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SMAPI 提供了几个 C#事件,这些事件使模组在某些事情发生时(例如,玩家放置一个对象时)做出响应,或者定期运行代码(例如,每个更新周期一次)


什么是事件(events) ?

事件使你可以在发生某些事情时运行代码。可以在引发“事件”(发生的情况)时添加任意数量的“事件处理程序”(调用方法)。 可以将事件和处理程序视为“when...then”语句:

存档已加载              <-- 事件
然后运行我的代码        <-- 事件处理程序

有关详细信息,请参阅C# 编程指南中的事件中的“事件”。


通常将事件处理程序添加到 Entry 方法中,可以随时添加和删除它们。例如,在每天开始时打印一条消息。首先,从下面的列表中选择适当的事件 (GameLoop.DayStarted), 然后添加一个事件处理程序,并在方法代码中执行以下操作:

/// <summary>模组的主要入口点。</summary>
public class ModEntry : Mod
    ** 公共方法
    /// <summary>模组入口点,加载模组后自动调用</summary>
    /// <param name="helper">提供用于编写模组的简化API</param>
    public override void Entry(IModHelper helper)
        // 事件 += 方法
        helper.Events.GameLoop.DayStarted += this.OnDayStarted;
    ** 私有方法
    /// <summary>在新的一天开始后调用的方法</summary>
    /// <param name="sender">事件对象</param>
    /// <param name="e">事件参数</param>
    private void OnDayStarted(object sender, DayStartedEventArgs e)

提示:不需要记住方法参数。在 Visual Studio 中,输入 helper.Events.GameLoop.SaveLoaded += 然后按 TAB 来自动生成方法


每次游戏计时(游戏更新其状态并呈现到屏幕时)都会引发事件,每秒60次。 一个事件可能会引发多次(例如,如果玩家同时按下两个键),但是大多数事件不会每秒引发60次(例如,玩家不太可能每秒按下60个按钮)

事件处理程序是“同步”运行的:游戏暂停时模组的代码不会运行,因此没有更改冲突的风险。由于代码运行非常迅速,因此除非你的代码异常缓慢,否则玩家不会注意到任何延迟。就是说,当使用诸如 UpdateTicked 或者 Rendered 应该缓存繁重的操作(例如加载资源),而不是在每个刻度中重复执行这些操作,以免影响性能。




  1. 菜单 GameMenu 打开了
  2. SMAPI 引发 MenuChanged 事件,并且模组 A 和 B 正在监听
  3. 模组 A 接收了事件并关闭了菜单
  4. 模组 B 接收了事件

每个模组仍在处理菜单打开的 MenuChanged 事件,即使第一个模组已将菜单关闭。SMAPI 将在下一个刻度时为关闭的菜单引发一个新的 MenuChanged 事件

这很少会影响模组,但是如果你需要当前状态,则需要牢记 (例如考虑用 Game1.activeClickableMenu 代替 e.NewMenu)




this.Helper.Events.Display 具有链接到 UI 并绘制到屏幕的事件

事件 描述
#MenuChanged 在打开、关闭或替换游戏菜单后引发


参数 类型 描述
e.NewMenu IClickableMenu 新的菜单实例 (如果没有,则为 null )
e.OldMenu IClickableMenu 旧的菜单实例 (如果没有,则为 null)
#Rendering 打开 sprite batch 同时,在游戏将任何内容绘制到屏幕上之前,触发此事件。在此事件触发后,sprite batch 可能多次关闭并重新打开。 但只在每次draw tick只会启动一次. 此事件对于在屏幕上绘制没有用, 因为游戏会在这之上覆盖绘制。


参数 类型 描述
e.SpriteBatch SpriteBatch 开始绘制sprite batch,添加任何你想绘制的东西到sprite batch中。
#Rendered 会在游戏的一个draw tick中对sprite batch进行绘制后,最后一个sprite batch在屏幕上渲染前启动。因为游戏可能会在一个draw tick中打开/关闭sprite batch多次,sprite batch可能没有包含正在绘制的所有内容,并且有些内容可能已经渲染在屏幕上了。在这个点上绘制到sprite batch的内容会覆盖在所有普通内容上(包括菜单,HUD,和光标)。


