

Lyrics-Conversations before the Second Trial











来自Hogwarts LegacyWIKI_BWIKI_哔哩哔哩
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序号 说话人 英文 中文
1 Eleazar Fig (以利亚撒·菲戈) You would be wise not to underestimate this student. 你最好不要低估这个学生。
2 Their aptitude for magic is beyond anything I've ever seen, and I've been teaching a long time. 他们的魔法天赋超出了我所见过的,而且我已经教了很长时间了。
3 Percival Rackham (波西瓦尔·拉克汉姆) It is a joy to have such a student. 有这样的学生真是一件幸事。
4 Charles Rookwood (查尔斯·卢克伍德) It can be. 有可能。
5 Eleazar Fig (以利亚撒·菲戈) There you are. 你在这。
6 Main Character I received your owl. 我收到了你的猫头鹰。
7 I was able to speak with Lodgok, the goblin I mentioned before. 我能够与洛德戈克(Lodgok)交谈,我之前提到过的妖精。
8 Eleazar Fig (以利亚撒·菲戈) What did you learn? 你学到了什么?
9 Main Character He and Ranrock were close once, but they had a falling out. 他和兰洛克曾经很亲密,但后来闹翻了。
10 Eleazar Fig (以利亚撒·菲戈) You believe he can be trusted? 你相信他可以信任吗?
11 Main Character He seemed trustworthy. 他看起来值得信赖。
12 Difficult to know, really. 真的很难知道。
13 But Serona Ryan trusts him. 但塞罗娜·瑞安信任他。
14 Eleazar Fig (以利亚撒·菲戈) Well, that's something, I suppose. 嗯,我想就是这样。
15 Supposing he can be trusted, will he help us get to Ranrok? 假设他值得信任,他会帮助我们到达兰洛克吗?
16 Main Character I retrieved a stolen helm he hopes to return to Ranrok in order to regain his confidence. 我找回了被盗的头盔,他希望能回到兰洛克,以重拾信心。
17 Eleazar Fig (以利亚撒·菲戈) You have been busy. 你一直很忙。
18 Let's hope your efforts result in our learning something about Ranrok's plans. 希望您的努力能让我们对 Ranrok 的计划有所了解。
19 Main Character Lodgok did mention that Ranrock is searching for something, but he couldn't say what. 洛戈克确实提到兰洛克正在寻找什么东西,但他不能说是什么。
20 Perhaps that helm will yield some answers. 也许那个掌舵会给出一些答案。
21 Charles Rookwood (查尔斯·卢克伍德) Ranrock is searching for something? Ranrock 正在寻找什么东西?
22 I fear there's much. 恐怕有很多。
23 I've heard an unusual amount of activity - goblins and wizards, I surmise - when visiting my portrait at my castle. 当我在城堡里参观我的肖像时,我听到了异常多的活动——我猜是妖精和巫师。
24 Main Character Rookwood Castle? 卢克伍德城堡?
25 Charles Rookwood (查尔斯·卢克伍德) My former residence, yes. 我的故居,是的。
26 That castle is also the location of your next trial. 这座城堡也是你下一次试炼的地点。
27 Main Character I'm sorry to tell you that Victor Rookwood, evidently your descendant, is a dark wizard in league with Ranrock. 我很遗憾地告诉你,维克多·卢克伍德,显然是你的后裔,是一个与兰洛克勾结的黑巫师。
