编辑帮助:目录 • BWIKI反馈留言板
- Whoa!
- 哇哦!
- Where'd you come from? No one's come here in... well, ever, actually. That makes you the second Hearthian to ever reach Dark Bramble — after me, of course. Well done!
- 你是从哪儿来的?已经有很久……事实上,从来没有人能够来到这里。你是有史以来第二个抵达黑棘星的哈斯人。当然,我是第一个。干得好!
- ...Say, it's you! They made you an astronaut? And you haven't blown yourself up yet, good for you!
- ……对了,原来是你!他们让你当上宇航员了?而且你也没有把自己给炸飞,真是好样的!
- (在之前的循环对话过) >Let me guess: anglerfish?
- >让我猜猜:是因为安康鱼吗?
- “Heh, you got it in one. Kind of hard not to, once you’ve seen one of those fish up close and personal-like. Well, take a load off and refill your oxygen tank, hatchling! There’s plenty of fire to go around."
- >Feldspar! You're alive!
- >费尔德斯巴!你还活着!
- ...You never were the brightest hatchling, were you.
- ……你这个年轻人还真是不够聪明。
- Yeah, that's right, I'm alive. Been camping out here since my ship, uh, y'know. Crashed. Violently.
- 是的,没错,我还活着。自从我的宇宙飞船,呃,你知道,摔得一塌糊涂以来,我都在这里扎营。
- >Wait, what?
- >等等,什么?
- Oh, this is a good story. I'd just finished exploring the core of Giant's Deep and needed a new challenge, and none of us had ever been inside Dark Bramble, so I think, hey, let's give that a try.
- 哦,这个故事可精彩了。我刚刚完成了对深巨星核心的探险,想要寻找一个新的挑战。既然从来没有人去过黑棘星内部,那么我想,嘿,这个地方值得去瞧瞧。
- I've been cruising around for a while, dodging the odd massive, interdimensional vine bristling with thorns, when I run into this huge anglerfish, the biggest I've ever seen.
- 我在天上飞了一会儿,躲开那奇形怪状、硕大无比、荆棘满布的跨次元藤蔓。接着我就碰见了这条巨型安康鱼。那是我所见过的最大的一条。
- >You crashed? But you're the greatest pilot in Hearthian history!
- >你的宇宙飞船坠毁了?可你是有史以来最了不起的哈斯飞行员啊!
- I haven't lived in polite society for a while, so I'm just going to go ahead and assume that wasn't sarcasm.
- 我已经很久没有在文明社会里生活了,所以我就先假定你的话里并没有冷嘲热讽的意思。
- My story goes like this. I'd just finished exploring the core of Giant's Deep, and I wanted to try my hand at Dark Bramble, seeing as no one had ever been before.
- 我的故事是这样的。我刚刚完成了对深巨星核心的探险,想要去从来没有人去过的黑棘星试试运气。
- Getting around in Dark Bramble was easy, mind you. Once you've dodged one massive, interdimensional vine bristling with thorns, you've dodged 'em all.
- 我得提醒你,在黑棘星上活动并不难。只要你能躲过硕大无比,荆棘满布的跨次元藤蔓,那就什么事情都不会有。
- But after a while, I run into this huge anglerfish — you've seen 'em? Big gnarly things, and this was the biggest one I've ever seen. I pull a few stunts, try to shake the thing off — nothing too fancy. I'm going full-speed when the fish clips me, knocks me into a vine, and...
- 可过了一会儿,我就碰见了这条巨型安康鱼。你看见过没有?浑身疙瘩,大得要命。而这一条是我所见过的最大的一条。我使出几招绝活,也没什么大不了的,就是想要把那玩意给甩掉。我全速前行,此时那条鱼咬住了我,把我甩在了藤蔓上,接着……
- >We all thought you were dead for sure.
- >我们都以为你肯定已经死了。
- What! Me, killed off by thorny, extradimensional plants that entirely violate the laws of space and time, and a couple of giant predatory fish with gaping maws and enormously sharp fangs? Not in this lifetime, little buddy.
- 什么!我,会被浑身荆棘、完全无视时空定律的异次元植物,还有几条长着锋利无比的尖牙和血盆大口的巨型食肉鱼类弄死?这辈子都别想,小家伙。
- I set up camp here when my ship got stuck here in Dark Bramble. Been living off the land ever since.