参数 类型 描述
e.SpriteBatch SpriteBatch 正在绘制sprite batch。添加任何你想绘制的东西到sprite batch中。
#RenderingWorld 在游戏事件绘制到屏幕之前启动。这个事件不对绘制有任何帮助,因为游戏绘制会覆盖它。


参数 类型 描述
e.SpriteBatch SpriteBatch The sprite batch being drawn. Add anything you want to appear on-screen to this sprite batch.
#RenderedWorld Raised after the game world is drawn to the sprite patch, before it's rendered to the screen. Content drawn to the sprite batch at this point will be drawn over the world, but under any active menu, HUD elements, or cursor.


参数 类型 描述
e.SpriteBatch SpriteBatch The sprite batch being drawn. Add anything you want to appear on-screen to this sprite batch.
#RenderingActiveMenu 当一个菜单被打开时 (Game1.activeClickableMenu != null), 在将该菜单绘制到屏幕上之前触发。这包括游戏的内部菜单,例如进入游戏时的主菜单。Content drawn to the sprite batch at this point will appear under the menu.


参数 类型 描述
e.SpriteBatch SpriteBatch The sprite batch being drawn. Add anything you want to appear on-screen to this sprite batch.
#RenderedActiveMenu When a menu is open (Game1.activeClickableMenu != null), raised after that menu is drawn to the sprite batch but before it's rendered to the screen. Content drawn to the sprite batch at this point will appear over the menu and menu cursor.


参数 类型 描述
e.SpriteBatch SpriteBatch The sprite batch being drawn. Add anything you want to appear on-screen to this sprite batch.
#RenderingHud Raised before drawing the HUD (item toolbar, clock, etc) to the screen. The vanilla HUD may be hidden at this point (e.g., because a menu is open). Content drawn to the sprite batch at this point will appear under the HUD.


参数 类型 描述
e.SpriteBatch SpriteBatch The sprite batch being drawn. Add anything you want to appear on-screen to this sprite batch.
#RenderedHud Raised after drawing the HUD (item toolbar, clock, etc) to the sprite batch, but before it's rendered to the screen. The vanilla HUD may be hidden at this point (e.g., because a menu is open). Content drawn to the sprite batch at this point will appear over the HUD.


参数 类型 描述
e.SpriteBatch SpriteBatch The sprite batch being drawn. Add anything you want to appear on-screen to this sprite batch.
#WindowResized Raised after the game window is resized.


参数 类型 描述
e.OldSize Point The previous window width (e.OldSize.X) and height (e.OldSize.Y).
e.NewSize Point The new window width (e.NewSize.X) and height (e.NewSize.Y).


this.Helper.Events.GameLoop has events linked to the game's update loop. The update loop runs roughly ≈60 times/second to run game logic like state changes, action handling, etc. These are often useful, but you should consider semantic events like Input where applicable.

event summary
#GameLaunched Raised after the game is launched, right before the first update tick. This happens once per game session (unrelated to loading saves). All mods are loaded and initialised at this point, so this is a good time to set up mod integrations.


参数 类型 描述
e.Ticks int The number of ticks elapsed since the game started, including the current tick.
e.IsOneSecond bool Whether e.TicksElapsed is a multiple of 60, which happens approximately once per second.
e.IsMultipleOf(int number) method returns bool Whether e.TicksElapsed is a multiple of the given number. This is mainly useful if you want to run logic intermittently (e.g., e.IsMultipleOf(30) for every half-second).
Raised before/after the game state is updated, once per second.


