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页面贡献者 :
Weapon awp png.png
原产国 英国
费用 $4750
子弹口径 .338 Lapua Magnum
弹药 10/20
开火模式 螺栓开火
射速 41转/分
质量(满载) 6kg
子弹质量 16.2g
子弹初速 3000英尺/秒
初始能量 7000J
使用方 双阵营
换弹时间 3.7s
移动速度(每秒单位) 200
击杀奖励 $100(官方匹配)/$50(休闲模式)
伤害值 115
后坐力控制 1/26(3%)
精准射程 69m
护甲穿透 97.5%
穿透力 250
子弹散射 0.99
快速购买 B-4-5 (TR)B-4-6 (CT)B-4-5
准心恢复率 65
实体 weapon_awp





Accuracy International Arctic Warfare系列是英国Accuracy International生产的一系列狙击步枪。 AWP是该系列的一种变体,通常容纳7.62×51mm的子弹。反恐精英中描绘的马格南狙击步枪基于AWM马格南狙击步枪,可容纳.338马格南子弹。反恐精英:全球攻势 中的AWP基于原始的AWM改造而成。

在游戏中,AWP是双方都可以使用的高伤害的螺栓式狙击步枪,弹匣容量为10发。反恐精英方无法在暗杀地图中购买AWP。 但是,他们可以从倒下的恐怖分子那里得到他们。

这是一种具有毁灭性的远程武器,具有极高的准确性和超强的制动力。 然而,其高昂的价格及其难以上手,要求大量的训练,实践,精密和经验来掌握其用法。

如果不进行瞄准,则步枪非常不准确,并且没有十字准线来辅助瞄准。倍镜可以与右键配合使用,并在瞄准镜放大时再次按辅助射击。开启倍镜时,玩家的移动速度会降低。开火时,玩家会暂时脱离倍镜放大以操作螺栓,然后再自动开启原先倍镜倍数。如果玩家在第二倍镜放大时再次使用右键或切换武器,则玩家将离开瞄准镜。 当开启倍镜后并且不动时,AWP的精度非常高,只要瞄准镜的准心对准目标,它就可以击中任何物体。 剧烈移动会降低准确性,在跳跃时降低的准确性会更大。

它具有极高的伤害,并且它的枪声是其臭名昭著的来源。不论有无装备,只要击中腿脚外的任何地方,就可以做到一击毙命。VIP实验鼠是唯一能够在被AWP命中后幸存下来的玩家角色,因为他的装甲可以吸收200点伤害。对于实验鼠来说,由于危险区域内的生命值提高(至120 HP),他可以承受全部伤害。 但是,爆头仍然可以一枪杀死以上两个角色。它还具有很高的穿透力,并且高基础伤害使其成为打击墙后目标的坚实武器。


最后,AWP主要缺点是它的价格非常昂贵,是游戏中最贵的武器之一。在反恐精英系列较老的版本中,AWP使用的.338 Lapua Magnum是游戏中最昂贵的弹药,每弹夹价值125美元。此外,它在全球攻势中的击杀奖励降低,从而进一步阻碍了使用AWP的队伍的经济能力。有效地使用AWP需要大量的技巧和团队协作,因此其玩家不会成为经济负担,不会拖累整个团队,甚至不会被杀死并送给敌人一把免费的AWP。