- 我的宇宙飞船被困在了黑棘星。从那以后我就在这里扎营,有什么吃什么。
- >So what exactly happened to your ship?
- >那么你的宇宙飞船到底出了什么事?
- Oh, this is a good story. I'd just finished exploring the core of Giant's Deep and needed a new challenge, and none of us had ever been inside Dark Bramble, so I think, hey, let's give that a try.
- 哦,这个故事可精彩了。我刚刚完成了对深巨星核心的探险,想要寻找一个新的挑战。既然从来没有人去过黑棘星内部,那么我想,嘿,这个地方值得去瞧瞧。
- I've been cruising around for a while, dodging the odd massive, interdimensional vine bristling with thorns, when I run into this huge anglerfish, the biggest I've ever seen.
- 我在天上飞了一会儿,躲开那奇形怪状、硕大无比、荆棘满布的跨次元藤蔓。接着我就碰见了这条巨型安康鱼。那是我所见过的最大的一条。
- >“Got stuck”? But aren't you the greatest pilot in Hearthian history?
- >“被困在这里”?可你不是有史以来最了不起的哈斯飞行员吗?
- Haha, you flatter me! ...I like it!
- 哈哈,你真是抬举我!我喜欢!
- I came to Dark Bramble for the excitement. I'd just finished exploring the core of Giant's Deep and needed a new challenge, and none of us had ever gone farther than Dark Bramble's ice fields, so I thought, hey, let's give it a try.
- 我到黑棘星来,想要找点刺激的事情干。我刚刚完成了对深巨星核心的探险,想要寻找一个新的挑战。既然除了黑棘星的冰原之外,从来没有人进一步深入过,所以我想说,嘿,不如去瞧瞧吧。
- I've been cruising around for a while, dodging the odd massive, interdimensional vine bristling with thorns, when I run into this huge anglerfish, the biggest I've ever seen.
- 我在天上飞了一会儿,躲开那奇形怪状、硕大无比、荆棘满布的跨次元藤蔓。接着我就碰见了这条巨型安康鱼。那是我所见过的最大的一条。
- >Have you been here in Dark Bramble all this time?
- >一直以来你都在黑棘星吗?
- Depends on how long “all this time” is. I've been here a while, I guess. Ever since I crashed my ship into — that is, ever since my daring escape from the jaws of an anglerfish!
- 这就要看“一直以来”是多久了。自从我的宇宙飞船坠毁在……我是说,自从我从一条安康鱼的血盆大口里大胆逃生以来!我想我确实在这里待了不少时间。
- >Tell me more about your flying prowess!
- >再跟我说说你的飞行技艺!
- Haha, you flatter me! ...I like it!
- 哈哈,你真是抬举我!我喜欢!
- I came to Dark Bramble for the excitement. I'd just finished exploring the core of Giant's Deep and needed a new challenge, and none of us had ever gone farther than Dark Bramble's ice fields, so I thought, hey, let's give it a try.
- 我到黑棘星来,想要找点刺激的事情干。我刚刚完成了对深巨星核心的探险,想要寻找一个新的挑战。既然除了黑棘星的冰原之外,从来没有人进一步深入过,所以我想说,嘿,不如去瞧瞧吧。
- I've been cruising around for a while, dodging the odd massive, interdimensional vine bristling with thorns, when I run into this huge anglerfish, the biggest I've ever seen.
- 我在天上飞了一会儿,躲开那奇形怪状、硕大无比、荆棘满布的跨次元藤蔓。接着我就碰见了这条巨型安康鱼。那是我所见过的最大的一条。
- >You crashed your ship, didn't you.
- >你把宇宙飞船给坠毁了,是不是。
- Obviously, yes. No need to be rude.
- 很显然,就是这样。没必要这么失礼吧。
- My story goes like this. I'd just finished exploring the core of Giant's Deep, and I wanted to try my hand at Dark Bramble, seeing as no one had ever been before.
- 我的故事是这样的。我刚刚完成了对深巨星核心的探险,想要去从来没有人去过的黑棘星试试运气。
- Getting around in Dark Bramble was easy, mind you. Once you've dodged one massive, interdimensional vine bristling with thorns, you've dodged 'em all.
