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  • 原文发布于北京时间2022年7月16日
  • 装备等中文名采用当前游戏版本的译名,未来可能有调整

Picture this: Youre storming the central fortress in Eventide, dodge by the enemy Sunder, and start unloading your Heavy Weapon on a team of players. In one clip, you take all of them out. PENTAKILL. Impossible, you say? Meet the new gear in Patch 0.22.

Impact Conjugate (Heavy Weapon) fires hard-hitting rounds at close-range, and once infused, inflicts wounds on targets that cause them to take increased damage. Conversely, Windwraith Talon (Trinket) grants you bonus damage upon dodging near an enemy. You're looking at a massive damage boost. Both are available for free through campaign quests or for immediate purchase in the shop!

The number of available modes has also been cut down to fill your matches with more real players. Pistols now reduce your dodge cooldown, new shop offers, simplified quest options… A fresh batch of improvements inside and outside of the game. Share your thoughts on our Discord!

– SeanLagged

New Heavy Weapon: Impact Conjugate/新重武器

Impact Conjugate is a rare Pistol class Heavy Weapon that fires hard-hitting rounds at close-range with a small clip size. With the new Pistol change where damaging enemies reduces the cooldown of your dodge combined with its Protector banner, Impact Conjugate also brings high mobility and health. Once infused, its bullets can cause progressively devastating wounds to the target, temporarily increasing the damage they take. Attack targets with your team to utilize this mechanic to its fullest extent. Find it in the new campaign quests and special shop offers! /冲击共轭是一把用小弹夹在近距离发射强力子弹的稀有重手枪。由于伤害敌人减少你的闪避冷却以及卫士徽标的新手枪变化,冲击共轭也拥有高机动性和高生命值。一灌注,它的子弹能对目标逐渐造成激烈伤害,临时增加他们受到的伤害。与你的队伍攻击目标时最大限度地利用这个机制。

  • Damage/伤害: 650-910
  • Clip Size/弹夹: 4
  • Range/射程: 8
  • Reactivation Delay/重新激活延迟: 0.4s

New Trinket: Windwraith Talon/新饰品

A LEGENDARY ARRIVAL! Upon dodging near an enemy hero or primal, Windwraith Talon grants temporarily increased damage. On the Ranger banner path, the new Trinket unlocks a highly aggressive, assassin-like playstyle. Infusions grant a wide array of bonuses for your Ability, including gaining primal energy on activation. Find it in the new campaign quests and special shop offers! /传说来了!一旦在敌方英雄或源神附近翻滚闪避,风魂之爪临时获得伤害增加。这个游侠徽标的新饰品有如刺客般的高侵略性。灌注能为你的技能获得附加值,包括源神能量获得。

  • Health/生命值: 60-620
  • Duration/持续时间: 1.5s-2.0s
  • Radius/半径: 6m
  • Damage Bonus/额外伤害: 25%-35%

Fewer Modes, More Real Players/模式更少,真人更多

Catalyst Black's core combat system is accentuated by fighting real players: collective team brawls, enhanced reaction times, and 200 IQ Overseer backdoors. In the months since launch, we've heard feedback from you that your matches are often filled with bots. This can make for a game that feels singleplayer and ultimately dominated by the few humans around the map. /Catalyst Black的核心战斗系统强调对抗真人。公测以来,我们听到了你们比赛经常充满机器人的反馈。这感觉在玩单人游戏且易被少数人所支配。

As a trial to funnel the player base into the same matches, we've narrowed down the available modes to Hydra, Eventide, and Slayer; thus, removing Colosseum, Capture the Flag, Core Rush, and Flag Hunters. We know many players have an affinity for these modes, especially veterans who saw Catalyst Black built on these very names from the start. This is initially being run as a test to ideally reduce the number of bots — and ultimately improve your player experience. We'll be relying on your feedback to make final decisions around our available modes! /试验性的聚集同一局比赛的玩家基数,我们限制了可玩模式为九头蛇、暮光和屠戮者;同时移除斗兽场、夺旗、核心突击和旗帜猎人。这是完美减少机器人数量的初步测试--来提升你们的玩家体验。我们依靠你们对可玩模式的反馈来做最终决定。


