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聊天文本信息终于可以跨越多行了。在此之前,长度限制为 127 字节,严重限制了使用多字节字符的语言。现在,玩家信息的长度限制为 512 字节,插件信息的长度限制为 2048 字节。




万圣节即将来临, 六项全新服饰从策划组的创意工坊纳入库存:

Autumn Comforts Bundle by Basil Cat and NSTM
Beekeeper Bundle by biedaktokox
Executioner Bundle by WalnuT_Orion and sympathizer
Goth Bundle by FlodotelitoKifo and Emizip
Untombed Pharaoh Bundle by SirAdy and Animatic
Wandering Wizard Bundle by Timo987


物品描述, 多行聊天文本, 以及主菜单的新闻提要都有一个共同点:它们的大小取决于内容的多少。这看似愚蠢,但 Unturned 在此次更新之前无法根据内容大小自动调整用户界面布局。如果您对更多细节感兴趣,请查看此文档链接:
Glazier support for IMGUI, uGUI, and UI Toolkit

为进一步回应今年早些时候提出的多人游戏的恶性问题,现在在一个可让每位玩家的文本聊天静音按钮增加到了玩家列表中。除此之外,语音和文本块可以在两个会话之间保存到您的 Steam云。

Spawn tables should be much nicer to work with. Their asset files can use the newer list format, eliminating the tedious index-based keys. They fully support GUIDs to reduce conflicts (even if the target type, like items, doesn't support GUIDs yet). Failed spawns provide additional context in what triggered them.
此次更新之前, your NPC dialogue choices were sent to the server for NPC logic, but the UI relied on locally predicting the following message and response. Over the years, this caused a few issues, like broken interactions if the server rejected your choice or relied on a randomized value (e.g., dialogue-driven spawns in custom modes). 重写了对话,服务器可完全控制事件流程,从而解决了这些问题,并引入了新的可能性.
Unturned has gradually gotten better at enforcing file integrity in multiplayer, preventing a variety of easy cheats related to modifying assets. A more complicated case involved replacing the Unity player's resource/scene files to override assets not yet stored in asset bundles, like skin and hair. With this update, those Unity files are now protected as well.

  • UI_Requirements option enables more complex quests with multiple stages rather than showing all the steps upfront.
  • Considering farmables are often repurposed as item-generating machines, Rain_Affects_Growth and Harvest_Rewards options make them less plant-like and allow non-item uses, e.g., to unlock a door.



  • 添加属性统计在所有的物品描述中, 以及 Use_Auto_Stat_Descriptions [bool] 的开关选项.
  • Autumn Comforts, Beekeeper, Executioner, Goth, Pharaoh, and Wandering Wizard bundles from the Curated Workshop.
  • Left_Handed_Characters_Mirror_Equipable [bool] option for text items like Buak maps. 默认开启.
  • UI_Requirements option for quest conditions to hide certain steps until other steps are complete.
  • Barricade_Wall build type for barricades without interactive function.
  • Support for the newer dat list format and GUID referenes in spawn table assets.
  • ThirdPerson_Zoom [float] 范围的属性. 默认为 1.25.
  • "-TimeOverlay" command-line flag to show seconds since startup under FPS in upper-left.
  • "-LogSpawnTablesAfterLoadingLevel" command-line flag to log all spawn chances.
  • Player list button to mute text chat messages per-player.
  • Rain_Affects_Growth [bool] and Harvest_Rewards options for farmable items.
  • NPC Global Event Messenger component for mods.
  • Override Relevant Distance option for Effect Spawner component.
  • Optional integration with Unity's newer UI system: UI Elements / UI Toolkit.
  • Player_Life_Health NPC reward type.


  • 多人语音聊天文本禁音在 sessions 保存.
  • 聊天文本 (终于) 支持超过两行的信息了. 将玩家可发送长度从127字节提升至512字节。
  • Converted main menu featured workshop and news feed to same UI system as the rest of the game.
  • Pressing camera focus hotkey in volumes editor with nothing selected returns near to world origin.
  • Effects support replication using quaternion for rotation rather than forward vector.
  • Unity scene and resources files are included in multiplayer hash validation.
  • Character preview adjusts render target resolution to match on-screen size.
  • NPC dialogue tree is no longer locally predicted.
  • 更新 Unity 版本 2020.3.38 到 2021.3.29.


  • Pressing item hotkeys while mouse is visible outside inventory menu unbinding them. [Thanks Ankumo!]
  • Hide mute button for yourself on the player list. [Thanks Matqyou!]
  • Hide selected item hotkey hint for primary/secondary weapons in inventory. [Thanks Spebby!]
  • 3D hitmarkers not showing multiple when spraying full-auto. [Thanks Pickle Burger!]
  • Potential cause of non-registering hits immediately after equipping melee. [Thanks P9nda!]
  • Default terrain texture tiling size when unreadable. [Thanks DiFFoZ!]
  • Clamp volume scale to +/- 100km to avoid some physics problems. [Thanks AdamDN!]
  • Heightmap brush sometimes destroying terrain. [Thanks Romelete, DanielWillett, and AdamDN!]
  • Hostile animals not playing startle animation upon detecting a player. [Thanks DerpyHoowes!]
  • Gun/turret event hooks OnShotFired not invoking on server. [Thanks ZoliWorks!]
  • Transport failure breaking disconnect partway through workshop/assets/level loading. [Thanks DiFFoZ and kezaspr!]
  • Aim animation speed not changing properly with attachments. [Thanks Wyvernaed!]
  • Unable to create new assets using the spawn tables editor. [Thanks Jdance!]
  • More potential fixes to spaghetti-patches of pathfinding code. [Thanks DiFFoZ!]
  • Include attack interval in animal eat/glance animation delay. [Thanks Gamingtoday093!]
  • Civilian nightvision grayscale effect not applying to dual-render scope. [Thanks dug!]
  • Repeatedly generating GUID for asset when unable to parse GUID. [Thanks LocoCZ!]
  • Dead bodies blocking interactable doors. [Thanks Twddisco!]
  • Exception if nightvision property was added to saved glasses. [Thanks Barinnf!]
  • An exploit related to NPC dialogue. [Thanks Liebesleid!]
  • Unknown session response kick when server Steam ID changed. [Thanks sunnamed434 and DiFFoZ!]
  • NPC conditions/rewards not applying for repair or ammo crafting. [Thanks iBowie!]
  • Level loading null reference exception if forageable bush was missing Forage object.
  • PEI civilian vehicle spawn table not spawning rally cars properly.

Patch #1


  • NPC dialogue responses without linked dialogue/vendor not granting rewards. (e.g., Arid bus driver)
  • Using item not visible/audible for other players in multiplayer.
  • Augewehr metallic map corrupted. [Thanks Axodouble!]
  • Bounty Hunter Maplestrike skin metallic map corrupted. [Thanks Gukk!]

Patch #2


  • Vanilla will search for *.dll files in the Modules to resolve assembly dependencies. Can be turned off with -NoVanillaAssemblySearch.


  • Potential cause of text chat misalignment / UI exception. [Thanks m00nchance!]
  • In-world signs missing Chinese, Japanese, and Korean fonts.
  • Luger, 1911, Swissgewehr, Cali Merc Matamorez, and Dango PDW metallic map corrupted. [Thanks Gukk!]