- 我得提醒你,在黑棘星上活动并不难。只要你能躲过硕大无比,荆棘满布的跨次元藤蔓,那就什么事情都不会有。
- But after a while, I run into this huge anglerfish — you've seen 'em? Big gnarly things, and this was the biggest one I've ever seen. I pull a few stunts, try to shake the thing off — nothing too fancy. I'm going full-speed when the fish clips me, knocks me into a vine, and...
- 可过了一会儿,我就碰见了这条巨型安康鱼。你看见过没有?浑身疙瘩,大得要命。而这一条是我所见过的最大的一条。我使出几招绝活,也没什么大不了的,就是想要把那玩意给甩掉。我全速前行,此时那条鱼咬住了我,把我甩在了藤蔓上,接着……
...well, like I said, I crash. Blammo! On impact, my ship starts making noises like it's coming apart from the inside, and I think, well, that ain't great. Sure enough, I barely get out of there before the electrical systems start sparking like crazy.
It's either move fast or die unpleasantly, so I had to put a little distance between me and my poor, fried ship.
I camped out near where I crashed at first. I found this skeleton later — great find, would've been stupid not to use it.
So I moved my setup over here and planted my emergency tree seeds. Been here ever since!
- >...Wow.
- >……哇。
- Yeah, pretty much.
- 是啊,就是这个意思。
- >I can't believe you didn't die.
- >真不敢相信你居然没死。
- You know, in the old days, I used to think the same thing every time I came back from a flight in one piece.
- 你也知道,在以前,每次我从天上平安归来的时候也是这么想的。
- These days, I'm used to it.
- 现在嘛,我已经习惯了。
- >I can't believe you destroyed your ship.
- >真不敢相信你毁了自己的宇宙飞船。
- Easy for you to say. Your ship probably has all kinds of fancy modifications and upgrades, like “working retro boosters” and “non-flammable construction materials.”
- 你说得倒是容易。你的宇宙飞船上多半全是花哨的改良和更新,像什么“功能正常的反向推进器”,还有什么“不可燃建筑材料”。
- >No wonder there are so many stories about you back home!
- >难怪老家有那么多关于你的故事!
- Heh. You're not half-bad yourself, making it here in one piece.
- 哼。你能够活着来到这里,也算不赖了。
Anyway, that's how it all went down, hatchling!
Story's over, but feel free to stay and enjoy the fire a while.
Or don't. Fire's not going anywhere.
- Hey, hatchling, pull up a marshmallow stick!
- 嘿,年轻人,来一根烤棉花糖吧!
- Come to hear tales of my heroic exploits, have you?
- 是不是想听听我的英雄事迹?
- >I found something!
- >我找到了点东西!
- Lay it on me, hatchling!
- 说说看,年轻人!
- >I went to the core of Giant's Deep.
- >我到深巨星的核心过了。
- So you figured out the ol' tornado trick, did you? Good work!
- 这么说你也知道龙卷风的诀窍了是吗?干得好!
- I found that bit out by accident, but let's keep that between you and me, hey? Hornfels would have my very handsome head if they knew I'd been riding the cyclones again.
- 我是无意间才发现的,不过这事咱们就别告诉其他人了,行吗?要是让霍恩费斯知道我又搭气旋的便车,他非把我的皮给扒了不可。
- “The ship is fragile! It can break! You can't subject it to extreme conditions!” Not like I was flying the thing into the sun, now, was I?
- “宇宙飞船很脆弱!会被吹散的!你不能把它在暴露在极端环境下!”我又不是要乘着它飞到太阳里去,对吧?
- And the jellyfish, you figured those out, too? Hatchling, I tell you what, you've done real well for yourself! You're a fine astronaut, sure, but you might just become a pilot yet!
- 还有水母的事情,你也知道了?我得说,年轻人,你干得可真是出色!你是个不错的宇航员,没错,但说不定你是个当飞行员的料!
- >I found the frozen jellyfish near your ship.
- >我在你的宇宙飞船附近找到了冻住的水母。
- Ha! So the old thing still there, is it? That's where I first camped out after the crash, you know. It was pretty cozy inside!
