

Lyrics-In the Shadow of the Estate











来自Hogwarts LegacyWIKI_BWIKI_哔哩哔哩
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序号 说话人 英文 中文
1 (MC goes to Feldcroft to meet Sebastian Sallow) (主持人前往费尔德克罗夫特会见塞巴斯蒂安·萨洛)
2 Main Character I should dismount here. 我应该在这里下马。
3 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) You made it. 你做到了。
4 Main Character Enjoying the view? 欣赏美景?
5 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) Keeping an eye on things. 密切关注事物。
6 Feldcroft isn't what it used to be. 费尔德克罗夫特不再是以前的样子了。
7 No one has felt safer since Ranrok's loyalists took a peculiar interest in that castle over there, Rookwood Castle. 自从兰洛克的忠诚者对那边的卢克伍德城堡产生了特别的兴趣以来,没有人感到更安全。
8 My Uncle Solomon is a former Auror and refuses to look into it, even after Anne was cursed by one of them. 我的叔叔所罗门是一名前傲罗,即使在安妮被其中一个人诅咒之后,他也拒绝调查此事。
9 Possibly with a wand, no less. 可能还需要一根魔杖。
10 Main Character I heard a goblin refer to wizardkind as wand-carriers. 我听到一个妖精将巫师称为魔杖携带者。
11 Are goblins forbidden from carrying wands? 妖精是否禁止携带魔杖?
12 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) Precisely. 恰恰。
13 That's why I'm on the hunt for answers. 这就是为什么我正在寻找答案。
14 If I'm to cure her, I need to understand what happened to her. 如果我要治愈她,我需要了解她发生了什么事。
15 Anne was always the most mischievous of the three of us, which is saying something knowing me and Ominis. 安妮一直是我们三个人中最调皮的一个,这说明她了解我和奥米尼斯。
16 I'm hoping a surprise visit from me and a new friend from Hogwarts will help lift her spirits. 我希望我和来自霍格沃茨的新朋友的突然拜访能够帮助她振奋精神。
17 Bring back the Anne I used to know. 把我以前认识的安妮带回来。
18 Come on, I'll take you to my uncle's. 走吧,我带你去我叔叔家。
19 This way. 这边走。
20 Feldcroft used to be a lot livelier. 费尔德克罗夫特以前活泼得多。
21 With Ranrok's lot wandering about all the time, everyone stays out of sight. 由于 Ranrok 的家人一直在四处游荡,所以每个人都躲在视线之外。
22 Here we are. 我们到了。
23 My sister should be just inside. 我妹妹应该就在里面。
24 (Sebastian gets into the house, and wants to surprise his sister from the back) (塞巴斯蒂安进屋,想从后面给他妹妹一个惊喜)
25 Anne Sallow (安妮·萨鲁) Sebastian, where did you... 塞巴斯蒂安,你在哪里...
26 Is that what I think it is? 是我想的那样吗?
27 (Sebastian takes out something to show Anne, but suddenly it seized by Solomon) (塞巴斯蒂安拿出东西给安妮看,但突然被所罗门抓住)
28 Solomon Sallow (所罗门·萨鲁) We've been over this, boy. 我们已经讨论过了,孩子。
29 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) Hey! 嘿!
30 Solomon Sallow (所罗门·萨鲁) You can't reverse a curse. 你无法逆转诅咒。
31 Nothing can. 什么都不能。
32 The sooner you accept that reality, the better. 越早接受这个现实越好。
33 (Solomon uses his wand, and the thing Sebastian brought disappears, just like what happen to Relics later) (所罗门使用魔杖,塞巴斯蒂安带来的东西消失了,就像后来的遗迹一样)
34 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) But we haven't tried everything. 但我们还没有尝试一切。
35 Solomon Sallow (所罗门·萨鲁) There is no cure! 无药可救!
36 When will you accept that? 你什么时候才能接受呢?
37 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) Never. 绝不。
38 I can never accept it. 我永远无法接受。
39 (Anne suddenly begins screaming, full of pain.) (安妮突然开始尖叫,充满痛苦。)
40 Solomon Sallow (所罗门·萨鲁) Tell me what you've done. 告诉我你做了什么。
41 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) Anne, I'm sorry. 安妮,对不起。