参数 类型 描述
e.Ticks int The number of ticks elapsed since the game started, including the current tick.
e.IsMultipleOf(int number) method returns bool Whether e.TicksElapsed is a multiple of the given number. This is mainly useful if you want to run logic intermittently (e.g., e.IsMultipleOf(120) for every two seconds).
Raised before/after the game creates the save file (after the new-game intro). The save won't be written until all mods have finished handling this event. This is a somewhat specialised event, since the world isn't fully initialised at this point; in most cases you should use DayStarted, Saving, Saved instead.
Raised before/after the game writes data to save file (except the initial save creation). The save won't be written until all mods have finished handling this event. This is also raised for farmhands in multiplayer.
#SaveLoaded Raised after loading a save (including the first day after creating a new save), or connecting to a multiplayer world. This happens right before DayStarted; at this point the save file is read and Context.IsWorldReady is true.

This event isn't raised after saving; if you want to do something at the start of each day, see DayStarted instead.

#DayStarted Raised after a new in-game day starts, or after connecting to a multiplayer world. Everything has already been initialised at this point. (To run code before the game sets up the day, see DayEnding instead.)
#DayEnding Raised before the game ends the current day. This happens before it starts setting up the next day and before Saving.
#TimeChanged Raised after the in-game clock time changes, which happens in intervals of ten in-game minutes.


参数 类型 描述
e.OldTime int The previous time of day in 24-hour notation (like 1600 for 4pm). The clock time resets when the player sleeps, so 2am (before sleeping) is 2600.
e.NewTime int The current time of day in 24-hour notation (like 1600 for 4pm). The clock time resets when the player sleeps, so 2am (before sleeping) is 2600.
#ReturnedToTitle Raised after the game returns to the title screen.


this.Helper.Events.Input has events raised when the player uses a controller, keyboard, or mouse in some way. They can be used with the input API to access more info or suppress input.

event summary
#ButtonsChanged Raised after the player pressed/released any buttons on the keyboard, mouse, or controller. This includes mouse clicks. If the player pressed/released multiple keys at once, this is only raised once.


参数 类型 描述
e.Pressed SButton[] The buttons that were pressed since the previous tick.
e.Held SButton[] The buttons that were held since the previous tick.
e.Released SButton[] The buttons that were released since the previous tick.
e.Cursor ICursorPosition The cursor position and grab tile. Note: mods won't receive input sent to the chatbox.
Raised after the player pressed/released a keyboard, mouse, or controller button. This includes mouse clicks. If the player pressed/released multiple keys at once, this is raised for each button pressed.


参数 类型 描述
e.Button SButton The button pressed or released.
e.Cursor ICursorPosition The cursor position and grab tile.
e.IsDown method returns bool Indicates whether a given button is currently pressed.
e.IsSuppressed method returns bool A method which indicates whether a given button was suppressed by a mod, so the game itself won't see it. Note: mods won't receive input sent to the chatbox.
#CursorMoved Raised after the player moves the in-game cursor.


参数 类型 描述
e.OldPosition ICursorPosition The previous cursor position and grab tile.
e.NewPosition ICursorPosition The current cursor position and grab tile.
#MouseWheelScrolled Raised after the player scrolls the mouse wheel.


参数 类型 描述
e.Position ICursorPosition The current cursor position and grab tile.
e.Delta int The amount by which the mouse wheel was scrolled since the last update.
int The previous and current scroll value, cumulative since the game started. Mods should generally use e.Delta instead.


this.Helper.Events.Multiplayer has events raised for multiplayer messages and connections.

event summary
#PeerContextReceived Raised after the mod context for a player is received. The event is raised for any player (whether host or farmhand), including when the connecting player doesn't have SMAPI installed. This is the earliest point where messages can be sent to the player via SMAPI.

This happens immediately before the game approves the connection, so the player doesn't exist in the game yet. When connecting to the host, contextual fields like Game1.IsMasterGame or Context.IsMultiplayer may not be set yet; you can check e.Peer.IsHost to know whether the current player is a farmhand, since the host context will always be received first. Assuming another mod doesn't block the connection, the connection will be approved on the next tick.


参数 类型 描述
e.Peer IMultiplayerPeer The peer whose context was received (see Multiplayer#Get connected player info).
#PeerConnected Raised after a connection from another player is approved by the game. The event is raised for any player (whether host or farmhand), including when the connecting player doesn't have SMAPI installed. This happens after PeerContextReceived.

