

Lyrics-The Pensieve in Library











来自Hogwarts LegacyWIKI_BWIKI_哔哩哔哩
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序号 说话人 英文 中文
1 Main Character It is a book after all. 毕竟这是一本书。
3 (Following is the memory of the pensieve below Library) (以下是Library下面冥想盆的记忆)
4 (Drought hits Feldcroft. No water in wells. Little Isidora is with her brother and father. ​Unfortunately, her brother seems to be suffering a lot. The keepers see the landscape. It is Rackham who is the first one to wield the wand. He cast a trace of ancient magic toward the sky that makes rain begin to drop down. Then three other keepers join Rackham's spellcasting, traces of ancient magic also swirl around their wands. Then the memory comes to when Isidora started her school as a fifth-year student) (费尔德克罗夫特遭遇干旱。井里没有水。小伊西多拉和她的兄弟和父亲在一起。​不幸的是,她的哥哥似乎很痛苦。饲养员看到风景。拉克姆是第一个挥舞魔杖的人。他向天空施展了一丝古老的魔法,天空开始下雨。然后其他三名守护者加入了拉克姆的施法,古老魔法的痕迹也在他们的魔杖周围盘旋。然后我想起伊西多拉作为五年级学生开始上学的时候)
5 Isidora Morganach(伊西多拉·莫佳娜) You wanted to see me, Headmistress Fitzgerald, Professor Rackham? 菲茨杰拉德校长、拉克姆教授,你们想见我吗?
6 Niamh Fitzgerald(尼欧弗·菲兹拉杰弗) Miss Isadora Morganach, welcome. 伊莎多拉·摩根纳赫小姐,欢迎光临。
7 Isidora Morganach(伊西多拉·莫佳娜) Professor Rookwood, Professor Bakar. 鲁克伍德教授、巴卡尔教授。
8 Niamh Fitzgerald(尼欧弗·菲兹拉杰弗) We understand that you are adjusting well to life at Hogwarts. 我们知道您正在很好地适应霍格沃茨的生活。
9 Isidora Morganach(伊西多拉·莫佳娜) I am. 我是。
10 Niamh Fitzgerald(尼欧弗·菲兹拉杰弗) I am glad, especially in light of your unusual situation, starting as a fifth-year. 我很高兴,特别是考虑到你从五年级开始就处于不寻常的情况。
11 Percival Rackham (波西瓦尔·拉克汉姆) As it happens, I was also admitted to Hogwarts as a fifth year. 碰巧的是,我也以五年级的成绩考入了霍格沃茨。
12 I have never heard of another like us. 我从来没有听说过像我们这样的人。
13 Charles Rookwood (查尔斯·卢克伍德) Miss Morganach, when we spoke yesterday after class, you asked about the beautiful swirls you saw years ago when we visited your hamlet. 摩根纳什小姐,昨天下课后我们讲话时,您问起多年前我们参观您的小村庄时看到的美丽漩涡。
14 Isidora Morganach(伊西多拉·莫佳娜) I recognized you all immediately. I cannot thank you enough for what you did. 我立刻认出了你们所有人。我对你所做的一切感激不尽。
15 Niamh Fitzgerald(尼欧弗·菲兹拉杰弗) We were glad to help. 我们很乐意提供帮助。
16 Isidora Morganach(伊西多拉·莫佳娜) And yes, I did see swirls of magic everywhere that day. 是的,那天我确实看到到处都是魔法漩涡。
17 My father insists it was my imagination running wild, but it was certainly real to me. 我父亲坚称那是我的想象力,但对我来说这确实是真实的。
18 Percival Rackham (波西瓦尔·拉克汉姆) It was not your imagination. 这不是你的想象。
19 Niamh Fitzgerald(尼欧弗·菲兹拉杰弗) Percival - 珀西瓦尔 -
20 Professor Rackham can see them too, but we have never known of another who could. 拉克姆教授也能看到它们,但我们从未听说过还有谁能看到它们。
21 Isidora Morganach(伊西多拉·莫佳娜) I don't understand. What are they? 我不明白。这些是什么?
22 Percival Rackham (波西瓦尔·拉克汉姆) The whispers or traces that appear when a particular form of ancient magic is wielded. 使用特定形式的古代魔法时出现的低语或痕迹。
23 Isidora Morganach(伊西多拉·莫佳娜) Ancient magic? 远古魔法?
24 San Bakar(森·巴卡尔) Few are capable of wielding it. Hogwarts itself is a stronghold of ancient magic. 很少有人有能力运用它。霍格沃茨本身就是古代魔法的据点。
25 Isidora Morganach(伊西多拉·莫佳娜) So if I can see traces of ancient magic, does that mean I can wield it too? 那么如果我能看到古代魔法的痕迹,是否意味着我也可以使用它?
26 Percival Rackham (波西瓦尔·拉克汉姆) With the proper training. 通过适当的培训。
27 San Bakar(森·巴卡尔) But let us not get ahead of ourselves, Miss Morganach. 但我们别操之过急,摩根纳赫小姐。
28 Percival Rackham (波西瓦尔·拉克汉姆) Before I can train you to wield such magic, you must first master all that Hogwarts has to offer. 在我训练你使用这种魔法之前,你必须首先掌握霍格沃茨所提供的一切。
29 Niamh Fitzgerald(尼欧弗·菲兹拉杰弗) A magic this powerful can do great harm in the wrong hands. It must be wielded by a select few. 如此强大的魔法如果落入坏人之手,可能会造成巨大伤害。它必须由少数经过挑选的人来运用。
30 Niamh Fitzgerald(尼欧弗·菲兹拉杰弗) As such, we ask that you not speak to anyone about what we have discussed here today. 因此,我们要求您不要向任何人谈论我们今天在这里讨论的内容。
(Memory is over here) (记忆就在这里)