42 Solomon Sallow (所罗门·萨鲁) Leave! 离开!
43 (MC and Sebastian leave the house) (MC和塞巴斯蒂安离开家)
44 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) I'm sorry you had to see that. 很抱歉你不得不看到这个。
45 If you don't mind, I just need a moment alone. 如果你不介意的话,我只是需要独处一会儿。
46 (MC leave Sebastian alone) (主持人让塞巴斯蒂安独自一人)
47 Main Character Poor Sebastian. 可怜的塞巴斯蒂安。
48 Not the visit he'd hoped for. 这不是他所希望的访问。
49 Solomon Sallow (所罗门·萨鲁) That boy will fray my last nerve. 那个男孩会磨断我最后的神经。
50 Main Character Excuse me, Mr. Sallow. 对不起,萨洛先生。
51 Solomon Sallow (所罗门·萨鲁) Oh yes, Sebastian's friend. 哦,是的,塞巴斯蒂安的朋友。
52 I apologize on behalf of my nephew. 我代表我的侄子向你道歉。
53 He doesn't know when to stop. 他不知道什么时候该停下来。
54 He thinks he can help Anne, but nothing can be done for her. 他认为他可以帮助安妮,但对她却无能为力。
55 Main Character It could be that you've not yet discovered the cure. 可能您还没有找到治疗方法。
56 Solomon Sallow (所罗门·萨鲁) You sound like Sebastian, thinking you know better than the healers St Mungo's. 你听起来像塞巴斯蒂安,认为你比圣芒戈的治疗师更了解。
57 Main Character Perhaps the healers don't know everything, sir. 也许治疗师并不知道一切,先生。
58 Sebastian is single-mindedly focused on finding a way to help his sister. 塞巴斯蒂安一心一意地想办法帮助他的妹妹。
59 If there is a cure, he will find it. 如果有解药,他一定会找到的。
60 Solomon Sallow (所罗门·萨鲁) Your faith in Sebastian is misplaced. 你对塞巴斯蒂安的信任是错误的。
61 Some sort of dark magic cursed Anne, and the goblins aren't likely to explain themselves anytime soon. 某种黑魔法诅咒了安妮,妖精们不太可能很快为自己做出解释。
62 Giving her hope is cruel. 给她希望是残酷的。
63 The only thing to do now is keep Anne comfortable and stay out of the loyalists' way. 现在唯一要做的就是让安妮保持舒适并远离忠诚者。
64 Main Character I understand what you're saying, sir. 我明白你在说什么,先生。
65 Solomon Sallow (所罗门·萨鲁) Good. 好的。
66 I know what's best for Anne and Sebastian. 我知道什么对安妮和塞巴斯蒂安最好。
67 They are my stubborn brother's children. 他们是我固执哥哥的孩子。
68 Especially Sebastian. 尤其是塞巴斯蒂安。
69 If you really want to be of help, you'll make sure Sebastian does what he should do, not what he wants to do. 如果你真的想提供帮助,你会确保塞巴斯蒂安做他应该做的事,而不是他想做的事。
