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模板:Infobox location


文件:布里斯班野地的骚乱 map.jpg

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  • 查看邮件"异事频生"。


  • 前往缠根谷地与盟友碰头。
  • 到詹特森下士旁边去,与盟友汇合。
  • 可选:跟上盟友的脚步。
  • 阻止审讯团,保护北部通道。
  • 阻止审讯团,保护东部通道。
  • 保护在北部通道修建路障的炽天使。
  • 保护在东部通道修建路障的炽天使。
  • (击败精锐魔像,赶走审讯团。)
  • 精锐马克I型试验魔像
    模板:Event bar 模板:Event boss
  • 与詹特森下士交谈,探索新地区。
  • 可选:与盟友交谈。



This is a fairly straightforward mission, although enemies are more powerful than you may be used to from the personal story. 考虑 bringing skills that give 稳固 if you intend to use melee in the later portion, since both the Veteran 魔像 and its 马克I型小魔像 adds repeatedly use knockback. Using reflects on 审讯团掷弹兵s that have bunched up together is very effective as well.

At the start of the instance, walk to 詹特森下士 to start the dialogue with your allies. At some point, 审讯团 will first start to attack the northern pass and a bit later the southern pass which you have to defend for a while. After defending for a while, 炽天使 workers will appear building up barricades at the northern and then the southern pass. You will have to defend them while they do that. As soon as the barricades are up, a Veteran 马克I型试验魔像 is launched into the base. The golem will repeatedly spawn small golemites that follow you around. 忽略 the golemites and just kill the experimental golem to end the fight. Afterwards, talk to Jantzen again to complete the instance.


模板:Achievement box

None of the below achievements can be obtained on the first play through of the story on a given character, and may only be obtained on subsequent visits on that character.

模板:Achievement box

  • This achievement requires you to not let any of the 炽天使 repair workers perish. After you've finished defending the eastern pass from the first wave of 审讯团, run up to the northern pass (you should be able to get up the slope, but you'll be able to get around the long way in time) and save those workers! The workers don't go down too quickly, and even then it's simple enough to keep the 审讯团 off them. Area of effect skills are good for getting aggro, and crowd control skills such as knockbacks are useful if things get a little hairy.
  • Achievement qualification may be tracked via the 模板:Effect effect.

模板:Achievement box

  • This achievement requires you to not get hit by any of the projectiles that come from the 马克I型试验魔像's 静电释放 skill. This is easy enough to do by equipping the longest ranged weapon that your profession allows and using the terrain to your advantage. It is possible to get to the top of a nearby tower to avoid all projectiles altogether, since they are ground-bound projectiles that will not fly upward. However, the snag comes in trying to obtain this achievement and the one below simultaneously.
  • Achievement qualification may be tracked via the 模板:Effect effect.

模板:Achievement box

  • This achievement requires you to use the golemites against their master. When the golem uses its spin attack, make sure that the golemites are close to the golem so they are hit by the attack. The golemites will then receive an electric charge. At that time, you want to lure the golemites even closer to the golem so the electric charge hurts the golem. With each charge that hits the golem, the stack is increased by one. After reaching a certain number of stacks, the electric charge will stun the golem, rewarding the achievement.
  • Achievement qualification may be tracked via the 模板:Effect effect.





环境 creatures
阿苏拉 (审讯团)







I'm well aware of just how busy you are. However, you've heard the theories that 绯红 disturbed one of the dragons. I fear these theories have merit.

My eyes and ears in Brisban 野性lands are reporting mysterious incursions into previously quiet areas. 亲自下去看看吧。 I hope your curiosity will spur you to action.


