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Developer's Preface:

This is a MOD for Heroes of Might and Magic IV(H4 below)
Based on EQ3.55 game data, made by kkfkkkfk
The plan includes Creatures, Artifacts, Spells, Skills, and Buildings
H4, a game with a pretty magical style, where lively sound effects and realistic visuals create an immersive story experience
Every work has its features and shortcomings, a game like this, which encountered a sequence of setbacks during the development process, has more defects. Think of it as a semi-finished work.
Back to 10 years ago, I imagined what the ideal world of HOMM would be like. But I couldn't turn those images into reality
So, a plan was conceived
Just name it "Basic"
Remastering is the ultimate goal, before that, based on the original work
It aims to enrich the strategic system and explore new gameplay

Put your thoughts into the scenario and use your imagination, that's how gameplay its meaning.

HOMM4 BasicMod Discord

  • HeroesIV Basic Mod Server
  • Invite Code — Yxbwav9DY8

Description of the HOMM4 BasicMod

  • Game Data Version: EQ3.55, Expansion Pack: WOW
  • Development Tools: VS, IDA Pro, Cheat Engine, X32dbg, Hex Neo, H4 Resource Editor
  • System Requirements: Intel i3-4130 or above, 4GB of RAM or more
  • Operating Environment: Windows XP to Windows 11, Visual C++ Redistributable installed

Source of Various Modules

  • New Creatures, New Abilities, and other modifications are sourced from ZERO
  • The Creature Portal plugin is sourced from Albyx
  • The graphics patch GL Wrapper is sourced from Verok
  • The graphics patch CNC is sourced from Github-cnc-ddraw
  • The MOD Framework, H4MS is sourced from Github-H4MS, developed by RoseKavalier



Icon Name Modification
失明 Blinding Chance:30%->66%
格挡 Block Chance:30->25%
冷冻 Freeze Chance:30->40%
随机诅咒 Random Curse Deleted Weakness from the cast spell, added Aging
活力再生 Regeneration Value:50 points->100 points
远程击晕 Ranged Stun Chance:Based on Damage->Constant 10%
近战击晕 Stun Chance:Based on Damage->Constant 10%
◆◆◆New Abilities◆◆◆
火球攻击 Fireball Attack Grants creature causes Fire-Based damages in the target range and also damages all creatures in adjacent range
死亡乌云 Death Cloud Grants creature causes damage in the target range and also damages all creatures in adjacent range, being damaged creature will be adding Debuff-Choking Gas
幸运 Fortune Grants creature at least +5 luck, immune to Misfortune spell
勇气 Brave Grants creature at least +5 morale, immune to Despair and Mass Sorrow spells


冠军骑士 Champion: added Ability长武器攻击
天使 Angel: added Spells: 天国装甲 医疗恢复 祈祷 复活
僧侣 Monk: added Spells: 圣言 祝福 死亡抵抗 群体死亡抵抗
十字军 Crusader: added Ability勇气
九头蛇 Hydra: added Ability再生
黑龙 Black Dragon: added Ability100%魔抗removed Ability魔法免疫
火怪 Efreet: added Spells: 火抵抗 酸液 瓦解射线厄运魔力闪光
牛头怪 Minotaur: added Ability勇气
半兽人 Orc: added Ability远程击晕
狂暴者 Berserker: added Ability勇气
游牧民 Nomad: added Ability冲锋
凶牙兽 Frenzied Gnasher: added Abilities冲锋火抵抗冰抵抗removed Ability魔法免疫狂暴
食人魔法师 Ogre Mage: added Spells: 杀戮 嗜血 厄运 火矢 巨人力量 蛇击 抗魔 群体抢先攻击
巨兽 Behemoth: added Ability勇气
独角兽 Unicorn: added Ability幸运
仙女龙 Faerie Dragon: added Spells: 混乱云 魔力闪光
火元素 Fire Elemental: added Ability火球攻击
土元素 Earth Elemental: added Ability护体石肤传送
水元素 Water Elemental: added Spells: 群体虚弱
毒鬼 Venom Spawn: added Ability虚弱
恶魔 Devil: added Ability不受反击
黑暗骑士 Dark Champion: added Ability再生引起恐惧
蛇妖 Naga: added Ability三头攻击
法师 Mage: added Spells: 群体诅咒 群体模糊added Ability远程攻击
灯神 Genie: added Spells: 群体迟缓 群体振奋
邪恶女巫 Evil Sorceress: added Spells: 失明 幻影
傀儡龙 Dragon Golem: added Ability不受反击
龙巫妖 Dracolich: Spells: 群体诅咒群体悲泣群体废除邪恶之歌死亡呼唤Abilities30%魔抗长程射击死亡乌云随机诅咒近战伤害不减半飞行亡灵
钻石人 Diamond Golem: Abilities95%魔抗近战击晕机械

BasicMod  The modifications in the faction's creature data
混乱阵营 Chaos
Num ICON Keyword Modification
1 盗贼 Bandit ATK:10->+1
2 半兽人 Orc Low Dmg:2->+1
3 海盗 Pirate Hp:12->+2
Low Dmg:2->+1
High Dmg:4->+2
4 穴居人 Troglodyte Hp:13->-1
5 邪眼魔 Beholder High Dmg:9->+2
6 美杜莎 Medusa Hp:25->+1
Low Dmg:4->+1
7 牛头怪 Minotaur Hp:50->+12
Low Dmg:7->+2
High Dmg:15->+5
8 巨魔 Troll Hp:50->+5
9 火怪 Efreet Low Dmg:16->+6
High Dmg:26->+6
Spell Power:75->+75
10 梦魇兽 Nightmare Low Dmg:14->+2
High Dmg:28->+2
11 哥布林骑士 Goblin knight Low Dmg:15->-1
12 黑龙 Black Dragon ATK:45->+5
13 九头蛇 Hydra Hp:270->+20
Low Dmg:30->+2
14 巨龙 Mega Dragon Low Dmg:60->+10
High Dmg:120->+20
死亡阵营 Death
Num ICON Keyword Modification
1 恶魔之子 Imp Hp:6->-1
2 骷髅兵 Skeleton Hp:10->+2
3 僵尸 Zombie DEF:12->+2
4 地狱犬 Cerberus Hp:25->+1
Low Dmg:5->+1
High Dmg:9->+3
5 石像鬼 Gargoyle Hp:30->+8
6 幽灵 Ghost Weekly:15->+6
7 木乃伊 Mummy Hp:60->+30
Low Dmg:6->+1
High Dmg:12->+4
8 冰魔 Ice Demon Low Dmg:15->+3
High Dmg:20->+4
9 吸血鬼 Vampire Low Dmg:15->+3
High Dmg:23->+5
10 食尸怪 Venom Spawn Low Dmg:18->+2
11 恶魔 ArchDevil Hp:230->+20
Low Dmg:35->+1
12 骨龙 Bone Dragon Speed:6->+1
13 恐怖骑士 Dark Champion Low Dmg:37->+7
High Dmg:49->+7
龙巫妖 Dracolich Dmg:50-80
Resource Cost:黄金9000水银6
生命阵营 Life
Num ICON Keyword Modification
1 弩手 Crossbowman ATK:10->+1
2 农民 Peasant Low Dmg:1->-1
High Dmg:1->-2
3 侍从 Squire Hp:11->+1
Low Dmg:1->-1
High Dmg:2->-1
4 弩车 Ballista High Dmg:8->+1
5 枪兵 Pikeman High Dmg:10->+2
6 十字军 Crusader Hp:75->+10
Low Dmg:15->+5
High Dmg:20->+4
7 僧侣 Monk Low Dmg:12->+2
High Dmg:12->-3
Spell Power:55->+55
8 天使 Archangel DEF:35->+1
9 冠军骑士 Champion Low Dmg:28->+4
High Dmg:38->+2
10 投石车 Catapult Low Dmg:25->+5
High Dmg:50->+16
力量阵营 Might
Num ICON Keyword Modification
1 狂暴者 Berserker ATK:13->+1
2 半人马 Centaur Speed:5->+1
3 鹰身女妖 Harpy High Dmg:6->+1
4 美人鱼 Mermaid Hp:36->-2
Low Dmg:6->+1
High Dmg:9->+1
5 游骑兵 Nomad Hp:50->+5
Low Dmg:7->+1
6 独眼巨人 Cyclops Low Dmg:15->+3
High Dmg:20->+2
7 食人魔法师 Ogre Mage Hp:80->-5
High Dmg:16->-2
Spell Power:25->+25
8 比蒙 Behemoth ATK:38->+2
9 海怪 Sea Monster Gold:4000->+1250
10 雷鸟 Thunderbird ATK:27->-3
11 凶牙兽 Frenzied Gnasher Low Dmg:45->+5
High Dmg:65->+10
自然阵营 Nature
Num ICON Keyword Modification
1 丛林妖精 Leprechaun ATK:7->-3
2 妖精 Sprite Hp:8->+1
3 狼 Wolf Hp:9->-3
Low Dmg:1->-1
4 精灵射手 elf Low Dmg:4->+1
High Dmg:6->+2
5 半羊人 Satyr Mp:8->+2
6 白虎 White Tiger Hp:45->+10
High Dmg:13->+5
7 风元素 Air Elemental Hp:55->+15
8 土元素 Earth Elemental Hp:70->+20
Low Dmg:10->+1
High Dmg:18->+4
9 火元素 Fire Elemental Low Dmg:8->+1
High Dmg:15->+5
10 水元素 Water Elemental Hp:45->+7
11 狮鹫 Griffin ATK:25->+6
12 独角兽 Unicorn Hp:90->+10
Low Dmg:15->+3
13 毒蜂草 Waspwort High Dmg:15->+1
14 仙女龙 Faerie Dragon Low Dmg:35->+1
High Dmg:45->-5
Spell Power:105->+11
15 螳螂 Mantis Low Dmg:35->+1
16 凤凰 Phoenix Hp:260->-15
17 恐甲兽 Gargantuan Low Dmg:32->+4
High Dmg:45->+5
秩序阵营 Order
Num ICON Keyword Modification
1 矮人 Dwarf DEF:13->+2
2 半身人 Halfling ATK:8->-2
3 金人 Gold Golem Low Dmg:13->+5
High Dmg:15->+3
4 法师 mage Hp:18->+2
Low Dmg:7->+4
High Dmg:7->+3
5 灯神 Genie Low Dmg:12->+3
Spell Power:40->-5
6 蛇妖 Naga Low Dmg:18->+4
High Dmg:26->+4
7 机械龙 Dragon Golem Low Dmg:50->+14
8 泰坦 Titan Hp:230->+20
Low Dmg:45->+11
High Dmg:55->+5
9 邪魔女 Evil Sorceress Low Dmg:27->+7
High Dmg:27->-7
钻石人 Diamond Golem Dmg:23-32
Resource Cost:黄金2000

The design of modification in the creature data
    1)The weekly growth of Level 1 and 2 creatures has a significant increase, with a rate of up to 50% or higher. It means stronger farm power for both players and AI, enhancing game experience under higher difficulty and making the process in gameplay smoother
    2)Almost all creatures have a sharp increase in Movement, at least 18 points or more. This boost will correspondingly enhance their movement point on the battlefield and adventure maps, slow-moving ranged creatures(such as Venom Spawn and Ballista) now can participate in adventure marches, meanwhile, players will also face a bigger threat from fast-moving creatures during combat
    3)Re-balanced useless creatures, Significantly increased their attributes (such as Earth Elementals, Mummy, and Waspwort), for creatures that cannot rival in terms of attributes (like Ogre Mage, Monks, and Fire Elemental) will add additional abilities or spells
    4)Most of creatures' Shot Stats had increased, leading to longer rounds of ranged combat.


ICON Name Specialty Specialty Description
全体英雄 All Heroes
heroes will gain DEF(1 point) for every level up
heroes will gain Magic_Resistance(3%) for every 2 level up
◆New Specialty Hero◆
刚多斯 Gundross 增加移动力 Boosts Hero_Level% for adventure Movement
哈佛尔 Hafir 火抵抗 Grants the hero ability [Fire Resistance]
奥格塔维亚 Octavia 增加金币 Produces gold 100*Hero_Level pre day
鲁夫斯 Rufus 毒击 Grants the hero ability [Poison Attack]
does 1/4 attack damage to the target every round and lasts 15 rounds
塔妮·巴尔芙 Tawni_Balfour
Gains High Dmg +1for every level up

Boosts ATK & DEF +50%
Speed & BattleField Movement +2 during the sea combat
Boosts Hero_Level% for Movement at sea

达克斯多 Darkstorm 闪电 Starting spell:<Lighting>, and increase damage by +50% for all Lighting-Spells(Multi Calc)
希瑞尔 Xyron 地狱火 Starting spell:<Inferno>, and increase damage by +100%
艾里卡 Erica Fade 毒击 Grants the hero ability [Poison Attack]
does 1/4 attack damage to the target every round and lasts 15 rounds
迅捷 Swift 海战 Boosts ATK & DEF +50%
Speed & BattleField Movement +2 during the sea combat
Boosts Hero_Level% for Movement at sea
科策斯 Kozuss
Starting skill #Basic ORDER#, and increase the effectiveness of Chaos & Order spells by +50%
斯巴兹·马迪科斯 Spazz_Maticus
Starting skill:#Basic NOBILITY#, and increase the effectiveness of Chaos Spells by +50%
凯特琳 Caitlin 增加金币 Produces gold 100*Hero_Level pre day
里马 Lemmar 增加外交数量 Increase the Diplomacy EXP by Hero_Level%, extra increase by 20% when equiped Statesman's
派尔万 Pirvian 复活翻倍 Double the percentage of Resurrection skill
艾莎白 Isabeau 复活翻倍 Double the percentage of Resurrection skill
瑞恩 Rion 再生 Grants the hero ability [Regeneration], heals Hp per turn and lasts 15 rounds
欧灵 Orrin 箭术特长 Grants the hero ability #Ranged#
姆拉克爵士 Sir Mullich
Gives Speed +2 and Battlefield Movement +2 for all friendly creatures
领主历山德 Lord_Lysander
Gains High Dmg +1for every level up
Boosts Hero_Level% for all friendly creatures' Attack
Increase friendly creatures' Attack from 40% to 70% when equiped True Gryphonheart Blade
那萨尼尔 Nathaniel 士气特长 Gives Morale +2 for all friendly creatures
艾利塔·伊万泰得 Alita Eventide
Starting skill:#Basic DEATH#, and increase the effectiveness of Life and Death spells by+50%
哈斯特纳 Hastner 驱役特 Starting Spells:Raise Skeleton、Animate Dead、Death Call
can cast spells Raise Vampires and Raise DreadKnight when Death Skill reaches the Expert and Master level respectively
艾登 Ayden 增加魔法值 Boosts 2% MP(Multi Cal) for every level up
半生者高铎斯 Gauldoth
Starting skill:#Basic Nature#;
Gains Mp+2 for every level up
Increases all Demon Summoning spells for +50%(Multi Cal)
伽里巴 Kalibarr 专家死亡 Starting skill:#Expert DEATH#
卡尔 Calh 基础死亡 Starting skill:#Basic DEATH#
摩多 Moander 生命抵御 Grants the hero ability [Life Ward]
盘奴 Panur 进攻特长 Boosts Hero_Level% for all friendly creatures' Attack
斯强克 Straker 强壮 Grants the hero abilities[Health Boost]&[Strength]
野蛮人 Barbarian 增加杀伤力
Gains High Dmg +1for every level up
Gains ATK +1 for every level up
Gains Hp +5 for every level up
波弗莫克 Bofmog 三头攻击 Grants the hero ability [Triple Attack]
考瓦 Colwa 贵族技能
Starting skill:#Basic NOBILITY#