70 He has no idea the harm he could do if he doesn't stop. 他不知道如果他不停下来,他会造成什么样的伤害。
71 I hope you remember what I've said. 我希望你记住我说过的话。
72 Good day. 再会。
74 Anne Sallow (安妮·萨鲁) I'm sorry about earlier. 我对之前的事感到抱歉。
75 Those bouts of pain are difficult to bear. 那些阵阵疼痛让人难以忍受。
76 Main Character Are you alright, Anne? 你还好吗,安妮?
77 I didn't mean to intrude. 我无意打扰。
78 Anne Sallow (安妮·萨鲁) You didn't, truly. 你没有,真的。
79 And I'm alright. 我没事。
80 The pain from this curse comes in bouts, and often suddenly, it's not anyone's fault. 这种诅咒带来的痛苦会间歇性地出现,而且常常是突然发生的,这不是任何人的错。
81 It's nice to meet you, by the way. 顺便说一下,很高兴认识你。
82 You must be the new fifth-year Sebastian told me about. 你一定就是塞巴斯蒂安告诉我的那个新五年级学生。
83 Main Character I am. 我是。
84 Sebastian and I met during a rather lively duel in defense against the Dark Arts. 塞巴斯蒂安和我是在一场相当激烈的黑魔法防御决斗中认识的。
85 Anne Sallow (安妮·萨鲁) Oh dear, Professor Hecat. 哦天哪,赫卡特教授。
86 She's a powerful witch. 她是一个强大的女巫。
87 And she knows how to keep students like my brother, and me, in line. 她知道如何让像我和我哥哥这样的学生遵守规矩。
88 I do miss Hogwarts. 我真的很想念霍格沃茨。
89 But I wouldn't mind being at Feldcroft, really, if it wasn't so dreary now. 但我不介意呆在费尔德克罗夫特,真的,如果现在不是那么沉闷的话。
90 Between the goblins at the castle and my uncle fighting with Sebastian whenever he's home. 城堡里的妖精和我叔叔只要塞巴斯蒂安在家就和他打架。
91 It's not the cozy retreat it once was. 这不再是以前那样舒适的隐居处了。
92 Main Character Sebastian mentioned something about your uncle being an ex-Auror, but refusing to go after Ranrok's loyalists. 塞巴斯蒂安提到你叔叔是前傲罗,但拒绝追捕兰洛克的忠诚者。
93 I must say, I wasn't prepared for him to be as angry as he was. 我必须说,我没想到他会如此生气。
94 Anne Sallow (安妮·萨鲁) Uncle Solomon is frustrated by what happened to me, and by Sebastian for thinking he can fix it. 所罗门叔叔对发生在我身上的事情感到沮丧,也对塞巴斯蒂安认为他可以解决这个问题感到沮丧。
95 They both mean well, I know they do, but my uncle is right. 他们都是好意,我知道他们是好意,但我叔叔是对的。
96 This curse cannot be undone. 这个诅咒无法解除。
97 I can feel it. 我能感觉到。
98 Sebastian cannot take away my pain. 塞巴斯蒂安无法消除我的痛苦。
99 Perhaps you can help him to understand that. 也许你可以帮助他理解这一点。
100 Main Character I'm afraid it's really up to Sebastian, and his mind seems to be made up. 恐怕这真的取决于塞巴斯蒂安,他似乎已经下定决心了。
101 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) I can only hope he realizes the futility of his search for a cure soon. 我只能希望他尽快意识到寻找治疗方法是徒劳的。
102 I'm getting tired, I should probably rest. 我累了,也许我该休息了。
103 Thank you for stopping by. 感谢您的光临。
104 I wish you well. 祝你顺利。
105 Main Character I ought to see how Sebastian's faring. 我应该看看塞巴斯蒂安怎么样了。
106 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) Why will he not listen to me? 他为什么不听我的?
107 She's my sister. 她是我的妹妹。
108 Main Character How are you doing, Sebastian? 你好吗,塞巴斯蒂安?
109 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) You got a first-hand glance at what I'm dealing with. 你对我正在处理的事情有了第一手的了解。
110 I apologize for my uncle. 我替我叔叔道歉。
111 Main Character I'll admit, I wasn't expecting him to be so angry. 我承认,我没想到他会这么生气。
112 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) He's always angry. 他总是生气。
113 He's been angry since my parents died. 自从我父母去世后,他一直很生气。
114 After Anne was hurt, he only grew worse. 安妮受伤后,他的情况变得更糟。
115 It's as though he blames me somehow, always calling me my father's son, as if that's an insult. 就好像他以某种方式责怪我,总是称我为父亲的儿子,好像这是一种侮辱。
116 I'm the one trying to help her. 我是那个试图帮助她的人。
117 He's simply given up. 他只是放弃了。
118 Main Character Both Anne and your uncle seem genuinely convinced that nothing more can be done for her. 安妮和你叔叔似乎都真诚地相信,我们无法为她做更多的事情了。
119 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) I refuse to believe that. 我拒绝相信这一点。
120 Anne's pain is more than physical. 安妮的痛苦不仅仅是身体上的。
121 It has changed her entirely. 这彻底改变了她。
122 I miss my sister. 我想念我的妹妹。
123 And I'm going to get her back. 我要把她找回来。
124 Come with me. 跟我来。
125 I need to show you where it happened. 我需要告诉你事情发生在哪里。
126 (They go to the place where Isidora once lived) (他们去了伊西多拉曾经住过的地方)
127 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) Ranrok's loyalists are capable of so much more than people realize. 兰洛克的忠实拥护者的能力远超人们的想象。
