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<option>Newly acquired Bridge Officers can be found by pressing "U" and clicking the "Assignments" tab. They can be added to your crew (if there is room) or they can train your existing Bridge Officers (of the same class).</option> <option>When navigating your ship, pressing "R" will toggle full stop and maximum speed, while "Q" & "E" will throttle your speed in increments.</option> <option>The "F" key not only picks up items and interacts with nearby NPCs, but it also steps through conversations and acknowledges in-game dialog as well.</option> <option>The in-game map makes navigation simple. Press "M" and find your destination system, cluster or Sector Block under the "System List" tab. You can also use the Area Map and click on a system within the current Sector Block to auto-navigate there.</option> <option>You don't need to return to a mission giver to turn in a completed mission; simply click the "Hail Starfleet" button near the mini-map and speak to the NPC to turn in the mission.</option> <option>While the Replicator on board your starship is a quick and convenient way to sell items that are clogging up your inventory, you will only receive 40% of their value, as opposed to the usual 50% from most NPC vendors.</option> <option>There are cargo vessels and Ferengi traders wandering about each sector, where you can purchase various items. Move near them and press "F" to hail them and browse their goods. Cargo vessels have Commodities while Ferengi ships carry various and often unique weapons.</option> <option>To properly sit in a chair, you must first stand on top of it, then use the proper emote (e.g. /em sit_captain for the classic Captain Kirk sitting animation).</option> <option>If you clicked "Respawn" but are still stuck, press Esc to bring up the in-game menu, then Esc again to clear it. The "Respawn" button should, well... respawn!</option> <option>If you want to copy something in the chat box, just click and drag. You won't see anything highlighted, but the text will be copied automatically!</option> <option>Pressing "V" for your tricorder not only scans for nearby anomalies, but it also points you in the direction of your nearest mission objective target, if it's closer. This works both in space and on the ground. It can also help you find crates with loot.</option> <option>The Fleet Description text field accepts some basic HTML markup, such as <i>italics</i>, hyperlinks, bulleted/numbered lists, manual line breaks (<br>), and more.</option> <option>You can transwarp to a variety of locations, including Earth or Qo'noS from anywhere in sector space once every 15 minutes by using the Transwarp ability.</option> <option>To quickly reply to a private message, or tell, just hit the Backspace key and voilà. Or, if you like, you can type /tell and begin to type the username of the person you want to respond to. As you type the name, the user will show up above your typing and you can hit Tab and then Enter and your "tell" is ready to go.</option> <option>You can customize your chat tabs! Simply right click the tab. You can add new tabs, as well as dictate what you can see in each tab!</option> <option>You can create your own chat channels. Just type /create <channel name> and there it is. To administrate the channel like add a password, or message of the day, just right click any tab and select Channels!</option> <option>By advancing through the ranks of the Federation Diplomatic Corps you unlock not only titles and a new uniform, but new powers and Transwarp options.</option> <option>Playing the Waveform Modulation mini-game gives you a chance to gain additional R&D Materials, which is indicated by a yellow star when the contents of a scanned anomaly is shown to you.</option> <option>R&D Materials may be obtained by playing the Waveform Modulation mini-game, or from critical success on some duty officer assignments.</option> <option>Diplomatic XP can also be gained from diplomatic story missions in social places like Vulcan, K7, Starbase 39, Bajor, or rescuing Deferi from Breen slave traders. Some Episodes like “Everything Old is New” have options that will grant Diplomatic XP as well.</option> <option>Breen ships giving you a hard time with their abilities to hold your ship and slow down your systems? Give your Science bridge officer No icon.png Polarize Hull and No icon.png Science Team to counter them.</option> <option>To effectively defeat Devidians, you need some timing. Every once in a while, they will phase shift (they become more translucent and get a purple stain). Their Proton damage resistance drops significantly, so that's the right opportunity to deal massive damage with the secondary fire mode of the [Synchronic Proton Distortion Rifle].</option> <option>Some items, such as R&D materials or Master Keys, will be usable regardless of its location. (E.g. Bank, does not apply to account bank)</option> <option>Petting tribbles will improve your performance in various ways, depending on what kind of tribble it is.</option> <option>Borg can assimilate you or your bridge officers if they get too close. Keep your distance when possible!</option> <option>Borg adapt to energy weapons by type. You can counter this by using a Frequency Remodulator (which can be claimed for no cost from your shipboard replicator), or by switching to a different energy type.</option> <option>Launching a plasma torpedo after using Torpedo: High Yield creates a Heavy Plasma Torpedo. These torpedoes are slow-moving and destructible, but do a lot of AoE damage.</option> <option>Though a tailor is required to modify your different outfits, you don't need one to switch between them. Right-click your character's icon (top-left of your screen by default) and click on "Change Outfit" in the drop-down menu that appears. This works on any ground map.</option> <option>Voth Palisade Frigates often create photonic decoys that explode and disable your engines when fired upon. Be careful when engaging them!</option> <option>Avoid using Gravity Well in the vicinity of Broln'ta Cruisers. Broln'ta Cruisers can heal other Tzenkethi ships when they are nearby, making them almost impossible to destroy. Tractor Beam Repulsors may be more useful in such situations.</option> </choose>