Increase the Diplomacy EXP by Hero_Level%, extra increase by 20% when equiped Statesman's

肯洛·哈格 Crag Hack 进攻特长 Boosts Hero_Level% for all friendly creatures' Attack
兰亚 Lanya 近战击晕 Grants the hero ability[Stun]
沃夫利克 Mick 近战击晕 Grants the hero ability[Stun]
奈夫 Nef 三头攻击 Grants the hero ability [Triple Attack]
泰泽 Tazar 防御特长 Boosts Hero_Level% for all friendly creatures' Defense
维格 Wegg 巨人杀手 Grants the hero ability [Giant Slayer]
沃扎克 Waerjak
Gains Hp +5 and Mp +1 for every level up
Increase the Diplomacy EXP by Hero_Level%, extra increase by 20% when equiped Statesman's
克尔 Kel 巨人杀手 Grants the hero ability [Giant Slayer]
道格伍格 Dogwoggle 长武器攻击 Grants the hero ability [Long Weapon]
蒙哥 Mongo 迅捷剑特效 Gives hero the Melee Attack count +1(cannot stack with Sword of Swiftness)
阿奈尔 Aenain 幻象加成 Increase the effectiveness of <Create Illusion> by 100%
埃尔尼 Aine 增加金币 Produces gold 100*Hero_Level pre day
博丽斯 Brissa 加速 Starting spell:<Speed>
after Lv10, grants the hero Buff [Speed] When entering combat
塞瑞 Cyra 加速 Starting spell:<Speed>
after Lv10, grants the hero Buff [Speed] When entering combat
黛瑞丝 Daremyth 幸运 Starting spell:<Fortune>
after Lv10, grants the hero Buff [Fortune] When entering combat
格兰登 Grindan 增加金币 Produces gold 100*Hero_Level pre day
索姆拉 Solymr
Starting Skill:#Basic Chaos#
Starting Spell:<Chain Lightning>, increases damage by 2.5%(Mutil Cal) for every level up
伊梅莉娅·夜港 Emilia_Nighthaven
Gains MP+2 for every level up
Increases all Order spells by 50%
加文·马格努斯 Gavin_Magnus 耗蓝减半 Reduces the mana cost of all spells by 50%, the effectiveness will be calculated before other Mana reduction
妮拉 Neela 贵族特长 Boosts Hero_Level% for all friendly creatures' Defense
里沙 Rissa 贵族特长 Extra increases all creature growth by 2.5%*Hero_Level in the town that recognizes the hero as its governor
It works only when the NOBILITY is higher than the Advanced
泰德 Teddor 增加外交数量 Increase the Diplomacy EXP by Hero_Level%, extra increase by 20% when equiped Statesman's
保罗斯 Paulus 贵族特长 Extra increases all creature growth by 2.5%*Hero_Level in the town that recognizes the hero as its governor
It works only when the NOBILITY is higher than the Advanced
鲍伯 Bohb 五系魔法 Starting skills:Basic Magic Skills of 5 factions, increase the effectiveness of all spells by +25%
Gains 100% Magic_Resistance when 5 faction skills reach the Grandmaster Level
克诺尼斯 Coronius 嗜血特长 grants the hero Buff <Bloodlust>
法尼温 Farnivon 召唤特长 Increases the rate of Summoning Skill EXP by Hero_Level*0.15% per day
兰贝斯 Labetha 石皮特长 Starting spell:[Stone Skin], and grants the hero Buff <Stone Skin>
马洛迪亚 Melodia 幸运 Starting spell:<Fortune>
after Lv10, grants the hero Buff[Fortune] When entering combat
沙那尔 Sannah 召唤特长 Increases the rate of Summoning Skill EXP by Hero_Level*0.15% per day
艾尔文 Elwin
Gains MP+2 for every level up
Increases all Nature spells by 50%
法崔姆 Fatrim 远程击晕 Grants the hero ability [Ranged Stun]
杰诺娃 Jenova 增加金币 Produces gold 100*Hero_Level pre day
凯琳 Kyrre 增加移动力 Boosts Hero_Level% for adventure Movement
孟斐拉 Mephala 防御特长 Boosts Hero_Level% for all friendly creatures' Defense
罗伊德 Ryland 增加外交数量 Increase the Diplomacy EXP by Hero_Level%, extra increase by 20% when equiped Statesman's
斯诺洁 Snowjay 远程击晕 Grants the hero ability [Ranged Stun]
艾格瑞奈尔 Agraynel
Starting Skill:#Basic SCOUTING#
Increases all Nature spells by 50%
伊鲁坦·理渥 Erutan_Revol
Gains High Dmg +1for every level up
Gives hero the Range Attack count +1(cannot stack with Emerald Bow)
    Note: The Hero Specialty is based on the ICON rather than the name, which means the player could have multiple same Specialty heroes


战术技能 TACTICS — Primary Skill
Description:Increases Speed and Movement of all friendly creatures
  • Creatures Speed +1 when the hero reaches Lv.30/25/20/15. After that, Speed +1 for every 10 levels up
  • Creatures BattleField Movement +1 when the hero level is between Lv.10 and Lv,40/35/30/25/20。After that, BattleField Movement +1 for each 15 hero levels(based on creatures' BattleField Movement)
  • Not increase by percentage after Lv.40
  • Hero can learn Advanced Offense, Denfense, and Leadership by BASIC TACTICS
Note:Increases the weight of TACTICS for Barbarian Hero from 1 to 2, every level up will appear a new skill when the weight of Primary Skill is 4(was 6) or more. the weight is higher, the chance will increase the same
进攻技能 Offense — Secondary Skill
Description:Increases Melee and Ranged Attack of all friendly creatures
  • Extra gains +1%/2%/3%/4%/5% Creatures' Attack for each 5 hero levels
  • The Expert TACTICS requires Basic skill
防御技能 Denfense — Secondary Skill
Description:Increases Melee and Ranged Defense of all friendly creatures
  • Extra gains +1%/2%/3%/4%/5% Creatures' Defense for each 5 hero levels
  • The Expert TACTICS requires Basic skill
战斗技能 COMBAT — Primary Skill
Description: Increases hero's Melee and Ranged Defense
  • Grandmaster:Increases the Defense by 60->Reduces to 50
潜行技能 Stealth — Secondary Skill
Description:Makes hero invisible to creatures and heroes on adventure map (Based on Skill Level)
  • The percentage of gaining EXP from sneaking is 25% of the Base numbers of Troop→25% of the Current numbers of Troop
贵族技能 NOBILITY — Primary Skill
Description:Increases all creature growth in the town that recognises the hero as its governor.
  • Grandmaster:Increases growth of creatures by 50%->Increases to 100%
外交技能 Diplomacy — Secondary Skill
Description:Hero can convince a percentage of greatly outnumbered hostile creatures to join him/her for a price. Cost of surrendering is reduced
  • Grandmaster:No more than 600 EXP points->Increases to 3600
  • Diplomacy now can work on creatures of opposite alignment
  • Diplomacy now can work on Sea Monster and Mermaid
复活技能 Resurrection — Secondary Skill
Description:Resurrect a percentage of friendly creatures who die in combat. Undead, mechanical and elemental creatures cannot be resurrected
  • Basic:20%->Reduces to 15%
  • Advanced:30%->Reduces to 25%
  • Expert:40%->Reduces to 30%
  • Master:45%->Equals to 45%
  • Grandmaster:50%->Increases to 55%
招魂技能 Necromancy — Secondary Skill
Description:Raises a number of undead creatures equal to a percentage of strength of a defeated army. Undead, mechanical, and elemental creatures cannot be raised
  • Selects the hero icon on the adventure map, and press Alt+e to choose the type of undead creatures
  • Hero gains +10% total Necromancy EXP for every level up->Increase to 15%
  • Basic:No more than 40 EXP->Reduces to 20
  • Advanced:No more than 80 EXP->Reduces to 40, allows raising Zombie
  • Expert:No more than 120 EXP->Reduces to 60, allows raising Mummy
  • Master:No more than 160 EXP->Reduces to 80, allows raising Gargoyle
  • Grandmaster:Master:No more than 200 EXP->Reduces to 120, allows raising Bone Dragon
  • Now can raise Vampire and Bone Dragon without Grandmaster Death
  • Raising Vampire and Bone Dragon only requires Lv.3 (or more) creatures' corpse
Note:The calculation of the Grandmaster Necromancy EXP :120*(1+lv*0.1+other bonuses);The calculation of the numbers of raised creatures:The killed creatures that meet the requirements EXP*0.3/Creatures that meet the requirements EXP*0.3≤Total of Necromancy EXP;The number of raised creatures≤The number of corpses
魅惑技能 Charm — Secondary Skill
Description:Same as Diplomacy, can convert a percentage of greatly outnumbered hostile creatures to his side. Surrendering cost is reduced.
  • Now can Charm Undead and Mechanical creatures, but reduces the percentage to 50%
  • The Charm per level now gives the 20% increased bonus to Illusion Spells
  • now can work on Sea Monster and Mermaid
  • The percentage of Surrendering Converting is 15%/20%/25%/30%/35%->Increase to 20%/35%/50%/75%/90%
  • Basic:No more than 60 EXP->Increases to 80
  • Advanced:No more than 120 EXP->Increases to 160
  • Expert:No more than 180 EXP->Increases to 240
  • Master:No more than 240 EXP->Increases to 320. Requires Advanced ORDER skill->Increases to Expert ORDER skill
  • Grandmaster:No more than 300 EXP->Increases to 400; Requires Expert ORDER skill->Increases to Master ORDER skill
巫术技能 Sorcery — Secondary Skill
Description: Increases the hero's spell damage (with all magic types)
  • Sorcery:Hero will gain 2.5% increased bonus per level
  • Master: Requires Advanced CHAOS skill->Increases to Expert CHAOS skill
  • Grandmaster: Requires Expert CHAOS skill->Increases to Master CHAOS skill
召唤技能 Summoning — Secondary Skill
Description: Hero summons creatures into army every day
  • Selects the hero icon on the adventure map, and press Alt+e to choose the type of Summoning creatures
  • Hero gains +15% total Summoning EXP for every level up
  • Basic:No more than 10 EXP->Reduces to 7
  • dvanced:No more than 20 EXP->Reduces to 14
  • No more than 30 EXP->Reduces to 21
  • Master:No more than 40 EXP->Reduces to 21, allows Summoning Elf, Satyr or White Tiger->Summoning Air Fire Water Earth 4 type of Elemental; Requires Advanced NATURE skill->Increases to Expert NATURE skill
  • Grandmaster:No more than 50 EXP->Reduces to 42, allows Summoning Waspwort, Unicorn, or Griffin; Requires Expert NATURE skill->Increases to Master NATURE skill

The probability of leveling up skills changed:The appearance probability of first 2 Secondary Skill is same as last Secondary Skill, first Secondary Skill now is equal-level relationship with second Secondary Skill(Such as, previously hero learned Basic Herbalism but could still achieve the Advanced NATURE without Basic Meditation, and could also attain Expert NATURE by learning both Basic Meditation and Advanced Herbalism. Clearly, it was not balanced

BasicMod      The Overview of Hero Classes in Basic
Num Name Bonuses Require-
00 Knight Basic Class, add Basic Leadership Skill 战术技能进攻技能领导技能ICON New.png
01 Priest Basic Class, add Basic Resurrection Skill 生命技能医疗技能复活技能ICON New.png
02 Lord Basic Class, add Basic Diplomacy Skill 贵族技能理财技能采矿技能ICON New.png
03 Mage Basic Class, add Basic Charm Skill 秩序技能附魔技能魔力技能ICON New.png
04 Dead Knight Basic Class, add Basic Defense Skill 战术技能进攻技能防御技能ICON New.png
05 Necromancer Basic Class, add Basic Necromancy Skill 死亡技能神秘技能招魂技能ICON New.png
06 Thief Basic Class, add Basic Stealth Skill 侦查技能寻路技能潜行技能ICON New.png
07 Sorcerer Basic Class, add Basic Sorcery Skill 混乱技能咒法技能巫术技能ICON New.png
08 Archer Basic Class, add Basic Magic_Resistance Skill 战斗技能箭术技能魔抗技能ICON New.png
09 Druid Basic Class, add Basic Summoning Skill 自然技能草药技能召唤技能ICON New.png
0A Barbarian Basic Class 混乱技能肉搏技能魔抗技能
0B Crusader grants the Hero Buff <Mirth> when entering combat 生命技能战术技能
0C Life Battle Mage
Above Advanced LIFE skill, grants the Hero Buff <Bless>
Hero of Life Faction extra gains the Buff <Spiritual Armor>
0D Prophet Grants all friendly creatures the Buff <Spiritual Armor> 生命技能侦查技能
0E Cardinal Increases the effectiveness of Resurrection skill by 25% 生命技能贵族技能
0F Monk Grants the Hero Buff <Chaos Ward> when entering combat 生命技能秩序技能
10 Illusionist Increases the effectiveness of #Illusion Spells# by 100%
Automatically learn all #Illusion Spells#(requires a level of the Order skill)
11 Order Battle Mage
Above Advanced ORDER skill, grants the hero ability <Freezing Attack>
Hero of Order Faction extra gains the Buff <Cold Resistance>
12 Seer Increases scouting radius by +4 秩序技能侦查技能
13 Wizard King Grants the hero ability <Negate Mind Immunity> 秩序技能贵族技能
14 Wizard Reduces the mana cost of all spells by -2 秩序技能混乱技能
15 Enchanter Increases the effectiveness of #Illusion Spells# and #Summoning Spells# by 50% 秩序技能自然技能
16 Reaver Grants all friendly creatures the Buff <Bloodlust> 死亡技能战术技能
17 Death Battle Mage
Above Expert DEATH skill, Grants the hero Buff <Aura of Fear>
Hero of Death Faction extra gains the ability <Random Harmful Spells>
18 Ninja Grants the hero ability <Block> 死亡技能侦查技能
19 Dark Lord Increases the hero <Necromancy> EXP by +15% 死亡技能贵族技能
1A Dark Priest Automatically learn the spell <Life Drain> (requires a level of the Death skill)
Also increases the effectiveness of spell by 50%
1B Shadow Mage Grants all friendly creatures the Buff <Blur> 死亡技能秩序技能
1C Demonologist Increases all #Demon Summoning# spells by 50% 死亡技能自然技能
1D Pyromancer Grants all friendly creatures the Ability <Fire Resistance> 混乱技能战术技能
1E Chaos Battle Mage
Above Grandmaster CHAOS skill, Grants the hero Buff <Cat Reflexes>
Hero of CHAOS Faction extra gains the buff <BloodLust>
1F Fire Diviner Automatically learn the <Lightning> spell
Increases the effectiveness of Fire_Based Spells by 50%
20 Witch King Grants the hero ability <Fear> 混乱技能贵族技能
21 Heretic Grants the hero ability <Ignore Wards> 混乱技能生命技能
22 Black Mage Automatically learn the <Implosion> spell(requires a level of Chaos Skill)
Grants the hero ability <Mana Leech>
23 Warlock Gives the hero MP+20, extra regenerating 4MP per day 混乱技能自然技能
24 Warden Increases Defense of all friendly creatures by 20% 自然技能战术技能
25 Nature Battle Mage
Above Expert NATURE skill, Grants the hero Buff <Hiant Strength>
Hero of NATURE Faction extra gains the extra attribute 25% base Hp
26 Bard Grants the Hero Buff <Fortune> when entering combat 自然技能侦查技能
27 Element Lord Automatically learn Spells #Summoning Elementals#
Increases <Summoning Wather/Earth Elementals> spells by 100%
28 Summoner Increases the effectiveness of <Summoning Skill> by 50% 自然技能生命技能
29 Guildmaster Increase the effectiveness of <Diplomacy> by 20% 贵族技能侦查技能
2A General Gives all friendly heroes/creatures Morale +2 战术技能战斗技能
2B Lord Commander Gives all friendly heroes/creatures Morale +4 战术技能贵族技能
2C Warlord Gives hero the Attack count +1 战斗技能贵族技能
2D Ranger Grants the Hero ability <Unlimited Shots>
grants the Hero Buff <Precision> when entering combat
2E Field Marshal Increases Attack of all friendly creatures by 20% 侦查技能战术技能
2F Archmage Increases the effectiveness of all spells by 35% 秩序技能自然技能混乱技能