128 They should not be underestimated. 他们不应该被低估。
129 All the debris you'll see is from whatever's going on at that abandoned estate. 你会看到的所有碎片都来自那个废弃庄园发生的事情。
130 They've been digging for something. 他们一直在挖掘一些东西。
131 Up there, on that plateau, is where they cursed Anne. 在那片高原上,就是他们咒骂安妮的地方。
132 This way. 这边走。
133 Loyalist (追随者) How much longer are we expected to dig through this rubble? 我们预计还要挖掘这片废墟多久?
134 Loyalist (追随者) Ranrok knows what he's doing. 兰洛克知道他在做什么。
135 Loyalist (追随者) It's an honor to be a part of it. 能够成为其中的一部分是我的荣幸。
136 (Fighting) (斗争)
137 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) I confess, that was a bit more than I bargained for. 我承认,这比我预想的要多一些。
138 I tried to warn you. 我试图警告你。
139 Main Character Those loyalists deserved what they got. 这些忠诚者应得的。
140 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) Couldn't agree more. 完全同意。
141 This is where it happened. 这就是事情发生的地方。
142 We smelled smoke in the middle of the night. 我们在半夜闻到了烟味。
143 When we looked outside, flames were shooting from the estate. 当我们向外看时,火苗从庄园里冒出来。
144 Before my uncle and I could stop her, Anne rushed out, racing towards the fire, worried someone would be hurt. 我和叔叔还没来得及阻止她,安妮就冲了出去,冲向火场,担心有人受伤。
145 She came face to face with a horde of goblins, frantically trying to stamp out the flames. 她与一群妖精面对面,疯狂地试图扑灭火焰。
146 Suddenly, an icy voice drifted out from somewhere in the smoke. 突然,一道冰冷的声音从烟雾中的某处飘出。
147 "Children should be seen and not heard." "孩子们应该被看到,而不是被听到。"
148 A blinding blast followed. 随之而来的是令人眼花缭乱的爆炸。
149 They didn't even give her a chance to run. 他们甚至不给她逃跑的机会。
150 Main Character It seems an awfully violent response to a child wandering by. 对于一个走过的孩子来说,这似乎是一种非常暴力的反应。
151 What were they trying to hide? 他们想隐藏什么?
152 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) My thoughts exactly. 我的想法完全正确。
153 It may be grasping at billywigs, but I keep thinking that there might be something here that could lead me to whoever cursed Anne. 它可能在抓比利威格,但我一直在想,这里可能有什么东西可以引导我找到诅咒安妮的人。
154 Might be the only way to learn what type of magic harmed her, which could help me find a cure. 可能是了解什么类型的魔法伤害了她的唯一方法,这可以帮助我找到治疗方法。
155 Main Character Perhaps you're right. 也许你是对的。
156 The loyalists are everywhere, but they do seem to be spending a lot of time here, and it's likely they're hiding something. 效忠者无处不在,但他们似乎确实在这里呆了很多时间,而且很可能他们在隐瞒什么。
157 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) And at Rookwood Castle. 还有卢克伍德城堡。
158 Shall we have a look around? 我们去周围看看吗?
159 (they look around) (他们环顾四周)
160 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) They seem to have set up camp here for a specific reason. 他们在这里安营扎寨似乎是有特定的原因。
161 They have stations for everything. 他们有一切的车站。
162 I've heard goblin dig sites like these are everywhere. 我听说像这样的妖精挖掘地点随处可见。
163 Main Character Hmm. 唔。
164 It's a wonder the ministry isn't doing more. 令人惊奇的是,该部没有采取更多行动。
165 Whose home was this? 这是谁的家?
166 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) A bit abandoned long since I've lived here. 自从我住在这里很久以来,这里有点被遗弃了。
167 Rumor was a Hogwarts professor lived here once. Centuries ago. 传闻霍格沃茨的一位教授曾经住在这里。几个世纪前。
168 But that's all I ever heard. 但这就是我所听到的。
169 Main Character Always armed and ready for a fight, Ranrok's loyalists. 兰洛克的忠实拥护者,始终全副武装,随时准备战斗。
170 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) It might be worth taking a closer look at the house itself. 也许值得仔细看看房子本身。
171 Main Character Sebastian! 塞巴斯蒂安!
172 Over here! 在这里!
173 (A charred portrait with a face that cannot be seen clearly ) (烧焦的肖像,脸部无法看清)
174 Main Character Do you think that this was damaged by the fire the night that Anne was cursed? 你认为这是安妮被诅咒那天晚上的火灾所损坏的吗?
175 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) Could be. 可能。
176 But it looks to me as though this was intentional. 但在我看来,这似乎是故意的。
177 Main Character This well looks familiar. 这口井看起来很熟悉。
178 Sebastian! 塞巴斯蒂安!
179 I've seen this before. 我以前见过这个。
180 This house, the well, the view. 这房子,这口井,这风景。
181 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) What do you mean? 你是什么意思?