At 缠根谷地

靠近ing 卡丝蜜尔 and Marjory:

卡丝蜜尔·米德: 今晚我来帮你执勤吧,你可以多睡一会儿。
玛乔丽·德拉奎: 听着,我的小母鸡。别瞎操心了。我很好,肋骨已经不疼了。
卡丝蜜尔·米德: 准备好了?去和大家汇合吧。

交谈ing to your allies:

卡丝蜜尔·米德: 你好, <character name>. We've been waiting for you. There's a group of 炽天使 in this old fort, and it looks like they're having some trouble. The others are on their way too.
Talk end option tango.png 我们去看看发生什么事了吧。
玛乔丽·德拉奎: 你感觉到了吗?空气中有种沉寂的气息。好像除了最勇敢的飞鸟以外,其他的全都逃离这里了一样。我不喜欢这种氛围。
Talk end option tango.png 我们去看看情况。

靠近ing 罗克丝, 泰蜜 and 伯拉罕:

罗克丝: 炽天使大老远跑到这里来做什么?
伯拉罕·伊尔之子:模板:Sic 我们去问问吧?哦,看。其他人在那边。
罗克丝: 我们在这等他们,然后再进去。伯拉罕,你的腿怎么样?
伯拉罕·伊尔之子: 一点毛病都没有。我很顺利地通过了那些藤蔓。
泰蜜: 你担心得太过头了。他很坚强的。
罗克丝: 我从没说过他不坚强。
泰蜜: 你就是这么想的。
罗克丝: 干嘛?
泰蜜: 没什么.
伯拉罕·伊尔之子: I want to talk about that 炽天使 and find out what's going on around here.

交谈ing to your allies:

伯拉罕·伊尔之子: 我们在等什么?去和那个炽天使聊聊。乔丽和卡丝会追上来的。
Talk end option tango.png 跟我来。
泰蜜: 我想要一个那些会动的藤蔓的样本。我也许还能造出杂合体来呢。
Talk end option tango.png 悠着点,人才。这些东西很危险的。
罗克丝: There's some crazy stuff going on out here. Makes me really feel the distance between us and the Citadel.
Talk end option tango.png 这是一次重要的冒险。

说ing with 詹特森下士:

詹特森下士: 欢迎来到文明的边缘。
Talk end option tango.png 谢谢。我们有些问题想问你。
卡丝蜜尔·米德: 打扰一下,下士。你们看起来好像很烦恼。
詹特森下士: 你可能说对了。我们得穿过那些藤蔓,但是根本过不去。
玛乔丽·德拉奎: 我们来帮你们一把怎么样?
詹特森下士: 那真是太好了。我们只是一支远征小分队。
玛乔丽·德拉奎: What are you doing so far from the Reach?
詹特森下士: 我们在追踪几个往这边来的黑市商人。我们怀疑他们有秘密通道可以绕过这团麻烦。
玛乔丽·德拉奎: 好吧,我们看是否能帮你们清出一条路来。
詹特森下士: 我们十分感激你们的帮助,女士。德拉奎!快过来。
炽天使贝林达·德拉奎: 是,长官!啊呀,真没想到。你好啊,妹妹。
玛乔丽·德拉奎: 我就在想这可能是你的小队呢。
詹特森下士: 你们是亲戚?
炽天使贝林达·德拉奎: 是的,长官。玛乔酱,你在这做什么?
玛乔丽·德拉奎: 有传言说这片区域发生了奇怪的事情。我们就是来调查的。
炽天使贝林达·德拉奎: 好像打倒绯红的兴奋感还不够回味一辈子似的。
炽天使贝林达·德拉奎: 说回正事吧。我们收到了一些有关这里状况的情报。
伯拉罕·伊尔之子: 审讯团! 泰蜜, get in your golem!
卡丝蜜尔·米德: 跟紧了,乔丽。
玛乔丽·德拉奎: 卡丝,那可是我的台词。
卡丝蜜尔·米德: 审讯团在这儿做什么?
伯拉罕·伊尔之子: 他们就像老鼠。哪里有死亡,哪里就有他们。
玛乔丽·德拉奎: 你们几个走左边。卡丝和我走右边!
詹特森下士: 我们要把他们挡在这!我们的哨所抵挡不住全面攻击。

When the eastern pass needs to be defended:

詹特森下士: 他们开始从东边的通道涌进来了。我们要分头施以打击。
詹特森下士: 德拉奎,东边的通道就交给你了。
玛乔丽·德拉奎: 这就来!
詹特森下士: 另一个德拉奎!
炽天使贝林达·德拉奎: 是,长官!

