuck while climbing.




Removed extra speed bonus for sprint-jumps and increased stamina depletion whilst jumping.

Corrected camera shake when being hit.

Mobile respawn point tuning:

Cooldown between respawns lowered from 10 to 5 seconds

Respawns per point amount increased from 15 to 20


Fixed bug causing camera position change when spawning in aircraft.


Added new flamethrower jet effect.

The ability to retroactively change a previously made choice between mutually exclusive branches of squad research has been added to the squad improvements window.

Added view of the content of logistics deliveries.

Weapons in logistics are now grouped.

Fixed session timeout when controlling the airplane with a mouse only for an extended time.



In this update we expanded the maximum allowable FOV (field of view) settings! We have also added nicknames over your friends in the squad for better coordination in the battles. Additionally, we have also added priority for the last control command given. This will allow you for example to aim while sprinting quickly or lay down without needing to release the previous button first.

Check out the full list of changes!



The Flamethrower flame length has been changed from 10 to 20 meters. Pistol ammunition can now be refilled from ammunition boxes. The semi-automatic firing mode has been removed from the Beretta M1918. Weaponry included for the Practice mode in the “Invasion of Normandy” campaign has been updated.


An option to disable the text chat during battles has been added to the settings. This will also allow you to keep the screen clear if you’re streaming or recording gameplay. The nicknames of players in your squad are now shown above them. Now, if the button for calling an artillery strike isn’t assigned, a button to bring up the pie menu will be shown next to the artillery status icon. In the menu for ground vehicles, information like the maximum speed of the tank, turret rotation speed and the specifics of the tank cannon has been added. In the menu for Aircraft, information such as maximum speed, climb rate and best turn time has been added. A marker will now be shown above a player sitting in the anti-aircraft gun.

Other changes

Rearming zones for aircraft and tanks have been added to practice mode Barrage balloons have been added to practice mode. Improved the control response regarding sprinting, aiming, and changing your soldier’s stance. The game automatically detects that you need to reset your sprint, aim, or change your soldier’s pose when you give a new command. Quick respawn is now only possible if a capture point is selected. A sound cue for strained breathing after continuous jumping, and holding in a breath while aiming has been added. You can now dismount a ladder at any time by pressing the jump button. The FOV range can now be manually adjusted Two new perks have been added for soldiers of the tanker class: these will increase the braking speed and speed up gear shifting, making driving the tank smoother.


A bug has been fixed which prevented AI-soldiers from removing destroyed AAA. A bug has been fixed which caused the spawn menu to leave hints for the player’s tank squad if it was previously destroyed. A bug has been fixed which sometimes caused the icons for selecting a spawn to not be displayed. A bug has been fixed which caused the spawn selection to work incorrectly when a spawn point was active on a capture point. Capture zone markers appearing on walls has been fixed. A bug has been fixed which prevented players from standing up from a crouching position when in front of an obstacle. A bug which caused overestimated damage when shooting at destructible objects has been fixed. A bug has been fixed which allowed the ammo box in the “Training” or “Practice” modes to be destroyed. A bug has been fixed which sometimes prevented players from using ammo boxes. Barbwire construction under a tank has been disabled. A bug which caused the character to twitch when fast turning while standing still has been fixed. The number of spare parts in the vehicle improvements window has been fixed. Armor thickness display for vehicles has been fixed. In the vehicle select menu, armor information for some tanks has been restored. Missing highlighted outlines for the active items in the “Practice” mode for the Normandy campaign has been restored. Incorrect names of tanks have been corrected. When a team has no respawns, deserting the battle will no longer add a negative multiplier to the results. Important note: in the “Invasion” mode you still have a chance to earn respawn points until the battle ends. Also, when deserting from battle you won’t be able to earn any ‘hero of the battle’ awards and victory multipliers. Nvidia Reflex support has been fixed. Incorrect availability display for new items has been fixed. In the “Assault” mode, the defeat timer won’t start if the attacking team controls at least one point even if they have no reinforcements left. Aircraft can be refueled at the mid-air reload points. You can now reload and switch weapons while sprinting The speed of ascending and descending ladders has been increased by 20%. Capture time has been reduced for the “Vysokovo Village (Invasion)” and the “Monastery (Invasion)” missions. Capture time has been increased for the “Le Bre (Invasion)” mission. Capture time in the “Invasion” missions has been reduced in the ‘Lone Fighters’ mode.


16 new challenges added.

2021.4.14 CHANGES

Battle Tasks are now split in two groups: main and secondary.

Added option to prolong an active premium account.

Spare parts for vehicles are now available after reaching Campaign level 3.


PC: Fixed artifacts in weapon reflections with low settings of “Temporary anti-aliasing quality”.

Fixed a bug where the message regarding low reserves in Invasion mode was displayed to the defending team.

Fixed the number of spare magazines with the M2 Hyde and MP28 (extended mag).

Fixed a bug in Pokrovskoye City, where destroyed objects could sometimes spawn duplicates.

Fixed invisible orders at the first level of the campaign.

Fixed a bug where players did not get their soldiers or gold back in the Academy when cancelling training.

Fixed a bug where Backpacks appeared in the ‘secret obtaining method’ section.

You can now use enemy AA-gun mounts or Anti-Tank guns after killing the owner.

Changes for gamepad controls - Some actions will now cancel toggles like:

Shooting and aiming cancels sprinting

Changing posture to crouch or go prone cancels sprinting

Sprinting cancels aiming

Control tips will now automatically be shown only in the tutorial.

Soldier movement controls when slightly pushing the gamepad stick have been improved.

The switch from the running-to-walking state for soldiers has been improved when slightly pushing the gamepad stick.

The Number of available battle tasks with an active Premium Account is now shown correctly.

An issue where squadron points were unable to be purchased has been solved.

An issue with the Soviet sniper hood, which covered part of the screen while reloading, has been solved.

A client crash, which sometimes occurred during the loading screen, has been fixed.