182 When? 什么时候?
183 Main Character Give me a moment. 给我一点时间。
184 I'll explain in a second. 我稍后会解释。
185 Main Character Sebastian! 塞巴斯蒂安!
186 This house did belong to a Hogwarts professor. 这所房子确实属于霍格沃茨的一位教授。
187 Years ago. 几年前。
188 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) Who? WHO?
189 What do you... 你是什么...
190 Main Character I found a pensive that day in the restricted section with a memory that showed this house. 那天我在禁区里发现了一个沉思的地方,记忆里有这栋房子。
191 There was a little girl and a drought. 有一个小女孩和一场干旱。
192 The keepers have shown me other memories as well. 饲养员还向我展示了其他记忆。
193 The girl became a Hogwarts professor. 这个女孩成为了霍格沃茨的教授。
194 Her name was Isidora Morgannach. 她的名字叫伊西多拉·摩根纳克。
195 She was one of the keepers. 她是守护者之一。
196 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) The keepers? 守门员?
197 Like in Quidditch? 就像魁地奇一样?
198 And you found a pensive in the library? 你在图书馆找到一本沉思的书吗?
199 I'm not following you. 我不跟着你。
200 Main Character I realize it's a lot to take in. 我意识到需要吸收的东西有很多。
201 I'm not even sure I understand it all yet. 我什至不确定我是否理解了这一切。
202 And no, not like Quidditch. 不,不像魁地奇。
203 They call themselves keepers because they're protecting some type of knowledge. 他们称自己为守护者,因为他们正在保护某种类型的知识。
204 It has to do with the vault at Gringotts. 这与古灵阁的金库有关。
205 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) Let me see if I've got this straight. 让我看看我是否明白这一点。
206 You have Ranroc and Rookwood after you because of something you found at Gringotts where you ended up via a port key. 兰罗克和卢克伍德在追捕你,因为你在古灵阁发现了一些东西,最后你通过了港口钥匙。
207 You can see traces of an ancient magic that you think Ranrok is trying to harness. 你可以看到兰洛克试图利用的古老魔法的痕迹。
208 And now you've been witnessing memories left by keepers. 现在你已经见证了饲养员留下的记忆。
209 Oh, and this house belonged to a Hogwarts professor who was one of these non-Quidditch keepers hundreds of years ago. 哦,这栋房子属于霍格沃茨的一位教授,他是数百年前的非魁地奇看门人之一。
210 If I didn't know you, I'd think you were pulling my leg. 如果我不认识你,我还以为你在开我的玩笑。
211 Main Character It is all a bit much, isn't it, when you put it like that? 当你这样说的时候,这一切都有点太多了,不是吗?
212 The point is we both have good reason to search this house. 关键是我们都有充分的理由搜查这所房子。
213 You for answers about what happened to Anne and me for answers about the keepers. 你寻求关于安妮发生的事情的答案,而我则寻求关于饲养员的答案。
214 (Sebastian finds a blocked doorway) (塞巴斯蒂安发现门口被堵住了)
215 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) Look at this. 看这个。
216 Main Character Someone piled this here for a reason. 有人把这个堆在这里是有原因的。
217 Is it blocking something? 是不是有什么东西挡住了?
218 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) Only one way to find out. 只有一种方法可以找出答案。
219 Main Character Depulso! 德普尔索!
220 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) Huh, a stairwell. 嗯,楼梯间。
221 Why bother blocking a stairwell? 为什么要堵住楼梯间呢?
222 Main Character There might be something here worth a closer look. 这里可能有一些值得仔细研究的东西。
223 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) They've left all this simply strewn about. 他们把这一切都散落在各处。
224 Tells me they're after something bigger. 告诉我他们正在追求更大的东西。
225 (MC finds some journals of Isidora) (MC找到Isidora的一些期刊)
226 Main Character Seems these journal entries are from Isidora's Travels, a journal entry of Isidora's. 看来这些日记条目来自伊西多拉的游记,伊西多拉的日记条目。
227 I should hold onto this. 我应该坚持这一点。
228 Incendio! 燃烧!
229 (MC finds a magic stone) (MC发现魔法石)
230 Main Character You're not going to believe this. 你不会相信这一点。
231 I can see the undercroft. 我可以看到地下室。
232 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) What? 什么?
