

Lyrics-In the Shadow of the Mine











来自Hogwarts LegacyWIKI_BWIKI_哔哩哔哩
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序号 说话人 英文 中文
1 Main Character I came as soon as I could. 我尽快赶来了。
2 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) I'd been so preoccupied by all that happened with Ominis and the catacomb, not to mention my uncle's reaction, that I'd almost forgotten what it was that struck me about that triptych. 我全神贯注于奥米尼斯和地下墓穴所发生的一切,更不用说我叔叔的反应了,我几乎忘记了那幅三联画给我的印象是什么。
3 This is the view painted on the canvas that was left on it. 这是留在画布上的视图。
4 Main Character That's incredible. 那真是难以置信。
5 You know this area well. 你很了解这个领域。
6 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) And while I was waiting for you, I scouted around and discovered an abandoned mine nearby, 当我在等你的时候,我四处搜寻,发现附近有一个废弃的矿井,
7 surrounded by Ranrock's loyalists. 周围都是兰洛克的忠诚者。
8 Main Character Do you think there's a connection to the triptych? 你认为这与三联画有联系吗?
9 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) I've no idea. 我不知道。
10 But perhaps they're searching it, the way they did Rookwood Castle and Isidora's Manor. 但也许他们正在寻找它,就像他们在卢克伍德城堡和伊西多拉庄园那样。
11 How do we want to handle this? 我们想如何处理这个问题?
12 Main Character We need to see what they're doing, but let's not draw their attention. 我们需要看看他们在做什么,但我们不要引起他们的注意。
13 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) Very well. 很好。
14 Main Character And I still have that rune symbol we found on the triptych. 我还保留着我们在三联画上发现的那个符文符号。
15 If there is a connection, I suspect we'll see that symbol again. 如果存在联系,我怀疑我们会再次看到该符号。
16 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) After you. 您先请。
17 Main Character There they are up ahead. 他们就在那里。
18 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) I'll let you lead. 我会让你带路。
19 (Fighting with Loyalists) (与效忠者的战斗)
20 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) All of Ranrok's Loyalists deserve the same fate. Nice work. 所有兰洛克的效忠者都应该遭受同样的命运。干得好。
21 This is going well. 进展顺利。
22 Main Character We make a good team. 我们组成了一支优秀的团队。
23 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) We do at that. 我们就是这么做的。
24 Main Character Once again, we can fight our way through or be discreet. 再次,我们可以奋力前行,也可以谨慎行事。
25 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) You know which one I choose. 你知道我选择哪一个。
26 (Fighting with Loyalists)
27 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) And the fun is over. 乐趣就结束了。
28 Main Character Fun is a relative term. 乐趣是一个相对术语。
29 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) Ha! It is. And that was - relatively fun. 哈!这是。那是 - 相对有趣。
30 (They get into the overlook mine) (他们进入了俯瞰矿井)
31 Main Character For better or for worse, we're in. 无论好坏,我们都参与其中。
32 (Fighting. They are talking as fighting and exploring) (战斗。他们说的是战斗和探索)
33 Main Character This mine looks like a tomb. 后台正在处理
34 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) It was closed after accidents were reported. Now, I see why. 事故发生后,该店已关闭。现在,我明白为什么了。
35 (Fighting) (斗争)
36 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) How many of Ranrok's Loyalists are in here? 这里有多少兰洛克的效忠者?
37 Main Character Too many. They definitely think there's something here they want. 太多。他们肯定认为这里有他们想要的东西。
38 It's no wonder spiders give people goosebumps. 难怪蜘蛛会让人起鸡皮疙瘩。
39 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) Could be the hairy legs. Or the soulless eyes. Or the venomous fangs. Any number or endearing qualities, really. 可能是腿上长毛了或者是那双没有灵魂的眼睛。或者是毒牙。任何数量或可爱的品质,真的。
40 Main Character Smashing. 粉碎。
41 (the path end up as a cliff) (这条路最终变成了悬崖)
42 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) Should've thought to conjure stairs. 应该想到变出楼梯。
43 (Another path found. But spiders. So fighting.) (发现了另一条路。但是蜘蛛。所以战斗。)
44 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) We're making quick work of them. 我们正在快速处理它们。
45 Main Character Professor Hecat would be proud. 赫卡特教授会感到自豪。
46 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) She would at that. Ranrok's Loyalists have all but declared war. 她会的。兰洛克的效忠派几乎已经宣战了。
47 We've still not seen a single rune symbol. 我们还没有看到任何符文符号。
48 Main Character I think we're going to be a bit distracted from runes for a moment. 我想我们暂时不会关注符文。
49 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) An unwelcome distraction at that. 这是一种不受欢迎的干扰。
50 Main Character We have another fight on our hands. 我们还有另一场战斗要做。
51 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) Why am I not surprised? 为什么我不感到惊讶?