The player is connected to the game at this point, so methods like Game1.server.kick will work.


参数 类型 描述
e.Peer IMultiplayerPeer The peer who connected (see Multiplayer#Get connected player info).
#ModMessageReceived Raised after a mod message is received over the network.


参数 类型 描述
e.FromPlayerID long The unique ID of the player from whose computer the message was sent.
e.FromModID string The unique ID of the mod which sent the message.
e.Type string A message type which you can use to decide whether it's the one you want to handle. This isn't necessarily globally unique, so you should also check the FromModID field.
e.ReadAs<TModel>() method returns TModel Read the underlying message data into the given model type (like e.ReadAs<MyMessageClass>() or e.ReadAs<string>()). This will return a new instance each time.
#PeerDisconnected Raised after the connection to a player is severed.


参数 类型 描述
e.Peer IMultiplayerPeer The peer whose connection was severed (see Multiplayer#Get connected player info).


this.Helper.Events.Player has events raised when the player data changes.

Currently these events are only raised for the current player. That will likely change in a future version, so make sure to check e.IsLocalPlayer if you only want to handle the current player.

event summary
#InventoryChanged Raised after items are added or removed from the player inventory.


参数 类型 描述
e.Player Farmer The player whose inventory changed.
e.Added IEnumerable<Item> The added item stacks.
e.Removed IEnumerable<Item> The removed item stacks.
e.QuantityChanged IEnumerable<ItemStackSizeChange> The item stacks whose quantity changed. Each ItemStackSizeChange instance includes Item (the affected item stack), OldSize (the previous stack size), and NewSize (the new stack size).
e.IsLocalPlayer bool Whether the affected player is the local one.
#LevelChanged 在一个玩家技能等级发生变化后触发. 当玩家技能等级提升的第一时间立马触发 (不是在玩家睡觉后游戏提示时触发).


参数 类型 描述
e.Player Farmer 技能等级发生变化的玩家.
e.Skill SkillType 等级发生变化的技能. 像 SkillType.Combat (战斗技能)这种能调用 (int)e.Skill 转化成内部id的技能.
e.OldLevel int 变化之前的技能等级.
e.NewLevel int 变化之后的等级.
e.IsLocalPlayer bool Whether the affected player is the local one.
#Warped 当玩家移动到新地点的时候触发(农场到车站,玩家所在矿井层数发生变化也算).


参数 类型 描述
e.Player Farmer 地点发生变化的玩家.
e.OldLocation GameLocation 玩家移动之前所在的地点.
e.NewLocation GameLocation 玩家移动之后到达的地点.
e.IsLocalPlayer bool Whether the affected player is the local one.


this.Helper.Events.World has events raised when the in-game world changes in some way.

event summary
#LocationListChanged Raised after a game location is added or removed (including building interiors).


参数 类型 描述
e.Added IEnumerable<GameLocation> A list of locations added since the last update tick.
e.Removed IEnumerable<GameLocation> A list of locations removed since the last update tick.
#BuildingListChanged Raised after buildings are added/removed in any location.

This event isn't raised for buildings already present when a location is added. If you need to handle those too, use LocationListChanged and check e.Added.OfType<BuildableGameLocation>()buildings.


参数 类型 描述
e.Location GameLocation The location which changed.
e.Added IEnumerable<Building> A list of buildings added since the last update tick.
e.Removed IEnumerable<Building> A list of buildings removed since the last update tick.
e.IsCurrentLocation bool Whether e.Location is the location containing the local player.
#ChestInventoryChanged Raised after items are added or removed from a chest's inventory.


参数 类型 描述
e.Chest Chest The chest whose inventory changed.
e.Location Location The location containing the chest.
e.Added IEnumerable<Item> The added item stacks.
e.Removed IEnumerable<Item> The removed item stacks.
e.QuantityChanged IEnumerable<ItemStackSizeChange> The item stacks whose quantity changed. Each ItemStackSizeChange instance includes Item (the affected item stack), OldSize (the previous stack size), and NewSize (the new stack size).
#DebrisListChanged Raised after debris is added/removed in any location (including dropped or spawned floating items).

