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Tip-icon.png在收藏(Collection)—— 乐谱曲图(Chart Art)中可以找到每一首歌和每一个曲包的曲绘。主线故事中获得的歌曲对应的曲绘需要消耗 Shell-gameItem.png Shell  × 50 / 流光贝壳 解锁,DLC(指秘闻 / Arcanum)获得的歌曲和需要用 Crystal-gameItem.png Crystal / 音谱水晶 购买的曲包对应的曲绘则不需要。


故事 01 - 朝曦序曲
Story 01 - The Overture of First Light

Story 01 - The Overture of First Light-chartArt.png

故事 02 - 白昼交响
Story 02 - The Symphony of Daylight

Story 02 - The Symphony of Daylight-chartArt.png

故事 03 - 午夜行进
Story 03 - The March of Midnight

Story 03 - The March of Midnight-chartArt.png

故事 04 - 双树生蕾
Story 04 - The Sprouting of New Life

Story 04 - The Sprouting of New Life-chartArt.png

故事 05 - 纯真韶光
Story 05 - The Purity of Light

Story 05 - The Purity of Light-chartArt.png

故事 06 - 晴光永绽
Story 06 - Light Shines Eternal

Story 06 - Light Shines Eternal-chartArt.png


无题 01 - 奔流叙事
Untitled 01 - The Narration of Surge

Untitled 01 - The Narration of Surge-chartArt.png

无题 02 - 岁月回旋
Untitled 02 - The Cycle of Ages

Untitled 02 - The Cycle of Ages-chartArt.png

无题 03 - 永恒静寂
Untitled 03 - The Silence of Eternity

Untitled 03 - The Silence of Eternity-chartArt.png

无题 04 - 幽夜无光
Untitled 04 - The Stillness of Darkest Void

Untitled 04 - The Stillness of Darkest Void-chartArt.png

无题 05 - 风色琴诗
Untitled 05 - The Color of the Wind

Untitled 05 - The Color of the Wind-chartArt.png

无题06 - 情笺漫舞
Untitled 06 - A Love Letter

Untitled 06 - A Love Letter-chartArt.png

On demand/随选

随选 01 - 流光变奏
On Demand 01 - Variation of Time

On Demand 01 - Variation of Time-chartArt.png


古典 01 - 巨匠秘藏
Classic 01 - The Treasures of Experts

Classic 01 - The Treasures of Experts-chartArt.png

古典 02 - 华章复沓
Classic 02 - The Repetition of Masterpieces

Classic 02 - The Repetition of Masterpieces-chartArt.png

古典 03 - 晖丽继现
Classic 03 - The Emersion of Grace

Classic 03 - The Emersion of Grace-chartArt.png

古典04 - 重返灿然
Classic 04 - The Return of Brilliance

Classic 04 - The Return of Brilliance-chartArt.png


特殊 01 - 异界征途
Special 01 - The Road to Another World

Special 01 - The Road to Another World-chartArt.png

特殊 02 - 星辰乐章
Special 02 - Star Bugaboo

Special 02 - Star Bugaboo-chartArt.png


复刻01 - 晨曦晓光
RMST 01 - The Glimmer of Daybreak

RMST 01 - The Glimmer of Daybreak-chartArt.png

复刻02 - 静浪流萤
RMST 02 - The Reflection of Calm Waves

RMST 02 - The Reflection of Calm Waves-chartArt.png

复刻03 - 长夏奔星
RMST 03 - The Rush of Eternal Summer

RMST 03 - The Rush of Eternal Summer-chartArt.png

复刻04 - 绚烂偕行
RMST 04 - The Splendor of Friendship

RMST 04 - The Splendor of Friendship-chartArt.png

复刻05 - 璀璨群星
RMST 05 - Blazing Stars

RMST 05 - Blazing Stars-chartArt.png

复刻06 - 瞬息气旋
RMST 06 - The Force of Ravishing Winds

RMST 06 - The Force of Ravishing Winds-chartArt.png

复刻07 - 古树旋律
RMST 07 - Ancient Tree Melody

RMST 07 - Ancient Tree Melody-chartArt.png

复刻 08 - 欢韵奇旅
RMST 08 - A Journey of Jovial Musicality

RMST 08 - A Journey of Jovial Musicality-chartArt.png

复刻 09 - 古韵重生
RMST 09 - The Reborn of Ancient Rhythms

RMST 09 - The Reborn of Ancient Rhythms-chartArt.png

复刻 10 - 树影思歌
RMST 10 - Musings Under a Tree

RMST 10 - Musings Under a Tree-chartArt.png


专辑 01 - 灿烂嬉游
Album 01 - The Frolic of Splendor

Album 01 - The Frolic of Splendor-chartArt.png

专辑 02 - 哀歌独语
Album 02 - The Whisper of Mourning