    System Change:
    1) All Artifacts downgraded 1 level,The lowest is Lv0(Item), Relic Artifacts downgraded to Lv4, added Artifacts Lv5(Divine)【coming soon】
    2) There are no Right Hand and Left Hand now, all unified to Weapon
    3) Fixed the bug that Faction Shield lost Buff

Weapon — Lv2 Minor — regenerates 2 spell points per round
Backstory:Wands are like art. Spellcasters place a little bit of themselves in its design so that other wizards and sorcerers recognize their work
The cost of the spell Mana is based on the wand itself, not the hero, casting the spell only when the maxinum spell points
死灵复生权杖 Wand of Death Call
You find a Wand of Animating Dead in the rotting hands of a slain necromancer.
Change Allows hero casting 操纵死尸 spell->casting 死亡呼唤 spell

Name:Wand of Animating Dead->Wand of Death Call
The wand begins each combat with 4 spell points->with 12 spell points
大诅咒权杖 Wand of Mass Curse
You chase off a witch who has been cursing the cattle in the area so they refuse to produce milk. Now that the livestock is safe, you search her foul hut and find a Wand of Mass Curses
Change Allows hero casting 诅咒 spell->Casting 群体诅咒 spell
Name:Wand of Curses ->Wand of Mass Curses
The wand begins each combat with 2 spell points->With 8 spell points
恐惧权杖 Wand of Terror
At a local tavern, a bandit brags about his numerous raids, attributing his success to his Wand of Terror. Later, after he passes out, you slip the wand from his belt and leave
Change Allows hero casting 虚弱 spell->Casting 恐惧 spell
Name:Wand of Weakness->Wand of Terror
The wand begins each combat with 4 spell points->With 14 spell points
大祝福权杖 Wand of Mass Blesses
A humble priest gives you a Wand of Mass Blesses, insisting it was originally enchanted by his god. As unlikely as that is, you say nothing and accept his kind gift.
Change Allows hero casting 祝福 spell->Casting 群体祝福 spell
Name:Wand of Bless->Wand of Mass Bless
The wand begins each combat with 2 spell points->With 8 spell points
火权杖 Wand of Fire
Among the remains of a scorched wagon you find three corpses and a Wand of Fire
Change Allows hero casting 火矢 spell->Casting 火球 spell
The wand begins each combat with 4 spell points-> With 7 spell points
血腥权杖 Wand of Bloodiness
一A mother and her nearly bald child approach. She explains that her son nearly killed himself with a wand he found in the woods, so she hands you a Wand of Bloodiness.
Change Allows hero casting 火球 spell->Casting 群体杀戮 spell
Name:Wand of Fireballs->Bloodiness
The wand begins each combat with 6 spell points->With 8 spell points
疾风权杖 Wand of Haste
A local merchant has been working the farmers nearly to death. You run the cruel man off, freeing these good people, and take the Wand of Haste he used to make them work faster.
Change Allows hero casting 加速 spell->Casting 群体加速 spell
The wand begins each combat with 2 spell points-> With 8 spell points
冰晶权杖 Wand of Ice
You find the foundation of a house that burned down long ago, and behind it a frozen birdbath. It take a little type to chip away the frozen water, you discover a Wand of Ice.
Change Allows hero casting 冰箭 spell->Casting 冰之握 spell
The wand begins each combat with 4 spell points-> With 8 spell points
精准权杖 Wand of Precision
You are the only one who stops to watch an elderly entertainer's magic show, and so when he finishes he thanks you for your attention and hands you his Wand of Precision.
Change Allows hero casting 幻化成型 spell->Casting 群体精准 spell
Name:Wand of Illusion->Wand of Precision
The wand begins each combat with 4 spell points-> With 8 spell points
死木法杖 Deadwood Staff
A chill siezes your spine as you touch the Deadwood Staff, and this isn't just your imagination. The evil trapped within the gnarled black wood was never meant to be in the hands of a mortal.
Change Allows hero casting 死亡之手 spell
Increases the power of Spell Hand of Death by 100%
The wand begins each combat with 12 spell points
The Artifact is Lv4 Relic->Lv3 Major
Backstory The god of death forged this foul weapon, using a nightmarish process that is too awful to mention.
  • Every wand will provide a lvl.3 Spell or more, promoting their strategic value. Meanwhile, The cost of spell points has significantly increased, just grab the spell chance to launch an unexpected counterattack
  • Obviously, Wand of Healing still possesses its spell, its value is undeniable. For Wand of Illusion, the spell Mass Precision replaced Create Illusion, rebalanced the unreasonable factor, and enhanced practicality

Weapon And Bow
战斧 Axe
Weapon Lv0 Item
Change 增加杀伤力Hero’s Dmg +3-5(New Affix)
Hero’s Melee ATK +8
Hero’s Speed -1
PickTxt Laying in the middle of the path is a perfectly good axe head. Apparently, the owner discarded it when the handle broke. But you simply carve a new handle from a solid tree branch, test it with a few swings, and tuck your new Axe in your belt.
Backstory The axe is favored by Barbarians for its sturdiness and simple construction.
天使之刃 Angle's Blade
Weapon — Lv2 Minor
Change Hero’s Melee ATK/DEF +3
All friendly targets do +50% damage against Undead creatures(not work)->Fixed
PickTxt At first, the reek of sulfur nearly chokes you, so you cover your nose and mouth. When you continue, you find a fiery pit billowing a sluggish black smoke into the air. Lava bubbles up from the hole, spreading toward you slow enough that you can easily step away. And then the magma retreats back into the hole, leaving an Angel's Blade at your feet!
Backstory Ironically, it was a demon who crafted the first Angel's Blade. He used it against his own kind to gain power over them, but the weapon was later taken from him by an angel warrior who defeated him in single combat.
长枪 Spear
Weapon — Lv2 Minor
Change Slot:Bow->Both hands Weapon
Hero’s Melee/Ranged ATK +7.5->Melee/Ranged ATK +12
远程攻击Grants Hero the Ranged Attack ability when equiped this item, even without Archery skill ->长武器攻击Grants the hero ability [Long Weapon]
PickTxt A man with nervous eyes approaches you and offers to sell you a Throwing Spear for 100 gold. Where did you get this?" you ask. He stammers and looks around and then suddenly drops the weapon and runs away without his pay."
Backstory The Spear is one of the oldest weapons created but they are still in heavy use in today's armies.
火炎之剑 Flaming Sword
Weapon — Lv3 Major
Change 增加杀伤力Hero’s Dmg +10-15(New Affix)
Hero’s Melee ATK/DEF +3->Melee ATK/DEF +10/5
Does Fire-Based damage 30 Hp->Fire-Based damage 60 Hp
Per level of the hero, Extra gains 3 damage->Extra gains 20 damage
PickTxt A kind, elderly man invites you into his home for a meal. You can't quite refuse, so you eat a bland broth with the old man next to a raging fire. Will you put out the fire before you leave?" the man asks sleepily. But what you thought was a fire turns out to be a Flaming Sword surrounded by wood. You turn to the old man with amazement but sadly find him dead. Now you understand what he meant and keep the blade."
Backstory The first to wield these weapons were three fallen knights who rode on the backs of Nightmares and set fire to the countryside as they passed. As the tale goes, they burned half of the civilized land before a powerful wizard stopped them.
迅捷之剑 Sword of Swiftness
Weapon — Lv3 Major
Change 增加杀伤力Hero’s Dmg +10-22(New Affix)
Hero’s Melee ATK/DEF +6->Melee ATK/DEF +13
Gives hero the Melee Attack count +1
PickTxt A crazy old man who believes he is your grandfather gives you his Sword of Swiftness, and all you have to do for it is listen to a couple hours of his rambling stories. When you finally pry yourself from the elder's attention, you can leave the area fast enough.
Backstory Although Ravenwood was never much interested in swords or swordplay, she was instrumental in the forging of this remarkable blade. Some say she crafted it for a loved one, but there is no evidence of such a person. One thing is for sure, she never used it herself.
公牛战斧 Bull Rune Battleaxe
Weapon — Lv4 Relic
Change 增加杀伤力Hero’s Dmg +25-50(New Affix)
Hero’s Melee ATK +50->Melee ATK +70
PickTxt You find the Bull Rune Battleaxe, its huge blade sunk deep into the rotting stump of an oak tree. It takes some muscle to draw it from the wood, but no more strength that it takes to wield it.
Backstory This massive weapon is immediately recognized by the symbol carved into its blade. For many decades, the Minotaurs claimed it as their own, passing it down from ruler to ruler until one of their kings lost it (and his life) in battle.
雷电战锤 Thunder Hammer
Weapon — Lv4 Relic
Change 增加杀伤力Hero’s Dmg +13-33(New Affix)
Hero’s Melee ATK +7.5->Melee ATK +12
Both Hands->one Hand
Does Lightning-Based damage 70Hp->lightning-Based damage 120Hp
Per level of the hero, Extra gains 7 damage-> Extra gains 30 damage
Trigger lightning damage only when struck by Melee Attack->Both of Melee or Ranged strike will trigger lightning damage
PickTxt Never say you're not lucky! Here you are, riding along minding your own business, when a bolt of lightning streaks out of the clear sky and strikes the ground next to you. You just about have a heart attack, and you think your horse will never be the same, but when the smoke clears you see the legendary Thunder Hammer resting in the scorched dirt.
Backstory Long ago, a sorcerer turned myth into reality when he forged the powerful Thunder Hammer. He used it for decades to claim that his power came from the heavens, but when his lies were revealed he was killed and the Thunder Hammer was lost.
绿宝石长弓 Emerald LongBow
Weapon — Lv3 Major
Change Gives hero the Range Attack count +1(New Affix)
Hero’s Ranged ATK +30->Ranged ATK +36
Without Archery skills, the hero still cannot shoot even equipped with this Item
PickTxt A green glint catches your eye and soon you find an Emeral Longbow resting on the ground far from the path. Normally, these finely-crafted bows are buried in the tomb of a great elven warrior. Someone must've robbed such a tomb for it to find its way here. Or is it fate that you found this bow now?
Backstory none
角弓 Horned Bow
Bow — Lv3 Major
Change 远程击晕Grants all friendly Ranged Creatures the ability <Ranged Stun>(New Affix)
Hero’s Ranged ATK +50->Ranged ATK +70
Lv4 Relic->Lv3 Major
Without Archery skills, the hero still cannot shoot even equipped with this Item
PickTxt To your surprise, you find the Bow of the White Stag resting on a nearby tree stump. Legend says that this is the bow of the Goddess of the Hunt, and that occasionally she allows another to use it for a short period of time. For now, it is yours.
Backstory none
精灵王之弓 Bow of the Elf King
Bow— Lv4 Relic
Change 远程双击Grants all friendly creatures the Ranged Attack count +1 ->Hero and all friendly creatures the Ranged Attack count +1
The hero can shoot even without Archery skills ->Without Archery skills, the hero still cannot shoot even equipped with this Item
Hero’s Ranged ATK +5
PickTxt A gentle woman approaches you holding a long object wrapped in an old cloth. Help me please she says. Of course!" you reply. She hands you the package and says "My son found this hidden in an old tree stump. I'm afraid he's going to poke someone's eye out with that thing. Take it away from here please." You agree. When the woman is gone you unwrap the bundle and find the Bow of the Elf King."
Backstory The Elf King crafted this bow himself. He was never without it, but the Elf King sadly died in battle shortly before the Reckoning and some brave Elf warrior carried his king's bow from the battlefield.
冰霜战锤 Frost Hammer
Weapon — Lv4 Relic — Expansion Artifact
Change 增加杀伤力Hero’s Dmg +25-40(New Affix)
Hero’s Melee Attack +25
冰之握grants the hero Buff-<Freezing Attack>
PickTxt While taking a quick rest near the statue of a barbarian warrior, you can help but get the feeling that something about the statue is out of place. You notice that the hammer the barbarian is wielding is a real weapon, not part of the statue. You take the hammer and replace it with your sword, only to discover it is a Hammer of Frost.
Backstory The weapon used by Dahl to slay the dangerous white tiger Kiessan. The hammer radiates a piercing chill that has the potential to freeze victims struck by it in combat.
艾菲曼陀林 Aiffe's Mandolin
Weapon — Lv4 Relic — Expansion Artifact
Change 自然法术NATURE Spells Power +100%(New Affix)

