♬Welcome to the Afterlife~♬ 欢迎回到来世,老板!
编辑帮助:目录 • BWIKI反馈留言板
♬Welcome to the Afterlife~♬ 欢迎回到来世,老板!
定期更新__2023年5月15日周一@22:00 HKT
- 员工手册内新的条目:
- => 效果(通过获取一个【诅咒】来解锁)
- => 冰箱内的零食(通过在休息室使用冰箱来解锁)
- 修改了员工手册内部分教程的词条,以便理解
- 大部分诅咒有了更好、更便于理解的描述
- 对特效字段添加了图标
- 对特效添加了正确的图标
- 【诅咒】提示:当你选择一个【诅咒】时,将会有一个提示,显示你当前的状态数值,以及你选择这个【诅咒】后的数值
- 修改了帕特里克/瓜魁对于假条的对话
- 修改(缩减)了帕特里克/瓜魁在大堂内对于GPE难度的对话
- 修改了员工手册内GPE难度的解锁条件:与大堂内的帕特里克交谈,或开启GPE菜单
- 修改了零食的意大利语文案描述
- 员工手册内,雇员条目的解锁条件(描述2和描述3)现在有了明确的说明
- 在选择乔瑟琳的合同时,添加了外部的反馈
- 训练室的武器以稀有度排序
- 在难度系统中,敌人造成重伤的难度因素,添加了新的调整。从崩溃4开始,地方将造成与发布时同等数值的重伤效果。[1]
- 现在难度等级会在游戏失败时给予额外奖励(默认为15点,难度X=500),鼓励玩家尝试更高难度
- -> 修改了基础攻击的移动效果。现在第一击时切腹可乐郎移动距离更短。
- -> 为最强攻击添加了新的反馈警示
- -> 修改了旋风腿的移动路径
- -> 在发起攻击的时候,添加一些视觉反馈警示
- -> 修复了几个攻击模式中的碰撞体积导致的攻击范围比预期更大的问题
- -> 修复了几个攻击模式中的碰撞体积导致的攻击范围比预期更大的问题
- -> 修改了部分攻击反馈警示的颜色,让玩家更容易分辨
- -> P3阶段,不再缴械斗篷武器和深渊之书法术
- -> P3阶段,头目的初始生命值由2000增加至2500
- -> 自崩溃13起,头目会移除玩家的【诅咒】和武器
- -> 修改了地面连击的取消机制,应该会让武器反应时间更快
- -> 修改了法术延迟的时间,使攻击更快开始
- 在生命值下方的状态栏为诅咒状态添加了很多不同的图标
- 添加了新的诅咒来升级这些效果:『转让』、『合约方』、『人寿保险』、『通货膨胀』
- 将【(非常)易怒老板综合症】【(真的)易怒老板综合症】(暂译)【(非常,非常)易怒老板综合症】(暂译)【壮观镰刀】(暂译)【天意镰刀】由冒险诅咒移至创新诅咒
- 将【抛光】【开刃】【磨砺】由冒险诅咒移至卓越诅咒
- 加强了几个【定期诅咒】的效果,使它们触发得更快。
- 商店里消失的货品
- 【自掘坟墓】诅咒无法正确生效
- 在存档选择菜单,『游戏时长』没有正确累加
- 当红色诅咒『不会中断连击』生效时:如果此时玩家正在使用武器攻击,攻击动画会继续,攻击效果会取消,但玩家依然会结束移动[2]
- 在某些【有趣的楼层】,玩家受到伤害后,强制传送未能正确生效[3]
- 如果玩家获取的第二个武器与第一个有相同的状态,则第二个武器的状态效果不会生效[4]
- 每次玩家开始游戏后,抵达第一个休息室的加载时间比通常状况长很多
- 在自然灾害部,一个车辆的资源在镜头拉近/拉远使会有撕裂,在竞技场时较为明显
- 控制室的变形不可用
- 游戏计时器不会记录玩家死亡时的最后一段时间(当玩家通关时也会发生)[5]
- A malus curse may appear bugged if the player has already too many of them.[6]
- 法术【 风暴誓约】的音效触发时机不正确
- 由于可能可以获得多个高级的诅咒,诅咒树可能对菜单来说过长
- 对话气泡出现时,允许玩家在周围移动,当用户离开对话区域而没有完成对话时,因为对话关闭的音效不会再次开启
- 当用户在击败普利撕砍上校后使用快进功能的话,将会出现两种情况:在爆炸画面,一个白色淡出效果出现,随后相同的画面再次出现,玩家在的动画播放期间可以控制死神
- 当玩家在简单模式进入休息室时,恢复生命值的效果没有正确显示特效
- 在崩溃13难度下,布拉德的强力攻击没有正确显示特效
- 死神在竞技场获胜后,会滑动(动画重叠问题)
- 在控制时,当玩家变形镰刀【镰刀】至【战争镰刀】时,如果玩家有不止1个假条时,变形操作可能消耗多个
- 部分员工手册条目可能在游戏升级后,读取旧版本存档时丢失
- 当小蚊子击中玩家时,如果同时被玩家击中,则可能不会死去,从而导致卡在玩家身上
- 鸣鸦的俯冲动画播放早于攻击行为
- 当玩家选择一个乔瑟琳的合同又取消以后,合同会随机刷新
- 当玩家在电梯里选择下一个房间的时候,游戏计时器没有暂停
- 【镰刀】的冲刺后伤害加成增益只能生效一次,哪怕累积了多层。
- 部分融合的投射物不显示
- 当玩家使用标枪冲出训练室的时候,标枪会打破玩家的控制,
- 使用空格按键无法快进制作人员名单
- 当玩家离【卡米拉·弗拉吉】足够远的时候,会让她行走很长一段时间,这可能导致她向玩家『滑动』(动画为卡顿状态)直到进入攻击范围
- 玩家可能可以直接穿越自然灾害部的某些门
- 某些可以自动追踪敌人的法术,会莫名其妙的丢失目标
- 在【戈登·格里污】头目战中,诅咒【摩斯拉】可能导致目标瞄准问题
- 地方的投射物可能不会消失,并在碰撞时卡住
- 无法在选项里重新绑定左键/下键输入
- 某些之前无法触发的任务现在可以触发了:谣言[7]
- 关于瓜魁书包任务的第一步对话,在任务完成后会重复出现
- 一些随机对话会丢失对话者,或由错误的NPC发出
- 部分休息室冰箱的用户交互[8]
- 如果使用头目电梯挑战今村,生命升级以及武器的显示问题
- 隐藏房间在没打开前就会在地图显示图标[9]
- 在同一个楼层可以获取同样的条目物品[10]
- 部分员工手册里的图片非常模糊和像素化
- 灵魂计数器更容易到达最大值(加速了显示速度)
- 有时候,调用通用场景不会出现。这会导致竞技场卡死,甚至防卡死机制无法触发。当你使用【苦无】武器,以及【熔合:闪电打击】的时候更容易发生这个问题。