We wanted all players to have an equal opportunity to unlock the fresh gear for free, so we're introducing new campaign quests to do just that! The first two are intentionally easy to complete, while the last quest is more challenging and will help unlock the initial infusion perk /我们想要所有玩家机会均等得免费解锁最新装备,因此我们引入了新的战役任务。任务由易到难,帮助解锁低灌注被动:

  • Use a Heavy Weapon 20 times/重武器用20次 ➔ 1x Impact Conjugate
  • Play 5 Hydra matches/玩5局九头蛇比赛 ➔ 1x Windwraith Talon
  • Get 50 double kills/得到50个双杀 ➔ 2x Impact Conjugate, 1x Windwraith Talon

In other quest news, we've adjusted a number of existing quests as well as updated some rewards /在其他的任务变动,我们调整了已有任务的数量包括更新奖励

  • Removed quests to play a specific mode or weapon type /移除特定模式或武器类型的任务
  • Removed quests to play with a friend /移除和好友玩的任务
  • Simplified daily quests to 3: login, earn ascension points, and engage in combat such as primal damage and human kills /简化日常到3个:登录、获得飞升券分数、参与像源神伤害和人类击杀这样的战斗
  • Daily quests reward 800 shards and 100 dust, except for login which is 300 shards and 20 marks; the same total amount of shards, but more dust! /日常奖励800碎片和100粉尘,不包括登录的300碎片和20马克币;碎片数量完全一致,但粉尘更多

Shop Offers/商店销售

If you're itching to unlock the new gear right away, don't worry. There's an Impact Windwraith pack in the shop that will spot you on both pieces of gear! The design team also put together a few of their favorite builds in new bundles, such as Denial by Fire and Team Hero — as well as discounts on Temporal Rush and Blink Strike. Get ´em while they're hot! / 如果你想马上解锁新装备,Impact Windwraith礼包在商店等着你。还有一些配套的新捆绑包。

Minor Improvements/小改进

  • Updated Ascension rewards. / 更新飞升券奖励
  • Karin's Cache is a rare Trinket but was costing like an epic. This has been fixed to make it match other rares. / 卡林的秘宝是一件稀有饰品但和史诗饰品一个价格,现在已经修复

Balance Changes/平衡变化



面具 Sunder.png

  • Mask infusion movement speed bonus decreased/面具灌注降低额外移速: 25%-35% ➔ 20%-30%



Pistols are receiving a unique identity in the form of increased dodge mobility! Pistols have struggled to find their niche amongst the other close range weapons, and we feel this change will give them a flavor that no other weapon has. They will become a very effective platform for chasing down fleeing enemies or for staying at the edges of a fight until the time is right. Codiffusion Constant is receiving a small damage reduction to compensate for the new mobility, but no change will be needed for Mutiny's Song due to its limited ammo.

All pistols now reduce dodge cooldown by 0.4s upon damaging an enemy. / 所有手枪现在一旦伤害一名敌人就减少0.4秒闪避冷却。

Codiffusion Constant/分叉常数

DualWield CodiffusionConstant.png

  • Damage decreased/伤害增加: 370-518 ➔ 352-493


Orthoptic Generator and Luma Arrival are both receiving the range buffs they were meant to receive in the last patch. Hopefully they stick around this time! Avalanche is really struggling lately, so it’s seeing some changes to its ammo system to make it worthy of the name “Avalanche.”