Allows hero to cast 和平之歌邪恶之歌群体振奋 spells, and half the Mana cost
PickTxt A young man sitting under a tree tries desperately to play his mandolin. After a few minutes he tosses the mandolin aside with disgust and storms away, vowing to take up a life of farming because the life of a minstrel is too difficult. You pick up the mandolin intending to return it to him, but realize it Aiffe Mandolin. An item this powerful deserves better than a farmer home, so you keep it.
Backstory The legendary bard Aiffe once claimed this mandolin for her own. Even now it seems slightly warm to the touch, almost as if someone had been holding it recently. Seemingly possessed with a life of its own, any song can fly from it with ease soothing lullaby, a wailing dirge, or even a rousing hymn.
混乱火盆 Flame of Chaos
Weapon — Lv4 Relic — Expansion Artifact
Change 混乱法术CHAOS Spells Power +100%(New Affix)
Reduces the Mana cost of Chaos spells by 2

grants the Hero Buffs 秩序抵抗冰抵抗 when entering combat
PickTxt The sight of smoke attracts your attention, and you head to where the smoke is coming from. You see the remains of a small church building recently burned to the ground. A priest comes forward to greet you and begs you to take the Flame of Chaos away before it can cause any more damage.
Backstory Sorcerer Jalex created the Flame of Chaos to boost his magical powers during the War of Frozen Flame. The Flame will enhance the wielder ability to use Chaos magic while also protecting the wielder from Order magics.
混乱火盆 Ice Scales
Weapon — Lv4 Relic — Expansion Artifact
Change 秩序法术ORDER Spells Power +100%(New Affix)
Reduces the Mana cost cost of ORDER spells by 2

grants the Hero Buffs 混乱抵抗火抵抗 when entering combat
PickTxt On the side of the road you notice a man struggling to get his wagon out of the mud. You offer your assistance and use your mount to help pull the wagon free. The man, grateful for the aid, offers you the Ice Scales insisting that you would have more use for it. You accept his gift.
Backstory Created by Arkad the Mage for use in the War of Frozen Flame, a large conflict between the Order and Chaos schools of magic, the Ice Scales work to render the wielder resistant to Chaos magic while simultaneously enhancing the Mage ability to use Order magic.
  • The bland and unappealing Numerical design completely fails to engage players. Properly increasing the numerical value and granting the ability to the weapon is essential
  • Most weapons added the Damage Affix, increasing the damage limit of Might heroes
  • All relic weapons have significantly increased enhanced attributes, ensuring their prestigious status

Armor of Factions
Torso — Lv2 Minor
混乱护甲 死亡护甲 生命护甲 秩序护甲 增加生命值Hero’s base Hp +25%(New Affix)

grants the Hero Buffs 守序抵抗生命抵抗死亡抵抗混乱抵抗

Hero’s Melee/Ranged DEF +20

Lv3 Major->Lv2 Minor
反自然护甲 Unnatural Armor
Torso — Lv2 Minor
Change 增加生命值Hero’s base Hp +25%(New Affix)

Grants the Hero Buff <Nature Ward>自然抵抗->grants Buff Giant Strength 巨人力量

Hero’s Melee/Ranged DEF +20

Lv3 Major->Lv2 Minor

PickTxt A warrior fell prey to an assassin's arrow at this very spot. Oddly, a nearby sapling has withered and died for no apparent reason. Examining the man's armor, you realize it is a suit of Unnatural Armor.
Backstory There is no record of the forging of this unusual armor, and so far no one has been able to repeat its construction.
镀金钢甲 Golden Plate Mail
Torso — Lv1 Treasure
Change Lv2 Minor->Lv1 Treasure
Hero’s Melee/Ranged DEF +25->Melee/Ranged DEF +18
Increases the Mana cost of All Spells by 1
PickTxt You discover the nameless tomb of a noble who probably lived such a shameful life that his family buried him in secret. Exploring the grave, you find a shiny suit of Golden Plate Mail among a pile of rusting weapons.
Backstory Normally, an extravagance like solid gold armor would be used for ceremony only, but a ridiculously wealthy noble had this armor enchanted to be both light and sturdy.
力量鳞甲 Scale Mail of Strength
Torso — Lv2 Minor
Change 增加生命值Hero’s base Hp +50%(New Affix)

Lv3 Major->Lv2 Minor
Hero’s Melee/Ranged ATK/DEF +10->Hero’s Melee/Ranged ATK +12
PickTxt The glimmer of metal in the sunlight attracts you to where someone tried to conceal something beneath a boulder. You spend a few minutes digging it out and a few more cleaning away the dirt, but in the end you have your own Scale Mail of Strength.
Backstory To assure victory, an ancient king enchanted the armor of his best soldiers and positioned them at the front of his army.
烈火战甲 Fire Armor
Torso — Lv3 Major
Change 增加生命值Hero’s base Hp 25%(New Affix)

Grants the Hero Buff <Fire Shield>火盾->Grants Buff Fire Resistance火抵抗

Name:Brimstone Breastplate->Fire Armor
Hero’s Melee/Ranged DEF +20
PickTxt A farmer stands at the side of the path as if waiting for someone. When he sees you, he approaches and hands you a Brimstone Breastplate. Please take this. I dug up this infernal armor yesterday and I'm afraid it's going to bring evil to my home.""
Backstory Forged by demon hands, this otherworldly armor has seen eons of warfare and survives even when many of its previous owners are long dead.
再生胸甲 Breastplate of Regeneration
Torso — Lv3 Major
Change 增加生命值Hero’s base Hp 25%(New Affix)

>Grants the Hero Buff <Regeneration>再生

Hero’s Melee/Ranged DEF +20
PickTxt "Are you on a quest adventurer?" says the attractive woman on horseback. "Yes you reply. She smiles and hands you a Breastplate of Regeneration, saying, This served me well in my own quest and now that I have succeeded I pass it on to you."
Backstory A wizard was commissioned to create an armor that would heal its wearer during battle. He was successful, but the process was too expensive to mass produce.
巨龙铠甲 Dragon Scale Armor
Torso — Lv3 Major
Grants the Hero Buff <Fire Resistance>火抵抗->Grants Buff<Dragon Strength>巨龙力量

Hero’s Melee/Ranged DEF +25
PickTxt Sitting by the side of the road is a wounded warrior. His hair is gone and he is covered in burns. Suddenly, he stands and thrusts a suit of Dragon Scale Armor into your hands. "You take it! I've slayed my last dragon. It's not worth the pain."
Backstory Long ago, dragon slayers realized that the best defense against the creature's fiery breath was its own scales.
狮鹫心铠甲 Gryponheart's Plate Mail
Torso — Lv3 Major
Change 增加生命值Hero’s base Hp +50%(New Affix)
Hero’s Melee/Ranged DEF +30->Hero’s Melee/Ranged DEF +40
PickTxt A drunken Barbarian sits by the side of the road bragging how he robbed the tomb of a king to get Gryphonheart's Plate Mail. Since such a malicious thief doesn't deserve to wear this great armor, you pound the man unconscious and take it from him.
Backstory Down the long line of Gryphonheart kings and queens, it was a tradition to have a special armor crafted for them. Over the years, many of these have been stolen from the royal tombs.
合金护甲 Adamantine Armor
Torso — Lv4 Relic
Change 增加生命值Hero’s base Hp +100%(New Affix)
Hero’s Melee/Ranged DEF +50
PickTxt Standing in the middle of this field is a rather messy suit of Adamantine Armor stuffed with hay. Someone used it as a scarecrow! You tear down the armor. Even though its been out in the rain for who knows how long, that's nothing a little cleaning won't cure.
Backstory Many believe adamantine is a metal, but they would be wrong. Adamantine is actually a rare stone that is harder than any metal but under special circumstances is able to be crafted as easily as steel.
和谐锁甲 Harmonic Chainmail
Torso — Lv4 Relic — Expansion Artifact
Change 增加生命值Hero’s base Hp +50%(New Affix)

Grants the Hero Buff <Mirth>振奋 when entering combat

Hero’s Melee/Ranged DEF +15
PickTxt Resting for the night in an old abandoned keep, you notice some discoloration on the wood panels in the floor. When you look closer, you realize it a trap door and when you open it you discover a suit of Harmonic Chainmail neatly stored there.
Backstory Though obviously very old, this armor shows no sign of wear or decay tribute to the skill of craftsmen long since passed away. When things are quiet you can hear an almost imperceptible song coming from the mail, perhaps from a spirit residing inside.
猛虎胸甲 Tiger Armor
Torso — Lv4 Relic — Expansion Artifact
Change 增加生命值Hero’s base Hp +50%(New Affix)
Hero’s Melee/Ranged DEF +25
Hero's Speed +2->Speed +2
Hero's Battlefield Movement +2
PickTxt You notice a troop of entertainers performing a reenactment of a famous battle between a barbarian and a tiger. The quality of the tiger costume intrigues you, and on further examination you realize it is none other than Dahllegendary Tiger Armor. You convince the troop to trade it to you for your promise to spread the word of their skill in your travels.
Backstory Dahl the barbarian fashioned this armor from the hide of Kiessan, a fierce and dangerous white tiger responsible for terrorizing many small villages. The armor seems to impart feline speed and quickness to its wearer.
  • Downgraded most armor Levels for heroes to gain Defense early, making heroes survive easily in Combat
  • Simply increasing the Defense point of armor cannot solve the Might Damage issue, Therefore, most armors added HP Affix,which Indirectly raises the hero's damage tolerance

Other Important Change
魔法卷轴 Scroll
Miscellaneous — Lv1 Treasure
Change Slot: Weapon->Changed to Miscellaneous(A hero can equip a maximum of 4 scrolls)
德鲁伊锁链 Druids Chain
Neck — Lv2 Minor
Change Increases the effectiveness of Summoning skill by 10 points->Increases to 50%
If the hero doesn't possess Summoning skill, it acts as the Basic Summoning skill-召唤法术
旅行之靴 Boots of Travel
Feet — Lv3 Major
Change Gives an army +50% movement on land->Gives +100% movement on land
马兰迪酒杯 Maranthea's Mug
Miscellaneous — Lv3 Major
Change Increases Melee and Ranged Defense of all friendly creatures by 15%(New Affix)
Gives all friendly heroes/creatures Morale +3
法师王冠 Supreme Crown of the Magi
Head — Lv3 Major
Change Lv4 Relic ->Lv3 Major
Hero's Mp +50
Regenerates 10 Mp per day->Regenerates 20 Mp
指挥头盔 Helm of Command
Head — Lv3 Major
Change Increases Melee and Ranged Defense/Attack of all friendly creatures by 15%->Increases to 30%
Gives Speed +1 for all friendly creatures
灾祸项圈 Fizbin of Misfortune
Neck — Lv4 Relic
Change Lv3 Major->Lv4 Relic
Casts Misfortune Debuff on all enemy targets(Except 100% Magic_Resistance), will lose DeBuff in sometimes(Bug)
伪·狮鹫心之刃 False Gryphonheart Blade
Weapon — Lv3 Major — Campaign Artifact
Change Lv4 Relic ->Lv3 Major
Hero’s Melee ATK/DEF +8
狮鹫心之刃 Gryphonheart Blade
Weapon — Lv3 Major — Expansion Artifact
Change Lv4 Relic ->Lv3 Major
Hero’s Melee ATK/DEF +8
Increases Melee and Ranged Attack of all friendly creatures by 40%
行路之靴 Wayfaring Boots
Feet — Lv4 Relic — Expansion Artifact
Change Gives army 25% movement bonus on land ->Gives 100% movement bonus on land and seaICON航海.png
Hero's Mp +10
Ignores all terrain penalties
PickTxt After a weary day of travel, you find a shallow hot spring near a village. The spring is a popular place, judging by the large number of peasants relaxing their feet in the water. After some time working the fatigue of the road from your feet, you find that someone mistakenly took your boots. You have no success tracking down your shoes, so you settle for the boots that were left in their place, only then discovering they are Wayfaring Boots.
Backstory When worn, these boots seem to make the wearer feet one with the ground allowing him to move quickly and tirelessly through the most difficult terrain.
天使羽毛斗篷 Angelfeather Cloak
Shoulders — Lv4 Relic — Expansion Artifact
Change Grants the Hero Buff <Heavenly Shield>天堂之盾 when entering combat (300 points)->Increased to 1000 points, displaying on Hero's Hp
Grants the Hero Buff <Flight>飞行
Hero's Mp +10
PickTxt As you ride into a small village you notice a child wearing a funny looking hat far too large for his small head. Upon seeing you he begs to trade you his hat for yours, as he would rather have the hat of an actual adventurer. You decline, but his obvious disappointment changes your mind and you make the swap. You wear the hat all the way out of town, and as you are about to put it away for good realize it is an Archmages?Hat.
Backstory Though simple looking, this hat contains powerful enchantments to make the wearer more difficult to spot at range and to increase his magical energies.
黑暗斗篷 Cloak of Darkness
Shoulders — Lv4 Relic — Expansion Artifact
Change 死亡法术Death Spells Power +25%->Death Spells Power +100%
Grants the Hero Buff <Life Ward>生命抵抗->Changed to <Teleport> 传送
Hero’s Melee/Ranged DEF +10
PickTxt Inside a crypt you find the body of a long dead necromancer covered with a Cloak of Darkness. The dead have no need of valuables, so you swap your cloak with his and leave.
Backstory This cloak seems to reflect no light, instead drawing darkness to it. When worn, shadows seem to cover the wearer offering protection from Life magic and enhancing the wearer ability to use Death magic.
光明指环 Ring of Light
Ring — Lv4 Relic — Expansion Artifact
Change 生命法术Life Spells Power +25%->Life Spells Power +100%
Grants the Hero Buff <Death Ward>死亡抵抗
Hero’s Melee/Ranged ATK +10
PickTxt While looking for a place to sleep during a rainstorm, you come upon an abandoned farmhouse with a lantern out front still shining brightly. Upon further examination the light is not from a flame, but from a Ring of Light stored inside. Certainly, whoever lived here did not know of the Ring true power.
Backstory Radiating soft light, even in the deepest darkness, this ring is more than a symbol for hopet a powerful artifact capable of boosting the wearers Life magic and offering protection from Death magic.
平衡项链 Necklace of Balance
Neck — Lv4 Relic — Expansion Artifact
Change 秩序法术Order Spells Power +25%->Order Spells Power +50%

混乱法术Chaos Spells Power +25%->Chaos Spells Power +50%
PickTxt While refreshing your mounts and yourself at a small pool, you notice a strange glint from the center of the water. After wading out you find out the glint was coming from a chain. Pulling on it, you find out the chain is actually a Necklace of Balance.
Backstory Near the end of the War of Frozen Flame, Lyradon, one of the first Wizards to master both Order and Chaos magic, created the Necklace of Balance in an attempt to draw out the hidden power in both the Ice Scales and the Flame of Chaos. The Necklace itself turned out to be quite powerful, boosting the wearer Order and Chaos magic.
Combination Artifacts
Tiger Combination
Weapon — Torso — Head — Lv4 Relic
冰霜战锤猛虎胸甲 猛虎头盔 Hero’s base Hp +50%(New)
Hero’s Dmg +25-40(New)
Hero’s Melee ATK +30
Hero’s Melee DEF +30
Speed +3
Battlefield Movement +2
Grants the Hero Buff <Ice Grab> when entering combat
Grants the Hero Ability - <Negate first Strike>
Combination Effect:Grants the Hero Buffs Dragon Strength and Regeneration->Changed to Dragon Strength and ability Unlimited Retaliation
  • The extra damage and health points from artifacts Significantly improved the limit of Might heroes, making them powerful and resilient survival in combat
  • The value of the Regeneration Buff is too low and would cover the Regeneration Spell. Literally a useless ability, cannot meet the status of Relic Combination
◆New Combination Artifacts◆
Noob Combination
Weapon — Torso — Lv0 Item
战斧盾牌 皮甲 Hero’s Dmg +3-5(new)
Melee ATK +8
Speed -1
Melee/Ranged DEF +8
Combination Effect: Hero’s base Hp +50%, Speed +2

