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How to Play Guide for Escape from Tarkov











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This page covers the basics of combat and survival in Escape from Tarkov.


  • 逃离塔科夫现处于封测阶段,因此游戏功能及特征亦会有更动,故此现阶段的游戏不能代表最终版本。游戏制作人会定期推出大型更新,期间玩家的游戏进度亦会被消除,暂定每个大型更新会相隔四至六个月或更少。大型更新后,玩家的物件、武器、装备及技能等级亦会被清除。游戏正式上市后将有可能取消相关规定。
  • 游戏内多数系统尚未完成或是实装,仅限于有描述存在。所以玩家会如预期内的无法与部分游戏机制互动。


  • 逃离塔科夫是一款类似于武装突袭系列 的战术拟真游戏。我们有贴近现实的弹道系统, 巨细靡遗的体能系统, 以及其他游戏中不常见的武器模块化系统。逃离塔科夫 和武装突袭 有着类似的身体知觉和运动系统,以及侧身,角色在游戏内的姿态,角色的移动速度,和基于能够战术转移的慢节奏战斗。
  • 武器模块化系统 是逃离塔科夫这款游戏的基础,这个系统让玩家能够完全客制化任何一把枪。玩家能够将运用武器模块化系统把小到板机大到枪管全部改装。通过改装,玩家能够能够更好的选择使用哪一种配件的武器。
  • 经济系统也相当的特殊,其相当吃重于战局搜刮到的战利品。你必须活着撤离战局才能把该局的战利品带回仓库(除非物品在死亡前被放在PMC拥有的安全箱内)。
  • 在逃离塔科夫 里,状况认知是"逃离"的必要关键。


基础操作 进阶
W - 前进

S -后退

A - 往左

D - 往右

Spacebar - 跳跃

X - 趴下, 再按一遍可以回到之前的姿势

C - 蹲下

Left Shift - 奔跑

Left Alt - 屏息

Q - 向左倾斜

E - 向右倾斜

V - 拿出近战武器

2x V - 快速近战攻击

1 - 拿出副武器

2 - 拿出一号主武器

3 - 拿出二号主武器

4/5/6/7/8/9 - 使用快捷栏物品1/2/3/4/5/6

滑鼠滚轮往上 - 增加跑步速度

滑鼠滚轮往下 - 减少跑步速度

Caps Lock - 步行/将移动速度更改为最小,再按一次可返回到先前的速度

Left Mouse Button - 武器开火

Right Mouse Button - 武器瞄准

Middle Mouse Button - 自由视角, 检视, 检查弹夹 , 折叠武器

R - 更换弹夹

2x R - 快速更换弹夹(把换下来的弹夹丢在地上)

H - 使用下挂式榴弹发射器

B - 更换武器开火模式

Tab -开关介面

T - 使用战术配件

N - 开关夜视镜/面罩

G - 掷出投掷物

F - 互动键

Page Up - 增加归零距离

Page Down - 减少归零距离

L - 查看手上的武器

O - 查看剩余时间

2x O - 查看逃离地点

2x Y - 沟通选单 (Right Mouse Button 在“手势/语音”行上打开热键, Left Mouse Button 分配一个“手势/语音)

F1 - 碎念, 语音热键

F2/F3/F4/F5/F6/F7/F8/F9/F10/F11/F12 - “手势/语音”行上热键

Escape - 打开游戏界面/关闭上一个打开的物品窗口

Print Screen - 萤幕截图 (C:\Users\YOUR_NAME\Documents\Escape from Tarkov\Screenshots)

Press Delete 丢弃游标所指的物品

Press R + 旋转物品(按住物品时)

