

Lyrics-The Pensieve of the First Trial











来自Hogwarts LegacyWIKI_BWIKI_哔哩哔哩
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1 Main Character Another pensive. 另一个沉思。
2 (Following is the memory in the pensieve of the first trial. Percival Rackham's memories) (以下是第一次审判冥想盆中的记忆,珀西瓦尔·拉克姆的记忆)
3 (Isidora Morganach and Percival Rackham are outside somewhere. A stone pillar grows as Isidora wield her wand, traces of ancient magic swirls around it. Rackham just stands by and sees this happen, without holding his wand) (伊西多拉·摩根纳赫和珀西瓦尔·拉克姆在外面的某个地方。当伊西多拉挥舞魔杖时,一根石柱生长起来,古老魔法的痕迹在它周围旋转。拉克姆只是站在一旁,看到这一切发生,没有握住魔杖)
4 Percival Rackham (波西瓦尔·拉克汉姆) Your ability to transfigure the world around you is remarkable. 你改变周围世界的能力是非凡的。
5 (Isidora seems upset, though she did a good job) (伊西多拉看起来很沮丧,尽管她做得很好)
6 Percival Rackham (波西瓦尔·拉克汉姆) What is it? 它是什么?
7 Isidora Morganach(伊西多拉·莫佳娜) My father isn't getting better. I don't think he'll ever recover from the death of my brother. 我父亲的情况并没有好转。我认为他永远不会从我哥哥的死中恢复过来。
8 Percival Rackham (波西瓦尔·拉克汉姆) It is agonizing to see those we love suffer. 看到我们所爱的人受苦是令人痛苦的。
9 Isidora Morganach(伊西多拉·莫佳娜) The drought was years ago, but the pain of losing him is as deep for him now as if it had happened only yesterday. 干旱已经是几年前的事了,但失去他的痛苦现在对他来说就像昨天才发生一样深刻。
10 He doesn't need pretty pillars, he needs peace. What if I could help him, Professor? 他不需要漂亮的柱子,他需要平静。教授,如果我能帮助他呢?
11 Percival Rackham (波西瓦尔·拉克汉姆) You do so much for your father already. You - 你已经为你父亲做了这么多了。你 -
12 Isidora Morganach(伊西多拉·莫佳娜) That's not enough! I want to take away his pain. 这还不够!我想带走他的痛苦。
13 Percival Rackham (波西瓦尔·拉克汉姆) It is tempting, I know, to use this magic that you're mastering to transfigure more than the physical world. 我知道,使用你正在掌握的这种魔法来改变物质世界之外的东西是很诱人的。
14 But human emotion is a potent force unto itself. 但人类的情感本身就是一股强大的力量。
15 Even the most well-meaning and competent witch cannot possibly know the consequences of irrevocably manipulating it. 即使是最善意、最有能力的女巫也不可能知道不可挽回地操纵它的后果。
16 Isidora Morganach(伊西多拉·莫佳娜) So I'm to watch as my father's pain destroys him? 所以我要眼睁睁地看着我父亲的痛苦摧毁他?
17 Percival Rackham (波西瓦尔·拉克汉姆) It is not your pain to take. 这不是你要承受的痛苦。
18 (Isidora walks away. Then it comes to another memory when Isidora came back to Hogwarts as Professor of DA) (伊西多拉走开。然后,当伊西多拉以 DA 教授的身份回到霍格沃茨时,又想起了另一段记忆)
19 Percival Rackham (波西瓦尔·拉克汉姆) Every year a student sees something sillier than I could ever imagine in their tea leaves. 每年都有学生在他们的茶叶中看到比我想象的更愚蠢的东西。
20 Oh, Miss Morgannach! Welcome back to Hogwarts, Professor! 哦,摩根纳克小姐!欢迎回到霍格沃茨,教授!
21 Isidora Morganach(伊西多拉·莫佳娜) That's going to take some getting used to. 这需要一些时间来适应。
22 Professor Rookwood? 卢克伍德教授?
23 Charles Rookwood (查尔斯·卢克伍德) I was so pleased to hear that you accepted the position of Defence Against the Dark Arts professor. 我很高兴听到你接受黑魔法防御术教授的职位。
24 Percival Rackham (波西瓦尔·拉克汉姆) Sit, sit, Isadora. Tell us about your travels. 坐下,坐下,伊莎多拉。告诉我们您的旅行。
25 Isidora Morganach(伊西多拉·莫佳娜) I was actually hoping that you and the others might join me at my home this evening - 我实际上希望你和其他人今晚能来我家和我一起——
26 There's much I'd like to share with you. 我有很多东西想与你分享。
27 Percival Rackham (波西瓦尔·拉克汉姆) That would be delightful. We shall let the others know. 那将是令人愉快的。我们会让其他人知道。
28 Isidora Morganach(伊西多拉·莫佳娜) Very well. I shall see you then. 很好。到时候我会见到你。
29 (The memory is over) (记忆结束了)
31 Main Character Hmm. Another memory. 唔。另一个记忆。
32 Now to find a way out of there. 现在要找到离开那里的方法。
33 More crystallized stone. 更多结晶石。
34 (MC returns to the Map Chamber, the portrayal of Charles Rookwood appears) (MC返回地图室,查尔斯·卢克伍德的肖像出现)
35 Charles Rookwood (查尔斯·卢克伍德) What have we here? 我们这里有什么?
36 Main Character I'm a student at Hogwarts, sir, and this is Professor Fig. 先生,我是霍格沃茨的学生,这是费格教授。
37 Charles Rookwood (查尔斯·卢克伍德) Professor Charles Rookwood at your service. Has someone completed the first trial? 查尔斯·鲁克伍德教授竭诚为您服务。有人完成初审了吗?