28 Charles Rookwood (查尔斯·卢克伍德) My descendant? 我的后代?
29 A dark wizard? 黑暗巫师?
30 I'm afraid we've no time to waste. 恐怕我们没有时间可以浪费了。
31 Despite the obstacles they clearly await you, you must get to Rookwood Castle immediately. 尽管障碍物显然在等待着您,但您必须立即到达卢克伍德城堡。
32 Not only is it the location of the next trial, it is home to a source of power that would be devastating in the wrong hands. 它不仅是下一次审判的地点,也是力量源泉的所在地,如果落入坏人之手,将会造成毁灭性的后果。
33 I do wish we had the luxury of time, however I do not doubt your abilities. 我确实希望我们有充裕的时间,但我并不怀疑你的能力。
34 Find my portrait there as soon as you can. 尽快在那里找到我的肖像。
35 Main Character Very well sir, I'm on my way. 很好,先生,我已经在路上了。
36 Percival Rackham (波西瓦尔·拉克汉姆) Best of luck. 祝你好运。
37 Eleazar Fig (以利亚撒·菲戈) No time to waste. 没时间浪费。
38 I'll meet you at Rookwood Castle. 我会在卢克伍德城堡与你见面。
39 (MC goes to the castle) (MC前往城堡)
40 Eleazar Fig (以利亚撒·菲戈) Over here! 在这里!
41 Main Character What's going on here? 这里发生了什么?
42 Eleazar Fig (以利亚撒·菲戈) Professor Rookwood was right. 卢克伍德教授是对的。
43 The place is crawling with Victor Rookwood's lot and Ranrok's loyalists. 这个地方挤满了维克多·卢克伍德(Victor Rookwood)的人和兰洛克(Ranrok)的忠实追随者。
44 They're working together alright, but it is not a friendly alliance. 他们确实在一起工作,但这不是一个友好的联盟。
45 I'm sure you'll agree that we need to find a way in other than the front gate. 我相信你会同意我们需要找到一条除了前门之外的路。
46 Let's go! 我们走吧!
48 Loyalist (追随者) You can't stop Ranrok's rebellion! 你无法阻止兰洛克的叛乱!
49 (Fighting and discovering) (战斗与发现)
50 (They encounter Ranrok and Victor Rookwood, and lurk to listen their argument) (他们遇到了 Ranrok 和 Victor Rookwood,并潜伏聆听他们的争论)
51 Victor Rookwood (维克托·卢克伍德) If I'd known your plan was to dig up half the country - 如果我知道你的计划是挖掉半个国家——
52 Ranrok (兰洛克) I wouldn't have to dig if you could simply manage to bring me the child. 如果你能把孩子带给我,我就不用挖了。
53 Victor Rookwood (维克托·卢克伍德) We wouldn't need the child if you hadn't sent a dragon to retrieve the container I spent months and countless ministry favours tracking. 如果你没有派一条龙来取回我花了几个月和无数部委恩惠追踪的容器,我们就不需要这个孩子了。
54 Ranrok (兰洛克) You let them board the carriage. 你让他们上了马车。
55 My options were limited once I knew it would be inconveniently beyond my reach of that infernal school. 一旦我知道那所地狱学校超出了我的能力范围,我的选择就受到了限制。
56 Victor Rookwood (维克托·卢克伍德) Have you not acquired enough power here? 你在这里获得的力量还不够吗?
57 I allowed you to tunnel under my family home - 我允许你在我家下面挖隧道-
58 Ranrok (兰洛克) Allowed me? 允许我?
59 You are here only because you are descended from a Keeper and may at some point inadvertently become valuable. 你在这里只是因为你是守护者的后裔,并且可能在某个时刻无意中变得有价值。
60 We had an agreement. 我们达成了协议。
61 I will share with you the power that I discovered if you locate the stores of magic that are yet to be found. 如果你找到尚未发现的魔法商店,我将与你分享我发现的力量。
62 So, unless you want another demonstration of my power, a power that you one day hope to wield… 所以,除非你想再次展示我的力量,一种你有一天希望运用的力量……
63 Bring me the child. 把孩子带给我。
64 (Victor and Ranrok leave the place.) (维克多和兰洛克离开了这个地方。)
65 Eleazar Fig (以利亚撒·菲戈) We already knew they were after you, but now we know they're digging for stores of magic. 我们已经知道他们在追捕你,但现在我们知道他们正在挖掘魔法宝库。
66 And Ranrok knows about the Keepers. 兰洛克了解守护者队。
67 Main Character Yes, I caught that too. 是的,我也发现了。
68 Eleazar Fig (以利亚撒·菲戈) Professor Rookwood said that you'd understand more once you complete the next trial. 卢克伍德教授说,当你完成下一次试验时,你就会明白更多。