This event isn't raised for debris already present when a location is added. If you need to handle those too, use LocationListChanged and check e.Addeddebris.


参数 类型 描述
e.Location GameLocation The location which changed.
e.Added IEnumerable<Debris> A list of debris added since the last update tick.
e.Removed IEnumerable<Debris> A list of debris removed since the last update tick.
e.IsCurrentLocation bool Whether e.Location is the location containing the local player.
#LargeTerrainFeatureListChanged Raised after large terrain features (like bushes) are added/removed in any location.

This event isn't raised for large terrain features already present when a location is added. If you need to handle those too, use LocationListChanged and check e.AddedlargeTerrainFeatures.


参数 类型 描述
e.Location GameLocation The location which changed.
e.Added IEnumerable<LargeTerrainFeature> A list of large terrain features added since the last update tick.
e.Removed IEnumerable<LargeTerrainFeature> A list of large terrain features removed since the last update tick.
e.IsCurrentLocation bool Whether e.Location is the location containing the local player.
#NpcListChanged Raised after NPCs are added/removed in any location (including villagers, horses, Junimos, monsters, and pets).

This event isn't raised for characters already present when a location is added. If you need to handle those too, use LocationListChanged and check e.Addedcharacters.


参数 类型 描述
e.Location GameLocation The location which changed.
e.Added IEnumerable<NPC> A list of NPCs added since the last update tick.
e.Removed IEnumerable<NPC> A list of NPCs removed since the last update tick.
e.IsCurrentLocation bool Whether e.Location is the location containing the local player.
#ObjectListChanged Raised after objects are added/removed in any location (including machines, furniture, fences, etc). For floating items, see DebrisListChanged.

This event isn't raised for objects already present when a location is added. If you need to handle those too, use LocationListChanged and check e.Addedobjects.


参数 类型 描述
e.Location GameLocation The location which changed.
e.Added IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<Vector2, Object>> A list of tile coordinate + object pairs added since the last update tick.
e.Removed IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<Vector2, Object>> A list of tile coordinate + object pairs removed since the last update tick.
e.IsCurrentLocation bool Whether e.Location is the location containing the local player.
#TerrainFeatureListChanged Raised after terrain features are added/removed in any location (including trees, hoed dirt, and flooring). For bushes, see LargeTerrainFeatureListChanged.

This event isn't raised for terrain features already present when a location is added. If you need to handle those too, use LocationListChanged and check e.AddedterrainFeatures.


参数 类型 描述
e.Location GameLocation The location which changed.
e.Added IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<Vector2, TerrainFeature>> A list of tile coordinate + terrain feature pairs added since the last update tick.
e.Removed IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<Vector2, TerrainFeature>> A list of tile coordinate + terrain feature pairs removed since the last update tick.
e.IsCurrentLocation bool Whether e.Location is the location containing the local player.


this.Helper.Events.Specialised 针对特殊情况的事件. 大多数模组不应使用这些功能

event summary
#LoadStageChanged Raised when the low-level stage in the game's loading process has changed, for mods which need to run code at specific points in the loading process. The available stages or when they happen might change without warning in future versions (e.g., due to changes in the game's load process), so mods using this event are more likely to break or have bugs. Most mods should use the game loop events instead.