- 当使用集成显卡时(GPU集成于处理器内),可能会发声一些不程序崩溃问题,尤其是Intel芯片
Hotfix - 2023/05/15
- New entries in workerguide:
- => The effects (get a curse to unlock),
- => The Thing in the Fridge (use the fridge in breakroom to unlock)
- Changed some entries in workerguide Tutorial for better understanding.
- Most of the curses have a better and understandable description
- Added icons to keywords
- Added correct icons to effects
- Tooltip on curses: when you choose a curse, a tooltip will display the value of your current statistics and the one you will have by taking the curse
- Changed Patrice/PumpQuinn dialog about Prismium
- Changed Patrice/PumpQuinn dialog (shorter) about GPE difficulty in lobby
- Changed GPE difficulty workerguide unlocking condition: Talk to Patrice about that in lobby OR open the GPE menu
- Changed food item lore description in Italic
- The conditions to unlock worker guide entries (description 2 and 3) are now explained
- Added etter feedbacks when selecting a contract with Jocelyn
- Now weapons in training room could be sorted by rarity
- Add a new modifier to the difficulty system to rebalance the change to Injuries done by enemies. At Crisis 4, enemy should now deal the same amount of injuries they did at launch
- Now crisis give points when dying (Default = 15 points, Crisis X = 500) to encourage people playing in Crisis modes.
- -> Changed the movement of the basic attack. Now, itl moves less during the first hit.
Will Hung
- -> Add Feedback to strongest attack
- -> Changed Spinning Kick Movement Curve
- -> Added visual feedback when launching attack
- -> Fix a collider during several attacks that hit further than intended
Catherine Imamura
- -> Fix a collider during an attack that hit further than intended
- -> Change color of attack feedback to make it more easily distinguishable
Final Boss
- -> Cape and spell not removed against life phase 3 now
- -> In phase 3, the boss starts with more HP 2000>2500
- -> Starting Crisis XIII, the boss deletes Curses and weapons
Parasol 1.0
- -> Changed cancellation of ground combo attacks. Should be way more responsive
- Void Rift
-> Changed the delay of the spell, making it hit earlier
- Added many new icon to curses Status on player
- Added new curses to upgrade the effects:"Transfer", "Counterparty", Life Insurance", "Inflation".
- Moved the curses "(Very) Irritable Boss Syndrome", "(Really) Irritable Boss Syndrome", "(Very, very) Irritable Boss Syndrome", "Imposing Scythe", "Noble Scythe" to Blue Tree
- Moved the curses : "Polish", "Sharpen", "Hone" to green tree.
