

Lyrics-The Fourth Trial











来自Hogwarts LegacyWIKI_BWIKI_哔哩哔哩
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序号 说话人 英文 中文
1 Main Character I hope Professor Figg got my owl. I need to tell him and the keepers that Ranrok knows where the last repository is. 我希望菲格教授能得到我的猫头鹰。我需要告诉他和管理员 Ranrok 知道最后一个存储库在哪里。
2 Eleazar Fig (以利亚撒·菲戈) According to the owl I received, Ranrok is moving more quickly than we could have anticipated. 根据我收到的猫头鹰消息,Ranrok 的移动速度比我们预期的要快。
3 Percival Rackham (波西瓦尔·拉克汉姆) This is grave news indeed. We had hoped for more time to discuss the best path forward. 这确实是一个严重的消息。我们原本希望有更多时间来讨论最佳的前进道路。
4 San Bakar(森·巴卡尔) Let us hear what the student has to say. 让我们听听这位学生是怎么说的。
5 Main Character Professor you received my owl. Ranrok has the last of Bragbor's journals. 教授,您收到了我的猫头鹰。兰洛克拥有布拉格博尔的最后一本日记。
6 He killed Lodgok to get it. He knows where the last repository is. 为了得到它,他杀了洛高克。他知道最后一个存储库在哪里。
7 Eleazar Fig (以利亚撒·菲戈) Godric's heart. 戈德里克的心。
8 Main Character Lodgok and Ranrok were brothers. Lodgok was bringing the journal to me. 洛戈克和兰洛克是兄弟。洛戈克把日记带给我。
9 Eleazar Fig (以利亚撒·菲戈) Lodgok is a monster. We need to know where the final repository is. 洛戈克是一个怪物。我们需要知道最终的存储库在哪里。
10 Main Character Surely this changes things. Ranrok has Bragbor's journals and knows where the final repository is. 这肯定会改变事情。Ranrok 拥有 Bragbor 的日记并且知道最终的存储库在哪里。
11 San Bakar(森·巴卡尔) We obliviated Bragbor. He kept journals? Why would he have documented all of this? 我们忘记了布拉格堡。他写日记吗?他为什么要记录这一切?
12 He didn't know what we were containing. 他不知道我们里面装的是什么。
13 Main Character Isidora told Bragbor about the magic when she asked him to build a container for her. I've seen her memories. 当伊西多拉要求布拉格博为她建造一个容器时,她告诉了布拉格博这个魔法。我见过她的记忆。
14 San Bakar(森·巴卡尔) Isidora left memories for someone to find? You know what she did? 伊西多拉留下记忆供人寻找?你知道她做了什么吗?
15 Main Character Her memories showed what she did for her father, which I also saw in Professor Rookwood's pensieve. 她的记忆显示了她为父亲所做的一切,我也在鲁克伍德教授的冥想盆中看到了这些。
16 And a conversation with Bragbor in which she expressed frustration about the limits being placed on her use of ancient magic. 在与布拉格堡的一次谈话中,她表达了对她使用古代魔法的限制的沮丧。
17 Percival Rackham (波西瓦尔·拉克汉姆) Based upon the memories they have seen, I believe our young friend is well aware of the grave circumstances in which we find ourselves. 根据他们所看到的记忆,我相信我们的年轻朋友很清楚我们所处的严峻形势。
18 The next trial will involve an exceptional level of magical skill and a nuanced ability to interact with beasts. 下一次的考验将涉及非凡的魔法技能和与野兽互动的微妙能力。
19 Find a face of stone and tendrils. I should advise you that you must engage with any beast that is part of the trial on your own. 找到一张石头和卷须的脸。我应该建议你,你必须独自与试炼中的任何野兽交战。
20 Professor Bakar will meet you in his pensieve room. 巴卡尔教授将在他的冥想室与您会面。
21 Eleazar Fig (以利亚撒·菲戈) An exceptional level of magical skill? Nuanced ability to interact with beasts? 非凡的魔法技能水平?与野兽互动的微妙能力?
