- 原文发布于北京时间2021.12.07
- 装备等中文名采用当前游戏版本的译名,未来可能有调整
As mentioned in the last mini-update, we're actively exploring ways to improve the foundations of Catalyst Black one step at a time before launching to the world. This patch, Slayer mode is in the spotlight!
Notably, points in Slayer are now only earned from player kills. This transforms the mode into an action-packed deathmatch, where each enemy encounter has high stakes in the outcome of the match. Monsters yield stronger buffs — if you are brave enough to take them down in the midst of battle.
While the next set of major features is prepared for release, we want to learn more about how the new Slayer and recent gunfire adjustments shape your gameplay. The best way you can get involved is by letting us know your thoughts on our Discord!
— SeanLagged
Balance Changes/平衡变化
- Match/比赛
- The large map, Plateau, has been removed from rotation / 大地图蔚蓝高原已从轮换中移除
- Player count decreased: 6v6 ➔ 5v5 / 玩家对抗数量减少:6v6 ➔ 5v5
- Respawn time increased: 5-7.5s ➔ 5-10s / 复活时间增加:5-7.5s ➔ 5-10s
- Match length limit increased: 5 minutes ➔ 6 minutes / 比赛时间限制增加:5分钟 ➔ 6分钟
- Points/分数
- Monsters no longer grant points / 野怪不再获得分数
- Score to win decreased: 75 ➔ 20 / 获胜得分减少:75 ➔ 20
- Bounty now increases by 1 point for every 2 kills, up to 5 points / 赏金数现在每2击杀增加1分,最多5分
- Balance/平衡
- All players have more health / 所有玩家有更多生命值
- Health regeneration greatly reduced / 生命值回复极大减少
- Meganaught grants double damage to ONE person, instead of a modest buff to the entire team. Lasts until timeout or transformation. / 巨兽不再给整个队伍适度的增益,而是赋予击杀者对目标造成双倍伤害。效果持续到超时或者变身。
Guns Blazing Tuning/弹道系统调整
- Mobility items and traits such as Sprint and Swiftstrike now affect walk speed / 机动性物品和特性如速攻挂坠和Sprint现在影响行走速度
- Bot accuracy reduced / 机器人减少准度
- Fixed issue with many heavy weapon's range changed to 10 / 修复很多重武器射程变为10的问题
- Added some bullet magnetism when aiming at NPCs, making them less of a chore to hit / 瞄准NPC时增加一些子弹吸引力,让他们少点打扰
- Aim indicator is now at waist-height, so you can aim at the "center body" of enemies instead of the circle under their feet / 瞄准指示器现在腰围高,因此你不再是瞄准他们脚下的圆圈而是瞄准敌人“中间身体”
- For iPad + gamepad controller users/对于iPad+手柄用户:
- You can now pre-aim your primary weapon / 你现在能预先瞄准你的主武器
- Lob weapons now have a different aiming method / 投放武器现在有不同的瞄准方式
- Camera is more zoomed out / 相机现在更大
- Haptics & Camera Shake/触觉和相机震动
- Default camera shake decreased. Existing players must change the setting manually, as this only affects new accounts. / 默认减少相机抖动。因为这只影响新账号,现有玩家必须手动更改设置
- Turning down camera shake also reduces health bar shaking / 关闭相机抖动也会减少血条抖动
- Combat haptics is OFF as default on most Android phones, and disabled entirely for some brands / 战斗触觉在多数安卓机上默认关闭,在一些品牌上完全屏蔽
- Primary Weapon Damage Buffs/主武器伤害增益
- Caretaker: 123 ➔ 150 / 看护人:123 ➔ 150
- Boarson: 204 ➔ 235 / 小野猪:204 ➔ 235
- Primal Eye: 575 ➔ 650 / 源神之眼:575 ➔ 650