Orthoptic Generator/矫形器

Lobber OrthopticGenerator.png

  • Range increased/射程增加: 11 ➔ 13
  • Damage increased/伤害增加: 389-545 ➔ 448-628


Lobber Avalanche.png

  • Clip size increased/弹夹增加: 3 ➔ 6
  • Ammo gained per pickup increased/每次拾取的弹药增加: 1 ➔ 2

Luma Arrival/光明降临

Lobber Arrival Ancient.png

  • Range increased/射程增加: 11 ➔ 14

(3)Rocket Launchers/火箭筒


Rocket Trial.png

  • Reactivation delay decreased/重新激活延迟降低: 0.8s ➔ 0.5s


Writhe is getting a small redesign of its infusion perk to make it easier to build up to a reasonable level and maintain for a long period of time. It's also receiving a small damage boost to round it out. Writhe has been struggling to keep up with other weapons, and hopefully this change will finally make it worthy again. Aleph Null has been overall performing well aside from a few specific combos, so it's only receiving a slight reduction in its infusion power and a reduction in its raw DPS. This allows Writhe to shine in the damage role and keep Aleph Null's powerful ability enhancing bonuses as the focus.


DualWield Writhe.png

  • Damage increased/伤害增加: 94-132 ➔ 110-154
  • Infusion perk duration increased/灌注被动增加持续时间: 8s-16s ➔ 30s-60s
  • Infusion perk max stack count decreased/灌注被动降低叠加上限: 10 ➔ 5
  • Infusion perk movement speed bonus decreased/灌注被动降低额外移速: 9%-18% ➔ 10%-15%
  • Infusion perk damage bonus increased/灌注被动增加额外伤害: 4%-8% ➔ 8%-12%

Aleph Null/阿莱夫•零

DualWield AlephNull.png

  • Reactivation delay increased/重新激活延迟增加: 0.1s ➔ 0.2s
  • Infusion cooldown reduction on hit perk decreased/灌注被动降低击中减少的冷却时间: 0.15s-0.45s ➔ 0.1s-0.3s

(5)Sniper Rifles/狙击步枪

Some small, but necessary, tweaks for Primal Eye, as it’s almost in a good spot. These changes are directly targeting its primal energy generation and to serve as a small nerf to the run-and-gun playstyle this weapon has adopted.

Primal Eye/源神之眼

Sniper PrimalEye.png

  • Primal charge on hit decreased/击中所得源神能量降低: 7s ➔ 6s
  • Reactivation delay increased/重新激活延迟增加: 0.5s ➔ 0.6s


The combination of Volatile Mines and Horn of Supremacy has proven to be quite the strong combo because of the way the mines empower the horn. To keep the identity of Volatile Mines as a powerful setup option, the changes here should specifically make it less potent when combined with Horn of Supremacy. Frost Bomb is also outperforming by quite a bit, so the change here maintains roughly the same DPS potential, but makes it more punishing to players who miss.

Volatile Mines/易爆地雷

Ability VolatileMine.png

  • Max charges decreased/充能上限降低: 3 ➔ 2
  • Charge time increased/充能时间增加: 6.4s ➔ 10.0s

Leap Attack/跳跃攻击

Ability LeapAttack.png

  • Cooldown decreased/冷却时间降低: 10.4s ➔ 7s

Healing Totem/治疗图腾

Ability HealingTotem.png

  • Heal increased/治疗量增加: 225-315 ➔ 280-392

Frost Bomb/冰霜炸弹

Ability FrostBomb.png

  • Cooldown increased/冷却增加: 8.2s ➔ 11s
  • Damage increased/伤害增加: 450-630 ➔ 600-840


Horn of Supremacy/霸气号角

Trinket HornofSupremacy.png

  • Global armor decreased/全局护甲降低: 110-125 ➔ 65
  • Life steal decreased/生命偷取降低: 35%-50% ➔ 25%-40%

Ring of the Veil/面纱指环

Trinket RingoftheVeil.png

  • Primal cooldown reduction decreased/源神充能降低: 22s-30s ➔ 18s-25s

Empathy Band/共鸣带

Trinket EmpathyBand.png

  • Shield max increased/最大护盾量增加: 400-560 ➔ 500-700
  • Shield duration increased/护盾时长增加: 1.6s ➔ 5s