69 Let's get into that castle. 让我们进入那个城堡吧。
70 Loyalist (追随者) Any special words you want me to pass onto your mam? 你想让我向你妈妈转告什么特别的话吗?
71 (Fighting. And then they find a door and open it) (打斗。然后他们找到一扇门并打开它)
72 Eleazar Fig (以利亚撒·菲戈) Goblin tracks! 哥布林追踪!
73 They're a step ahead of us! 他们比我们领先一步!
74 Let's see where they lead. 让我们看看他们会走向何方。
75 (Big crushed vault of ancient magic, glowing) 后台正在处理
76 Eleazar Fig (以利亚撒·菲戈) This must be it. The store of magic and the source of Ranrock's power. 一定是这个。魔法储备和兰洛克力量的源泉。
77 Main Character It looks empty. 看起来很空。
78 If they've taken all of it, why are they still here? 如果他们已经拿走了一切,为什么他们还在这里?
79 Eleazar Fig (以利亚撒·菲戈) Ranrock said there's more to be found. 兰洛克说还有更多东西有待发现。
80 And if he's right about that, it may or may not be located here. 如果他的说法是对的,那么它可能位于也可能不位于此处。
81 Wherever it is, we need to find it before they do. 无论它在哪里,我们都需要在他们发现之前找到它。
82 Where is that portrait? 那张肖像在哪里?
83 Charles Rookwood (查尔斯·卢克伍德) I heard something. I was hoping that was you. 我听到了什么。我希望那是你。
84 Main Character Professor Rookwood, the goblins and dark wizards who've overrun your castle are digging for stores of magic. 卢克伍德教授,占领你城堡的妖精和黑巫师正在挖掘魔法宝库。
85 And have broken open some sort of container. 并打开了某种容器。
86 Charles Rookwood (查尔斯·卢克伍德) No! Things are more dire than I could have imagined. 不!事情比我想象的更可怕。
87 If, as you told Percival, a goblin in his vault was wielding a powerful magic, then they have somehow learned. 如果,正如你告诉珀西瓦尔的那样,他的金库中的妖精正在使用强大的魔法,那么他们就以某种方式学会了。
88 It cannot be! 它不可能是!
89 Main Character And sir, they know you were a keeper. 先生,他们知道你是守门员。
90 Ranrock used the term. 兰洛克使用了这个术语。
91 Charles Rookwood (查尔斯·卢克伍德) This makes no sense. How did... 这毫无意义。如何做...
92 We shall discuss this later. Right now, you must complete the next trial. 我们稍后再讨论这个问题。现在,你必须完成下一次试炼。
93 Main Character Sir, surely I've proven myself. 先生,我确实已经证明了自己。
94 In light of what's happened, perhaps you should tell me everything now. 鉴于发生的事情,也许你现在应该告诉我一切。
95 Charles Rookwood (查尔斯·卢克伍德) The power you stand to wield must first be fully understood. 首先必须充分了解你所掌握的权力。
96 The trials will ensure that. 试验将确保这一点。
97 Power without knowledge is dangerous indeed. 没有知识的权力确实是危险的。
98 In the wrong hands, we will simply have to outwit Ranrock. 如果落入坏人之手,我们就只能以智取胜兰洛克。
99 And my unfortunate namesake. 还有我不幸的同名者。
100 Main Character Very well, Professor. Tell me where I need to go. 很好,教授。告诉我我需要去哪里。
101 Charles Rookwood (查尔斯·卢克伍德) I shall reveal the path. Professor Fig must leave you now. 我将揭示道路。Fig教授现在必须离开你了。
102 Eleazar Fig (以利亚撒·菲戈) I would join you if I could. I shall await your arrival. 如果可以的话我会加入你们。我会等待你的到来。