2021.4.8 21:50 OBT从此版开始


NEW MISSIONS New missions have been added to the “Invasion of Normandy” campaign: “The Colleville Farm” (Conquest) and “Ruins of Vaux” (Invasion). New mission has been added to the “Battle of Moscow” campaign: “Fortified District” (Invasion). NEW VEHICLES The following vehicles are now available in the “Battle of Moscow” campaign SB-2M Ju 87 R-2 Pe-3 BF-110 C7 The following vehicles are now available in the “Invasion of Normandy” campaign M4A3E2 Jumbo P-38J-15 Pz.IV H Bf 109 G-10 WEAPONRY AND EQUIPMENT The following weapons are now available in the “Battle of Moscow” campaign РМ-40 Sniper SVT-40 DP 27 PZB 39 Gewehr 98 with scope mount. MP 35 The following weapons are now available in the “Invasion of Normandy” campaign Browning M1918A1 Sniper M1 Garand Sten Mk II M2 carbine Browning M1918A2 Lanchester MG 34 FG 42 II MP 35/I FG 42 MG 42 ZK-383 Anti personnel and anti tank mines have been added. Grenades for rifle grenade launchers are no longer separate items in the inventory - they are now automatically issued at the beginning of battle, along with regular ammo for rifles. Mosin sniper rifles are now equipped with a PE scope. Semi-automatic firing mode has been added for the MP 34(o). The change in reload speed when upgrading equipment is now shown in the small arms card. The following equipment has been added: Backpack — allows you to take more inventory items (like first aid kits). Ammo pouch — increases the amount of ammo for your weapons. Grenade pouch — more grenades but less equipment. Carried ammo for different weapon classes has been standardized. Rifles with sliding bolt — 25 rounds. Self-loading rifles — 30 rounds or two magazines. Machine guns — 100 rounds or two magazines. SMGs — from 120 to 140 rounds or two magazines. Anti tank rifles — 20 rounds. Replaced with authentic weapon models: Bren Mk II Breda Mod. 30 MAS 36 Springfield M1903 Air Service NEW SOLDIER PERKS An ability which increases the chance of surviving a severe wound and the life time of a severely wounded soldier. An ability that speeds up the application of first aid kits. An ability that increases the amount of materials available to the engineer. An ability that increases the throwing range of grenades. An ability that increases aiming speed. An ability that reduces camera shake from nearby explosions. An Engineer ability that decreases the construction speed of structures. AI SOLDIERS Soldiers have become more effective at overcoming obstacles. Their ability to climb and scale objects has been improved. AI soldiers now use not only grenades but also Molotov cocktails when ordered to attack vehicles. INTERFACE AND PROGRESS Battle Pass has been added. Squads now have different limits to increase in size depending on the class. 13 achievements have been added. Completing these achievements will grant you orders for troops and weaponry which can be used in Logistics. A button to remove all soldier's equipment has been added. Information regarding engine power now takes into account the effects of improvements. Long descriptions about the effects of soldier abilities have been reduced. Color Contrast of the UI in the blocks of equipment and equipment characteristics has been improved. The text and tips regarding the characteristics of vehicles and equipment has been improved. Placement of soldiers in the tank squad has been improved. The turret rotation speed and vertical guidance speed of the cannon has been added to the vehicle's characteristics. An improvement to the radio operator, which reduces the time between artillery strikes has been added. A bug where where selecting a slot with equipment in the soldier’s inventory didn’t display this equipment on the right side has been fixed. Modifications that improve technical characteristics of aircraft and tanks have been added. Removed the abilities of soldiers and squad upgrades that performed functions that are now transferred to the soldier’s equipment and inventory management options. In the squad upgrade tree you will have now to choose certain options during upgrades. For example choosing between adding a backpack slot or additional weapon slot, or selecting an exact new class of soldier to be added: machine gunner or engineer. All soldier classes now have different starting abilities. OTHER IMPROVEMENTS AND CHANGES The possibility of selecting a soldier who will return from the Academy has been added, provided the player has silver supply orders. A bug that occurred when deactivating the aiming mode, causing the camera to keep following the sight when throwing a grenade has been fixed. Zoom behavior when using the right mouse button has been changed. Zoom is no longer linear and behaves a little more naturally. Character's body deviations when accelerating in all states except running have been removed to better match the animations. The speed at which the character leans his body sideways has been reduced. The character’s behavior when quickly moving down an uneven slope has been fixed. The character will now be less likely to raise off the ground and will follow the terrain better. Interaction with bushes has been improved. Now they hinder the movement of the character more accurately. The deviation of your character’s body in the first-person view has been removed. The speed of getting in and out of vehicles has been decreased. The Assault and Fighter squads have switched places in the research tree of the “Battle of Moscow” campaign. GAMEPLAY The "Practice" game mode has been added back, now it is separate from the tutorial mode. Tutorial mode has been reworked as per player feedback. A box of ammunition is now available in the “Tutorial” mode. Now the fog on some locations changes dynamically. Rewards for Battle Heroes have been added. In each battle, several players receive rewards for special achievements that increase the experience earned. The time to capture the last point in the “D-Day” (Invasion) mission has been reduced. The time to capture points in the “D-Day” (Invasion) mission in Lone Fighters mode has been increased. The time to capture points in the “Le Bre” (Invasion) mission has been increased. Squad slots purchased with gold now only work within one campaign for both sides. SOUND The volume of sounds made by enemy infantry movement has been increased. Sounds for the following weapons have been updated: Chauchat MP 34(o) PIAT Ross Mk. III rifle Mannlicher M1895 FNAB-43 FIXES A bug that caused the health scale of severely wounded soldiers not to be displayed has been fixed. A bug that caused the player to not be redirected to the store when there were not enough parts to improve equipment has been fixed. The position of the button on the update description window has been fixed. A bug that caused the doubling of equipment used by US tank squads has been fixed. The display of a new soldier's rank in the Campaign squad description has been fixed. The display of soldiers' icons on the battle results window has been fixed. A bug that could cause the ground to turn black has been fixed. A bug that could cause the player to pass the tank tutorial without using the tank has been fixed. Hints have also been improved. A bug that caused the camera to start rotating after a squad change in the tutorial mode has been fixed. A bug that allowed the wooden tanks in the tutorial mode to be destroyed too early, causing the section to become impassable has been fixed. A bug that caused the camera swing settings to reset when changing squads has been fixed. A bug where the incorrect name was displayed for the Pz.III M tank in the kill log has been fixed. A bug which caused weapons to reload incompletely has been fixed. A bug where some tanks could move with broken tracks has been fixed. Noise when the "Improved Reflections" setting is switched on has been fixed. A bug that could cause the discount percentage for weapon improvements to be displayed incorrectly has been fixed. The ammo display for grenade launcher rifles has been fixed. The "Manage Soldiers" button has been fixed for tank squads with 5 or more soldiers. The “Red Tails” base camouflage for the P-51C has been replaced with regular olive camouflage. A bug that could trigger a melee hit after a soldier died has been fixed. IMPROVEMENTS AND FIXES FOR XBOX AND PS5 Xbox: Displaying the user account for the campaign and army selection window has been added.

Xbox: If cross-play is disabled in the console system settings, the corresponding setting in the game will also be disabled and cannot be changed. PS5 and Xbox: Clicking on the gold icon now redirects you to the console store page. Xbox: A button to open an XBOX player profile when selecting a player in the player list in battle or debriefing has been added. Xbox: Updating purchases when returning from the XBOX store has been fixed. PS5: A client crash that sometimes occurred when exiting a session has been fixed. Xbox, PS5: Cross-play mode option has been changed. Available 3 options: Off (only players using the same console can meet); Consoles only (players from all consoles can meet); All (players from all platforms can meet). This setting is now enabled for Xbox.


Pre OBT 此版更新约2.3GB

2021.04.01 ?

PC, PS5: New music has been added to the game.

Xbox: Graphical artifacts in the tank cockpit in high performance mode have been fixed.

Fixed excessive inertia for soldiers during strafing while aiming, that might cause them to slide on a surface.

A bug where it was possible that some players only had access to “Training” mode has been fixed.

Fixed captured point icon being displayed as neutral.

Fixed loading process not being displayed whilst getting reinforcements or supplies in Logistics.

Settings sliders will not react to the mouse wheel anymore.

We continue to improve AI-soldier behavior, add authentic weapon models and polish the game mechanics.


New players can now go through a full training camp:

Game mode selection menu → Training.


Added authentic weapon models:


Springfield M1903 Air Service

Mannlicher M1895 rifle

PIAT rocket launcher

РМ 38 mortar

Ross rifle


Fixed armor display in tank description

Fixed airplane icon with broken propeller


Improved AI-soldier behavior:

AI is is more focused on not blocking a player’s view

Fixed some sticking of AI-soldiers on stairs

Fixed a bug causing AI-soldiers not being able to open low gates

Now AI-soldiers tend to pass the player using better navigation curves so as not to create a ‘crowd’

Aim accuracy of AI-soldiers now depends more on the distance, making them more dangerous at lower ranges (less than 25 meters) and less dangerous at long range shooting (above 50 meters)


Added water quality setting

Vertical Sync setting now also works in windowed mode

Added flash of light when a grenade or dynamite pack explodes

Improved hair rendering

Improved reflection quality from mirroring surfaces

Lowered SSAO artifacts

Optimised water rendering performance

Fixed posture of Sturmpistole handling


Now soldiers in the Academy are grouped by types, not classes.