233 A daydream? 白日梦?
234 Because that happens to me too. 因为这也发生在我身上。
235 Main Character I know it sounds strange, but... 我知道这听起来很奇怪,但是...
236 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) Nothing you say sounds strange to me anymore. 你说的一切对我来说都不再奇怪了。
237 Main Character Fair enough. 很公平。
238 I can see the undercroft through this stone wall as though it's a window. 透过这堵石墙,我可以看到地下室,就像它是一扇窗户一样。
239 This has happened before. 这种情况以前也发生过。
240 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) I'm listening. 我在听。
241 Main Character I think it's to do with my ability to see traces of ancient magic. 我认为这与我看到古代魔法痕迹的能力有关。
242 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) But you said you didn't really understand it, and that you couldn't wield it. 但你说你并不真正理解它,并且你无法运用它。
243 Main Character That's true. 这是真的。
244 I'm still not sure what it all means. 我仍然不确定这一切意味着什么。
245 What I do know is that my ability allows me to travel through these windows I see. 我所知道的是,我的能力允许我穿越我看到的这些窗户。
246 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) Wait. 等待。
247 We can get straight to the undercroft from here. 从这里我们可以直接去地下室。
248 Ominis will be floored. 奥米尼斯将被击倒。
249 Main Character We can. 我们可以。
250 But perhaps best not to tell anyone else about this for now. 但也许现在最好不要告诉其他人这件事。
251 Even Ominis. 甚至奥米尼斯。
252 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) Understood. 明白了。
253 Well then, invisible secret ancient magic passageway, here we come. 那么,隐形的秘密远古魔法通道,我们来了。
254 I'm tempted to hold my breath. 我忍不住屏住呼吸。
255 (They come to the undercroft through the stone wall) (他们穿过石墙来到地下室)
256 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) Why would the door lead us here? 为什么门会把我们引到这里?
257 Main Character Sebastian, look. 塞巴斯蒂安,看。
258 Why hide a tryptych here? 为什么要把三联画藏在这里?
259 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) Seems something's missing. 好像少了点什么。
260 Main Character A note? 一张纸条?
261 Let's have a look. 我们来看一下。
262 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) Anything helpful in the note? 笔记里有什么有用的吗?
263 Main Character A rune symbol. 一个符文符号。
264 I've seen similar symbols used by the keepers. 我见过守门员使用类似的符号。
265 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) I've been thinking. 我一直在想。
266 A keeper lived in that house centuries ago, and Ranrok in his lot had been searching there. 几个世纪前,一位看门人就住在那所房子里,而兰洛克也在他的地盘上一直在那里寻找。
267 You said that goblins may be wielding some form of this ancient magic. 你说妖精可能正在使用这种古老魔法的某种形式。
268 Do you think Anne was cursed by ancient magic? 你认为安妮被古老的魔法诅咒了吗?
269 Main Character I can't be sure, of course, but I don't think so. 当然,我不能确定,但我不这么认为。
270 I didn't see any traces of it around your sister. 我在你姐姐身上没看到任何痕迹。
271 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) Hmm. 唔。
272 Very well. 很好。
273 But that doesn't mean it's not ancient magic. 但这并不意味着它不是古老的魔法。
274 There's still so much we don't know about it. 我们还有很多不知道的事情。
275 Main Character True. 真的。
276 Perhaps this tryptych will lead us to answers. 也许这张三联画会给我们带来答案。
277 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) Then we'll have to unravel what this all means. 然后我们必须弄清楚这一切意味着什么。
278 But now I need to see Ominis. 但现在我需要见奥米尼斯。
279 Don't worry, I won't tell him anything. 放心,我不会告诉他任何事。
280 Did I mention that, apparently, Salazar Slytherin had a secret scriptorium here, in Hogwarts? 我有没有提到过,萨拉查·斯莱特林显然在霍格沃茨这里有一个秘密写字间?
281 Main Character You did not? 你没有?
282 Sounds worth looking into. 听起来值得研究一下。
283 Any idea where in the castle? 知道城堡在哪里吗?
284 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) No idea. 不知道。
285 Ominis just learned of it. 奥米尼斯刚刚得知此事。
286 I'll let you know when I find out. 当我发现时我会告诉你。
287 I had no idea our visit to see Anne would unfold into all of this. 我不知道我们去见安妮的旅程会发展成这一切。
288 My head's in utter mess. 我的脑子一片混乱。
289 But I'm glad you told me everything you did. 但我很高兴你告诉我你所做的一切。
290 I'll be in touch. 我会联系的。
291 Till then. 直到那时。