- 哈!那玩意儿还在是吗?坠毁后我的第一个营地就设在那里。里面可舒服了!
- It does lack the structural integrity and indomitable spirit of a camp made in the shelter of the very bones of the species that tried to eat you, I suppose.
- 从结构上来说,它确实不是很完整。并且我想,在一个想要把你吃掉的物种的骨架子里寻求庇护,算不上有骨气。
- Still. Very cozy.
- 不过,里面还是很舒服的。
- >I found the Anglerfish nest.
- >我找到了安康鱼的巢穴。
- So that's where the blasted things come from, is it? Stars above, if I still had a working ship, I'd be sorely tempted to go show 'em what's what!
- 原来那些该死的东西就是从那儿冒出来的?群星在上,要是我还有一艘能用的宇宙飞船,我非得去教训教训它们不可!
- Sigh...
- 唉……
- Probably best to leave 'em alone, though, really. More trouble than it's worth to mess with anglerfish.
- 不过说真的,也许还是别惹它们为好。找安康鱼的麻烦可不是什么省心的事。
- >I found a Dark Bramble seed on Timber Hearth.
- >我在木炉星上找到了一颗黑棘星的种子。
- ...That's bad business, hatchling.
- ……那可不是闹着玩的,年轻人。
- As Chert will tell you if you so much as glance in Dark Bramble's direction, there used to be a fifth planet where the Bramble is now.
- 如果是切特的话,他会告诉你,只要往黑棘星的方向看一眼,你就会发现那里曾经存在着第五颗行星。
- This infernal plant appeared at the center and kept growing, and growing, and growing, until it shattered the planet and scattered its pieces across space.
- 这种可怕的植物就生长在那颗行星的中央,它不停地长啊长,直到整个行星被扯成了碎片,散落在太空里。
- If we don't get that seed you found sorted real quicklike, I suspect Timber Hearth will be heading toward the same fate. And I tell you what, we Hearthians have overcome far too much to be done in by some worthless seed.
- 如果不赶紧把你找到的种子给处理掉,我想到时候木炉星也会落得同样的下场。这么说吧,我们哈斯人身经百战,可不能栽在一文不值的种子手里。
- >I found Nomai writing saying anglerfish are blind. >我发现了挪麦人的文字,上面说安康鱼看不见东西。
- A-ha! So the blasted things do have a weakness!
- 啊哈!这么说那些该死的家伙也有弱点!
- Meaning my fly-as-fast-as-I-can approach to dealing with them could have used a bit more thought behind it.
- 说明我用来对付它们的那个能飞多快就多快的法子还有点欠缺。
- Ah, well, at least they didn't eat me. All's well that ends well, eh, hatchling?
- 啊,好吧,至少它们没把我吃掉。只要人没事就好。对吧,年轻人?
- >Actually, nevermind.
- >其实,没什么事。
- Nothing you want to share with me? Sounds like you'd better get out there and start exploring!
- 没什么想要和我分享的了?听上去你最好还是赶紧开始进行探险吧!
- >Where should I explore here?
- >我应该去这里的什么地方进行探索?
- Anywhere's good, but you should know that space is weird here. Intensely.
- 不管哪儿都行,不过你得明白,这里的空间有点奇怪。相当奇怪。
- Ever tried throwing your scout into one of these weird seeds? See there, with the little opening? It's just big enough to launch one through.
- 试过把探测器放进这些奇怪的种子里吗?你看,上面有个小开口,刚好够一个探测器通过。
- Your scout tracker will tell you the scout is in two places at once, but I don't think that's... wrong, exactly, because space doesn't work right in here. That seed looks small, see? But inside, it's bigger.
- 你的探测跟踪器会告诉你,探测器同时出现在了两个地方。但我并不觉得这个结果……有什么不对。因为这里的空间不同寻常。这颗种子看起来很小吧?不过里面的空间可大多了。
- Much bigger.
- 宽广得多。
- I've had a lot of time to think about this, and my theory is space in Dark Bramble kind of expands as you go through each sphere. That's why it's bigger inside those seeds.
- 我花了不少时间来琢磨这件事,我的推论是,随着你通过每个球体,黑棘星内部的空间也会不断延展。所以那些种子里面才会比外面大。
- Well, that's my theory. Keep that in mind while you're exploring Dark Bramble and maybe you won't get lost inside forever.