Now in the squad selection window, reserve squads are hidden if you do not have them.

Changed character acceleration and deceleration model. Now movement feels more natural.

Improved campaign progress display after it reaches maximum.

Improved upgrade levels display in the weapon description.

Improved climbing on angled surfaces.

Clicking on an unavailable slot in the soldier inventory now opens the improvements menu to unlock it.

Xbox Controller — “LB” button is now default for launching rockets from aircraft.

Xbox Controller — “D-pad Up” and “D-pad Down” are default for aircraft flap control.

Xbox Controller — holding the "B” button is now the default for gear control.

Sprinting and jumping now consumes less stamina.

Artillery strike timer is now also visible in Lone Fighters mode.

“Improved Reflections” setting now also affects reflections in water.

Movement speed while leaning is now the same as in the aiming mode.

Now there will be more blood visible on wounded soldiers.

Increased icon sizes of control keys with hints in tutorial mode.

Improved debriefing screen template.

Added border highlighting for the squad slot where you can put the selected squad.

Increased velocity of Panzerwurfkorper 42 grenade for Sturmpistole


Fixed a bug causing a player to lose control of the tank cannon if there were other players in the same tank.

Fixed a bug where a player could not aim horizontally from a mounted weapon while prone.

Mortar model is now correctly placed on the soldier’s back.

A message about a broken turret drive will now be correctly displayed.

Fixed a bug causing the camera to shake too much when sprinting and aiming at low stamina levels.

Fixed a bug allowing mounting of a stationary machine gun.

Fixed a bug making vehicles explode after exiting them.

Fixed a bug where upon hitting a soldier that was controlling an anti-aircraft gun, there was no damage.

Now the correct sounds are used with the MG42 tank machine gun.


Added mark about new campaign availability.

Added icon in Logistics menu when you receive new orders for supplies or reinforcements.

Only a single explosive pack is required now instead of two to destroy worn-out parts of walls.

The position of the tutorial area and the location of items in the tutorial missions for “Invasion of Normandy” campaign have been changed.

Default control settings have been changed:

Flap control buttons have been assigned.

Rocket launch button has been changed.

[XBOX] Changing the cross platform settings no longer requires a client restart.

A bug in the mission Ruins of Vaux (Conquest) where points captured by the teams were defined incorrectly has been fixed.

A bug where orders received after a battle for troops did not show has been fixed. The issue occured with players whose progress was returned to the 18th level in the “Battle for Moscow” campaign. Currently, we are working on returning any missing orders to players.


FULL CHANGE LOG New weapons:

Springfield M1903

Springfield M1903A1

Springfield M1903A4

Lee-Enfield No.4 Mk I

Browning Auto 5

Winchester Model 1912

M1 Flamethrower

M3 Submachine Gun

M3A1 Submachine Gun

M1 Carbine with grenade thrower

Browning M1918A1



Beretta M1918

Updated weapon models:

Mortar РМ-38

Colt 1911A1 pistol

Temporary weapon models, which will be replaced by authentic ones in the near future:

Ross rifle


Bren LMG mk3

Mannlicher M1895



Breda Mod. 30

Springfield M1903 Air Service

Added weapons for aviation:

4xSC50 for Bf-109 F1 and Hs-123

4xSC50 and SC250 for Ju-87B

4xFAB-50 for I-153 and Il-2

2xFAB-50 for Yak-1

Rockets Wfr.Gr.21 for BF-109 G10 and BF-110 G2

New missions:

Ver-sur-Mer (Assault and Conquest)

Ruins of Vaux (Conquest)

Swamps of Reviers (Conquest)

Other changes in missions:

Corrected landscape near the beach in the Normandy mission (Invasion) to prevent unwanted firing-through space. Removed some rearward looking machine guns.

Added cover to Chateau Bock (Conquest).

All missions now have more weather options.

Added the ability for console and PC players to play together for the period of closed beta testing.

Changes and Improvements

Introduced soldier classes. You can still fill the squad with specific soldier types, but now also choose their class. Each class starts with its own set of perks.

Improved physics and visual car models.

PC: Now using a mouse to control aircraft does not affect your view as much. Use the look button to look around.

Improved filtering of effects rendered in low resolution.

Now a special indicator is shown on unlocked improvements.

Now there is a special text hint when entering or exiting vehicles or changing places in vehicles.

To shoot a machine gun located on the top of a tank, the commander needs to look out from the hatch.

Lowered damage radius against infantry for anti tank rocket launchers.

Damage for semi-auto rifles is increased to 12. For full-size rifles recoil now affects camera shake more.

Winchester 1895 — during reloading in targeting mode there is no magnification.

Now switching interactive mode on and off using the gamepad in statistics and map windows ai changed from D-pad left to Y.


Fixed excessive recoil for Walther PP.

A bomb dropped from an aircraft will not ricochet off the ground.

Objects will not float in the air after structures they are on are destroyed.

Fixed a bug causing a soldier to die during rally point respawn.

Fixed a bug causing a spawning player to jump.

Anti tank hedgehogs and rally points will not be allowed to be built by engineers in a space that is not big enough.

Destroyed barbed wire will no longer slow down soldiers.

AI-soldiers will no longer try to climb over one another.

Destroyed tanks will not blink.

Fixed engine sound after a tank is destroyed.

PC: changed default key bindings to switch between spectating players.

Emissive materials now also have better reflections.










A bug that caused the effect of the concussion received in the previous battle to be displayed in the main menu, has been fixed.

Fixed graphical artefacts in some buildings

Fixed “You cannot move Trooper class soldiers” bug when dragging soldiers into Reserve.

Fixed TOZ upgrade bug

Fixed a bug where you could not build after switching to the second Engineer in the squad.


紧急修复,无官方日志。相信修复了不少上次大更新带来的严重BUGS。包括UI bug等。

Big Update


In this update, we are pleased to present a bunch of AI related improvements which include the ability to choose your squad formation, improvements to AI paths and covering abilities, and the introduction of the long anticipated system of advanced orders for AI!

You’re now also able to lean your gun on a suitable surface, or use gun bipods to increase fire stability. Check out the full changelog for more details!


Now you can select variants of movement for the squad formation.

Formation type tree:

Close formation - 1.5 meters. Standard formation - 5-10 meters. Wide formation - 10-20 meters. Formations interact correctly with shelters. The wider the formation, the greater the distance at which the AI soldiers will take cover. The selection of the formation will be saved even after the death of the squad. The selected formation will remain in effect until the end of the battle or until it is changed by the player. AI soldiers now bypass barbed wire in locations. This applies to all barbed wire obstacles, including those built by engineers. AI soldiers no longer see through smoke from fire. AI soldiers now consider more shelters they can take advantage of. AI soldiers now try to go through doors and gates instead of climbing through nearby fences and windows. If the commander runs too far from AI soldiers, the soldiers will prioritise catching up with them over shooting at enemies. But in case of high danger they will still engage. If the commander lays down, the AI-soldiers that are closest to him will do the same. This helps to keep the squad disguised, and is useful for defense purposes. AI soldiers are more responsive now to gunfire sounds, especially in close proximity; they will find the danger faster and attack it. AI soldiers now react better and more often to markers made by the player. At the same time, soldiers don’t react to a marker if they hear or see danger nearby. AI soldiers now tend to avoid the line of fire of tanks, anti-aircraft and anti-tank guns. Soldiers will attempt to choose their route so that they cannot be seen. The reaction of AI soldiers to sudden visible danger has been accelerated. Soldiers will react faster when they see an enemy close to them. AI soldiers are now always distributed correctly by capture points and don’t cluster in the centre. You can now give a quick order to the AI soldiers to assemble or disassemble a structure. AI soldiers now need more time to change position in a vehicle.