  • This Combination only appears in the Arsenal of Might Faction, a Barbarian-based Combination Artifact. For farm-hard Might Faction, this is a great blessing without a doubt
Knight Combination
Weapon — Head — Torso
合金护盾领导头盔 合金护甲 Hero’s base Hp +100%(new)
Hero’s Melee/Ranged DEF +53
Increases Defense of all friendly creatures by 50%
Gives all friendly heroes/creatures Morale +2, Speed +1
Combination Effect:Grants the Hero ability-<Charging>冲锋

  • The Combination included 2 Relic Artifacts, which occupy the 2 main slots, and the ability Charging only works in limited special situations. A very boring Combination Artifact can only say
◆New Artifacts◆
漂浮旅鞋 Boots of Levitation
Feet — Lv2 Minor
Effect Grants the Hero Buff-<Flight>飞行
PickTxt You see a crowd of people looking blindly upon a man in a simple robe. Instantly, you realize this man is a charlatan, so you knock the man down, take his Boots of Levitation, and throw him in the water. See!" you say. "He can't walk on water!" While the crowd is busy chasing the con-man you depart with the boots."
电神挂件 Pendant of Negativity
Neck — Lv3 Major
Effect Increases all Lightning-Spells Damage by 50%闪电
Grants all friendly creatures ability <Lightning Immunity>(not include heroes)
PickTxt A chill runs down your spine and the hairs on the back of your neck suddenly stand on end. Danger is near. A Dragon perhaps - something so dangerous that you can sense its presence. For a moment, you consider fleeing just to be on the safe side. But the closer you get to that rock, the stronger these emotions gets. So, you lift the rock to find an Amulet of Fear. The moment you touch, however, all the feelings subside(Old Introduction)
Comments Increases all Lightning-Spells damage, which is a necessary Pendant for Chaos Sorcerer. But the ability <Lightning Immunity> is not as good like the description, easily kills other friendly heroes
腐蚀之箭 Corruption Arrow
Miscellaneous — Lv2 Minor
Effect Creatures struck by the hero's ranged attack are added Debuff <Acid>酸液
Reduces the target Defense by 20%
PickTxt You think someone has been following you, but you can't be certain. And then a man dressed all in black with his face hidden in the shadows of his hood startles you. He steps from cover, a bow in one hand and a Poison Arrow in the other. He tosses the arrow at your feet and says, I could've killed you a dozen times. One day the Shroud will return for you. Next time(Old Introduction)
Comments For hostile Hero with high Defense points and Magic_Resistance, the Corruption Arrow can reduce their Defense well
痛苦项链 Amulet of Pain
Miscellaneous — Lv3 Major
Effect Grants the hero Buff Pain Mirror, Reflects 50% damage to attacker痛苦之镜
PickTxt After little bargaining with the chief of a local native tribe, you managed to obtain a magic amulet from him. The chief of the tribe was very satisfied with exchange considering that he had tricked you, though you knew for sure, that you had arranged an excellent deal, changing a glass from an old spyglass for Pain Amulet.
Comments This Artifact will create a miraculous situation when facing the hostile Might Hero with powerful strength (not appear in the adventure map unless the editor placed (same below)
压制之灵 Spirit of Oppression
Miscellaneous — Lv3 Major
Effect All morale bonuses and penalties are negated for all creatures and heroes, friend and foe alike.
PickTxt I met an inn-keeper. He was sullen, and told me that even though none of his guests left in sorrow, the business wasn't going well. I felt it was important and went on asking questions, because I heard rumours of some ancient artifacts, that could make life of any being joyless. After some more questions I started searching. The innkeeper was glad to get rid of Spirit of Oppression.
Comments An old Artifact from HOMM3, Eliminating the morale impact is a double-edged sword. Nevertheless, it is alway good when carrying
解脱头盔 Helm of Disengagement
Head — Lv2 Minor
Effect Creatures struck by heroes' melee or ranged attack are added Spell -Dispel驱散
PickTxt You came into a small clearing with a huge ritual stone in the middle. There are some strange letters on the stone. You examined them and failed to interpret ancient characters, so you were going to leave, suddenly someone called you. You turned back and found a strange head-dress surrounded by violet luminescence on the ground behind you. It is strange, but there was nothing there. You convinced, that there isn抰 anybody around, and took Disengagement Helm with you after that.
Comments It looks like a cool Artifact, but not as good as its description. Heroes equipped the Artifact will become a coward, and the Debuff they added will also fail!
巫师之戒 Witch Ring
Ring — Lv2 Minor
Effect Grants the hero ability-Mana Leech吸取魔力
Drain 2 mana points from enemy spellcasters each turn
Gains increased bonus by Demonology and Death Grail, No more than 7 points
PickTxt Scouting the place you found a statue in the shrubs. It looks like someone was unlucky enough to meet the squad of medusas. But the ring on it's finger did not turn into stone. Only magical artifact could resist stone gaze! You took the witch's ring and realised you were right.
Comments A strategy Artifact, is not very useful because summoning Imp can also make this same
狮鹫头盔 Griffin helm
Head — Lv4 Relic
Effect Grants the hero ability -Unlimited Retaliation 无限反击
PickTxt Somewhere near my camp some people celebrated carnival. It seemed they simply did not know about the war. I decided to have a closer look at the carnival, because I understood I will not probably see something like that for a long time. I spent almost an hour near the properties shop, and was awarded for patience. One of the properties helms appeared a mighty artifact, that only few skillful warriors are worth - Griffin Helm. Trade with properties-man wasn't a problem.
Comments A real Relic Artfact, the unique ability that all Barbarians dream of
Removed Artifacts
ICON Name Detail Effect Reason
毒箭 Poison Arrow Miscellaneous
Lv2 Minor
Creatures struck by the hero's ranged attack are Poisoned, same as the Death spell. Basically same as Ring of the Cobra's Eye, it is repetitive just ban
恐惧护身符 Amulet of Fear Miscellaneous
Lv2 Minor
Gives the hero the No Retaliation ability, same as the Fear spell. From any perspective, it would be a pretty good. But for some reason, players seem reluctant to use it

Other Artifact Change
Num ICOM Name Level Slot Change
1 圣徒法杖 Caduceus Lv2 Minor Weapon Both hands ->Changed to Weapon
Lv3 Major->Changed to Lv2 Minor
2 死亡法杖 Staff_Of_Death Lv2 Minor Weapon Both hands ->Changed to Weapon
Lv3 Major->Changed to Lv2 Minor
3 魔力法杖 Staff_Of_Enchantment Lv2 Minor Weapon Both hands ->Changed to Weapon
Lv3 Major->Changed to Lv2 Minor
4 召唤法杖 Staff_Of_Summoning Lv2 Minor Weapon Both hands ->Changed to Weapon
Lv3 Major->Changed to Lv2 Minor
5 伤害法杖 Staff_Of_The_Witch_King Lv2 Minor Weapon Both hands ->Changed to Weapon
Lv3 Major->Changed to Lv2 Minor
6 小鹰 Breeze_The_Falcon Lv1 treasure Weapon Lv2 Minor->Changed to Lv1 treasure
7 巨人杀手之剑 Giant_Slayer Lv1 treasure Weapon Lv2 Minor->Changed to Lv1 treasure
Hero's Melee ATK/DEF +3->Melee ATK/DEF +6
8 迅视戟 Halberd_Of_Speed Lv3 Major Both hands Weapon Both hands ->Lv2 Minor->Changed to Lv3 Major
9 野蛮人投棍 Barbarian_Throwing_Club Lv2 Minor Weapon Bow->Changed to Weapon
Hero's Ranged ATK +5->Ranged ATK +7
10 狙击弩 Snipers_Crossbow Lv3 Major Bow Lv2 Minor->Changed to Lv3 Major
Hero's Ranged ATK +3->Ranged ATK +15
11 游牧人黑弓 Nomad_Blackbow Lv2 Minor Bow Hero's Ranged ATK +20->Ranged ATK +25
12 懒惰之弓 Valders_Bow_Of_Sloth Lv2 Minor Bow Hero's Ranged ATK +5->Ranged ATK +12
13 半人马标枪 Centaurs_Spear Lv2 Minor Bow Lv3 Major->Changed to Lv2 Minor
14 混乱魔法宝典 Tome_Of_Chaos Lv3 Major Miscellaneous Weapon->Changed to Miscellaneous
15 死亡魔法宝典 Tome_Of_Death Lv3 Major Miscellaneous Weapon->Changed to Miscellaneous
16 生命魔法宝典 Tome_Of_Life Lv3 Major Miscellaneous Weapon->Changed to Miscellaneous
17 自然魔法宝典 Tome_Of_Nature Lv3 Major Miscellaneous Weapon->Changed to Miscellaneous
18 守序魔法宝典 Tome_Of_Order Lv3 Major Miscellaneous Weapon->Changed to Miscellaneous
19 大师魔法书 Masters_Journal Lv2 Minor Miscellaneous Weapon->Changed to Miscellaneous
Lv3 Major->Changed to Lv2 Minor
20 学徒笔记 Journeymans_Notebook Lv1 treasure Miscellaneous Weapon->Changed to Miscellaneous
Lv2 Minor->Changed to Lv1 treasure
21 学徒手册 Apprentices_Handbook Lv1 treasure Miscellaneous Weapon->Changed to Miscellaneous
22 领导头盔 Mullichs_Helm_Of_Leadership Lv3 Major Head Lv2 Minor->Changed to Lv3 Major
23 能量头盔 Helm_Of_Power Lv1 treasure Head Lv3 Major->Changed to Lv1 treasure
regenerates 4 extra Mana per day->Increased to 8 Mana per day
24 知识之帽 Cap_Of_Knowledge Lv1 treasure Head Gains +5 Mana and regenerates 1 per day->regenerates 8 per day
25 智慧头冠 Circlet_Of_Wisdom Lv0 Item Head Lv1 treasure->Changed to Lv0 Item
26 再生指环 Ring_Of_Regeneration Lv2 Minor Ring Lv3 Major->Changed to Lv2 Minor
27 力量指环 Ring_Of_Strength Lv1 treasure Ring Hero's Melee/Ranged ATK +5->Melee/Ranged ATK +10
28 骑师手套 Equestrians_Gloves Lv2 Minor Ring Provides +25% movement on land->Increased to 30%
29 丛林妖精指环 Leprechauns_Ring Lv2 Minor Ring Gives +2 luck to all friendly targets -> Gives +3 luck
30 眼镜蛇指环 Poison_Ring Lv1 treasure Ring Lv2 Minor->Changed to Lv1 treasure
31 永恒指环 Ring_Of_Permanency Lv3 Major Ring Lv2 Minor->Changed to Lv3 Major
32 圣十字 Ankh_Of_Life Lv2 Minor Neck Increases the Resurrection skill by +5%->Increased to +10%
33 死亡护身符 Amulet_Of_The_Undertaker Lv2 Minor Neck Increases the Necromancy skill by +10%->Increased to +15%
34 媚惑项链 Necklace_Of_Charm Lv2 Minor Neck Increases the Charm skill by 5%->Increased to +10%
35 政治家勋章 Statesmans_Medal Lv2 Minor Miscellaneous Neck->Changed to Miscellaneous
36 吝啬鬼钱包 Purse_Of_Pennypinching Lv2 Minor Miscellaneous Gains a 10% discount on all creature purchases when equipped->Increased to 25% discount(Cannot stack with others)
37 硫磺火盆 Brazier_Of_Sulfur Lv1 treasure Miscellaneous Lv2 Minor->Changed to Lv1 treasure
38 水晶雕像 Cube_Of_Crystals Lv1 treasure Miscellaneous Lv2 Minor->Changed to Lv1 treasure
39 水银瓶 Flask_Of_Mercury Lv1 treasure Miscellaneous Lv2 Minor->Changed to Lv1 treasure
40 宝石箱 Gias_Gems Lv1 treasure Miscellaneous Lv2 Minor->Changed to Lv1 treasure
41 法师长袍 Mages_Robe Lv1 treasure Shoulders Lv2 Minor->Changed to Lv1 treasure
42 报复之镜 Mirror_Of_Spell_Turning Lv2 Minor Miscellaneous Neck->Changed to Miscellaneous
Lv3 Major->Changed to Lv2 Minor
43 泰南匕首 Tynans_Dagger_Of_Despair Lv2 Minor Miscellaneous Weapon->Changed to Miscellaneous
Lv3 Major->Changed to Lv2 Minor
44 探险家之靴 Surefooted_Boots Lv2 Minor Feet Lv3 Major->Changed to Lv2 Minor
45 防火靴 Fireproof_Boots Lv1 treasure Feet Lv2 Minor->Changed to Lv1 treasure
46 稳当之靴 Ogs_Sandals Lv1 treasure Feet Lv2 Minor->Changed to Lv1 treasure
47 沙漠草鞋 Sandwalker_Sandals Lv1 treasure Feet Lv2 Minor->Changed to Lv1 treasure
48 雪地之鞋 Snowshoes Lv1 treasure Feet Lv2 Minor->Changed to Lv1 treasure
49 鳄皮靴 Swamp_Boots Lv1 treasure Feet Lv2 Minor->Changed to Lv1 treasure


Fire Aura 火焰附加
Lv.l — Blessing — Chaos Magic — 3 Spell Points
Great in battle! Just don't walk too close to the drapes.
  • Mana Cost:2 ->Increases to 3
  • Damage Param:20+2*Hero_Level,Increases by 100%/100%
  • Damage Type:Fire-Based
Fire Bolt 火矢
Lv.2 — Damage — Chaos Magic — 5 Spell Points

Set your enemies on fire, light a campfire, or roast a duck - it's an all purpose spell!

  • Mana Cost:3 ->Increases to 5
  • Damage Param:60+6*Hero_Level,Increases by 20%/20%
  • Damage Type:Fire-Based
Fire Ring 火环
Lv.3 — Damage — Chaos Magic — 7 Spell Points

Lure them in, let them surround you. That's when they think you're weak. Boy, are they wrong!

  • Mana Cost:5 ->Increases to 7
  • Damage Param:50+8*Hero_Level,Increases by 25%/100%
  • Damage Type:Fire-Based
  • Range:4 yard radius
Fireball 火球
Lv.3 — Damage — Chaos Magic — 7 Spell Points

As far as I'm concerned, there is no other spell. This one has it all.

  • Mana Cost:5 ->Increases to 7
  • Damage Param:60+7*Hero_Level,Increases by 50%/75%
  • Damage Type:Fire-Based
  • Range:4 yard radius
Lightning 闪电
Lv.3 — Damage — Chaos Magic — 7 Spell Points

Too bad every creature doesn't burn. In a perfect world, all you need is a fire spell. But just in case I keep this one ready to surprise them.

  • Mana Cost:5 ->Increases to 7
  • Damage Param:70+9*Hero_Level,Increases by 0%/28.5%
  • Damage Type:Lightning-Based
  • Increases extra damage by 50% when the target in Misfortune Debuff
Implosion 爆裂
Lv.4 — Damage — Chaos Magic — 11 Spell Points

I've seen the agony on the faces of my targets. The pain must be incredible. Glad it's not me!

