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This template holds the information for all the monsters in Monster Sanctuary. If any information on any Monster is incorrect on this wikia compared to how it is in-game directly, THIS is the ONLY place you should ever edit it. It will update site-wide if it is fixed here.



The first parameter will always be the monster's name. This will be used to index into the data in the template to return all the relevent information.

The second parameter will always be the type of template to generate. If Row is inputted, then the monster information from this template will be sent to the MonsterRow template to be rendered. If Box is inputted, then the MonsterBox template will be generated. For any inputted string, the template "Monster[param]" will be generated (assuming that template exists).


After the first two parameters, the rest of the parameters will be sent to the respective template found by the second parameter. If you call this template like this:


Then the third parameter (and any others you want to add), will be sent to the MonsterBox template parameter. To access the additional parameters in order, they are remapped to start at the beginning of the parameter list. For example in the call above light is the third parameter, however in the MonsterBox template generation, it will be considered the first parameter (aka you can access it by using {{{1}}})