The calculation of the visibility of the shelters has been fixed. AI soldiers will now not sit down in shelters that the enemy is observing. The complete redesign of the shelter system includes:

No more AI modes (i.e. offensive, defensive), these are basically useless and introduce a lot of chaos in AI behavior. The AI agent now decides for itself whether they should charge or defend. AI soldiers choose cover more wisely, only cover that can be used for attacking is chosen. AI soldiers now ‘peek’ out of cover to see if there’s an enemy, if the cover is low, they just change their stance, if the cover is high, they strafe out of it AI soldiers now properly use cover when attacking, if there is a danger above a specific threshold they run to the closest cover and attack from there.


Camera shake response to various events in the game has been added: Swinging of the camera when running fast; Jolting from falling from a great height; Jolting from jumping; Camera shake if a tank passes nearby; Camera shake from a shell flying by; Camera shake from various explosions; Shaking when firing a large gun; Reaction to hits in melee combat; Added small deviation to weapon movement when jumping; Added jolt from recoil when firing a stationary machine gun. Added redout/blackout effect when the pilot in an aircraft experiences negative or positive G overload. Added pilot perks. Important! Perks will not appear with existing pilots, you need to get new ones via the ‘Troops Reinforcement’ menu. Increases the value of the endured maximum negative overloads. Increases the value of the endured maximum positive overloads. Reduces the strength of loss of control after the blackout effect. Increase in the range of detection and identification of an airborne object in the direction of one’s sight, and in peripheral vision. Wider focused and peripheral vision. Faster flight stamina regeneration. Basic flight training that increases flight endurance. More flight stamina. Reduces the effect of head-swinging during sharp maneuvers. Wounded enemies can be floored by a single melee hit. AI squad soldiers will now be rewarded for their support in destroying any enemy. A defending side now scores points for defensive kills near the capture points that are not captured by the enemy in Invasion mode. Rewards for capturing points will now be distributed between the squad soldiers depending on their participation in capture. The ability to view and edit abilities in the equipment selection window has been removed. Now a soldier will climb an obstacle only if standing in front of it, and will not move sideways if the obstacle is to the left or right of the view. Automatic opening of windows when running close to a building wall has been fixed. The incorrect return of resources from construction, to the engineer, if their building was outside the combat zone, has been fixed. The ability to use ammo replenishment points for guns built has been disabled. Cannon shots can now concuss soldiers that are too close to the gun barrel. The capture time of strategic points in the Invasion mode has been increased.


Sparking effect when hitting vehicles has been added. Other hit effects and muzzle flashes have also been reworked. Several markers of soldiers in a vehicle crew have been replaced by one general marker of the vehicle, if it is occupied by a crew. The effects of burning vehicles have been fixed. Soldiers in burning vehicles will now also catch fire and will continue to burn after leaving the vehicle. Burning vehicles will now set soldiers on fire who are too close to it instead of dealing direct damage. The reward for assisting in a vehicles destruction has been added Message when a vehicle needs to be repaired has been added.


It is now possible to increase the stability and accuracy of fire by leaning the gun on a suitable surface such as the edge of a trench or window ledge. Next to a suitable location a special button will appear with a hint to activate the “firing at point blank range” mode. The firearms upgrade system has been changed: Upgrade system consists of two consistent stages instead of three. Order of upgrade effects in the queue has been changed. Different weapon classes have their own effects of upgrades. Recoil control for the MG 13, MG 34, MG 42 machine guns has been improved. Recoil impulse of the ZB-26, DP-27 has been reduced. Animation of the magazine reloading has been added for the ZB-26 machine gun when not empty. Animation of the magazine reloading has been added for the DP-27 machine gun when not empty. Horizontal recoil of the MP 38, MP 40, MP 41 has been increased. Recoil control of the PPK-41 has been improved which is connected to the reduced fire rate of the weapon (the length of the receiver allows the bolt to slow down before hitting the buffer and thus reduce the impulse for the fire rate costs). Horizontal recoil of the ZB-26 has been increased. Temporary model of the Madsen machine gun has been replaced with the ештлщauthentic one. Temporary model of the TK 1926 has been replaced with the authentic one. Temporary model of the Winchester 1895 has been replaced with the authentic one. Temporary model of the Vz. 24 has been replaced with the authentic one.


The Colour of markers over soldiers and vehicles have been updated. Now they match colours on the map. Current firearm info now hides when the player uses a stationary machine gun. Markers are now available in the mortar view. Tooltips have been added to the score table in battle. Tooltips have been added to the soldier cards in the debriefing. Mismatches have been fixed for tooltips in squad cards and in the debriefing. Autoscroll has been added to the Academy if the name of a class doesn’t fit in the size of a slot. Excessive symbols have been removed from the ends of lines in the debriefing menu. New capture progress bar has been added. View of a number of weapon parts has been fixed in the inventory window. Special icon has been restored for the tooltips of premium soldiers. Confirmation window has been added when trying to spend a retraining point. View of new items in the inventory has been improved.


The possibility of disabling limb tearing and blood in the game settings has been added. Lowered brightness on the specular reflection of propellers. Fixed flickering on water reflections. Fixed blocky water reflections on distant objects. Removed ‘Indoor Reflection Probes’ option from graphics settings. It’s impact on performance was nominal. Now this feature is forcefully enabled. Removed ‘Object Tessellation‘ option from graphics settings, as there are no objects that use this feature. Changed ‘JPEG Screenshots‘ option to ‘Uncompressed Screenshots‘, and flipped usage of its value. The ingame screenshot capturing tool will now save uncompressed TGA screenshots when the ‘Uncompressed Screenshots‘ feature is enabled, Otherwise they will be JPEG. Renamed a number of graphic settings for better clarity: Temporal Upsampling Ratio -> Temporal Resolution Scale Antialiasing Quality -> Temporal Antialiasing Quality Sky rendering quality -> Atmospheric Scattering Quality Ground Displacement -> Terrain Tessellation Quality Dynamic Ground Deformation -> Dynamic Terrain Deformations High resolution for visual effects -> High Resolution Visual Effects Rain on screen effects -> Raindrops On Screen Additionally fixed some mismatching lowercase/uppercase letters in names of graphic options. Re-ordered graphics options so thematically related graphics options are more close to each-other. Added new ‘High’ Global Illumination Quality option. Fixed ghosting on smoke while using high resolution visual effects. Fixed pixelated reflections on some glass materials. Fix for checkered dynamic lighting in scope when Variable Rate Shading enabled Fixed a bug in tank turret view with light flickering Fixed an issue that caused ‘Medium’ quality Global Illumination to be used even when other quality options were selected. Changed default value of some graphics options, we believe these are a better fit for the majority of our players: Global Illumination Quality is now Low by default. High Resolution Visual Effects is now disabled by default Raindrops On Screen effect is now enabled by default Removed Rendering Resolution Scale option from graphic settings. Now ‘Temporal Resolution Scale’ is the supported resolution scaling technique.


Grenade falling on the ground sound has been added. Soldiers don’t shout “Hooray” anymore when under shelling. Shell pass-by and explosions sounds have become more versatile.