  • Mana Cost:8 ->Increases to 11
  • Damage Param:100+12*Hero_Level,Increases by 11%/33%
  • Increases extra damage by 50% when the target in Misfortune Debuff
Inferno 地狱火
Lv.4 — Damage — Chaos Magic — 11 Spell Points

It has been known to get so hot inside an Inferno strike that it turns sand into glass!

  • Mana Cost:8 ->Increases to 11
  • Damage Param:90+9*Hero_Level,Increases by 125%/125%
  • Damage Type:Fire-Based
  • Range:7 yard radius
Chain Lightning 连锁闪电
Lv.4 — Damage — Chaos Magic — 16 Spell Points

When your hair stands on end, you are already dead.

  • Spell Level:Lv.5->Reduces to Lv.4
  • Mana Cost:12 ->Increases to 16
  • Damage Param:110+11*Hero_Level,Increases by 37.5%/37.5%
  • Damage Type:Lightning-Based
Disintegrate 碎裂
Lv.5 — Damage — Chaos Magic — 21 Spell Points

This is the final word. You are dead! You're not coming back. And I can do it again, so you better run.

  • Mana Cost:12 ->Increases to 21
  • Damage Param:220+33*Hero_Level,Increases by 100%/200%
  • Increases extra damage by 50% when the target in Misfortune Debuff
Armageddon 末日审判
Lv.5 — Damage — Chaos Magic — 21 Spell Points

我I know it's going to hurt, but winning is the important thing. And if my troops die, well, better them than me!

  • Mana Cost:12 ->Increases to 21
  • Damage Param:180+20*Hero_Level,Increases by 63%/81%
  • Damage Type:Fire-Based
◆◆◆New Spells◆◆◆
Smoke 烟雾
Lv.l — Help — Chaos Magic — 2 Spell Points

Fog, a cloudy night, or smoke - if you can't see the enemy, you can't shoot the enemy.

  • New Lv.l Chaos Magic
  • Mana Cost:2
  • Effect:Creates a 3x3 yard cloud that reduces all Ranged Attacks through the cloud by 50%.
    Comments:a pretty cheap Lv.l Magic, but it is still useful when facing ranged creatures in combat
Hydra Health 九头蛇之躯
Lv.2 — Blessing — Chaos Magic — 4 Spell Points

I promise you, you have never felt better in your life, nor will you ever! And it's all natural!

  • New Lv.2 Chaos Magic
  • Mana Cost:4
  • Effect:Increases the hit points of the target by 25% until the end of the next combat, and also can buff hero in adventure marches for the next combat
Lighting Storm 闪电风暴
Lv.5 — Damage — Chaos Magic — 21 Spell Points

Too bad every creature doesn't burn. In a perfect world, all you need is a fire spell. But just in case I keep this one ready to surprise them.

  • New Lv.5 Chaos Magic
  • Mana Cost:21
  • Effect:Summoning several powerful lightings, to damage all creatures(except spell caster) on the battlefield
  • Damage Param:210+27*Hero_Level
  • Damage Type:Lightning-Based
  • Increases extra damage by 50% when the target in Misfortune Debuff
Other Change
  • The gameplay of Chaos Faction has changed:Rush will be a trend of gameplay,every spell tier has its own damage magic. Mass Sorcerers with Confusion-Spell will be gone
  • The mana cost of almost all Chaos Magic has risen
  • Sparks Spell - Remoevd, cannot learn it anymore
  • Bloodfrenzy Spell-Remoevd
Poison 毒害
Lv.l — Damage — Death Magic — 3 Spell Points
You have to agree, there is nothing quite as appealing as gloating over your enemy as they die ever so slowly.
  • Mana Cost:2 ->Increases to 3
  • Damage Param:10+2*Hero_Level,Increases by 0%/50%
  • Lasts Endless rounds-> lasts 15 rounds
Raise Skeletons 驱役骷髅
Lv.l — Summoning — Death Magic — 3 Spell Points
Otherwise, the bones go to waste, don't they?
  • Mana Cost:2 ->Increases to 3
  • Summoning Param:80+8*Hero_Level,Increases by 100%/100%
Cancellation 废除
Lv.2 — Curse — Death Magic — 4 Spell Points
The knights spent a full day preparing for their attack, praying, casting spells, and polishing their armor.
Pointless! But at least they died in shiny armor.
  • Spell Level:Lv.l->Increases to Lv.2
  • Mana Cost:2 ->Increases to 4
  • Never work on friendly Illusion anymore
Life Drain 生命吸取
Lv.2 — Damage — Death Magic — 4 Spell Points
Their life energy may be pure and tasteless, but it sure feels good!
  • Mana Cost:3 ->Increases to 4
  • Damage Param:20+2*Hero_Level,Increases by 100%/100%
  • The spell only works on creatures of Life and Nature Factions->Now can work on all non-Undead, non-Magic immunity creatures, and would not damage friendly creatures
  • Caster will gain a portion of the total hit points drained to heal HP->to heal HP and break limit of Max HP
Animate Dead 操纵死尸
Lv.2 — Summoning — Death Magic — 6 Spell Points
There is no greater way to convince your enemy that your army is invincible than troops that refuse to stay dead.
  • Mana Cost:3 ->Increases to 6
  • Summoning Param:80+8*Hero_Level,Increases by 80%/80%
Plague 瘟疫
Lv.3 — Damage — Death Magic — 12 Spell Points
Sickness always cripples an army, unless that army is already dead.
  • Mana Cost:5 ->Increases to 12
  • Damage Param:15+1*Hero_Level,Increases by 50%/0%
  • Lasts Endless rounds-> lasts 15 rounds
  • Never damage on friendly creatures anymore, only work on non-Undead
Death Calls 死亡呼唤
Lv.3 — Summoning — Death Magic — 12 Spell Points
The Undead attacked us from the rear! But only our own dead were behind us?
  • Spell Level:Lv.4->Reduces to Lv.3
  • Mana Cost:8 ->Increases to 12
  • Summoning Param:160+16*Hero_Level,Increases by 77%/77%
Unholy Song 邪恶之歌
Lv.4 — Curse — Death Magic — 14 Spell Points
I've seen monks try to cover their ears when they hear these haunting notes
, but they just don't understand that your soul doesn't need ears to hear.
  • Spell Level:Lv.2->Increases to Lv.4
  • Mana Cost:3 ->Increases to 14
  • Only Works on all creatures of Life Faction->Now can Work on all non-undead, hostile creatures
Mass Cancelation 群体废除
Lv.4 — Curse — Death Magic — 14 Spell Points
Their leader was cutting through my troops with his glowing sword.
He was so laden with enchantments that we couldn't touch him. And then my necromancer finally joined the fray.
  • 法术等级Lv.3->Increases to Lv.4
  • Mana Cost:5 ->Increases to 14
  • Won't work on friendly creatures(buff or illusion)
Raise Vampires 驱役吸血鬼
Lv.4 — Summoning — Death Magic — 14 Spell Points
There's too much blood in the world anyway!
  • Spell Level:Lv.5->Reduces to Lv.4
  • Mana Cost:12 ->Increases to 14
  • Summoning Param:600+50*Hero_Level,Increases by 60%/35%
Hand of Death 死亡之手
Lv.5 — Damage — Death Magic — 20 Spell Points
What does it feel like when my hand closes tightly around your heart? It tries to beat, struggles, but your heart is under my control now!
  • Curse Spell->Damage Spell, will gain increased bonus by Sorcery Skill(still the Curse Spell when cast on Hero)
  • Mana Cost:12 ->Increases to 20
  • Damage Param:1+0.16*Hero_Level,Increases by 0%/60%
  • Now can also work on Elemental and Undead Creatures, excepe mechanical Creatures
  • Hand of Death ignores the protection of the Robe of the Guardian
◆◆◆New Spells◆◆◆
Poison Attack 毒击
Lv.l — Blessing — Death Magic — 3 Spell Points
It is always worst when it kills slowly. It may take weeks, but it always kills. Always!
  • New Lv.l Death Magic
  • Mana Cost:3
  • Effect:The targetattacks in melee combat become poisonous. Anyone struck by the target will suffer the DOUBLE effects of the 1st level Death spell, Poison
  • Damage Param:20+4*Hero_Level,double power of Poison spell
Life Ward 生命抵抗
Lv.2 — Blessing — Death Magic — 4 Spell Points
Now we can use spell similar to priests' favourite warding spells against them.
  • New Lv.2 Death Magic
  • Mana Cost:4
  • Effect:The target of a Life Ward is 50% resistant to Life spells, and their Melee and Ranged Defense is increased by 50% against Life-aligned opponents.
Aging 衰老
Lv.3 — Curse — Death Magic — 9 Spell Points
At first, your knees begin to ache. Then your other joints. Finally, your vision begins to blur, your breath shortens, and you grow weaker.
  • New Lv.3 Death Magic
  • Mana Cost:9
  • Effect:Aged targets do 25% less damage and their Melee and Ranged Defense is reduced by 20%. Speed and Movement are also cut in half.
Terror 恐惧
Lv.4 — Curse — Death Magic — 14 Spell Points
Whatever they fear - snakes, heights, spiders, or being buried alive - for a few moments they will experience this irrational terror in the worse way possible!
  • New Lv.4 Death Magic
  • Mana Cost:14
  • Effect:Terror causes a single target within the line of sight of the caster to lose its next 2 actions.
  • Belong to Mind Spell
Raise DreadKnight 驱使恐怖骑士
Lv.5 — Summoning — Death Magic — 20 Spell Points
A chilling aura rises on the battlefield, a formidable Champion force tears through it like a storm
  • New Lv.5 Death Magic
  • Mana Cost:20
  • Summoning Param:1600+80*Hero_Level
  • Effect:Raises a number of DreadKnight on the caster's side from any stack of dead creatures.
Other Change
  • The calculation method for Rising Corpses spells has been changed from based on the number of corpses to their total hit points. It's similar to Illusion spells, which will raise more undead creatures from low-level creatures hit points, and fewer from high-level creatures. (For example, raising 100 skeletons requires 100 corpses before, now only 4 corpses of Faerie Dragon can also raise the same number of skeletons )
  • Raise Ghost-Removed
  • Sacrifice-Reduces to Lv.4
  • Vampiric Touch-Increases to Lv.5
  • The mana cost of almost all Death Magic has risen

Holy Word 圣言
Lv.l — Damage — Life Magic — 3 Spell Points
The power of Life concentrated in a single word - it's as good as a sword against those with evil souls.
  • Mana Cost:2 ->Increases to 3
  • Damage Param:40+4*Hero_Level,Reduces by12.5%/0%
  • Only works on Undead Creatures
Holy Shout 圣唱
Lv.3 — Damage — Life Magic — 10 Spell Points
Demons and undead - come before me, you aberrant beings!
I shall purge the world of your evil. I shall clense the stain of your existence!
  • Mana Cost:5 ->Increases to 10
  • Damage Param:40+4*Hero_Level,Increases by 33%/33%
  • Only works on Undead
Regeneration 再生
Lv.3 — Blessing — Life Magic — 6 Spell Points
We - every man, woman, and child - are evidence of the incredible power of Life.
Cut us and we may bleed. But we heal!
  • Mana Cost:5 ->Increases to 6
  • 治疗参数:30+6*Hero_Level,Increases by 150%/300%
  • Lasts Endless rounds-> lasts 15 rounds
Prayer 祈祷
Lv.4 — Blessing — Life Magic — 15 Spell Points
Guard us, your servants of Life!
Protect our bodies, and if we shall fall take us quickly into your warm embrace!
  • Mana Cost:8 ->Increases to 15
  • Only works on all creatures of Life faction on combat->Only works on all friendly creatures except Undead
  • +25% ATK -> +33% ATK
Guardian Angel 守护天使
Lv.4 — Blessing — Life Magic — 25 Spell Points
I felt the spirit around me. I couldn't see or hear it, but I had the distinct feeling that it was my long-departed grandfather.
He tickled my knee like he had when I was a child.
  • Mana Cost:12 ->Increases to 25
  • Spell Level:Lv.5->Reduces to Lv.4
  • Resurrection Param:1+0.125*Hero_Level,Increases by 0%/25%
Divine Intervention 神圣介入
Lv.5 — Blessing — Life Magic — 30 Spell Points
Our commander made a mistake and fell into a trap. Many were injured. Some were dead.
Something had to be done, so I raised my hands to the sky and begged for help.
  • Mana Cost:12 ->Increases to 30
  • Heal Param:100+12*Hero_Level,Increases by 100%/140%
Sanctuary 庇护
Lv.5 — Blessing — Life Magic — 50 Spell Points
I seek only safety and an understanding of the world.
  • Mana Cost:12 ->Increases to 50
◆◆◆New Spells◆◆◆
Endurance 耐力
Lv.3 — Adventure — Life Magic — 6 Spell Points
When a long march simply must continue through the night, sometimes the troops need a some help.
  • New Lv.3 Life Magic
  • Mana Cost:6
  • Effect:Increases an army's movement on the Adventure Map by 3( will gain increased bonus from Skill, boots etc)
Resurrection 复活
Lv.5 — Blessing — Life Magic — 20 Spell Points
Of course, there are limits to what you can do, but if you expose the recently dead to pure Life Magic you can bring them back to life.