When the 炽天使s start building barricades:

詹特森下士: 他们人越来越多了。我们快去搭建路障!

When Experimental 马克I型 appears:

詹特森下士: They're dropping golems behind us.

After the golem was defeated:

炽天使贝林达·德拉奎: 真是令人兴奋。好久没见过你在行动中的样子了。你进步了。
玛乔丽·德拉奎: 我一直在训练。(急促地呼吸)
炽天使贝林达·德拉奎: 看起来我们快从藤蔓中清理出一条道路了。你们要和我们一起来吗?
玛乔丽·德拉奎: 是啊。 We want to see what's on the on the other side. You don't mind, do you?
炽天使贝林达·德拉奎: If you come with us? Great gods, no. I don't get to spend enough time with you.
玛乔丽·德拉奎: 等你和我们混上几天以后,看你还会不会这么想。
詹特森下士: 德拉qua. I have a mission for you. I need you to run back to 萨尔玛堡垒 and give them an update.
詹特森下士: 监督驻扎在这儿的士兵,别让藤蔓重新占据道路。我可不想让我们的退路被截断,以防万一。
炽天使贝林达·德拉奎: 遵命,下士。我这就拿上装备出发。
詹特森下士: 我就知道你靠得住。加快速度,炽天使。
炽天使贝林达·德拉奎: 遵命,下士。
玛乔丽·德拉奎: 没事。等下次吧。
炽天使贝林达·德拉奎: I'm sorry I can't go with you. Promise you'll stop by 萨尔玛堡垒 on your way home and let know how things went.
玛乔丽·德拉奎: 我会的。告诉妈妈你和我碰面了,好吗?这样好减轻她的担忧。
炽天使贝林达·德拉奎: 好的。我得走了。照顾好自己,好吗?我爱你,妹妹。
玛乔丽·德拉奎: 当然。你也保重。
卡丝蜜尔·米德: 贝林达,很高兴能再次见到你。
炽天使贝林达·德拉奎: 哦,我也是。再见。

交谈ing to your allies:

炽天使贝林达·德拉奎: 我知道我必须履行职责,但是如果有得选,我宁愿在这里和你还有其他人一起。
Talk more option tango.png 你是个好士兵。
I just wish I could see what's on the other side of that wall. I've never been this far west. 我的家族是n't known for adventuring beyond 夏摩尔.
Talk more option tango.png We'll tell you about it over drinks and fine food.
Talk more option tango.png 我真想什么时候见见你家里的其他人。
(If human noble)
也许。 我的家族是n't the friendliest towards nobles. It's nothing personal, I assure you. But.. my mother... she's still holding onto a very old grudge.
Talk more option tango.png 很遗憾啊。我们也不是都这样的,你知道吧?
Talk more option tango.png 好吧,也许我能成为例外。
(个人史诗 completed)
She might. Marjie has told us all about how you killed 泽坦 and all the other great things you've done, 指挥官。
Talk more option tango.png No need to be so formal. Besides, I haven't been actively commanding the Pact for some time.
I imagine you've been busy since the Pact brought down 泽坦。 I'm sure they'll call on you when they're ready to move on another dragon. I can't imagine them doing it without you.
Talk end option tango.png 我就等着那一天的到来。
(个人史诗 incomplete)
You don't need to convince me. Marjie has told me how you were made a commander in the Pact. It's quite impressive, 指挥官。
Talk more option tango.png No need to be so formal. Besides, I haven't been actively commanding the Pact for some time.
Talk end option tango.png 谢谢你。
(个人史诗 not at Pact stage)
Talk more option tango.png 你过奖了。(脸红)
Talk end option tango.png 也是我的荣幸。回见。
(some other stages)
Talk more option tango.png 如果没有我的朋友们,我可一件都做不了。
Talk end option tango.png 也是我的荣幸。回见。
Talk more option tango.png 应该的,不足挂齿。
Talk end option tango.png 也是我的荣幸。回见。
Talk end option tango.png 谢谢你。
Talk end option tango.png 我们会牢记每个细节的。
Talk end option tango.png 他们不知道他们错过了什么。
卡丝蜜尔·米德: 想象一下,如果审讯团把他们的精力都放在改善事物上面,那这个世界将变得多么美好。太可惜了。
Talk more option tango.png 你和贝林达相处得怎么样?
Talk more option tango.png 碍于你的贵族身份?
(human commoner)
Talk more option tango.png 可能她有点不自在。
Talk more option tango.png 慢慢来嘛。
Talk more option tango.png 呃,不好说。不过我懂你的意思。
Talk end option tango.png 我知道你的意思。
Talk end option tango.png 好。继续努力。
(human noble)
Talk more option tango.png 沟通有时会因为社会阶层而变难。
Yes, but out here, in the world, facing danger-I'd have thought they'd break down. If I had my way, we'd all be nobles.
Talk more option tango.png 那会打乱现有制度的。
I suppose we do play an important role in society. Our gold puts food on our servants' tables. Well, noble gold. I have none any more.
Talk more option tango.png 如果你有机会,你愿意回到从前吗?
Talk end option tango.png 想想又不碍事。
(other race)
Talk more option tango.png 我就是不理解你们那一套东西。
It's pretty simple, really. You can receive a title directly from the queen or inherit it from your parents or another relative. A title comes with a manor in 神佑之城 usually.
Talk more option tango.png 然后你就有钱了。
Talk more option tango.png 成为女王宫廷的一员是什么意思?
Talk more option tango.png 她取消你的封号也意味着她失去了一个机会。
She had no choice. When the 迷你stry arrested my father, it forced her hand by making his situation public. The queen—and thus the nobility—have an image to uphold.
Talk end option tango.png 我想我明白。这就是政治。
Talk more option tango.png 那个炽天使和你的朋友是姐妹,哈?
Talk end option tango.png 这很好。
Talk end option tango.png 其实很多事情就是这样的。
玛乔丽·德拉奎: 我很高兴你建议我们出来。能有机会与贝林达并肩作战让我欣喜若狂。
Talk more option tango.png Actually, it was E who suggested it.
Talk end option tango.png 还不知道。但是我在收集线索,我肯定会查出来的。

交谈ing to 詹特森下士:

詹特森下士: 审讯团是残酷的敌人。他们完全没有道德可言。我们来此调查为黑市供货的盗贼,却受到了审讯团的骚扰。
Talk more option tango.png 附近肯定有他们的实验室。
Unless this is a forward-scouting group. 可能 they're looking for a new location to build a new one. Eh, they're fools, if so. These vines don't make this area exactly hospitable.
Talk more option tango.png 藤蔓从哪里来的?
Talk more option tango.png 你认为藤蔓是从山的那边向内蔓延的吗?
Talk more option tango.png 那边有些什么?
The 迈古玛荒野. 其他 than that, who knows? The 欧尔人 flooding could have changed the entire landscape.
Talk quest option tango.png 我想我们能找出真相。我已经做好去山那边探索的准备。
Talk end option tango.png 听起来很有趣。我会回来的!
Talk quest option tango.png 是吧。我已准备好成为第一个查明真相的人。
Talk end option tango.png 稍等一下。
Talk quest option tango.png 我已经做好去山那边探索的准备。
Talk end option tango.png 稍等一下。
Talk quest option tango.png 我已经做好去山那边探索的准备。
Talk end option tango.png 稍等一下。
Talk quest option tango.png 我已经做好去山那边探索的准备。
Talk end option tango.png 稍等一下。


文件:布里斯班野地的骚乱 loading screen.jpg



—— 我的故事