打击部位 攻击伤害
无装备 有装备
头部 459 448
胸部&手臂 115 112
腹部&臀部 143 140
腿脚 85 85


  • 与其他步枪不同,与其瞄准敌人头部,不如将其瞄准敌人胸部胸部给了狙击手一个更大的目标,并且AWP射击打中胸部造成的伤害足以一枪杀死敌人,只要AWP没有击中敌人的腿或穿过玩家与敌人之间的障碍物即可。
    • 如果目标在中距离时在后掩体并且头部暴露在掩体外,请尝试去命中头以确保一枪击杀敌人,因为掩体可能会阻挡大部分射击伤害,从而使敌人在您拉栓时对您发起冲锋。
  • 在某些地图上,有经验的玩家可以穿墙射击,穿过1个墙面可以造成约53点伤害,穿过2个墙面造成25点伤害,或者爆头一次击杀。这种策略需要良好的准确性,预测能力和运气。
  • 由于其强大的伤害,AWP可以穿透大多数其他武器无法穿透的掩体
  • 先切换成手枪,再切换为AWP,尽管不会提高射速,但如果玩家想要对近距离目标进行射击,可让玩家提早准备好手枪,以便在一枪未击杀时切换为手枪进行攻击。
  • 使用AWP时避免朝目标的腿射击,因为对血量高于85的目标而言,伤害会致命。
  • 除了有更好的武器代替以外,SSG 08危险地带是一种可行的替代方案,因为这两种狙击步枪都可以在两次射击内击杀一名敌人。 SSG 08的射速稍快,机动性更好。
  • 反恐精英反恐精英:零点行动,开启瞄准镜后,只要玩家静止不动或蹲下,AWP在关闭瞄准镜后射击,子弹依然会打中正中心。
    • 有经验的玩家可以通过移动视角把敌人放入屏幕中心并保持精准度来快速射击,甚至可以使用可擦拭的、永久性的草图或标记笔在屏幕上标记十字准星的中心红点(1.6和零点行动)进行标记十字准心。从理论上讲,这可以使玩家使用AWP时而无需打开瞄准镜。
      • 反恐精英:起源反恐精英:全球攻势取消了这种射击方式. 使用这种方法发射AWP的精度与未使用瞄准镜的AWP的精度相同。 此外,除非将鼠标左键松开并再次按下,否则玩家无法在射击后继续射击。
  • 射击是必须的,但在射击时,射速越快,子弹越不准。
    • 使用AWP搜点时永远不要蹲着拉出去,因为敌人会先看到你,因为“蹲下”降低你的移动速度。使用AWP搜点一定要和敌人拉开距离,找到并杀死敌人。尽可能要快,因为敌人可以在你杀死他之前先杀死你
  • 与敌人对狙时,应尽可能一枪将敌人杀死。如果第一枪没把对面狙击手击杀,并且射击位置已经被敌人架住,如果敌人在原始位置不变,则你应该更改射击位置,或投掷燃烧弹尝试点燃对面的位置。
  • Take cover while operating the bolt between shots, so as not to allow the opponent time to attack. However, be careful, as enemies might be waiting for the opportunity to fire when popping out.
    • Even if the opponents have no idea where the shot is from at first, avoid camping at one point for too long. Instead, be mobile—relocate the firing position after killing one or two opponents to reduce the risk of allowing the enemy team to flank the sniping position. The killcam can surrender your general location, allowing victims to exact revenge when they respawn.
    • Avoid using scope for too long, maintain peripheral vision for possible enemy flanks.
  • In Assassination maps, since the Terrorists' semi-auto sniper rifle cannot be purchased, the AWP is the best replacement for sniping, since a bullet from the AWP can kill the VIP in 1~2 hits.
    • Also, Counter-Terrorists are unable to purchase the AWP as they can only buy the Krieg 550 Commando. Terrorist snipers with the AWP can usually take these users down because the SG550 is less accurate and is unable to score instant kills without a headshot. However, if the AWP user misses the first shot, the SG550 users are likely to return fire due to the distinctive sound signature.
      • If the VIP is standing still or unaware, take the time to aim for his head, as the AWP will kill in one headshot, even if the VIP has full health and armor.
  • Be mindful of the surroundings and camp in a spot where enemy flanking can be avoided.
    • Additionally, if available, have a teammate provide cover when high visibility situations cannot be avoided.
  • Exercise extreme caution when engaging enemies at close range. The weapon lacks a high rate of fire that prohibits users in fighting targets at near distances. Switch to a machine pistol and strafe or retreat. Alternatively, always go into close combat with at least one non-sniping teammate.
    • If the economy is favorable, a CZ75-Auto, Tec-9, or Five-SeveN is good backup pistol for AWP users, most notably when encountering an enemy or a group of enemies at close range. The pistols' higher rate of fire will help the user easily eliminate the enemy, or at the very least be a reliable defensive weapon.
    • Avoid firing the AWP without using the scope, as it is very inaccurate unless at point blank range. Although damage is not reduced, it is not recommended to 'quick-scope', as the bullet may not always kill a target with full health instantly. This can leave an AWP user vulnerable to counter-attack.
  • Prior to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, a commonly utilized tactic was to jump from a corner, crouch or stop moving, zoom in, and then fire the AWP at a target.
    • In an update for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, the scope of the AWP scope is blurred for about a second after scoping in, meaning the shot will be highly inaccurate if it is immediately fired.


Counter Strike Global Offensive updates

February 24, 2020
  • AWP crouching movement acceleration is now constant and will not spike after firing a shot.
March 31, 2015
  • Lowered scoped movement values for AWP and Autosnipers.
August 28, 2014
  • Scaled back scope effects for AWP and SSG08, now that it uses accurate accuracy/recoil values.
  • Fixed scope zoom pops in various places (on ladders, etc).
  • Removed scope effect view fov scaling that used to match incorrect accuracy values (was in 8/27/14 patch).
January 23, 2013
  • The AWP's kill reward was increased from $50 to $100.
August 10, 2012
  • Increased the duration of the AWP deploy animation to 1.25 seconds.


In the later removed Counter-Terrorist Training Center map, the player was required to purchase the Magnum Sniper Rifle for the rooftop simulation.