按住 R + 滑鼠滚轮往上/滑鼠滚轮往下 – 更换指定的弹夹

按住 C + 滑鼠滚轮往上/滑鼠滚轮往下 – 从站立到蹲伏的7种姿势之间切换

Left Shift + T – 检查枪机

Left Alt + Right Mouse Button – 在瞄准镜模式/倍率之间切换

Left Alt + A – 向左缓慢倾斜,再按一下倾斜可以重置

Left Alt + D – 向右缓慢倾斜,再按一下倾斜可以重置

Left Alt + Q – 向左跨一步

Left Alt + E – 向右跨一步

Left Alt + W – 伸手进行盲射

Left Alt + S – 向上进行盲射

Left Alt + L – 折叠/展开枪托

Left Alt + B – 检查开火模式

Left Alt + T – 检查弹夹剩余子弹&子弹种类

Left Ctrl + T – 在战术配件中进行切换

Left Ctrl + Right Mouse Button – 在倍镜/瞄具间进行切换

按住 Left Alt + Left Mouse Button 自动穿上装备

按住 Left Ctrl + Left Mouse Button 自动将物品移动至战术背心/口袋/包包,这将取决于你移动的物品种类




请注意! 耳机 能放大你的脚步声。它们对静步是非常有用的。就算是山姆费雪也会被听见。而耳机也能听见有复数脚步声下每个不同脚步的位置。

  • 移动速度 可以被拆解成下列三大部分:跑步、走路和静步。
    • 不需要使用除了W、A、S、D之外任何按键,它是玩家默认的移动速度。它只会被玩家穿着的不同护甲影响速度。
    • 跑步 可以通过组合键Left Shift 达成,这会消耗玩家的耐力值。了解你的耐力值在耗尽前能跑多远在交战时是可以影响成败的。 It's important to keep in mind that steadying your aim also depletes your stamina bar, so it's better to always leave yourself some wiggle room either to engage a target, or run to a different bit of cover. Sprinting also generates the highest amount of noise compared to the other methods of moving.
    • Slow Walking can be performed by pressing the Caps Lock or by manually lowering your walk speed to it's lowest, by simply scrolling Mousewheel Down To return to a higher movement speed if you've used the mousewheel, you must use Mousewheel Up to maximize the movement bar in the bottom left portion of the UI. Slow Walking is the bread and butter of survival in Tarkov. It generates the least amount of noise, prevents you from making noise whilst moving through foliage, and negates the effects of walking on different materials such as glass or metal. The power of moving with this method cannot be overstated, and should never be underestimated. Beyond the standard movement types, there are two additional movement techniques. Sidestepping, and Sliding.
    • Sidestepping can be done by pressing Left Alt + Q / E Sidestepping does exactly what it sounds like. There are two types of sidestepping, pressing the keys and releasing them immediately will move you one step left or right, and then immediately back to your previous position. Holding the keys will result in your keeping position until released.
    • Sliding a problematic mechanic at best, and at worst it can get you in a precarious situation. Sliding can be initiated by holding Left Shift and pressing C after you pick up enough speed. This mechanic can also be initiated by releasing Left Shift However, this method seems to be an unintended behavior of the Slide mechanic and a bug. Sliding, intentionally or otherwise, locks you into a forward movement and generates a unique noise compared to other methods.


Just as important as Movement in Escape From Tarkov, how you stand can make a world of difference to your overall ability to survive. Knowing when to duck is just as vital as knowing when to move. The ability to vary your stance, combined with the movement options that the game provides, permits a huge amount of flexibility in terms of tactical agility and how you can engage an opponent.

  • You have three standard stances to choose from: Standing, Crouching, and Prone, each with a different application, and maximum movement speed.
    • Standing allows you to move the fastest, but also makes you more visible at range and causes you to generate the most noise.
    • Crouching balances a low profile and reasonable movement speed and is excellent for taking advantage of most cover, whilst generating the lowest amount of sound.
    • Prone makes you almost immobile, but gives you excellent accuracy and greatly reduced silhouette. Paradoxically, whilst being prone, you cannot lower the amount of noise you make by moving slowly. So in most situations, being crouched is far superior to laying prone.

However, whilst the three standard stances are available, you are able to shift between a slew of different postures. By pressing the following keys: C + Mousewheel Up/Mousewheel Down(Default) Doing such enables you to peek over cover that would otherwise be impossible to see or fire over.

  • Beyond the stances you have access to, there is also leaning to take into account. Leaning and peeking should become second nature, around every corner, every edge, every bit of cover. Exposing only a portion of yourself is far less dangerous than moving wholly out of cover. The advantages of doing so should not need to be stated.
    • The primary method of leaning is done with the Q and E keys. Doing so requires holding down either key, and puts you out at a maximum lean.
    • The secondary method is to hold Left Alt + A / D This secondary method is a variable lean, and doesn't need to be held down when you release the keys. To reset your stance, press either Q or E

Weaponry and Equipment

Weaponry in Escape From Tarkov is your bread and butter and could have a guide written about it three times the length of this one. Be it a simple sidearm or a lead-throwing M4 with extended magazines. The choice of what you go into a raid with is entirely yours, excluding when one goes in as a Scavenger. Firearm performance will vary wildly depending on what modifications you use, and how you use them. Where-as in most games, the overall statistics of a weapon matter far less than in other games. Learning an individual weapon's handling and kinks, be it modified heavily or a stock variant, is vital to your overall success against other players and AI opposition. The depth of the weapon systems cannot be overstated, or overlooked.