Album 02 - The Whisper of Mourning-chartArt.png

专辑 03 - 灵魂摇摆
Album 03 - The Swing of Soul

Album 03 - The Swing of Soul-chartArt.png

专辑 04 - 耀亮奇想
Album 04 - The Sparkle of Fantasy

Album 04 - The Sparkle of Fantasy-chartArt.png

专辑 05 - 童话神游
Album 05 - The Ramble of Fairytales

Album 05 - The Ramble of Fairytales-chartArt.png

专辑 06 - 轻步旋舞
Album 06 - The Dancing of Minuet

Album 06 - The Dancing of Minuet-chartArt.png

专辑 07 - 萦思映现
Album 07 - The Flashback of Memory

Album 07 - The Flashback of Memory-chartArt.png

专辑 08 - 晃悠节拍
Album 08 - The Sway of Rhythm

Album 08 - The Sway of Rhythm-chartArt.png

专辑 09 - 缀缀灿光
Album 09 - The Everlasting Light

Album 09 - The Everlasting Light-chartArt.png

专辑 10 - 将沉昏星
Album 10 - The Projection of Stars

Album 10 - The Projection of Stars-chartArt.png

专辑 11 - 微幻脉动
Album 11 - The Pulsation of Illusion

Album 11 - The Pulsation of Illusion-chartArt.png

专辑 12 - 晚风吟咏
Album 12 - The Chant of the Nighttime Breeze

Album 12 - The Chant of the Nighttime Breeze-chartArt.png

专辑 13 - 迷醉夜阑
Album 13 - The Intoxication of Darkness

Album 13 - The Intoxication of Darkness-chartArt.png

专辑 14 - 南风再起
Album 14 - The Return of Summer Winds

Album 14 - The Return of Summer Winds-chartArt.png

专辑 15 - 暖丽韶华
Album 15 - The Calm of Spring

Album 15 - The Calm of Spring-chartArt.png

专辑 16 - 星回新生
Album 16 - The Rebirth of Annum

Album 16 - The Rebirth of Annum-chartArt.png

专辑 17 - 魔幻夜潮
Album 17 - The Magic of Twilight

Album 17 - The Magic of Twilight-chartArt.png

专辑 18 - 悠远摇篮
Album 18 - The Cradle of Permanence

Album 18 - The Cradle of Permanence-chartArt.png

专辑 19 - 翠绿新苗
Album 19 - The Lushness of Emerald

Album 19 - The Lushness of Emerald-chartArt.png

专辑 20 - 春泥之种
Album 20 - The Saplings of Spring

Album 20 - The Saplings of Spring-chartArt.png

专辑 21 - 蓬勃新树
Album 21 - The Tenacity of Timber

Album 21 - The Tenacity of Timber-chartArt.png

专辑 22 - 枯树沉林
Album 22 - The Hush of Deep Forest

Album 22 - The Hush of Deep Forest-chartArt.png

专辑 23 - 芽苞初放
Album 23 - The Planting of Seeds

Album 23 - The Planting of Seeds-chartArt.png

专辑 24 - 萧瑟古木
Album 24 - The Rustling of Old Branches

Album 24 - The Rustling of Old Branches-chartArt.png

专辑 25 - 异域迷航
Album 25 - The Haze of the Unknown

Album 25 - The Haze of the Unknown-chartArt.png

专辑 26 - 勇者异想
Album 26 - The Hope of Heroes

Album 26 - The Hope of Heroes-chartArt.png

专辑 27 - 童心荡漾
Album 27 - The Magic of Childhood

Album 27 - The Magic of Childhood-chartArt.png

专辑 28 - 魔女绮想
Album 28 - The Phantasm of Sorcery

Album 28 - The Phantasm of Sorcery-chartArt.png

专辑 29 - 花样音律
Album 29 - The Patterns of Intonation

Album 29 - The Patterns of Intonation-chartArt.png

专辑 30 - 蔚海航行
Album 30 - Crossing the Great Blue

Album 30 - Crossing the Great Blue-chartArt.png

专辑 31 - 绿野寻踪
Album 31 - The Fields of Adventure

Album 31 - The Fields of Adventure-chartArt.png

专辑 32 - 寻星漫步
Album 32 - The Discovery of Distant Stars

Album 32 - The Discovery of Distant Stars-chartArt.png

专辑 33 - 夜色追捕
Album 33 - The Pursuit of Shadows

Album 33 - The Pursuit of Shadows-chartArt.png

专辑 34 - 世纪谜题
Album 34 - Centenarian Riddle

Album 34 - Centenarian Riddle-chartArt.png

专辑 35 - 动人戏法
Album 35 - Stunning Trickery

Album 35 - Stunning Trickery-chartArt.png


Custom Songpack/最爱曲包


Non-playable Music/不能被游玩的曲目