- Buffed several Periodic Curses to make them trigger faster
- Missing items in the Shop.
- "Dig Your Own Grave" curse doesn't work properly.
- In the save selection menu, "Game Time" indicator does not increment.
- With the red curse "No Brakes" activated: if the player gets hit while attacking with a weapon, the hit animation is played and the one for the attack is canceled BUT the player still finishes his movement.
- In some Intriguing floors, teleportation doesn't work if damage taken during corner triggers.
- If the player gets a second weapon with the same status than the one equipped, the second weapon will not trigger the status.
- Every time the player starts the game, the loading time of reaching the first breakroom is much longer than normal.
- An asset of a car in the Natural Disasters Department is clipping when the camera zooms in or zooms out. The issue is notable during the arenas.
- The Control room transformation cannot be used.
- The run timer does not take into account the last chunk where the player died (also happens if he wins the run).
- A malus curse may appear bugged if the player has already too many of them.
- The spell Wishtorm'sound doesn't have good timing.
- Rarely, a curse tree can be too long for the menu, because of the possibility to get multiple high rank curses.
- The "bubble" dialogs allow the player to move around. If the player leaves the dialog area without completing it, the sound that is turned down at the beginning of the dialog is not turned up.
- If the players use the fast-forward during the ending cinematic of Major Pliskhan, two issues appear:During the explosion screen, a white fadeout appears, then the same picture re-appears.The player can control Death during the cinematic.
- No SFX when the player is healed in the Breakroom by the Easy mode modifier.
- There is no SFX on the slam attack of Brad in difficulty mode Crisis XIII.
- Death slips after a victory in an arena (overlapping animation problem).
- In the Control room, when the player transforms the scythe "Sickles' ' to "War Sickles' ',it will use many Prismium if the player has more than one.
- Some entries in the codex are missing when loading a save from an older version of the game.
- The mini moskitos do not die when hitting the player if he gets damage at the same time, leading to the enemies staying stuck on the player.
- The dive's animation of crows is played too soon regarding the attack's behavior.
- When the player chooses a contract to Jocelyn then cancels it, the contracts are rerolled.
- The timer doesn't stop when the player is choosing a level in the elevator.
- Sickles damage buff on dash is only calculated once even on multiple stacks.
- Some projectiles from Infuse status don't appear.
- Jabelin weapon breaks the player's controls when used to leave the training room.
- Using the space bar doesn't fast forward the credits.
- When the player is far enough from Camille Flage (Thanager) to let her walk for a long time, she may "slide" (the animation is frozen) to the player until being in attack's range.
- The Player is able to pass through some doors in the Natural Disasters Department.
- Spells that track enemies sometimes lose their focus.
- "Morthral Enemy"curse targeting issue during Mr. Gordon Grimes fight.
- Enemy projectiles won't destroy and get stuck against colliders.
- Can't rebind the left and down inputs in the options
- Some quests that weren't trigger are now accessible: The Rumor
- First dialog of the quest about Pumpquinn's school bag coming back after finishing the quest.
- Some duo random dialogs have some missing speaker or wrong NPC spawned.
- Some issues with the fridge UI in Breakroom
- Health upgrades and weapons appear against Imamura if taking the boss elevator
- Secret rooms map icons showing even when the room is not open
- The same pickable lore item could be found in the same floor
- Some images from the worker guide were too pixelized or blurred
- Easier to reach the max number of the soul counter (acceleration of display speed)
- Sometimes, the invocation of the Ulcermonner not appear. It leads to the arena staying locked, even the security does not trigger. The issue occurs more often when you hit the enemy with the kunai and the curse "Infuse: lightning strike" while he summons.
- Some crashes may occur with Integrated graphics (GPU built into the processor), particularly Intel.
- ↑ 上个版本中,重伤系数调整为0.2(即敌方造成10点伤害,则会造成2点重伤伤害;此改动针对游戏全局);猜测本次调整实际为用户选择崩溃4后,地方重伤系数从0.2提升至0.5(即敌方造成10点伤害,则会造成5点重伤伤害)
实际游戏里,崩溃3里就有敌人会造成少量重伤的提示 - ↑ 推测为『不会中断』没有正确生效
- ↑ corner trigger不确定是啥
- ↑ 推测可能是指【岚之苦无】【逸风】之类都有流血效果的武器
- ↑ 不知道会缺失那段时间,不太理解这句话
- ↑ malus curse是啥不知道,诅咒惩罚?
- ↑ 这意味着1.0.2版本前全成就的……都是靠科技手段
- ↑ 推测是指新增的果冻零食显示成死神饮料的问题
- ↑ 以为是制作组的怜悯没想到是bug
- ↑ 这条不太确定意思,可能有翻译错误