  • There are a slew of vital considerations when picking a weapon's modifications such as your estimated range you expect your engagement to take place in, what your intended target is going to be and if that target is armored or not, as well as how your playstyle factors into such considerations.
    • Picking your weapon's optics is very much a personal preference, but time to ADS (Aim Down Sights), and the distance you expect to have to engage from are important. Contrary to most other games, point shooting (Firing without aiming down your weapon's sights) is just as, if not more effective, than ADS in most situations. Learning how to effectively point shoot is critical to surviving engagements.
    • What ammunition you use isn't as cut and dry as the "best" statistic that a given ammo type has. Availability, if that ammunition is sold out in the traders or not, or if you've unlocked it all are further considerations. If you figure you're not going to be going up against fully geared squads of five, then you may settle on something that doesn't have as high of an armor piercing value, and instead does more overall damage to flesh. The type and quantity of magazines that you take into a raid is of similar concern, as reloading ammo into empty magazines is a dangerous proposition, and a virtually impossible feat to pull off whilst engaged in a firefight. It is also of note, you are not limited to using only a single ammunition type per each magazine.
    • What weapon type you decide upon, much like optics, and ammo, is further personal preference. However, It is highly recommended that you never go into a raid unarmed, as doing so will render you mostly harmless, making you an object for criticism and scorn.
    • When picking up a weapon in the field, it's always wise to do a quick magazine check, using Left Alt + T to ensure that the weapon has ammo. After doing so, checking the weapon's chamber, using Left Shift + T will ensure that you've got a round in the chamber.

Equipment in Escape From Tarkov covers a breadth of items, from body armor to backpacks. Knowing what to bring along with you on a raid is critical to ensuring your success financially, and overall survival. Things like Comtacs, backpacks, vests, and body armor, are everywhere.

What grade of armor you're wearing matters significantly, as Class II protection will do you no good against a rifle round. Just as Class VI protection will stop everything but large caliber armor piercing ammo. One important consideration is head protection. The head hitbox in Escape from Tarkov is divided into 5 segments: Top, Nape, Ears, Eyes and Jaws. Different helmets will cover different segments.

To choose your equipment, you are faced with three factors : Availability, Price, and Quality. An expensive loadout like the following: SSO "Attack 2" raid backpack + 6B43 Zabralo-Sh 6A Armor + ANA Tactical M2 armored rig can hold a lot of magazines, meds, loot and will protect you from a great variety of threats, but is going to be hard to come by if you don't have much money and high trader loyalty levels. On the other hand, a cheap loadout like the Scav Vest + MBSS Backpack is not going to protect you and won't let you take a lot of loot on the way back, but is way cheaper and available at an early stage of the game. Also, bringing high end weaponry alongside low end gear is a risk, of course. You could lose the fight easily and thus lose your gun. You can find this type of gear on Scavs, so don't hesitate looting the ones you kill for easy and free loadouts: Scavs sometimes are found with a Scav Backpack or possibly even, the Pilgrim Backpack, which is even bigger, alongside many other pieces of equipment. You can check the following pages to learn more about the different options Tarkov has to offer:


Insurance allows you to retrieve any items that have not been extracted from the raid, after a delay.

Except for raids on The Lab, make sure to always insure the gear you go out with using the Insurance Screen, just before entering the lobby. You can click on the "Insure All" button to make sure that you select all of your belongings. To confirm, press the "Insure" button just above "Ready". You can choose to insure with Prapor or Therapist:

  • Prapor is cheaper, but returns your insured items after 24-36 hours.
  • Therapist is roughly 1.5x more expensive, returns your items after 12-24 hours. You also have 7 days to collect the insured items instead of the 2 that Prapor offers.

Use the insurance system, even at a low level: There's always the chance that your killer won't loot you, or leave it behind as they find better gear. And if a scav kills you, there's a high chance you'll get everything back.

Your insurer will contact you a few hours/days later to let you know what came back. You can then claim it from the messenger tab. If you do not claim it in 72 hours, the insured items will be lost.

Health, Healing, and Hitpoints

Main article: Health system

You start the raid with 435 Health Points, set across 7 body parts: Head, Thorax, Stomach, and both Legs and Arms. If you are hurt, the body part that is damaged will lose HP.

  • There are three colors indicating the state of each body part: Grey, Red and Black. Grey means your limb is fine, or maybe a bit damaged. Red means that limb is hurt, and you need to treat it. Black means your limb is gone, shredded, kaput. On top of those three states are the different kind of wounds you'll encounter.
    • A blacked out limb will seriously hinder your progress for the rest of the raid. In order to avoid the loss of your limbs, there are meds present in the game, each with a different use. To avoid getting a blacked out limb, you'll have to heal them. However, you won't always be able to avoid getting a body part blacked, so be careful.
      • If your legs are blacked out, you'll have trouble walking, running and aiming when moving.
      • If your arms are gone, you'll have trouble aiming and looting. Your weapon will sway a lot more, which will hinder your accuracy.
      • If your stomach is black, you're going to dehydrate a lot faster, and cough, which can draw nearby enemies to your position.
      • Bandages will stop a bloodloss, but will not heal a body part.