38 Main Character I have, Professor Rookwood. 我有,卢克伍德教授。
39 We saw you in the Pensieve in Gringotts with Professor Rackham. 我们在古灵阁的冥想盆里见到了你和拉克姆教授。
40 Charles Rookwood (查尔斯·卢克伍德) Indeed. So you found the portkey to access Professor Rackham's vault, 的确。所以你找到了进入拉克姆教授金库的门钥匙
41 and you deciphered the map within the locket you found floating above that Pensieve? 你破译了漂浮在冥想盆上方的挂坠盒中的地图?
42 Main Character I did. I found something that I can't identify floating above the last Pensieve. 我做到了。我发现最后一个冥想盆上方漂浮着一些我无法辨认的东西。
43 Charles Rookwood (查尔斯·卢克伍德) Ah, yes. You will find a similar artifact in each trial. 是啊。在每次试验中你都会发现类似的神器。
44 You must take care to keep them safe. You will need them to complete the journey we have set forth for you. 您必须注意确保他们的安全。您将需要它们来完成我们为您设定的旅程。
45 Once you have them all, we will tell you what to do with them. 一旦您拥有所有这些,我们将告诉您如何处理它们。
46 Main Character Very well. Are you able to tell me anything about the next trial? 很好。您能告诉我有关下一次审判的任何信息吗?
47 Percival Rackham (波西瓦尔·拉克汉姆) Before you proceed, I would like to speak with Charles regarding the urgent situation involving the goblins. 在你继续之前,我想和查尔斯谈谈涉及妖精的紧急情况。
48 Charles Rookwood (查尔斯·卢克伍德) The goblins? 哥布林?
49 Percival Rackham (波西瓦尔·拉克汉姆) The student has seen traces of a powerful dark magic being wielded by Goblinkind. 学生看到了哥布林使用强大黑暗魔法的痕迹。
50 They and their mentor, Professor Fig, not only encountered goblins lurking outside of San Bacar's tower, 他们和他们的导师费格教授不仅遇到了潜伏在圣巴卡尔塔外的妖精,
51 they also encountered a powerful goblin in my vault at Gringotts. 他们还在我位于古灵阁的金库里遇到了一个强大的妖精。
52 Charles Rookwood (查尔斯·卢克伍德) Hmm. I'm afraid it would be wise to halt the trials until we know more. 唔。在我们了解更多信息之前,恐怕明智的做法是停止试验。
53 Eleazar Fig (以利亚撒·菲戈) We shall defer to you in this matter. 在这件事上我们将听从你的意见。
54 Of course. 当然。
55 Eleazar Fig (以利亚撒·菲戈) Now then... 接着...
56 Main Character Wait, Professor. The name Rookwood. Do you think... 等等,教授。名字叫卢克伍德。你认为...
57 Eleazar Fig (以利亚撒·菲戈) That there's a connection to Victor? Perhaps. But we can't be sure of its significance, if any. 和维克多有联系吗?也许。但我们无法确定它的重要性(如果有的话)。
58 For now, tell me what you saw in the Pensieve. 现在,告诉我你在冥想盆里看到了什么。
59 Main Character Before the witch from the last Pensieve, Isadora, became a Hogwarts professor, 在最后一个冥想盆里的女巫伊莎多拉成为霍格沃茨教授之前,
60 she argued with Professor Rackham about using magic to remove pain. 她与拉克姆教授争论如何使用魔法来消除疼痛。
61 Eleazar Fig (以利亚撒·菲戈) Hmm. Hopefully the next Pensieve provides more context. 唔。希望下一个冥想盆能提供更多背景信息。
62 For now, we should learn what Ranrk knows. 现在,我们应该了解 Ranrk 所知道的内容。
63 I will be honest. I've no idea where to start. 我会诚实的。我不知道从哪里开始。
64 Main Character Actually, I might know of someone. 事实上,我可能认识一个人。
65 I saw Serona at the Three Broomsticks speaking to a goblin once. They seemed friendly. 有一次我在三把扫帚酒吧看到塞罗娜和一个妖精说话。他们看起来很友好。
66 Eleazar Fig (以利亚撒·菲戈) Well, it's worth a try. See what you can find out. 嗯,值得一试。看看你能发现什么。
67 Of course, don't forget... 当然,别忘了...
68 Main Character My studies. Yes, sir. 我的研究。是的先生。
69 Charles Rookwood (查尔斯·卢克伍德) Uh, before you go... 呃,在你走之前...
70 Main Character Professor? 教授?
71 Charles Rookwood (查尔斯·卢克伍德) Have you encountered swirling traces of magic in the world? 你遇到过世界上旋转的魔法痕迹吗?
72 Aside from those along our path. 除了我们路上的那些人。
73 Main Character Not that I recall. What are they? 我不记得了。这些是什么?
74 Charles Rookwood (查尔斯·卢克伍德) Evidence of the Keepers' efforts to manipulate the power of ancient magic during our time. 守护者在我们这个时代努力操纵古代魔法力量的证据。
75 If I am correct, and I usually am, 如果我是对的,而且我通常都是对的,
76 you should be able to use them to inform and enhance your own magic. 你应该能够利用它们来告知和增强你自己的魔法。
77 Main Character Thank you, sir. I will look out for them. 谢谢你,先生。我会照顾他们。