52 (Fighting) (斗争)
53 Main Character We're not finish yet. 我们还没有完成。
54 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) It's almost as if they were waiting. 就好像他们在等待一样。
55 (Still fighting) (还在战斗)
56 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) We certainly cleared the room. 我们当然清理了房间。
57 Main Character You're not a bad chap - for a Slytherin. 对于斯莱特林来说,你不是一个坏人。
58 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) You Gryffindors don't have a monopoly on bravery, you know. 你知道,你们格兰芬多并没有垄断勇敢。
59 (Finding the rune symbols and opening a blocked way) (找到符文符号并打开封锁的道路)
60 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) A rune symbol - above the cavern door. 符文符号 - 位于洞门上方。
61 Main Character Ranrok's Loyalists never knew to look for it. 兰洛克的效忠者从来不知道要寻找它。
62 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) Wasn't expecting that. 没想到会这样。
63 (door opened, they enter a place littered with many scrolls and books.MC find jounals of Isidora) (门打开,他们进入一个散落着许多卷轴和书籍的地方。MC找到伊西多拉的杂志)
64 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) What do you have there. 你那里有什么。
65 Main Character A journal entry by Isidora. 伊西多拉的日记条目。
66 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) Hopefully it will help us unravel more of this mystery. 希望它能帮助我们解开这个谜团。
67 Main Character Sebastian! I think I've found something! A canvas piece. 塞巴斯蒂安!我想我找到了一些东西!一块画布。
68 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) Brilliant. Our efforts weren't in vain after all. 杰出的。我们的努力终究没有白费。
69 Still - something about this place feels odd. 尽管如此——这个地方还是让人感觉有些奇怪。
70 Main Character If the triptych led us here to find this bit of canvas, we can probably assume that Isidora Morganach was here. 如果三联画引导我们来这里找到这块画布,我们大概可以假设伊西多拉·摩根纳赫就在这里。
71 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) She seems to have been everywhere. 她似乎无处不在。
72 Main Character But if she was using the Undercroft - and the cellar beneath her manor in Feldcroft - why would she create this space? 但如果她使用的是地下室——以及她在费尔德克罗夫特庄园下面的地窖——她为什么要创造这个空间呢?
73 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) And why hide it behind cryptic rune symbols - and ancient magic that no one but you could see? 为什么要把它隐藏在神秘的符文符号和除了你之外没有人能看到的古老魔法后面呢?
74 Main Character Isidora and Percival Rackham - another of the Keepers - could see traces of ancient magic too. 伊西多拉和珀西瓦尔·拉克姆——另一位守护者——也能看到古代魔法的痕迹。
75 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) Rackham? I haven't heard his name before. 拉克姆?我以前没听说过他的名字。
76 Main Character His are some of the memories I've seen. I don't think he and Isidora saw eye to eye on how this magic should be used. 他是我见过的一些回忆。我认为他和伊西多拉在如何使用这个魔法上意见不一致。
77 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) This is all rather baffling. Let's take the canvas back to the triptych. Perhaps the answers are there. 这一切都令人费解。让我们把画布带回到三联画上。也许答案就在那里。
78 This place is odd, to be sure, but I'm fascinated by it. 确实,这个地方很奇怪,但我对它很着迷。
79 Now, for the trek back out of here and to Hogwarts. 现在,我们要徒步离开这里,返回霍格沃茨。
80 Main Character Unless - we can find another passageway to the undercroft. Let's have a look around. 除非——我们能找到另一条通往地下室的通道。让我们环顾四周。
81 (They are back to the Undercroft) (他们回到了地下室)
82 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) And the moment for truth. 以及真相的时刻。
83 Main Character It has to fit. 它必须适合。
84 Please tell me you recignise the location in this bit of canvas. 请告诉我您重新确定了这块画布中的位置。
85 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) The good news is, I do, in fact. 好消息是,事实上我确实这么做了。
86 Main Character And the bad news? 坏消息呢?
87 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) We're in for more trouble. 我们会遇到更多麻烦。
88 I know that coast. Ranrok has taken over a huge mine and the surrounding area. Marunweem has suffered for it. It's as bad as Feldcroft's become. 我知道那个海岸。Ranrok 接管了一个巨大的矿井及周边地区。Marunweem因此而受苦。情况和费尔德克罗夫特一样糟糕。
89 Should we head there now? 我们现在应该去那里吗?
90 Main Character We should wait. 我们应该等待。
91 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) Why? 为什么?
92 Main Character All this time, we've been a step behind Ranrok. I may know someone who could help us get ahead. 一直以来,我们都落后 Ranrok 一步。我可能认识一个可以帮助我们取得成功的人。
93 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) Who is that? 那是谁?
94 Main Character A friendly goblin. He wants no part in Ranrok's fight. 友善的妖精。他不想参与兰洛克的战斗。
95 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) A friendly goblin? 友善的妖精?
96 You know goblins cursed my sister to shut her up. Said she should be seen and not heared. 你知道妖精诅咒我妹妹让她闭嘴。说她应该被看到而不是被听到。
97 Main Character I do. But, not all goblins - 我愿意。但是,并不是所有的哥布林——
98 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) Not all goblins what? Have you forgotten Feldcroft? Have you forgotten the mine we just went through? 不全是妖精什么?你忘了费尔德克罗夫特吗?你忘了我们刚刚经过的矿井吗?
99 Main Character No, Sebastian. I haven't. You're not listening to me. 不,塞巴斯蒂安。我没有。你不听我说话。
100 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) Why would I listen to someone so ignorant? 我为什么要听一个这么无知的人的话?
101 Main Character Perhaps your uncle was right about you. You don't know when to stop. 也许你叔叔对你的看法是对的。你不知道什么时候该停下来。
102 Sebastian Sallow (塞巴斯蒂安·萨鲁) Uh, I do know when to stop. 呃,我知道什么时候该停下来。
Unbelievable. 难以置信。