For that, you need a Medkit. Those will give back health to your limbs, and at the same time may stop a bloodloss, or a fracture. Careful! The AI-2 medikit you get at the beginning doesn't stop bloodloss, so you might want to consider bringing along bandages. However, if your limb is black, you can't add health points to it anymore. This is where Painkillers, Morphine and other meds come in place. These will allow you to keep running even if your legs are blacked, stop coughing if your stomach is dead... They are super useful, but a bit expensive at the beginning. You can find a lot of them in Med Bags along the map. Consider picking them up, you'll need them.

Destroyed body parts (except head and thorax) can be restored thanks to the CMS kit or the Surv12 field surgical kit, surgical kits restore a destroyed part to 1 HP, so their use needs to be combined with medkits to be effective. Destroyed parts that are restored with a surgical kit only have 55% to 70% (CMS) or 80 to 90% (Surv12) of their max HP for the duration of the raid unless surgery is performed again on that body part, lowering it further.

When outside of a raid you will passively gain health, hydration, and energy. You can use Medical items to heal and Provisions to consume as if you were in a raid. To start you gain 8 HP/Min, 1 Energy/Min, and 1 Hydration/Min. Your passive gaining of stats can be increased through upgrading Hideout modules such as the Medstation to increase health regeneration, Heating to increase energy regeneration, and Water Collector to increase Hydration recovery.

After dying in a raid or going MIA you will be brought back to the main menu. Your health will be set to 30% and will passivly be regained over time. If you die to suicide, team members, disconnecting, or without a firearm equipped your health will instead be set to 1%.


Each map has multiple extraction points where you can leave the raid after a certain amount of time. To see the available extractions, double tap O. The extractions will be different for each raid depending on your spawn point and if you play as PMC (USEC/BEAR) or Scav.

Some exits are open all the time while other ones are only occasionally open (indicated by question marks). You can check if certain exits are open from afar by looking for active lamps/spotlights or green smoke. Some extractions may also require a certain amount of Roubles per person.

On maps like The Lab and Reserve special actions are needed in order to use most extraction points.

Sometimes the name of an extract is shown in green or red. Red means that one or multiple players already left the map through that extract. Green means you are close to an extract, but not close enough to extract yourself. When you are inside an extraction zone, a timer will appear in the top right corner and you will leave the map as soon as it hits zero. Extraction times can be between few seconds and a couple of minutes.


Main article: Quests

There are many quests in Escape from Tarkov. Some require you to pick stuff up for certain traders, while others require you to kill other operators or mark vehicles or specific places. Quests are the fastest way of gaining XP in Escape from Tarkov. Completing one will often reward you with thousands, if not tens of thousands of XP points. On top of the experience, quests reward you with:

  • Trader Reputation. By gaining trader reputation you unlock new trader loyalty levels. Each time you unlock a new loyalty level you will be able to purchase a large amount of new items from that trader.
  • Quest locked items. Some items can only be purchased from a trader after you complete their relevant quest. For example, after completing The Punisher - Part 4 you are then able to purchase 5.45x39 mm BT at Loyalty Level 3 from Prapor.
  • A variety of money and items. Some items are only able to be received as a quest reward, such as the Secure container Epsilon from The Punisher - Part 6.

Stash size, Organization and Containers

In Escape from Tarkov, the beginning size of your Stash is, for now, entirely dependent on what edition of the game you buy. The basic edition of the game yields a 10x26 cell Stash, while the Edge of Darkness edition allows you to store items in a 10x66 cell Stash. Here are the different stash sizes available for now:

  • 10x26 on Standard Edition
  • 10x36 on Left Behind Edition
  • 10x46 on Prepare for Escape Edition
  • 10x66 on Edge of Darkness Edition

With the 0.12 update and the addition of the Hideout, it was made possible to increase the player's stash size through upgrades within the hideout.

It is recommended that you keep all items of a similar category - weapons, helmets, bags, healing objects - close to each other in order to minimize the time spent in the menu and maximize the action.

  • Alt+Left Click automatically equips the item on your PMC if the slot occupied by said item is free.
  • Ctrl+Left Click automatically transfers the item between your PMC and your stash.
  • Middle Mouse Button is the default shortcut to quickly examine unknown items, examine magazines, or fold weapon stocks.

At some point in a patch, you will feel limited by the size of your stash, even in more expensive editions of the game. This is where Containers come in. These items allow you to store more than the stash space they occupy. For example, the Items case is a 16 cells item (4x4), but can offer 64 storage cells (8x8). These containers are rather high level items, and apart from the Items case, there exists category specific containers as well. The Ammo case only allows you to store Ammunition, while the Meds case will only hold Meds and Healing Kits. More containers are making their appearance in the game, all with different uses, such as the Lucky Scav Junkbox and the T H I C C Weapon case.

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