In the Tour of Duty, the Magnum Sniper Rifle kill challenge appears in:

Map Difficulty Challenge
Cs italy czwide.png
Hard Kill 4 enemies
Expert Kill 6 enemies
Aztec tod wide.png
Easy Kill 2 enemies
Normal Kill 3 enemies
Torn tod wide.png
Normal Kill 4 enemies
Hard / Expert Kill 5 enemies

The following bots use the Magnum Sniper Rifle as their main weapon:

The Magnum Sniper Rifle is used by Terrorists in every level in the game except for Counter Terrorist Training and Miami Heat. They will shoot at both the player and Counter-Terrorist NPCs, their aim indicated by a bright red laser, though they deal reduced damage. Counter-Terrorist NPCs may be gibbed if they are killed by an AWP-wielding enemy. The rifle is usable by the player in the following missions:

  • Counter Terrorist Training: Provided at the weapons counter at the shooting range to demonstrate its zooming ability. Can also be seen behind the weapons counter.
  • Thin Ice: After killing the terrorist sniper, this weapon drops from him.
  • Rise Hard: Near the top of the building, the player is walking on a ledge and finds an opening in the ledge wall to the center of the roof. At the same location is a series of lights protruding from the side of the building, which the player must jump across to obtain the weapon and a magazine's worth of ammo for it. No additional ammo for it appears in the mission, and it is lost when the player is captured.


Magnum Sniper Rifle Expert.png Magnum Sniper Rifle Expert
Kill 1,000 enemy players with the Magnum Sniper Rifle.
Sniper Hunter.png Snipe Hunter
Kill 100 zoomed-in enemy snipers.
Eye to Eye css.png Eye to Eye
Kill a zoomed-in enemy sniper with a sniper rifle of your own.
Hip Shot css.png Hip Shot
Kill an enemy with an un-zoomed sniper rifle.
Happy Camper css.png Happy Camper
Get two kills standing in the same spot with a zoomed sniper rifle.

Weapon Specialist
AWP Expert csgo.png AWP Expert
Kill 500 enemies with the AWP.
Combat Skills
Snipe Hunter csgo.png Snipe Hunter
Kill 100 zoomed-in enemy snipers.
Eye to Eye csgo.png Eye to Eye
Kill a zoomed-in enemy sniper with a sniper rifle of your own.
Hip Shot csgo.png Hip Shot
Kill an enemy with an un-zoomed sniper rifle.


  • The AWP has three firing animations in Counter-Strike, each having a slightly different bolt pull angle.
  • The AWP in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is supposed to have an all-black finish as shown in the Launch Trailer.[1] However, this was later changed in the development of Global Offensive.
    • In Global Offensive, the frame of the AWP can still be seen as black when a damaged skin is applied, indicating that the default green color of the weapon is also a weapon finish layer.
  • In Counter-Strike 1.6 and Condition Zero, the third-person model of the AWP is unusually short, almost being equal in length to the AK-47. This visual error has been fixed in Source.
  • In Counter-Strike Beta 1.1, The AWP's draw sound is the same as the Glock-18's Beta 1.1 draw sound, despite the weapon not actually being cocked or cycled.
  • In Counter-Strike, the AWP's third-person model has an olive green finish, rather than the first-person model's dark green.
  • The AWP in the Xbox version of Counter-Strike and the Deleted Scenes has a brown finish instead of green as in the rest of the series.
  • The Accuracy International AWSM in the German version of Left 4 Dead 2 is a near direct port of the Counter-Strike: Source version, using a 20 round magazine instead of 10 and having a higher rate of fire, almost on par with the Scout, though the firepower is reduced.
  • In GoldSrc games, there is no bolt pull animation in third person. However, an empty shell will still be dropped from the rifle in third person. The bolt pull animation is added in Source.
    • In Source, although the first-person view shows the bolt on the left side of the AWP, the third-person animation shows the character cycling a nonexistent bolt on the right of the rifle.
  • The AWP features an unusable bipod since Counter-Strike 1.6.
    • The bipod does not appear in third person in 1.6 and Source, but does appear in first person.
    • In Deleted Scenes, the AWP wielded in the hands of NPCs does not feature a bipod but it does appear on the world model.
  • The barrel of the AWP in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive has the words "ACUMEN MULTINATIONAL ENGLAND AKA OAKRIDGE TN" engraved on it, likely a corruption of info on the real weapon's manufacturer, Accuracy International.
  • The AWPer Hand is a promotional item for Team Fortress 2 (another Valve game) available as a Genuine quality item to players who pre-ordered Global Offensive. The weapon's model is the same from Global Offensive, and the description is a nod to the AWP's infamous status.
  • The front sights on the barrel in GoldSrc games are only featured on the German version of the AWM, the G22.
    • Although in Source the front sights are removed in first person, they are still present in third person.
  • In all games, the player never pulls the bolt back before loading a new magazine. 
  • In Counter-Strike, the Magnum Sniper Rifle's reload animation shows the bullet casing appearing to rise from the ground and fall into the eject port, the opposite of what should be happening.

