顾客图标 | 顾客名称 | 介绍 |
小杯子 Small Cup |
小杯子小杯就能喝饱了,我不会点更多。 Small CupA small drink can fill them up so they won't order more. | |
马克杯 Mug |
马克杯我胃口还不错,我会选择中杯。 MugThey have a good appetite so They'll take a medium-sized drink. | |
大纸杯 Large Paper Cup |
大纸杯只会点大杯饮品。 The Large Paper Cup will only order large-sized drinks. | |
英式茶杯 British Teacup |
这个漂亮的英式茶杯不是很有耐心。她真的很急! This British Teacup is not very patient.She's in a real hurry! | |
双耳茶杯 Two-handled Cup |
双耳茶杯非常热爱小料,恨不得把每一杯饮料都装满。 The Two-handled Cup has a strong affinity for condiments, almost wanting to fill every cup of drink. | |
小混混 Thug |
小混混会来光顾。他拿走饮品后会逃单,趁他还没有跑掉,赶紧亲自找他算账! 注意小混混坐在座位上的时候不会立刻付钱,你需要时刻关注他的动向,在他离开时抓住他。 | |
小偷 Thief |
小偷会趁你不注意偷走你的财产。趁他还没有跑掉,赶紧制止! A Thief may steal from you when you're not paying attention.Act quickly to stop them before they get away! | |
探店客 Shopper |
探店客是具有号召力的顾客,当你喊出欢迎光临时,他的情绪会扩散到周围的顾客身上! 有个杯子来点饮料,他很没有礼貌,希望你能为他插队! | |
批评家 Critic |
批评家拥有传说中的神之舌,能尝出不新鲜的原料。稍有不满就会给你差评。 The Critic has a keen sense of taste and can tell when ingredients are not fresh.The slightest dissatisfaction from this customer results in a Bad Review. | |
日式茶杯 Japanese Teacup |
日式茶杯会给你提供更高的声望。但是他不愿意浪费一点时间,只有在可以直接点单不用排队的时候才会来光顾。 日式茶杯会优先在座位上点单,他会给你提供更高的声望。但是如果座位人满了又排着队,他可能会直接离开。 | |
学咖族 Student |
学咖族会在座位上点单,并且占座时间特别长。喝完一杯后,他会要求你收走垃圾,并且再点一杯。 The Student customer will place an order at the table and occupy the seat for a long time. After finishing a cup, they will ask you to take away the trash and order another Drink. | |
大瓶子 Big Bottle |
大瓶子有选择困难,他会思考很久,并挡住其他顾客点单。可以尝试在点单台附近推挤,使后面排队的顾客也能看见菜单。 Big Bottle customers are very patient but they move slowly and take a long time to decide on their order. | |
玻璃瓶 Glass Bottle |
玻璃瓶能给你提供非常高的声望,但他不喜欢排队,很容易走掉。也许你能找到一些办法留住他。 The Glass Bottle loves sweet drinks! Be sure to include drinks that can be sweetened on the menu. |