- 当然,我是这么想的。探索黑棘星的时候记住这一点,说不定你就不会永远地在里面迷路了。
- Good luck!
- 祝你好运!
- >You reached the core of Giant's Deep? How'd you do it?
- >你抵达了深巨星的核心?你是怎么做到的?
- Giant's Deep's core, huh? Ahhh, that was a wild one.
- 深巨星的核心是吗?啊,那一回可真是了不得。
- But since you're asking, I gotta assume you haven't made it down there yourself yet, right? If I tell you how, it kinda feels like cheating.
- 不过既然你提起来了,我猜你还没有自己下去过吧?要是我把去那里的办法告诉你,这不就等于是在作弊吗。
- Hm...
- 嗯……
- ...On a completely unrelated note, that sure was a big, hollow vine my ship crashed into.<Pause=3> Yep.
- ……说一件完全不相干的事情,我的宇宙飞船坠毁在了一条巨大无比的空心藤蔓里。<Pause=3>没错。
- If I were you, I'd go take a walk and see where it ends.
- 如果我是你的话,我就去看看它到底通往哪儿。
- You'll want to go to the tail end of this anglerfish skeleton here and look for a flickering light in the fog — that'll be my old ship. Path starts there.
- 你可以去安康鱼骨架的尾巴那儿,在迷雾里寻找闪烁的光亮。我从前的宇宙飞船就在那里。那就是道路的起点。
- >Where's your ship?
- >你的宇宙飞船在哪儿?
- Not far from here, as a matter of fact! If you go straight past the tail of this anglerfish skeleton here, you'll see a flickering light in the fog.
- 事实上离这里并不远!如果你径直走过这条安康鱼骨架的尾巴,就会在雾里看到一处闪烁的光亮。
- Follow that, and you'll find my old ship. What's left of it, anyway.
- 沿着光亮走,你就能找到我从前的宇宙飞船。至少,是宇宙飞船的残骸。
- >What happened to this anglerfish?
- >这条安康鱼出了什么事?
- Oh, the skeleton? It was like this when I got here.
- 哦,这副骨架啊?我来的时候就这样了。
- As near as I can tell, this anglerfish must have been chewing on the vine and eaten a seed, and then the seed grew and grew in the poor fish's stomach until... this happened.
- 根据我的推断,这条安康鱼一定是咬到了藤蔓,吞下了一粒种子。然后种子在那条可怜的鱼肚子里发芽长大……最后就变成了这样。
- Gross, huh?
- 很恶心吧?
- This skeleton was a good find. Keeps the fish away. See, they're territorial, so they mostly avoid each other. That's why I set up camp here.
- 能发现这副骨架可真是不错。可以把鱼给赶走。瞧,它们是一群具有领地意识的动物,会彼此避让。所以我才在这里扎营。
- >Shouldn't I tell ground control to come get you?
- >我要不要叫地面管控来接你?
- Well... yeah, sure, whenever you have the time.
- 嗯……是的,当然,只要你有空,随时都行。
- Frankly, I kinda like it out here. Quiet, peaceful...ish.
- 老实说,我有点喜欢这里了。安静,没人打扰。
- You're a little young to understand, but it's a lot of pressure, being the best that ever was. Been nice to have a break.
- 你年纪太小,没法理解。不过作为最出色的飞行员,身上担负的压力是很大的。能够喘口气是件好事。
- >Nah, I'm good.
- >不用了,没事。
- If you change your mind, you know where to find me!
- 如果你改主意了,你知道去哪儿找我!
Hatchling! You found me!
Nice to have company around a campfire, isn't it? Go on, go get the others. Wouldn't want 'em to miss out!
- Whaddya say, then — should I get out the ol' harmonica?
- 你觉得呢,我该把口琴拿出来吗?
- >Yes.
- >是的。
- Ha ha! Here goes nothing!
- 哈哈!那我可就献丑了!
- >Not yet.
- >还不行。
- You got it hatchling. When you're ready, just say the word.
- 没问题,年轻人。你准备好后说一声就行。
You cut it a little close, don't you think?
Well, it worked out all right in the end, I suppose.
Ahh, I hope there are beasties in the next one.