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  • ứng bất lợi Hóa đá), khiến cho Lucky Horseshoe, Obsidian Horseshoe, Featherfall potion, và Umbrella không còn cần thiết. Tiếp tục giữ nút Nhảy sau khi hết
    101 KB(543个字) - 2020年7月10日 (五) 11:05
  • when using a Gravitation Potion. Slows down fall speed when using a Featherfall Potion. Makes the character climb up rope. Allows the character to climb
    66 KB(2,135个字) - 2020年7月10日 (五) 17:10
  • with leaving honey having water sound and particles. Fixed bug where featherfall potion did not function equally on reverse gravity. Fixed minor bug with
    27 KB(4,026个字) - 2020年7月10日 (五) 10:56
  • Balloon臭屁气球 Fart in a Jar罐中臭屁 Fast Clock快走时钟 Father of Someone某人之父 Feather羽毛 Featherfall Potion羽落药水 Feral Claws猛爪手套 Festive Wallpaper节日壁纸 Festive Wings喜庆之翼 Fetid
    394 KB(40,226个字) - 2020年7月10日 (五) 22:11
  • alt="羽落药水的物品外观" src="https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/terraria_gamepedia/7/7b/Featherfall_Potion.png?version=498f8eb044c37a91bcf0fc92faecc3cb" decoding="async" title="羽落药水的物品外观"
    565 KB(0个字) - 2020年7月10日 (五) 14:27