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<script type="text/javascript"> let charLevel = 1; let charLevelCoeff = 17.16560555; let fopl = 0; let cwofAmp = 0; let cwofTrans = 0; let tfAdd = 0; let tfTrans = 0; let emAmpBonus = 0; let emTransBonus = 0; let emAddBonus = 0; let emCrysBonus = 0; let res = 1;

function setMaxLevel() { document.getElementById("charLevel").value = 90; // 赋值等级max }

function getCharLevelCoeff() { let lv = document.getElementById("charLevel").value; let charLevelCoeffArray = [17.16560555,18.53504753,19.90485382,21.27490234,22.64539909,24.64961243,26.64064217,28.86858749,31.3676796,314334488,37.20100021,40.65999985,44.44666672,48.56351852,53.74848175,59.08189774,64.42004395,69.72445679,75.12313843,80.58477783,86.11203003,970374298,97.24462891,102.812645,108.4095612,113.2016907,118.1029053,122.9793167,129.7273254,136.2929077,142.6708527,149.0290222,155.4169922,168255005,169.106308,176.5180817,184.0727386,191.7095184,199.5569153,207.3820496,215.3988953,224.1656647,233.5021667,243.3505707,256.0630798,265434875,281.526062,295.0136414,309.0671997,323.601593,336.7575378,350.530304,364.4826965,378.6191711,398.6004028,416.3982544,434.3869934,459510498,472.6062317,492.8848877,513.5685425,539.1032104,565.5105591,592.5387573,624.4434204,651.4701538,679.4968262,707.7940674,736.6714478,766402588,794.7733765,824.6773682,851.1577759,877.7420654,914.229126,946.7467651,979.411377,1011.223022,1044.791748,1077.443726,1109.997559,114976563,1176.369507,1210.184448,1253.835693,1288.952759,1325.484131,1363.456909,1405.097412,1446.853516];

charLevelCoeff = charLevelCoeffArray[lv-1]; }

function fourPieceBonus() { let fourPieceBonus = document.getElementById("fourPiece").value; let foplArr = [0,0.8,0,0]; // Flower of Paradise Lost

   let cwofTransArr = [0,0,0.4,0];  // Crimson Witch of Flames - Transformative Reactions

let cwofAmpArr = [0,0,0.15,0]; // Crimson Witch of Flames - Amplifying Reactions

   let tfTransArr = [0,0,0,0.4];  // Thundering Fury - Transformative Reactions
   let tfAddArr = [0,0,0,0.2];  // Thundering Fury - Additive Reactions

fopl = foplArr[fourPieceBonus - 1]; cwofTrans = cwofTransArr[fourPieceBonus - 1]; cwofAmp = cwofAmpArr[fourPieceBonus - 1]; tfTrans = tfTransArr[fourPieceBonus - 1]; tfAdd = tfAddArr[fourPieceBonus - 1]; }

function emBonus() {

   let emVal = Number(em.value);  // Remember to convert string to number; otherwise '+' will be a string concatenation!

emAmpBonus = emVal * 2.78 / (emVal + 1400);

   emTransBonus = emVal * 16 / (emVal + 2000);
   emAddBonus = emVal * 5 / (emVal + 1200);
   emCrysBonus = emVal * 4.44 / (emVal + 1400);


function calcRes(res) {

   if (res < 0) {
       return 1 - res / 2;
   } else {
       if (res <= 0.75) {
           return 1 - res;
       } else {
           return 1 / (1 + 4 * res);


function calcAmp() {

   document.getElementById("vaphigh").value = 2 * (1 + emAmpBonus + cwofAmp);
   document.getElementById("vaplow").value = 1.5 * (1 + emAmpBonus + cwofAmp);
   document.getElementById("melthigh").value = 2 * (1 + emAmpBonus + cwofAmp);
   document.getElementById("meltlow").value = 1.5 * (1 + emAmpBonus + cwofAmp);


function calcTrans() {

   res = calcRes(document.getElementById("res").value / 100);
   document.getElementById("overload").value = res * charLevelCoeff * (1 + emTransBonus + tfTrans + cwofTrans) * 2;
   document.getElementById("superconduct").value = res * charLevelCoeff * (1 + emTransBonus + tfTrans) * 0.5;
   document.getElementById("swirl").value = res * charLevelCoeff * (1 + emTransBonus) * 0.6;
   document.getElementById("electrocharged").value = res * charLevelCoeff * (1 + emTransBonus + tfTrans) * 1.2;
   document.getElementById("shatter").value = res * charLevelCoeff * (1 + emTransBonus) * 1.5;
   document.getElementById("burning").value = res * charLevelCoeff * (1 + emTransBonus + cwofTrans) * 0.2;
   document.getElementById("bloom").value = res * charLevelCoeff * (1 + emTransBonus + fopl) * 2;
   document.getElementById("hyperbloom").value = res * charLevelCoeff * (1 + emTransBonus + fopl + tfTrans) * 3;
   document.getElementById("burgeon").value = res * charLevelCoeff * (1 + emTransBonus + fopl + cwofTrans) * 3;


function calcAdd() {

   document.getElementById("aggravate").value = charLevelCoeff * 1.15 * (1 + emTransBonus + tfAdd);
   document.getElementById("spread").value = charLevelCoeff * 1.25 * (1 + emTransBonus + tfAdd);


function calcCrys() {

   document.getElementById("crystallize").value = charLevelCoeff * (1 + emCrysBonus);


function calc() {


} </script>

   <input id="charLevel" type="text" style="width:35%">
   <input type=buttonvalue="MAX" onclick="setMaxLevel()" onblur="calc()">
   <input id="em" type="text" style="width:35%" onblur="calc()">
圣遗物四件套效果 <select id="fourPiece" onchange="fourPieceBonus()" style="width:35%"> <option value="1" selected="selected">无</option> <option value="2">乐园遗落之花(满层)</option> <option value="3">炽烈的炎之魔女</option> <option value="4">如雷的盛怒</option> </select>


   抗性%<input id="res" type="text" style="width:35%">
超载<input id="overload" type="text" style="width:35%">
超导<input id="superconduct" type="text" style="width:35%">
扩散<input id="swirl" type="text" style="width:35%">
感电<input id="electrocharged" type="text" style="width:35%">
碎冰<input id="shatter" type="text" style="width:35%">
燃烧<input id="burning" type="text" style="width:35%">
绽放<input id="bloom" type="text" style="width:35%">
超绽放<input id="hyperbloom" type="text" style="width:35%">
烈绽放<input id="burgeon" type="text" style="width:35%">
<input type=button value="计算" onclick="calc()">


   蒸发-水打火<input id="vaphigh" type="text" style="width:35%">
蒸发-火打水<input id="vaplow" type="text" style="width:35%">
融化-火打冰<input id="melthigh" type="text" style="width:35%">
融化-冰打火<input id="meltlow" type="text" style="width:35%">


   超激化<input id="aggravate" type="text" style="width:35%">
蔓激化<input id="spread" type="text" style="width:35%">


   结晶<input id="crystallize" type="text" style="width:35%">