22 Hmm. I suppose we should begin our search for a face of stone and tendrils. Whatever that may be. 唔。我想我们应该开始寻找石头和卷须的面孔。不管那是什么。
23 Main Character Very well. 很好。
24 Eleazar Fig (以利亚撒·菲戈) Professor Weasley has been keeping an eye on me. 韦斯莱教授一直在注视着我。
25 Perhaps we should meet there so she has no reason to raise concerns with Professor Black. 也许我们应该在那里见面,这样她就没有理由向布莱克教授提出担忧。
26 I shall see you near the coast. 我会在海岸附近见到你。
27 Perhaps then you can tell me a little more about the memories of Isidora that you witnessed. 也许你可以告诉我更多关于你所目睹的伊西多拉的记忆。
28 (The process of finding and finishing the trial omitted) (查找并完成试验的过程略)
29 San Bakar(森·巴卡尔) Perhaps Professor Rakham was right to have had faith in you. 也许拉卡姆教授对你的信任是正确的。
30 I still have my reservations. 我仍然有所保留。
31 Isidora, as you will see, was not who she seemed. 正如你将看到的,伊西多拉并不是她看上去的那样。
32 I can only hope that you are. 我只能希望你是这样。
33 My memories should answer any questions you may have about the power you will need to protect. 我的记忆应该可以回答你对需要保护的力量的任何疑问。
34 Main Character Thank you, Professor Bakar. 谢谢您,巴卡尔教授。
35 San Bakar(森·巴卡尔) I shall see you back in the map chamber. 我会在地图室见到你。
36 (Following is the memory of the Pensieve in the fourth trial. San Bakar's memory) (以下是冥想盆在第四次试炼中的记忆,桑巴卡尔的记忆)
37 (San Bakar comes to find Isidora at her home) (桑巴卡来伊西多拉家找她)
38 San Bakar(森·巴卡尔) Hello? Isidora? 你好?伊西多拉?
39 Isidora? 伊西多拉?
40 (No response. San Bakar pushes the door) (没有回应。San Bakar 推门)
41 San Bakar(森·巴卡尔) Oh. Mr. Morganach, I - 哦。摩根纳赫先生,我——
42 (Before he could finished his words, Bakar finds something odd. He closing Mr. Morganach, who turns to him, with soulless eyes) (话还没说完,巴卡尔就发现了一些奇怪的事情。他合上了摩根纳赫先生,摩根纳赫先生转向他,眼神毫无灵魂)
43 San Bakar(森·巴卡尔) Mr. Morganach? 摩根纳赫先生?
44 (Bakar leaves and comes back to Rackham) (巴卡尔离开并回到拉克姆)
45 Percival Rackham (波西瓦尔·拉克汉姆) San, I'm glad you're here. 桑,我很高兴你在这里。
46 San Bakar(森·巴卡尔) Isidora was not at her home. 伊西多拉不在家。
47 Percival Rackham (波西瓦尔·拉克汉姆) I know. 我知道。
48 San Bakar(森·巴卡尔) But - her father. Oh, Percival. 但是——她的父亲。哦,珀西瓦尔。
49 Percival Rackham (波西瓦尔·拉克汉姆) What is it? 它是什么?
50 San Bakar(森·巴卡尔) It's as though he was stripped not only of his pain but of all emotion. 就好像他不仅失去了痛苦,而且失去了所有的情感。
51 Percival Rackham (波西瓦尔·拉克汉姆) Everything is much worse than I feared. Niamh was right. Isidora hasn't stopped. 一切比我担心的要糟糕得多。尼亚姆是对的。伊西多拉并没有停下来。
52 I've just learned that she has been wielding that magic on students. 我刚刚了解到她一直在对学生施展这种魔力。
53 San Bakar(森·巴卡尔) We must gather the others. 我们必须召集其他人。
54 (Keepers come to find Isidora. They see a student with soulless eyes.) (看门人来寻找伊西多拉。他们看到一名学生,眼神毫无灵魂。)
55 San Bakar(森·巴卡尔) I need you to return to your common room, all right? 我需要你回到你的公共休息室,好吗?
56 (They see a container made by goblin silver. And then Isidora comes out) (他们看到一个由妖精银制成的容器。然后伊西多拉走了出来)
57 Percival Rackham (波西瓦尔·拉克汉姆) What have you done? 你做了什么?
58 Isidora Morganach(伊西多拉·莫佳娜) Take a breath. 喘口气。
59 (Isidora seems intoxicated) (伊西多拉似乎喝醉了)