Temporary invulnerability has been disabled when respawning in a friendly soldier. Mortar aiming issue has been solved… A bug has been fixed allowing the marking of friendly stationary MGs as the enemy. Incorrect display of a vehicle’s crew condition, number and health has been fixed. Possibility of purchasing special event items after the event is over, has been added. Influence of the battle zone on the respawn position camera has been fixed. Door/window opening has been removed when trying to take control of stationary MG’s. Sticking in obstacles when controlling a mortar have been fixed. A bug has been fixed resulting in switching to the mortar view after ammo resupply. A bug has been fixed with the scores for allied kills. A bug has been fixed with missed items after Academy training. All items have been found and returned to players. Combat experience score after re-joining a battle has been fixed A bug has been fixed with scoring kills in defence near non-active capture points. Points score for allied respawns has been fixed for engineer rally points. A bug has been fixed where allied tanks might sometimes not be displayed on the map.


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Changes and Improvements

AI-soldiers behavior improved when avoiding the player’s line of targeting.
AI-soldiers act with better coordination, capturing strategic zones from different sides.


Fixed missing hint in tank HUD about change of shell type.
Fixed missing ally markers in “Lone Fighters” mode.

Input and Output sound device settings will no longer reset with the closure of the client.

Fixed bug “[E] [SQ]: [profileServerClient] request 3861038359 : barter_shop_item returned error: No reserve in army moscow_allies (code: -32500)”.


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Added Nvidia Reflex support.

The aircraft pilot now suffers from maneuvering overload.

The tank cannon now looks equal to both the gunner and commander.

Added penetration analyzer for anti-tank cannons built by an engineer.

Improved sound of hard braking wheels.

Practice button removed from drop-down menu since it is one of the selectable game modes.

Now in the soldier management window you see the soldier actually selected in the menu.

Smoke effect now renders faster.

Improved lightning in soldier cards.


ZB-26 — weapon model changed to authentic one.

Kar 98k — clip loading time lowered from 3.4 to 3.1 seconds.

Gewehr 33/40 — clip loading time lowered from 3.2 to 2.9 seconds.

MG 13 — weapon model changed to authentic one, loading time lowered from 5 to 3.1 seconds.

Empty cartridges models changed for all weapons.

Significantly lowered recoil when shooting proning from machine guns with bipods.

Scope magnification increased to compensate for wide view field settings.

Lowered magnification when in targeting mode with iron-sight weapons.

Now butt-stock hits have a concussion effect.

Added hand moving animation when throwing grenades in grenade throwing mode to make targeting easier.

Now the flamethrower hit of the new ‘molotov cocktail’ adds burning time to already burning flames.

AI-soldiers Improvements

Improved strategic zone seeking for AI soldiers. Also they spread more evenly within the zones while capturing.

Now AI-soldiers try not to cross your line of targeting whilst moving.

AI-soldiers now consider jumping when planning their movement path. Improved their interaction with small obstacles.

Improved AI-soldier behavior when opening windows and doors. They will not open them if they do not need to go through them.

Improved order following for AI-soldiers, lowered the possibility of the stop of executing current orders.

AI-soldiers do not see through smoke grenades anymore.


Fixed the possibility to build through a wall by an engineer.

Fixed broken animation when building from a greater distance.

Fixed bug when enemy footstep sound was played when standing at stationary machine gun.

Fixed diagonal ladder climbing, improved climbing on close obstacles.

Fixed wrong hinting in HUD while in combat.

Fixed ammunition count when restocking from ammunition crate.

Fixed bug causing shadows from buildings to disappear.

Fixed rare bug causing healing animation of AI-soldier to loop.

Fixed viewing angles when seeing and identifying planes. We remind you that the soldier first discovers the plane and marks it grey and later can identify it as friend or foe. Soldiers can detect planes over a larger distance if in direct sight or lower distance if in peripheral view.

Fixed bug causing some AI-soldiers to get stuck in doors and near some fences.

Fixed bug with wrong rendering soldiers with balaclava and headwear in management menu.

Removed noise from Ambient Occlusion.

Big update

2020.12.4 文件:2021-02-11 (29).png In this update we have worked on an improved interface, fixed many bugs, added two new missions and Engineers can now also build anti-tank guns. Most of those updates were implemented according to your feedback.


New weapons

Engineer constructions

Anti-tank gun Pak 38 (Germany)

Anti-tank gun 53K (USSR)

Added authentic models for following weapons

Mosin rifle mod.1891/30

Pre-war Kar98k.

Shotgun TOZ-B.

Gewehr 33/40.

MP 28.

Flamethrower ROKS-2


Added new mission Monastery (Invasion).

Added new mission Monastery (Conquest).

Missions variants in the Invasion game mode where USSR attacks have been added.

Balance in the mission Vysokovo Village (Invasion) has been adjusted: in the squads game mode, the time to capture points has been increased; in the Lone fighters game mode, the time to capture points has been reduced.

Additional weather options in missions have been added.


New game mode

Added new game mode ‘Lone Fighters’. In this mode the player fights using only one soldier from the squad at a time without AI soldiers.

Button added to select the game mode.


Soldier survivability has been reduced and is now in line with the squad game mode.

The number of available soldier respawns in “Conquest” missions has been increased.

The number of reinforcement points in the missions “Assault” and “Invasion” has been increased.

Changes and fixes

If you try to equip a blocked (red) inventory slot you will now be directed to the upgrades window.

Slightly increased damage of 9x19 ammo.

Slightly decreased damage for 7.62х25 ammo.

Mosin m91/30 now can be loaded both with a clip or with single rounds.

Fixed the animation of German Flammenwerfer 35 flamethrower being held.

Fixed a bug when spawning a flamethrower squad in training.


Cockpit for the Bf-109 F1 has been added.

Sights for the I-153 and HS-123 have been fixed.

A bug that didn’t allow the selection of a respawn point has been fixed.

Display of the glass/perspex in an aircraft cockpit has been fixed.

Shimmering of burnt down ground vehicle tracks has been fixed.


The number of reinforcement points for the attacking team in the mission Vysokovo Village (Invasion) has been increased.

Balance of the respawn points in the mission The Avangard Collective Farm (Conquest) has been improved.

Time to capture strategic points in the missions Vysokovo Village (Assault) and Pokrovskoe City (Assault) has been increased.

A bug where in the mission Vysokovo Village (Invasion) last strategic point was activated at the mission start has been fixed.

A bug where defenders were respawned at the strategic point during capture in the mission Vysokovo Village (Assault) has been fixed.

Other Fixes

Fixed a bug when a new squad was still highlighted even after it is moved to an active setup.

Fixed a bug where in debriefing you could see a link to Logistics even if there are no new orders.

Added icon to show a weapon suitable for upgrade.

Fixed the possibility of getting 0 parts after disassembly on some weapons.

The parts icon is now visible in logistics hints.

Changed perk addition animation.



Cockpits for the Hs-123 and the I-153 have been added.

A NVIDIA DLSS option has been added to the graphic settings menu.



Incorrect sight view has been fixed when a stationary machine gun is built on an uneven surface.

Grass floating in the air has been fixed.

Changes and fixes in locations

Strategic capture zones have been expanded and reworked. The balance of respawn points in the missions Vysokovo Village (Assault) and Pokrovskoe City (Assault) have been improved.

Additional respawn points have been added to the mission Vysokovo Village (Invasion).

Minor visual bugs in missions have been fixed.



Number of rounds in the magazine has been reduced to 25.

The fire rate has been changed from 550 to 450 shots per minute.

Reload time has been reduced. Recoil control possibility has been reduced.

Winchester M1895

The fire rate has been increased.

MG 13

Recoil has been reduced. Number of rounds in the magazine has been reduced to 25.

The fire rate has been changed from 900 to 600 shots per minute.

Reloading time has been changed from 6,6 to 5,0 seconds.