  • New Lv.5 Life Magic
  • Mana Cost:20
  • Effect:Brings a certain number of hit points of dead creatures back to life.
  • Resurrection Param:100+12*Hero_Level HP
Other Change
  • The mana cost of almost all Life Magic has risen
  • Retribution-Reduces to Lv.l
  • Resurrection-Increases to Lv.5
Level_1 Summon 一级召唤
Lv.l — Summoning — Nature Magic — 2~3 Spell Points
Type I:Summon Sprite — Wolf — Leprechaun
  • Summoning Sprite and Leprechaun Mana Cost:2 ->Increases to 3
  • Summoning Param:All Spells Change to 40+5*Hero_Level,Increases by 0%/33%
Level_2 Summon 二级召唤
Lv.2 — Summoning — Nature Magic — 6 Spell Points
Type II:Summon White Tiger - Elf
  • Type II Summoning Mana Cost:3 ->Increases to 6
  • Summoning Param:All Spells Change to 80+11*Hero_Level,Increases by 6%/57%
Quicksand 流沙
Lv.3 — Blessing — Nature Magic — 6 Spell Points
I refuse to fight an enemy who has the ground itself at their command!
War is about gaining the strategic ground, but what do you do when the enemy changes the rules of Nature?
  • Spell Level:Lv.2->Increases to Lv.3
  • Mana Cost:3 ->Increases to 6
Level_3 Summon 三级召唤
Lv.3 — Summoning — Nature Magic — 6 Spell Points
Type III:Summon Elementals Air- Water - Earth - Fire
  • Type III Summoning Mana Cost:5 ->Increases to 6
  • Summoning Param:All Spells Change to 160+21*Hero_Level,Increases by 6%/40%
Level_4 Summon 四级召唤
Lv.4 — Summoning — Nature Magic — 14 Spell Points
Type IV:Summon Uunicorn - Griffin - Waspwort
  • Type IV Summoning Mana Cost:8 ->Increases to 14
  • Summoning Param:All Spells Change to 250+33*Hero_Level,Increases by 0%/32%
Level_5 Summon 五级召唤
Lv.5 — Summoning — Nature Magic — 20 Spell Points
Type V:Summon Phoenix - Faerie Dragon - Mantis
  • Type IV Summoning Mana Cost:12 ->Increases to 20
  • Summoning Param:All Spells Change to 350+47*Hero_Level,Increases by -6%/27%
◆◆Demonic Summoning◆◆
Summon Imp 召唤恶魔之子
Lv.l — Summoning — Nature Magic — 6 Spell Points
I don't normally like having those disgusting Imps around, but sometimes when you're fighting another spellcaster they help.
  • Mana Cost:5 ->Increases to 6
  • Summoning Param:100+12*Hero_Level,Reduces by 20%/0%
Summon Cerberus 召唤恶魔之子
Lv.2 — Summoning — Nature Magic — 10 Spell Points
The crusader approached confidently, ready to skewer me. Then with a wave of my hand, there they were! My faithful puppies.
  • Mana Cost:8 ->Increases to 10
  • Summoning Param:200+24*Hero_Level,Reduces by 20%/4%
Summon Ice Demon 召唤冰魔
Lv.3 — Summoning — Nature Magic — 12 Spell Points
Moments before they arrive, the temperature drops drastically, bringing a chill even to my bones.
  • Summoning Param:300+39*Hero_Level,Increases by -14%/11%
Summon Venom Spawn 召唤毒鬼
Lv.4 — Summoning — Nature Magic — 18 Spell Points
The words of summoning are almost as foul as the creature they bring up. Almost.
  • Summoning Param:400+56*Hero_Level,Increases by -24%/7%
Summon Devil 召唤恶魔
Lv.5 — Summoning — Nature Magic — 24 Spell Points
They are usually furious about being forced into temporary servitude. I like that! They have no choice but to take it out on my enemy.
  • Mana Cost:24 ->Increases to 25
  • Summoning Param:500+75*Hero_Level,Increases by -26%/12%
◆◆◆New Spells◆◆◆
Summon Gargantuan 召唤恐甲兽
Lv.5 — Summoning — Nature Magic — 18 Spell Points
You are chanting a deep ancient incantation into a vast forest, awakening these giant and ancient creatures. Now it's time to hone the claws
  • New Lv.5 Nature Magic
  • Mana Cost:18
  • Effect:Summoning a Gargantuan Troop fight for you
  • Summoning Param:465+47*Hero_Level
Other Change
  • The mana cost of almost all Nature Magic has risen
  • Summoning spells will now refresh the Current Shots of ranged summoning creatures
  • Summon Satyr-Removed
  • Dragon Strength-Reduces to Lv.4
Displacement 推移
Lv.2 — Curse — Order Magic — 5 Spell Points
A superior enemy cannot attack you if they never come close enough to strike you. Simple physics.
  • The spell Casting would be affected by Magic Resistance ->Ignores Magic Resistance
  • Be affected the Line of Sight->Ignores the Line of Sight
  • Mana Cost:2 ->Increases to 5
Dispel 驱散
Lv.2 — 祝福/Curse — Order Magic — 4 Spell Points
Deconstruction is the basis of all study. You must know a thing's parts before you can know the sum of those parts.
And thus, dispelling even that which we cannot cast becomes simple.
  • Spell Level:Lv.l->Increases to Lv.2
  • Mana Cost:2 ->Increases to 4
Ice Bolt 冰箭
Lv.2 — Damage — Order Magic — 5 Spell Points
Someone was needed to counteract the seering fire attacks favored by Chaos spellcasters.
  • Mana Cost:3 ->Increases to 5
  • Damage Param:40+6*Hero_Level,Increases by 0%/50%
  • Damage Type:Ice-Based
Create Illusion 幻化成形
Lv.2 — Summoning — Order Magic — 6 Spell Points
If the mind believes something is real, then it is real in every sense of the word - except that it still may not have physical form.
  • 法术名称:制造幻象->幻化成形
  • Mana Cost:3 ->Increases to 6
  • Summoning Param:50+8*Hero_Level,Increases by 25%/100%
Banish 驱逐
Lv.3 — Curse — Order Magic — 8 Spell Points
Where do they go? There are two schools of thought in this area. Some believe the banished creature is cast into oblivion - dies. Other more sensible thinkers believe they simple return from whence they came.
  • Mana Cost:5 ->Increases to 8
  • Damage Param:400+20*Hero_Level,Increases by 263%/81%
  • Increases extra damage by 50% when the target in Misfortune Debuff
Phantom Image 幻影
Lv.3 — Summoning — Order Magic — 9 Spell Points
It is just an illusion, a figment of light and imagination.
But it is so thoroughly convincing that people have been known to smell its illusionary sweat.
  • Spell Level:Lv.4->Reduces to Lv.3
  • Mana Cost:8 ->Increases to 9
  • Summoning Param:120+16*Hero_Level,Increases by 50%/100%
Town Gate 回城
Lv.4 — Adventure — Order Magic — 15 Spell Points
This spell requires a predetermined destination or else the caster will become lost in the cosmos forever, and unfortunately the only safe spot is a town under your control.
  • Spell Level:Lv.3->Increases to Lv.4
  • Mana Cost:5 ->Increases to 15
  • Can cast spell on the battlefield ->Cannot cast spell on the battlefield anymore
Pain Mirror 痛苦之镜
Lv.4 — Blessing — Order Magic — 10 Spell Points
Efforts to turn all damage back to its origin failed, so we had to settle on a sort of balanced retribution?or now.
  • Spell Level:Lv.5->Reduces to Lv.4
  • Mana Cost:12 ->Increases to 10
  • The reflected Damage would be affected by Magic Resistance->Ignores Magic Resistance
  • Lasts Endless rounds->Lasts 5 rounds
Hypnotize 催眠
Lv.5 — Curse — Order Magic — 50 Spell Points
The mind is surprisingly weak and open to suggestion, especially the mind of your average soldier。
so why not take advantage of it?
  • Mana Cost:12 ->Increases to 50
  • Be affected the Line of Sight->Ignores the Line of Sight
◆◆◆New Spells◆◆◆
Bind Flyer 禁飞
Lv.2 — Curse — Order Magic — 4 Spell Points
The sticky spell bound the creatures' wings, making them only able to crawl.。
  • New Lv.2 Order Magic
  • Mana Cost:4
  • Effect:Removes a flying target's natural ability to fly, and reduces the target's movement and speed by half.
  • Affected by Magic Resistance
Freeze 冰之握
Lv.3 — Blessing — Order Magic — 8 Spell Points
You remain conscious - that's the worst part! The stinging cold on your skin, the near suffocation;
believe me it would be best if you were asleep.

  • New Lv.3 Order Magic
  • Mana Cost:8
  • Effect: Cast on friendly creatures on the battlefield. Any hostile creature struck by the buffed creature's melee attack has a 30% chance to be frozen, lasts 2 rounds
Freezing 冻结
Lv.4 — Curse — Order Magic — 25 Spell Points
  • New Lv.4 Order Magic
  • Mana Cost:25
  • Effect: Cast on hostile creatures on the battlefield, Freezing them, and lose its next 2 actions.
  • Ignores the Line of Sight
  • not a Mind-Type Spell,Cannot cast on creatures with ability Ice_Resistance
Mass Forgetfulness 冻结
Lv.5 — Curse — Order Magic — 30 Spell Points
A castle defender has the advantage because they can rain arrows down on you.
Turn their archers into bumbling idiots and you will likely win the day.

  • New Lv.5 Order Magic
  • Mana Cost:30
  • Mass Forgetfulness restrains all enemy targets from using ranged attacks.
Other Change
  • The mana cost of all Order Magic has a sharply risen!
  • Teleport-Change to Lv.4,Mana Cost increases to 18
  • Blind-Change to Lv.3,Mana Cost increases to 14
  • Steal all Enchantments-Change to Lv.4,Mana Cost increases to 14

▲Town Buildings

BasicMod  The Modification in Town Buildings
Village Hall
村庄大厅 Buliding Requirement:无

Resource Requirement:None
Produces 500 gold pre day->Increases to 1000 gold pre day
Town Hall
市镇大厅 Buliding Requirement: Village Hall 

Resource Requirement:黄金2500->2000木材10->5 矿石10->5
Produces 750 gold pre day->Increases to 1500 gold pre day
City Hall
城市大厅 Buliding Requirement: Town Hall 

Resource Requirement:黄金2500->3000 木材10 矿石10 宝石5 水晶5
Produces 1000 gold pre day->Increases to 2000 gold pre day
大本营 Buliding Requirement: Fort 

Resource Requirement:黄金7500->2500 木材10->5 矿石10->5
Builds a moat and a level two city wall
New Mechanism:Provides one Defense Tower
Mechanism Changed:The City Wall has 50HP->Increases to 150HP(At most withstand 3 times attacks that damage greater than 50 points)
城堡 Buliding Requirement: Citadel 

Resource Requirement:黄金7500->5000 木材10矿石10
Builds a keep and a level three city wall.
Mechanism Changed:The City Wall has 150HP->Increases to 250HP(At most withstand 5 times attacks that damage greater than 50 points)
Summoning Stone
召唤之石 Buliding Requirement:Holy Grail

Grail Building:Ultimate Building,requires the Holy Grail digged from the Obelisk to build it
Holy Grail will disappear after Building Grail Building
Provides 3000 gold per day. Also, the strength of all Nature Magic spells are increased by 25%.->increases to 50%
Magic Dampener
魔法干扰器 Buliding Requirement: Fort 

Resource Requirement:黄金2000->3500矿石10->12
  • Increases Magic_Resistance of all friendly hero by 10%->Works on all friendly heroes and creatures
  • The calculation method for Magic_Resistance:1-(1-10%)*(1-10%)*(1-10%)*...,
  • The maximum value stacking of Magic_Resistance is 91%
马厩 Buliding Requirement:None

Resource Requirement:黄金2750 木材10
Provides armies with +5 movement for the next 7 days->next 14 days
Undead Transformer
亡灵转换器 Buliding Requirement: Cemetery 

Resource Requirement:黄金2500->3000 木材10 矿石5
Converts Level One and Two creatures into skeletons, Level Three creatures into ghosts, and Level Four creatures into vampires.
New Mechanism:
    2 x 冠军骑士->1 x 恐怖骑士(Rate-2:1)
    3 x 巨龙->2 x 龙巫妖(Rate-3:2)
(Note:the Megadragon's EXP<Dracolich,so, 1 Megadragon Cannot transform to Dracolich)
Creature Dwellings
Knights Chapter 冠军骑士
骑士教堂 Buliding Requirement: Order of Paladins  Barracks OR Monastery  Stables->Removed

Resource Requirement:黄金14000->12000木材40->25矿石32->25水银6(New)
Generates Champions, 4/Weekly
Golden Pavilion 蛇妖
大本营 Buliding Requirement: Treasury->Removed  Mage Tower OR Golem Factory 

Resource Requirement:黄金6250->7000 木材8 矿石8 水晶4 宝石4(New)
Generates Naga, 4/Weekly-> 4/Weekly
Cloud Castle 泰坦
云中城 Buliding Requirement: Castle->Citadel  Altar of Wishes OR Golden Pavilion 

Resource Requirement:黄金14000->15000 木材16->15 矿石16->15 宝石20
Generates Titan, 2/Weekly
Barrow Mound 幽灵
幽灵土墩 Buliding Requirement: Undead Transformer->Necromancy Amplifier  Cemetery 

Resource Requirement:黄金3250->2500 水晶3
Generates Ghost, 9/Weekly->15/Weekly
Mansion 吸血鬼
大厦 Buliding Requirement: Tavern  Undead Transformer(New)  Kennels OR Barrow Mound 

Resource Requirement:黄金6250->7000 木材8->12 水晶8 水银3(New)
Generates Vampire, 3/Weekly->4/Weekly
Creature Portal 恐甲兽
生物门 Buliding Requirement: Druid's Hall Level 1  Unicorn Glade OR Griffin Cliffs 

Resource Requirement:黄金6500 矿石10 宝石5
New Generating :
    Generates Gargantuan,0.8/Weekly. Cost:5000 gold + 3 Crystal (not be affected by NOBILITY Skill),
Pyre 凤凰
火堆 Buliding Requirement: Creature Portal->Conservatory of Life  Unicorn Glade OR Griffin Cliffs 

Resource Requirement:黄金14000 木材16->12 水银20->12 硫磺10->8 矿石12(New)
Generates Phoenix,2/Weekly
Black Wood 哥布林骑士
黑森林 Buliding Requirement: Caravan  Statuary Garden OR Labyrinth 

Resource Requirement:黄金6250->7000 木材14->12 水银5->0 矿石6(New) 水晶3(New) 宝石3(New)
Generates Nightmare,4/Weekly->Generates Goblin knight,5/Weekly,Cost 1000 gold
Dragon Cave 黑龙
龙穴 Buliding Requirement: Hall of the Dead Sorcerer's Guild Level 3(New) Black Wood OR Volcanic Vent 