60 Percival Rackham (波西瓦尔·拉克汉姆) Students, Isidora? 学生们,伊西多拉?
61 Isidora Morganach(伊西多拉·莫佳娜) Everyone feels pain. And why? Because of your arrogance. Your obsession and secrets. 每个人都感到痛苦。为什么?因为你的傲慢。你的痴迷和秘密。
62 They won't suffer any longer. Not my father, not my students, no one. 他们不会再受苦了。不是我的父亲,不是我的学生,没有人。
63 Percival Rackham (波西瓦尔·拉克汉姆) Isidora, set down your wand. 伊西多拉,放下你的魔杖。
64 Isidora Morganach(伊西多拉·莫佳娜) Professor, you taught me to hone my power, not throw it away. 教授,您教我磨练自己的力量,而不是丢弃它。
65 Percival Rackham (波西瓦尔·拉克汉姆) I did not teach you this 我没有教你这个
66 (Fighting. Isidora casts a spell knocking down the keepers. Only Rackham still stand. Niamh faints. San Bakar gets up and rush to check Niamh.) (战斗。伊西多拉施展咒语击倒守门员。只有拉克姆还站着。尼亚姆晕倒了。桑巴卡站起来冲去检查尼亚姆。)
67 (Rackham casts a spell and Isidora casts back, the two spells meet in the mid-air and no loser comes out) (拉克姆施法,伊西多拉回击,两个法术在半空中相遇,没有输家出来)
68 (Isidora grudually gain the upper hand. Charles Rookwood gets up and help Rackham to fight aginst Isidora. But they still can't resist) (伊西多拉逐渐占据上风,查尔斯·鲁克伍德起身帮助拉克姆对抗伊西多拉,但他们仍然无法抵抗)
69 (San Bakar sees the situation and casts a "Avada Kedavra" to Isidora. Isidora loses her life.) (桑巴卡尔见状,对伊西多拉施展"阿瓦达索命",伊西多拉因此丧命。)
70 San Bakar(森·巴卡尔) She's alive.(referring Niamh) 她还活着。(指 Niamh)
71 (Rackham takes Isidora's wand, but we don't what he did to it) (拉克姆拿走了伊西多拉的魔杖,但我们不知道他对它做了什么)
72 (memory is over. MC comes back to the Map Chamber) (记忆结束。MC回到地图室)
74 Main Character The caverns below Hogwarts where you fought Isidora is that the location of the final repository. 霍格沃茨下方的洞穴是你与伊西多拉战斗的地方,也是最终储存库的所在地。
75 Percival Rackham (波西瓦尔·拉克汉姆) It is. you see. 这是。你看。
76 We could not destroy the strands of emotion Isadora had stolen from so many. 我们无法摧毁伊莎多拉从这么多人那里偷走的情感。
77 So we did all that we could to keep them safe. 因此,我们竭尽全力保证他们的安全。
78 We also realized that until they could be destroyed, the magic used to create them was a danger to wizardkind. 我们还意识到,在它们被摧毁之前,用于创造它们的魔法对巫师来说是一种危险。
79 Hence we became keepers. 因此我们成为了守护者。
80 Keepers of an unfathomable secret. 一个深不可测的秘密的守护者。
81 We knew that - some day - one with the ability to see traces of ancient magic might be seduced by its power. 我们知道,有一天,一个能够看到古代魔法痕迹的人可能会被它的力量所诱惑。
82 We built the trials to lead that person to us. 我们建立了试验来引导那个人来找我们。
83 To allow them to prove themselves worthy of the knowledge we've kept hidden and the responsibility that accompanies it. 让他们证明自己配得上我们隐藏的知识以及随之而来的责任。
84 Main Character Have I not proven myself, professor? 教授,我还没有证明自己吗?
85 I need to get to that repository before Ranrok 我需要在 Ranrok 之前到达该存储库
86 Percival Rackham (波西瓦尔·拉克汉姆) You have, and you will. 你已经做到了,而且你也会做到。
87 But the repository is protected by powerful ancient magic. 但该储存库受到强大的古代魔法的保护。
88 To enter, you must craft a special wand from the four artifacts you found above our pensives. 要进入,你必须用你在我们的冥想上方发现的四件文物制作一根特殊的魔杖。
89 Main Character So the repository is safe from Ranrok for now. 因此,该存储库目前对于 Ranrok 来说是安全的。
90 Percival Rackham (波西瓦尔·拉克汉姆) If he is, as you suspect, capable of using the power of the other repository. 如果他像你怀疑的那样能够使用另一个存储库的力量。
91 I fear he will be able to breach our defenses. 我担心他会突破我们的防御。
92 Main Character Then I must go now and croft this wand. 那么我现在就必须去制作这根魔杖。
93 Perhaps Mister Olivanda will help me. 也许奥利凡达先生会帮助我。
94 Percival Rackham (波西瓦尔·拉克汉姆) Another Olivander? I'm not surprised. 另一个奥利凡德?我不惊讶。
95 As I am sure he will tell you, this wand may be used for only one purpose. 我确信他会告诉你,这根魔杖只能用于一个目的。
96 Return with the wand and we will open the way forward. 带着魔杖回来,我们将开辟前进的道路。
97 Eleazar Fig (以利亚撒·菲戈) I shall send an owl ahead to olivender. 后台正在处理
98 Whilst you visit him, I'll reach out to Professor Weasley. 当你去拜访他时,我会联系韦斯莱教授。
99 Main Character Professor Weasley? 韦斯莱教授?
100 Eleazar Fig (以利亚撒·菲戈) Yes. I may have made an error in judgment by not informing her of branrock's intentions earlier. 是的。我可能犯了一个判断错误,没有提前告知她布兰罗克的意图。
101 I only hope it's not too late. 我只希望还不算太晚。
102 If Ranrok really is going to try to drill below Hogwarts, we'll need all the help we can get. 如果兰洛克真的要尝试在霍格沃茨下面钻探,我们将需要我们能得到的所有帮助。
103 Main Character Alright. Professor, I'll see you soon. 好吧。教授,很快就会见到你。