Number of rounds in the magazine has been reduced to 20.

The fire rate has been changed from 550 to 750 shots per minute.

Reloading time has been reduced.



The speed of building and destroying constructions has been increased by 30%.

The number of respawns for the construction “Rally Point” has been increased to 20.

AI soldiers are now able to overcome barbed wire better.

Damage caused by the “Mosin Dragoon rifle 1891” has been increased.


The shifting of the sighting grid in an aircraft when chasing an enemy aircraft has been corrected.

The shaking in enemy tanks when hitting them with the shells has been fixed.

The possibility of twisting your head in an aircraft by 360 degrees has been fixed.

Camera shake when head turning in an aircraft has been fixed.

A bug where a sniper wasn’t able to equip weapons with the scope has been fixed.

A bug where the radial menu opened when using zoom when the soldier uses the machine gun nest has been fixed.

Respawning of soldiers inside surrounding buildings (walls etc) in the missions “Vysokovo Village (Invasion)” and “Beloe Lake (Conquest)” have been fixed.

Major Update


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Main improvements

Two new levels have been added to campaign progress. Now, there are 18 available.

New vehicles in the “Battle for Moscow” campaign: aircraft Hs-123, Bf-109 F1, I-153, tanks Т-60.

New weaponry:


Kar98k with Schiessbecher grenade launcher.

Vz.24 rifle.

ZB-26 machine gun.


Мosin rifle with Diakonov grenade thrower.

Madsen machine gun.


Winchester M1895

Sniper SVT-38

Note: Some weaponry and vehicles have been removed from the game. After balance improvements they will be returned.

New “orders for weaponry” have been added, which guarantees weapons that match your level of campaign every few drops.

Weapon training has been removed from the Upgrades. You can now equip a soldier with a specific specialisation with any weapon suits them.

Tankers receive useful abilities for their specialisation which increases the efficiency of vehicle control, repair speed etc.

Flamethrowers have been reworked. Now they can set fire to rooms in houses and bunkers through windows. Fuel spraying has been added when a jet hits the surface (the effect and range of impact are still being adjusted).

New buildings have been added for engineers:

Rally point - available for all allies who will select it on the respawn screen.

Ammo - 10 ammo supplies for soldiers.

Barbed wire - fortification that slows down movement and causes minor damage to players trying to cross it. Can be destroyed with vehicle tracks.

Machine gun nest - stationary machine gun with sandbag protection.

Gamepad management has been redesigned. The game now fully supports this type of control.

Soldier’s movement speed has been slowed down: slightly when moving forward and significantly when moving sideways, backwards and when aiming to reduce the effectiveness of strafing.

Due to the major changes in this update, research progress will be reset for all players.

From 14:00 GMT on the 6th of November until 14:00 GMT on the 9th of November any EXP gained in battles will be doubled.

All improvements and bug fixes


Soviet BA-11 armoured vehicle has been replaced by Т-60.

Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. B and Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. C have swapped places in the campaign progress.

In the case where all wheels break down at once, a separate message will be displayed.

Time to leave an aircraft has been increased to 8 seconds.

A bug where the player loses control of the cannon if an ally enters the same vehicle has been fixed.

A bug where a tank might burn under water has been fixed.

Weaponry and damage model

PTRS-41 has been replaced with PTRD-41

The efficiency of aircraft bombs has been increased: blast force has been increased, internal and external blast radius has been improved - this makes bombs more effective against infantry.

Radius of effectiveness against infantry from aircraft bombs has been significantly increased.

Changes in the parameters of firearms:

Damage drop depending on distance has been changed. In descending order for distance: sniper rifles, hand machine guns, rifles, carbines, submachine guns, pistols.

Damage rate of the carbines, submachine guns and pistols while maintaining the required number of hits to eliminate the enemy has been reduced.

Spread rate for single shot shooting for all firearms, except sniper rifles with a sliding bolt and machine guns, has been reduced. Fire rate and reload speed of a number of submachine guns (depending on the location of the magazine, ease of installation and possible ageing of the combat spring were taken into account) have been changed.

Slight increase in the fire rate of a number of sliding-bolt rifles (convenience of handling, location and bending of the bolt handle, year of manufacture of the rifle model were taken into account).

Game mechanics and missions

AI soldiers now correctly overcome obstacles, open doors, vehicles, use molotov cocktails and flamethrowers.

Flame of flamethrowers can now go through small openings and bypass obstacles. Also the fuel now splashes when hitting hard obstacles, increasing the combustion zine.

Now you can request fuel for a flamethrower from a soldier in the squad.

Now it is not possible to request ammo for weapons picked up in battle.

In cases where it isn’t possible to obtain ammo from soldiers from the squad you will now receive a notification.

Damage from falls from larger heights has been reworked. Jumping off a roof on a house will remove more health.

Soldier moving speed has been changed:

Sprint and running speed forward have been reduced by 15%.

Movement speed sideways and backward in all positions have been reduced by 30-50%.

Movement speed while aiming has been reduced by 50%.

For engineers:

Possibility of building a machine gun nest (stationary machine gun on sandbags) has been added.

Possibility of deploying barbed wire has been added.

Possibility of building/creating a mobile respawn point has been added.

Possibility of placing a resupply box has been added.

Possibility of building constructions without holding the left mouse button has been fixed.

A bug where cannons could be built upside down has been fixed.

A bug where sometimes buildings could not be completed has been fixed.

The mechanics for destroying buildings left outside a battle zone has been fixed.

A bug where in some cases you might not build the same object seen in preview mode has been fixed.

The construction menu will no longer be displayed if you are using a stationary machine gun.

Buildings that will not be completed within a specific time will be cancelled. The resources will be returned back to the engineer.

Incorrect building preview and destruction indication for the engineer has been fixed.

It is now forbidden to destroy constructions while using the mortar or the radio.

Enemy buildings can no longer be completed by the engineer.

Destroying an object on which an engineer’s building has been installed will also destroy the building.

The possibility of selecting a respawn point in the mission “Vysokovo Village (Invasion)” has been added.

Balance in the mission “Vysokovo Village (Invasion)” has been corrected: time for capturing zones has been increased, the amount of the reinforcement scores requirement for the attacking team has been decreased.

A seriously injured player can now be heard by other players nearby.

New aircraft detection mechanics:

An aircraft marker is initially greyed out and will be displayed when it has been detected by soldiers.

An aircraft can be detected by any soldier in their view direction or with their peripheral vision. The detection range of peripheral vision is lower.

The aircraft nationality will be determined as the aircraft approaches the soldier. After identification, the colour of the marker will change from grey to an allied or enemy colour.

Switching to pistols from any weapon will be faster than to other weapons.

Some visual improvements for locations have been introduced.

Soldiers will no longer have sprint bonuses when wielding pistols or melee weapons.

Mechanics of going over obstacles and entering through windows have been improved.

Equipment upgrades are now visible for every player at level 3 in any campaign.

The bug with continuous reload during a melee attack has been fixed.


The “Logistics” button for fast squad member replenishment has been added to the soldiers list.

Re-opening the respawn window when trying to respawn after shifting the respawn points has been fixed.

A separate animation on receiving an army new level or requests in the battle results has been added.

The text “items received/soldiers received” has been added to the window with the result of the request in Supply.

Information that a vehicle can be received as an award for an achieved level has been added to the window for selecting vehicles.

Vehicles that are not available for the selected squad are now listed in a separate list in the vehicle selection window.

A hint about the possibility of item improvement has been added to the item description.

Animation for a soldier’s ability selection window has been added.

An icon for unreviewed items that can be improved has been added.

An icon for unviewed soldiers in reserve has been added.

