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  • 原文发布于北京时间2022年9月14日
  • 装备等中文名采用当前游戏版本的译名,未来可能有调整

It's time to welcome Enai, the Primal Huntress! An old Kyrian myth tells of Enai, an ever-watchful eye that would come to the defense of humanity when others of the primal realm overstepped their rightful place. Think twice about when and where you transform — Enai's bow and arrow leaves no foes behind.

For your gunplay, Paradigm enters as a Rocket Launcher under the Primary Weapon category, firing two powerful blasts back-to-back. Oh, and that's right. We also have saved loadouts! Find your favorite pieces of gear and easily switch between three loadouts instantly. Share the best picks on our Discord.

There's a lot to digest, so let's just get into it.

— SeanLagged

Enai the Primal Huntress/源神猎手埃奈

The primals are in danger... Introducing Enai, a graceful archer here to keep the other primals in check with swift damage from a distance! Her main attack is a skillshot bow and arrow that can pass through all enemies in its path. / 埃奈是一名优雅的弓箭手,她的主要攻击是发射能穿过路径上所有敌人的弓箭。

Enai's Relics provide two stark advantages centered around primal combat. With Veilwalker, Enai's Power is instantly reset upon dealing damage to another primal. Select your Power carefully, and use this to its fullest extent. Hunter's Plight takes a more defensive approach, restoring her to full health upon killing an enemy primal. Work with your team to secure the last hit. / 埃奈的遗物围绕着源神战斗提供助益,一个是对另一名源神造成伤害后立即重置能力的冷却时间,一个是击杀敌方源神后完全恢复生命值。

Taking a look at Enai's Powers unveils two significantly different playstyles. Mystic Step teleports Enai a distance, including through walls and other obstacles. The mobility allows her to stay on the outskirts of fights, keeping enemies like Issia and Sunder at a comfortable distance while laying fire. On the other hand, Spirit Blast goes all in on the offensive, dealing damage and marking enemies in a target area. Marked enemies take bonus damage from Enai's next arrow. / 埃奈的2种能力大有不同,一个是传送一段距离,一个是对区域内造成伤害并标记敌人且被标记的敌人会受到下一箭的额外伤害。

Buy the Enai quint bundle in the shop for 25% off, unlocking her Mask, Powers, and Relics up to six times! / 在商店以25%的折扣购买埃奈捆绑包,解锁她的面具、能力和遗物,最多6次。

  • Health/生命值: 8500-11900
  • Damage/伤害: 1450-2030
  • Movement Speed/移速: 6.5
  • Range/普攻范围: 18
  • Attack Cooldown/普攻冷却: 1s
  • Cooldown/充能时间: 200s

New Primary Weapon: Paradigm/新主武器:典范

Paradigm joins the Primary Weapon category as a rare Rocket Launcher that fires two shots back-to-back. On the Primal Hunter path, Paradigm is a powerful, long-range weapon capable of taking down multiple enemies quickly. By firing two shots at once, a direct hit has the potential to unleash massive damage. Infusions grant a wide array of bonuses for your Ability, including primal energy upon activation and increased movement speed. / 典范作为向后发射2发的稀有火箭筒进入主武器分类。

New quests have been added to unlock Paradigm for free! / 免费解锁典范的新任务已增加

  • Damage/伤害: 850-1190
  • Clip Size/弹夹: 3
  • Range/射程: 13
  • Detonate Radius/引爆半径: 2
  • Primal Energy on Hit/击中所得源神能量: 3.33s
  • Reload Time/装弹时间: 2s
  • Reactivation Delay/重新激活延迟: 0.7s

Save Your Loadouts & Go/保存装备预设


Gear Auto-Infusion/装备自动灌注


  • 因有bug而在0.23.1取消

Minor Improvements/小改进

  • Primal Eye's Primal Charge on Hit has been decreased from 6s to 4s. / 源神之眼的击中所得源神能量从6s降为4s
  • A new chain of quests that require you to log in each day have been added. / 增加一连串需要每天登录的新任务
  • Added upgrade paths for all Relics and Powers. / 所有遗物和能力增加升级路径
  • Characters now have their names proudly displayed in the loadout menu! As it turns out, the blue guy is not named SeanLagged. / 现在装备预设菜单显示角色们的名字