参数 类型 描述
e.NewStage LoadStage The new load stage. The possible values are...
  • None: a save is not loaded or loading. (For example, the player is on the title screen.)
  • When creating a new save slot:
    • CreatedBasicInfo: the game has initialised the basic save info.
    • CreatedInitialLocations: the game has added the location instances, but hasn't fully initialized them yet.
    • CreatedLocations: the game has initialised the in-game locations.
    • CreatedSaveFile: the game has created the physical save files.
  • When loading an existing save slot:
    • SaveParsed: the game has read the raw save data into StardewValley.SaveGame.loaded. Not applicable when connecting to a multiplayer host. This is equivalent to StardewValley.SaveGame.getLoadEnumerator value 20.
    • SaveLoadedBasicInfo: the game has applied the basic save info (including player data). Not applicable when connecting to a multiplayer host. Note that some basic info (like daily luck) is not initialised at this point. This is equivalent to StardewValley.SaveGame.getLoadEnumerator value 36.
    • SaveAddedLocations: the game has added the location instances to the game, but hasn't restored their save data yet.
    • SaveLoadedLocations: the game has restored the in-game location data. Not applicable when connecting to a multiplayer host. This is equivalent to StardewValley.SaveGame.getLoadEnumerator value 50.
  • Preloaded: the final metadata has been loaded from the save file. This happens before the game applies problem fixes, checks for achievements, starts music, etc. Not applicable when connecting to a multiplayer host.
  • Loaded: the save is fully loaded, but the world may not be fully initialised yet.
  • Ready: the save is fully loaded, the world has been initialised, and Context.IsWorldReady is now true.
  • ReturningToTitle: The game is exiting the loaded save and returning to the title screen. This happens before it returns to title; the stage after it returns to title is None.
e.OldStage LoadStage The previous load stage. See comments for e.NewStage.
Raised before/after the game updates its state (≈60 times per second), regardless of normal SMAPI validation. This event is not thread-safe and may be invoked while game logic is running asynchronously. Changes to game state in this method may crash the game or corrupt an in-progress save. Do not use this event unless you're fully aware of the context in which your code will be run. Using this event will trigger a warning in the SMAPI console.


参数 类型 描述
e.Ticks int The number of ticks elapsed since the game started, including the current tick.
e.IsOneSecond bool Whether e.TicksElapsed is a multiple of 60, which happens approximately once per second.
e.IsMultipleOf(int number) method returns bool Whether e.TicksElapsed is a multiple of the given number. This is mainly useful if you want to run logic intermittently (e.g., e.IsMultipleOf(30) for every half-second).



You may want to handle a change that doesn't have its own event (e.g., an in-game event ends, a letter is added to the mailbox, etc). You can usually do that by handling a general event like UpdateTicked, and detecting when the value(s) you're watching changed. For example, here's a complete mod which logs a message when an in-game event ends:

/// <summary>The main entry point for the mod.</summary>
public class ModEntry : Mod
    ** Fields
    /// <summary>The in-game event detected on the last update tick.</summary>
    private Event LastEvent;

    ** Public methods
    /// <summary>The mod entry point, called after the mod is first loaded.</summary>
    /// <param name="helper">Provides simplified APIs for writing mods.</param>
    public override void Entry(IModHelper helper)
        helper.Events.GameLoop.UpdateTicked += this.OnUpdateTicked;

    ** Private methods
    /// <summary>The method invoked when the game updates its state.</summary>
    /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
    /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
    private void OnUpdateTicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (this.LastEvent != null && Game1.CurrentEvent == null)
            this.Monitor.Log($"Event {this.LastEvent.id} just ended!");

        this.LastEvent = Game1.CurrentEvent;


SMAPI calls event handlers in the same order they're registered by default, so the first event handler registered is the first to receive the event each time. This isn't always predictable, since it depends on mod load order and when each mod registers their handlers. This order is also an implementation detail, so it's not guaranteed.

If you need more control over the order, you can specify an event priority using the [EventPriority] attribute: Low (after most handlers), Default, High (before most handlers), or a custom value (e.g., High + 1 is higher priority than High). You should only do this if strictly needed; depending on event handler order between mods is fragile (e.g., the other mod might change its priority too).

/// <summary>The main entry point for the mod.</summary>
public class ModEntry : Mod
    ** Public methods
    /// <summary>The mod entry point, called after the mod is first loaded.</summary>
    /// <param name="helper">Provides simplified APIs for writing mods.</param>
    public override void Entry(IModHelper helper)
        helper.Events.GameLoop.UpdateTicked += this.OnUpdateTicked;

    ** Private methods
    /// <summary>The method invoked when the game updates its state.</summary>
    /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
    /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
    private void OnUpdateTicked(object sender, EventArgs e)