A colored indicator of the superiority of forces when capturing a zone has been added.

A tag/marker for new vehicles that the squad can use if it is better than the current one has been added. Also such tags/markers have been added for all routes to it: on squad vehicles, on the army and on the squad.

A tag/marker on the weaponry has been added if the quality is higher than a soldier’s equipped weapons. Tags/markers have been added for routes to it: on the slot, on the soldier, on the squad, on the army.

A tooltip for empty slots in the management of soldiers and squads with unassigned soldiers and squads has been added.

Tooltip for the logistics window has been added. When the first applications are received, the player goes from the debriefing to the logistic window. Icons of the requests are animated in this case.

The logic of displaying the currently selected item in the inventory has been improved.

Sorting in the soldier’s ability list has been changed.

Unexpected exit from inventory mode when trying to upgrade items has been fixed.

Access block to the academy when the required number and composition of soldiers for training is not available has been fixed.

The type of icon for the pre-war Kar98k has been fixed.

Fixed a bug of constantly increasing inventory space when soldiers receive new experience.

Fixed a bug of negative numbers displayed when disassembling the last weapon.

Fixed a bug of wrong number of logistics orders in debriefing.

Fixed a bug of the current item displayed when equipping it in the slot.

Fixed a bug with disappearing scope when disassembling a weapon equipped with it.

Fixed a bug with double scopes when equipping on new weapons.

A bug has been fixed with the inability to dismount optics from a firearm.

A bug has been fixed allowing several weaponry deliveries to be received after a fast click in the logistics menu.

Interface blocking in the battle results has been fixed when the player achieves weaponry or troop reinforcement orders.

An aircraft marker no longer interferes with the aircraft model.

Buttons on a soldier’s equipment menu and the space between them have been improved.

Positioning of the tip in the bottom of the screen has been improved, it no longer interferes with the “Upgrade” and “Dismantle’ buttons.

Incorrect message about weapon upgrade failure has been fixed.

After achieving a new level you receive new tips about items in the logistics menu.

Some mistakes have been corrected in the preliminary results of the academy training menu (perk points, class icons, tips).

Pop-up tips have been added to the soldier’s card.

Squad management is now accessible from dirpad.

Inactive weapons, soldiers and squads are now dimmed.

Fixed a bug where a soldiers’ rank was refreshing in the squad management window.

After moving a soldier to reserve or other squad their uniform changes to the default one for that squad or reserve.

The inventory selection list does not show equipped weapons anymore.

List of weapons and items not suitable for a soldiers’ class is now hidden.

In the perks list you will now also see perks, available at a higher rank after the Academy.

Improvements in soldier equipment mode:

Missing weapons are now dimmed in the equipment menu. Items in inventory are now grouped by their obtaining method.

Removed icon with level at which weapon is available in supply.

Removed unneeded message windows when going to campaign and supply window.

If soldiers are inside a vehicle, their icons are no longer shown on the map.

Graphics and Animations

Improved weapon animation for: MP 38, MP 41.

Fixed animation issues for Gewehr 33/40.

Added new animation for soldier slots in battle debriefing.

Face animations for dead soldiers are disabled.

Added setting for sky quality rendering.

added setting for rendering in lower resolution with TAAU.

Water now absorbs some light.

Improved reflection on water of far-standing objects.

Fixed underwater plants rendering.

Improved preview when building turrets against water view.

Fixed floating grass.

Fixed some geometry issues resulting in lines drawn after torn off limbs. Fixed a bug when some limbs might float in the air. Tank tracks now always deform snow. Fixed missing fire effect in the first shot from a tank. Optimized fog and refreshing reflections inside buildings. Fixed shadows in fog. Fixed snow brightness in fog. Fixed reflection brightness. Improved burning objects reflections. Fixed flickering cockpit in aircraft on low and medium antialiasing settings. Improved anti aliasing on tank tracks. Improved temporal antialiasing. Improved render efficiency. Fixed video driver crash bug.


Added interface sounds in equipment window, squad selection, upgrades and Academy, etc. Lowered number of sound sources beyond hearing distance. Fixed issue with refreshing sound hardware list after switching them all off and on in Windows.


Sensitivity settings are now separated for ground vehicles and aircraft. Added button to toggle commander hatch opening. Gamepad: Added vibration on concussion. added vibration on different damage types received: Bullet hit Barbed wire Fire Added hotkeys to fast switch squads in the respawn window. Added ability to fast close Supply window by pressing B Fixed navigation in soldier equipment menu. Added vibration when shooting the main weapon from a tank.

Other fixes

Fixed game crash when displaying battle results for fully researched squads. Ammo loaded in a players’ weapon is now visible for other players (eg the Panzerschrek or the rifle grenade launcher).


Balance in Vysokovo Village (Invasion) has been corrected: the amount of time required to capture zones has been increased.

A bug which would sometimes prevent the capture of Zone A in mission “Avangard Collective Farm (Conquest)” has been fixed.


Improved and expanded strategic capture zones and improved balance for respawn points in the Vysokovo Village (Invasion) mission.

Improved and increased strategic capture zones and improved balance for respawn points with added tank resupply points in Pokrovskoye City (Conquest), Birch Grove (Conquest), Kamenka River (Conquest), Beloe Lake (Conquest).

Some minor visual bug fixes in missions.

Major Update (12.10.2020)


AI soldiers in your squad have received better survival and efficiency:

AI soldiers now automatically change tactics with the current combat situation from offensive to defensive. In defensive mode they attempt to use cover. AI soldiers now throw grenades more accurately. AI soldiers in an armoured vehicle will be moved automatically to more important (higher priority) places to keep the player’s control.

It is now easier to assault buildings and rooms:

Double doors and windows now open with a single button click. Doors now swing open with a push from a running soldier.

Improved menu and interface:

Now when adding soldiers to the squad, they are sorted by ones that can be added and ones that cannot be added. In the debriefing menu, added some hints to switch to squad management of the supply menu. Changed respawn point selection. The previously selected point remains a priority as long as it is available. If a player has selected none of the points, the spawn will be selected randomly.

Bug fixes and other changes

Weapons and damage model

Butt-stock hit damage has been reduced. Now it takes 2-3 hits to knock an enemy out. Shrapnel damage from 50mm mines has been changed: The lethal damage radius has been reduced to 3 metres; light damage radius changed to 14 metres. Mortar accuracy has been increased. Mortar max range has been increased. Mortar trajectory is no longer visible. When shooting a mortar you can now aim by adjusting the targeting distance and controlling the direction through conventional minimap. The special mortar map with a targeting marker has been removed. A bug has been fixed that caused different damage when falling from the same height. The number of limbs that can be torn off at the same time has been increased. A torn limb now detaches according to the laws of physics, not just dropping. The animation has been reworked for the Mosin Dragoon rifle 1891 and the Mosin carbine 1938. The animation has been reworked and alternative reload has been added for: MG 34, MP18, MKb 42(H). Tire durability has been decreased. MG ammo in tanks has been reduced to historically accurate levels. Aircraft MG damage has been improved. 20mm shell damage with a direct hit has been increased. The issue with disappearing tracer bullets has been fixed. Artillery strike has been rebalanced: artillery is now available 10 seconds after battle start, the shelling volley speed has been increased. The height of the detonation point for the shell during shelling is now calculated more precisely.