Resource Requirement:黄金14000->16000 木材6 矿石6->12 硫磺30
Generates Black Dragon, 1/Weekly
BasicMod  Resource Requirement
1 town hall 2000-> -500 5-> -5 5-> -5
2 city hall 3000-> +500 10 10 5 5
3 fort 5000 10-> -10 10-> -10
4 citadel 2500-> -5000 5-> -5 5-> -5
5 castle 5000-> -2500 10 10
6 caravan 3000-> -1000 10 2-> +2
生命阵营 Life
1 squire guild 1000-> -500
2 ballista works 2500-> -500 8-> +2
3 guardhouse 2200-> -800 3 3
4 barracks 6500-> +250 10-> -2 10-> -2
5 monastary 5500-> -750 5-> +1 5-> +1 5-> -3
6 altar of light 14000 12 12-> +2 12-> -3
7 knight chapter 12000-> -2000 25-> -15 25-> -7 6-> +6
8 mage guild 1 2000-> +1000 5-> +2 5-> +2
9 mage guild 3 2500-> +1500 1 1
10 mage guild 5 3000-> +2000 1 1
11 nature library 3000-> +500 3-> +1 3-> +1
12 order library 3000-> +500 3-> +1 3-> +1
13 blacksmith 2000-> -1000 5-> +5 10-> -4
14 seminary 5000-> -750 5 5 2
15 abbey 1000 3-> -1 3-> -1 2-> +2
秩序阵营 Order
1 golem factory 3000 8-> +2
2 mage tower 2500-> -250 2-> +2 2-> +2 1
3 altar of wishes 6500-> +250 6-> +6
4 golden pavilion 7000-> +750 4-> +4
5 dragon factory 14000 20-> +8 30 5-> +1 5-> +1 5-> +1 5-> +1
6 cloud castle 15000-> +1000 15-> -1 15-> -1 20
7 mage guild 1 1000 2 2 2-> +2 2-> +1
8 mage guild 2 500-> -500
9 mage guild 4 500-> -500
10 mage guild 5 1500-> +500
11 life library 2000-> -500 2-> -2 2-> -2 2-> +2
12 death library 2000-> -500
13 blacksmith 2000-> -1000 4 4 1 1 1 1
14 university 3750-> -2000 5 5 2
15 treasury 3000-> -3000 2-> -3 2-> -8 1-> +1 1-> +1 1-> +1 1-> +1
死亡阵营 Death
1 kennels 2500-> -500 4 1
2 barrow mound 2500-> -750 3
3 mansion 7000-> +750 12-> +4 10-> +2 3-> +3
4 spawn pit 6500-> +250 8 8
5 dragon graveyard 15000-> +1000 12 12-> -2 6 6 6 6
6 temple of the damned 15000-> +1000 9-> +3 9-> +1 20 8-> +8 0-> -10
7 mage guild 1 1000 2 2 1-> +1 1 1-> +1 1-> +1
8 mage guild 2 1000 0-> -1 2-> +2
9 mage guild 3 1500-> +500 0-> -1 3-> +3
10 mage guild 4 2000-> +1000 0-> -1 4-> +4
11 mage guild 5 3000-> +2000 0-> -1 5-> +5
12 chaos library 2000-> -500 2 2
13 order library 2000-> -500 2 2 2
14 skeleton transformer 3000-> +500 10
15 necromancy amplifier 1500-> +500 1500 6 3-> +3 3 3
混乱阵营 Chaos
1 statuary garden 2500-> -500 6
2 labyrinth 2000-> -1000 3
3 lava tube 6000-> -250 12-> -2 6-> +1
4 nightmare 7000-> +750 12-> -2 6-> +6 3-> +3 0-> -5 3-> +3
5 dragon cave 16000-> +2000 6 12-> +6 30
6 hydra pond 12000-> -2000 12-> -4 0-> -4 15-> -5
7 mage guild 1 1500-> +500 2 2 1-> +1 1-> +1 1 1-> +1
8 mage guild 2 2000-> +1000 2-> +2 0-> -1
9 mage guild 3 2500-> +1500 3-> +3 0-> -1
10 mage guild 4 3000-> +2000 4-> +4 0-> -1
11 mage guild 5 3500-> +2500 5-> +5 0-> -1
12 mana vort 2000-> +1000 1 1 1 1
自然阵营 Nature
1 tiger den 3500-> +500 6
2 homestead 3500-> +500 6
3 funeral pyre 14000 12-> -4 12-> +12 8-> -2 12-> -8
4 blacksmith 3500 5-> -15 10-> +10
5 mage guild 1 2000-> +1000 2 2 2-> +1 2-> +2 2-> +2 2-> +2
6 mage guild 2 1000 2-> +2 1
7 mage guild 3 1000 2-> +2 1
8 mage guild 4 1000 2-> +2 1
9 mage guild 5 1000 2-> +2 1
力量阵营 Might
1 berserker 2000-> +500
2 centaur stables 2000-> +500
3 harpy nest 3000 4 2-> +2 2-> +1
4 nomad camp 4000-> +1000 8-> +2
5 cyclops cave 7000-> +500 8-> +4 12-> +2
6 ogre fort 6000-> -250 9-> +1 9-> +1 1 3-> +2 1 3-> +2
7 behemoth crag 15000-> +1000 6 20 24
8 cliff nest 15000-> +1000 20 6 6 18-> +2 6-> +6
9 blacksmith 3500-> -1500 12 12
10 breeding pit 15000 25-> +15 25-> -5
11 magic dampener 3500-> +1500 12-> +2
12 training grounds 2000-> +1000 6
13 arena 2000-> +1000 6

▲Advanced Objects

About Creature Bank:
    The Creature Bank will give a digit(Random Day) before the game-start, Total Guardian=Initial Guardian + N * per day(N represents Random Day with an uncertain range)
    it means the difficulty and rewards will be worlds apart
    Total Wealth=All Guardians' EXP。
    These EXP will convert into Resources. If there are multiple types of rewards, the Resources and Artifacts awarded will be distributed proportionally

The Change in Creature Bank
ICON圣殿.png Temple of Light
Guardian_Visited:A Sacred Temple is supposed to be a place of worship, off-limits to acts of violence from friend and foe alike. But every adventurer knows that Sacred Temples hold secret treasures. Do you want to fight them who guard this place?

Guardian Composition:33 Monk(0.33/generates per day)+22 Crusader(0.22/generates per day)
Empty_Visited:Someone raided this Sacred Temple recently and took everything of value. They even stripped the tapestries from the walls!
  • New Guardian:Initial 22 Crusader,generates 0.22/per day
  • Reward Composition:40% Gold + 60% Artifacts
  • Artifact Composition: 35% Scroll + 35% Parchment + 30% Lv.2 Minor
  • Based on Bank EXP, gives Level.2~5 Scroll in a quantity ratio, respectively
  • At most 8 Artifacts
ICON龙城.png Dragon City
Guardian_Visited:A spectacular hoard certainly lies within this Dragon City, but a grumbling from within warns you that the treasure has not been left unguarded. Dragon watch over this ancient place. Do you wish to fight them?

Guardian Composition:8 Black Dragon(0.15/generates per day) + 2 Megadragons(0.15/generates per day)
Empty_Visited:At one time this was the home of numerous dragons, but now all that roars through these empty halls is the bitter wind.
  • New Guardian:2 Megadragons,generates 0.15/per day
  • Reward Composition:35% Gold + 65% Artifacts
  • Artifact Composition:40% Lv.2 Minor + 60% Lv.3 Major
  • At most 8 Artifacts
New Creature Bank(From EQ3.55)
ICON魔法师学院.png Academy of Magi
Guardian_Visited:You ask to enter this Academy, but the mages who live and study here rudely refuse. There is something suspicious about their poor manners. Perhaps they are hiding something. If you want to find out, you will have to force your way inside. Do you attack?

Guardian Composition:50 Mage(1.25/generates per day) + 20 Genie(1/generates per day) + 5 Evil Sorceress(0.5/generates per day)
Empty_Visited:The inside of this Academy has been gutted by fire. Whether it was the accident of a foolish apprentice or the attack of angry Barbarians is difficult to tell. You do know, however, that there is nothing of value left here.
  • Reward Composition:10% Gold + 10% Gems + 80% Artifacts
  • Artifact Composition:35% Scroll+ 30% Lv.2 Minor + 35% Lv.3 Major(Note:Sometimes, the proportion of scrolls rewarded exceeds 50% of the total Artifacts)
  • Based on Bank EXP, gives Level.3~5 Scroll in a quantity ratio, respectively
  • At most 8 Artifacts
Note:not appear in the adventure map unless the editor placed in(same below)
ICON大沙庙.png Large temple of sand
Guardian_Visited:The gleam of treasure attracts you to this temple, but as you approach your realize the sun also glitters off the blades of many swords. Are you willing to fight %the_creatures who guard this temple?

Guardian Composition:50 Naga(1.25/generates per day)+20 Genie(1.25/generates per day)+4 Dragon golem(0.25/generates per day)
Rusty swords, bleached skeletons, and broken chests reveal that someone has already stolen the treasure from this place.
  • Reward Composition:10% Gold + 10% rare resources + 50% Artifacts
  • Artifact Composition:30% Scroll + 40% Lv.2 Minor+ 30% Lv.3 Major
  • Based on Bank EXP, gives Level.2~5 Scroll in a quantity ratio, respectively
  • At most 8 Artifacts
ICON埃尔文树屋.png Elfven Treehouse
Guardian_Visited:Elfs and Satyrs dwell in the Treehouse before your eyes. They hid treasures inside the treehouse. Do you wish to take the treasures away from these creatures?

Guardian Composition:50 Elf(1.25/generates per day)+ 20 Satyr(1/generates per day))
Empty_Visited:The treehouse is empty, abandoned for a long time
  • Reward Composition:50% Wood + 50% Artifacts
  • Artifact Composition:100% Lv.1 Treasure
  • At most 3 Artifacts
ICON学术走廊.png Gallery of Science
Guardian_Visited:The gleam of treasure attracts you to this house, but as you approach your realize the sun also glitters off the blades of many swords. Are you willing to fight the_creatures who guard this house?

Guardian Composition:50 Medusa(1.25/generates per day) + 40 Gargoyle(1.5/generates per day)
Empty_Visited:The interior of the Gallery is empty;,the robbers already stripped it of everything
  • Reward Composition:100% Magic Scoll
  • Artifact Composition:66% Parchment + 33% Scroll
  • Based on Bank EXP, gives Level.3~5 Scroll in a quantity ratio, respectivelyScroll
  • At most 6 Artifacts
ICON宝藏洞.png Spiral
Guardian_Visited:The gleam of treasure attracts you to these caves, but as you approach your realize the sun also glitters off the blades of many swords. Are you willing to fight %the_creatures who guard these caves?

Guardian Composition:50 Nomad(1.25/generates per day)
Empty_Visited:Rusty swords, bleached skeletons, and broken chests reveal that someone has already stolen the treasure from these caves.
  • Reward Composition:70% Gold + 30% Artifacts
  • Artifact Composition:65% Lv.1 Treasure + 35% Lv.2 Minor
  • At most 3 Artifacts
ICON火洞.png Fire Cavern
Guardian_Visited:The gleam of treasure attracts you to these caves, but as you approach your realize the sun also glitters off the blades of many swords. Are you willing to fight %the_creatures who guard these caves?

Guardian Composition:20 Efreet(1.25/generates per day) + 40 Fire elemental(1.25/generates per day)
Empty_Visited:Rusty swords, bleached skeletons, and broken chests reveal that someone has already stolen the treasure from these caves.
  • Reward Composition:40% Gold + 30% Sulfur + 30% Artifacts
  • Artifact Composition:100% Lv.2 Minor
  • At most 4 Artifacts
ICON霍比特人之屋.png Hobbit something
Guardian_Visited:The gleam of treasure attracts you to this house, but as you approach your realize the sun also glitters off the blades of many swords. Are you willing to fight %the_creatures who guard this house?

Guardian Composition:30 Gold golem(1.25/generates per day) + 50 Halfling(1.5/generates per day)
Empty_Visited:Rusty swords, bleached skeletons, and broken chests reveal that someone has already stolen the treasure from this place.
  • Reward Composition:25% Gold + 25% Wood +25% Ore + 25% Artifacts
  • Artifact Composition:100% Lv.0 Item(sometimes reward potions)
  • At most 4 Artifacts
ICON气之殿堂.png Temple of Air
Guardian_Visited:The gleam of treasure attracts you to this temple, but as you approach your realize the sun also glitters off the blades of many swords. Are you willing to fight %the_creatures who guard this temple?

Guardian Composition:30 Air elemental(1.25/generates per day) + 15 Genie(0.5/generates per day)
Empty_Visited:Rusty swords, bleached skeletons, and broken chests reveal that someone has already stolen the treasure from this place.
  • Reward Composition:50% Gold + 25% Mercury +25% Artifacts
  • Artifact Composition:66% Parchment + 33% Scroll
  • Based on Bank EXP, gives Level.2~5 Scroll in a quantity ratio, respectively
ICON土之殿堂.png Temple of Earth
Guardian_Visited:You ask to enter this temple, but the mages who live and study here rudely refuse. There is something suspicious about their poor manners. Perhaps they are hiding something. If you want to find out, you will have to force your way inside. Do you attack?

Guardian Composition:30 Earth elemental(1.25/generates per day) + 15 Waspwort(0.5/generates per day)
Empty_Visited:Rusty swords, bleached skeletons, and broken chests reveal that someone has already stolen the treasure from this place.
  • Reward Composition:50% Gold + 25% Crystal +25% Artifacts
  • Artifact Composition:66% Parchment + 33% Scroll
  • Based on Bank EXP, gives Level.2~5 Scroll in a quantity ratio, respectively

New Creature Dwelling
ICON海岸洞穴.png Coast Grot(From EQ3.60)

    Recruit: Sea Monster(Might)

    Resource Requirement:黄金4000
  • Generates Sea Monster,2/Weekly。
  • Starting Guardian:3, can recruit 2 Sea Monsters after the guardian is defeated
  • Level.4 Creature Dwelling
    Note:not appear in the adventure map unless the editor placed in (same below)
ICON远古龙窟.png Dragon Rocks(From EQ3.55)

    Recruit: MegaDragon(Chaos)

    Resource Requirement:黄金12000 Sulfur8
  • Generates MegaDragon,0.5/Weekly。
  • Starting Guardian:1,can recruit 1 MegaDragons the guardian is defeated
  • Level.4 Creature Dwelling
ICON钻石人工厂.png Diamond Golem Factory

    Recruit: Diamond Golem (Order)

    Resource Requirement:黄金2000
  • Generates Diamond Golem,4/Weekly。
  • Starting Guardian:4,can recruit 4 Diamond Golems after the guardian is defeated
  • Level.3 Creature Dwelling
    Note:New Creature Dwelling from Basic, Even if it's not be added in MapEditor yet, can still generate it in Adventure Map by associating Player - Order Town - Random Level.3 Creature Dwelling
ICON远古陵墓.png Mausoleum

    Recruit: Dracolich(Death)

    Resource Requirement:黄金9000 水银6
  • Generates Dracolich,0.5/Weekly。
  • Starting Guardian:1,can recruit 1 Dracolich after the guardian is defeated
  • Level.4 Creature Dwelling
    Note:not be added in MapEditor yet, can generate it in Adventure Map by associating Player - Death Town - Random Level.4 Creature Dwelling

▲System Mechanism

System Change
    1)The Experience Gain Rate returned to normal, no longer changed by different Game-Difficulty. Provides Tools for modifying the Experience Gain Rate and Neutral Army Multiplier, with min 1/9 times and max 9 times

    2)On the battlefield, both attack damage and kill count will now display when the cursor hovers on a hostile unit
    3)All Creature Dwellings on the adventure map will generate creatures from Day 1, and automatically accumulate without necessary for player occupation.
    4)Support extensible H4R format data package to enhance the game experience.
    5)Displays a new attribute-Magic Resistance on the attribute panel(adventure or battlefield map)
    6)Provides one Defense Tower (Position 4) for all Garrisons on the Battlefield
    6)The Troop List on adventure map expanded to 15 troops (was 8)

AI Change
    1)AI players will not build Creature Portal in their towns (as they cannot use it anyway).(From EQ3.55)
    2)Neutral armies will never fight player in 1 or 2 stacks. So even if player attacks neutral army (of cyclops, for example), they will split into 3 stacks. (upgraded)(From BasicMod)
    3)AI attempts to choose battle formation depending on player's army(From BasicMod)
    4)On higher difficulty setting AI heroes start battles with immortality potion cast on them, because AI can not use potions, so AI heroes will live probably couple turns longer and have more chances to make a battle challenging for human player.(From EQ3.55)
    5)AI Farm Power has a sharply increased, can even overwhelm a pack of Black Dragons with mere Lv.1 and Lv.2 army, literally say farewell to the imprisonment in early-game(From BasicMod)
    6)Optimized AI players' Spell-casting mechanism, to avoid them casting ineffective spells. For instance, AI players will now most likely cast damaging spells; for summoning spells, AI will tend to cast Demonic Summoning (From BasicMod)

Update History