Additional viewing slots in the tank have been added at the gunner position. Ammunition resupply points are now displayed on the mini map. The visibility of the reload zone marker outside the vehicle has been fixed. Additional armor has been removed from BA-11 turret (tracks). Tanks no longer burn under the water. A bug where the progress bar of a sinking tank continues to be shown after the tank has already sunk has been fixed. When controlling a vehicle, if a squad member takes the place that a player transferred to, the player will simply switch to that squad member. An abandoned tank will no longer be destroyed while its crew is nearby. Added indicator relating to losses to the crew in an enemy tank or absence of the crew present. Physics of soil resistance has been added for wheeled vehicles. It will reduce the ‘passability’ of wheeled armoured vehicles such as the BA-11. A squad with a vehicle is now available in the respawn menu at the end of the timer. A bug which might prevent a fire inside a vehicle causing damage to the crew has been fixed. The loss of bodies during vehicle destruction has been fixed. The displaying of the cannon in gunner view has been added. Paired tank machine guns now have belts with the historically correct amount of ammo.

Game mechanics and missions

The speed of point capturing depends now on the number of soldiers involved in the process. Strategic capture areas in the mission “Avangard. Collective Farm” have been expanded. Possibility of capturing points with numerical superiority of attackers in the mission “Vysokovo Village (Invasion)” has been added. The balance of the respawn zones for the missions “Pokrovskoe City (Assault and Conquest)” and “Vysokovo Village (Invasion)” has been improved. Respawn points for the “Avangard. Collective Farm” (Захват) mission have been reworked. A bug has been fixed which doubled the points for captured zones. Destroyed turrets don’t count in construction limits. After building the last possible object of the selected type, the engineer will no longer immediately switch to the next type of construction. Object intersection in construction mode has been improved. The number of anti-tank obstacles available for an engineer has been increased. The number of turret guns available for an engineer has been increased. Engineer’s buildings are destroyed when they are out of the combat zone. The Engineer’s time for construction has been increased. Ammunition resupply points for ground vehicles have been added to the “Avangard. Collective Farm” mission.


Now when a player switches to a grenade, the one equipped and visible in the slot is used. Button added to immediately visit logistics from debriefing if you earned supply tickets. Supply tickets now have clearer descriptions. Added button to go from soldier view to upgrades. If you lack the required amount of spare parts to upgrade your weapon, a button is added to immediately go to the supply menu. A button to view the list of all available perks is now moved to the bottom of the panel. Fixed a bug where a new level of a weapon after upgrade was not displayed. Information was added In the Academy regarding the number of soldiers available for training. The message about training being finished in the Academy does not now display the name of a soldier. In the Campaign menu you can now scroll progress with new arrow buttons. Players are now returned to the main menu after closing the squad management window. In the squad management window you can now also see a list of unlocked squads. You can now see the number of soldiers on both sides currently in the strategic zone circle. Hint added when you reach the maximum number of current constructions. Fixed a bug when dragging items in the inventory whilst equipping soldiers. Hint background under the map in interactive mode now adapts to the size of the text. Fixed the ability to mark already destroyed enemy tanks. Removed the marker of a friendly tank after it has been destroyed. Aircraft markers added to the minimap. Fixed false hint that you can not build the object due to a collision of objects. Removed vehicle control HUD for a killed soldier. The spectator can now see the vehicle HUD. The spectator now correctly sees the ammo counter. Fixed spectator information about grenades. Fixed button bindings to operate the aircraft engine. Fixed a bug where the spectator camera would not turn on after repeated selection of the mode. You can now see the number of live soldiers in the tank in the hitcam. Fixed camera movement when hitting using melee with a scope equipped weapon. Removed flying cloud animation from the loading screen. The Academy will not be hidden from lower level players, but it will be inaccessible until the player gets soldiers suitable to train there. Now animations in the debriefing are skipped block-by-clock. Fixed bugs with camera positioning when selecting a respawn point (e.g. would not be possible to select a point after being killed in a vehicle). Fixed a bug where sometimes the player could not see names of soldiers you have killed. The timer for battle end will now stop when a team begins conquering a strategic point. Fixed a bug where stars could not be displayed after selecting a new perk for a soldier. The spectator now will see the damage panel of a tank. Added a counter of the maximum number of structures of this type to be built. Removed thrown weapon trajectory.

Graphics and animation

Indoor lighting when the “Indoor reflection probes” option is switched off has been improved. A bug with ‘flickers’ in the corner of the screen in scenes with specific DoF (depth of field) has been fixed. The animation of tree flutter from wind has been improved. The length of the shadows when the sun is low above the horizon has been corrected. Overall quality of global illumination has been improved. Closest lens on the scope no longer disappears when aiming. SSAO and SSR effects at medium antialiasing settings have been improved. Contour highlighting on soldiers that are dragged after having a torn limb has been fixed. A bug that caused the scene to be over lit has been fixed. The incorrect display of the pointers on aircraft instruments in the cockpit has been fixed. Incorrect positioning of soldiers armed with a ROKS flamethrower in the menu has been fixed. The absence of face animation in the main menu has been fixed. Water ripples around floating objects have been added. A bug where thermal rippling of air was visible through obstacles has been fixed. Black spots showing under destroyed objects have been removed. A bug where clouds might be displayed under water has been fixed. The option to select between monitors to display the game has been added. DoF has been disabled in the main menu. A bug where soldiers’ helmets were occasionally not displayed, has been fixed.


Fire is now extinguished with the same button as medikit usage. Added some missing buttons for gamepad controls. Improved gamepad squad management experience. Now a downed soldier is controlled in first person view. A bug has been fixed which caused temporary muting of aircraft sounds. A bug has been fixed with AI soldiers performing an instant 180 degrees turn. Soldiers of different classes can now be trained in the Academy. A bug has been fixed when the scope might disappear from the rifle if the player takes it from a dead enemy. Medkit, repair kit and grenades can be obtained from logistics at much lower campaign levels. The Molotov can now be obtained via supplies. Now you can’t go into battle with more vehicles than allowed. The enemy in the vehicle won’t be highlighted after the player’s death. Now, when the current type of ammunition runs out, you can correctly switch ammunition type. A heavily wounded soldier can no longer dismantle structures. A heavily wounded soldier can now drop grenades. A bug that prevented the attacking team in “Assault” mode from winning after capturing all the points has been fixed. The time bodies are displayed of killed soldiers has been changed from 30 to 60 seconds. The achievement “help” where the marked enemy vehicle has been destroyed has been added.


The “Order select” menu is not available when in a vehicle. When in a tank, the name of the tanker currently controlled by the player is displayed. The soldier inventory menu now automatically blocks any slots a player doesn’t have items for. After closing the squad description window, the campaign window no longer scrolls to level 1. The respawn point select for Invasion mode has been fixed. The incomplete display of a soldier’s name in the inventory menu has been fixed. Tips displaying in the inventory menu have been fixed.

Gamepad controls

Hotkeys have been added for the army select menu (LT, RT). D-pad navigation has been fixed when scrolling the squad list. Gamepad navigation has been improved for “Improvements” and “Campaign” windows.


The incorrect operation of spectator mode when reinforcement scores in the respawn menu have reached “zero” has been fixed.

Inactivity of AI after treatment of severe wounds has been fixed.


Sniper bolt-action rifles with scopes are now reloaded by adding single ammo rounds. Increased time between spawns. Fixed the constant interruption experienced in the healing of downed soldiers. Fixed balance in the Vysokovo Village (Invasion) mission: fewer reinforcement points for the attacking team. Fixed balance in Pokrovskoye Village (Assault): increased reinforcement points for the attacking team.


The EXP score in battles has been increased by 1.5 times.

The incorrect damage for the following firearms has been changed: AVS 36 M1941 Johnson rifle AVT 40 Gewehr 43 FG 42 Kar98k

Correct reloading for bolt-action rifles has been added. Now you may load one round after another into a partially empty magazine.