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  • There is a way to safely travel to the Sun Station from Ash Twin.
  • 有个办法可以安全地从灰烬双星前往太阳站
  • The Nomai debated building a Sun Station in order to power the Ash Twin Project.
  • 挪麦人曾经考虑过建造一座太阳站,来为灰烬双星计划提供动力。
  • The Nomai built something called the Sun Station, but not everyone supported its construction.
  • 挪麦人建造了一个叫做太阳站的地方。但是并非所有人都支持这一建造的进行。
  • The Sun Station was designed to make the sun go supernova.
  • 太阳站是用来把恒星爆发成超新星的。
  • The Nomai fired the Sun Station but it had no effect on the sun. They concluded that the Sun Station could never cause the sun to go supernova.
  • 挪麦人太阳站进行了发射,然而它对恒星不起作用。他们断定,太阳站永远无法把恒星引爆成超新星。
  • After the failure of the Sun Station, the Nomai took a break to investigate the newly arrived comet.
  • 太阳站失败后,挪麦人稍事休息,对刚抵达的彗星展开了调查。
  • According to a Nomai computer, our sun has reached the end of its natural life cycle.
  • 根据挪麦电脑的计算结果,我们的太阳已经来到了其自然生命周期的最后阶段。



  • A huge cylindrical structure that generates a strong upward gravity field.
  • 一座巨大的圆柱形建筑,可以制造强有力的向上重力场。
  • I recalled a Nomai shuttle from the Interloper.
  • 我从闯入者那里召回了一艘挪麦人的航天飞机。


  • The negative time interval measured at the White Hole Station was further investigated at the High Energy Lab (in the canyon at Ember Twin's equator).
  • 白洞站测量到的时间倒流间隔将会在高能实验室(位于余烬双星赤道的峡谷中)获得进一步的调查。
  • The Ash Twin Project was planned at the High Energy Lab, a building with large solar panels on Ember Twin's equator.
  • 灰烬双星计划就安排在高能实验室。那是一座建造在余烬双星的赤道上,拥有大型太阳能电池板的建筑。
  • The High Energy Lab can only be accessed by a path from the Sunless City.
  • 只能从背阴城的一条道路才能抵达高能实验室
  • The Nomai successfully reproduced the temporal anomaly first observed at the White Hole Station (warped objects appear to arrive before they depart).
  • 挪麦人成功地再现了在白洞站首次观察到的时间异常现象(跃迁对象抵达的时间比离开的时间好像要早)。
  • The Nomai discovered they could increase the negative time interval between arrival and departure by adding energy to the warp cores.
  • 挪麦人发现,他们可以通过增加跃迁核心的能量,来扩大抵达和离开之间的时间倒流间隔。
  • The Nomai wanted to know if a 22-minute negative time interval was possible. They concluded it would require new technology to produce the necessary energy as well an advanced warp core to handle those energies. Ash Twin was proposed as a location for the project.
  • 挪麦人想知道,他们是否能够制造出一个22分钟的时间倒流间隔。他们得出结论,实现这一目标需要一种能够产生必要能量的新技术,还需要一颗能够处理这些能量的高级跃迁核心。他们提议将灰烬双星作为该计划的选址。

  • There are tower designs in the High Energy Lab that reveal each warp receiver's location.
  • 高能实验室中的高塔设计图可以显示每个跃迁接收点的位置。
  • Designs for each of the towers on Ash Twin's equator.
  • 灰烬双星赤道上各高塔的设计图。
  • Each tower warps to a different planet (although many Nomai were quick to note that the sun is not actually a planet).
  • 每座高塔都跃迁往不同的行星(虽然很多挪麦人都会很快指出太阳并不是行星)。
  • Each tower was designed to visually reflect its warp destination.
  • 每座高塔的外观都设计成了对应跃迁目的地的风格。
  • The towers allowed the Nomai to quickly travel between Ash Twin and all other locations crucial to the Ash Twin Project.
  • 使用这几座高塔,挪麦人就可以在灰烬双星和其它灰烬双星计划的关键位置之间进行快速移动。


  • The Nomai detected a quantum signal coming from somewhere on the Hourglass Twins.
  • 挪麦人检测到从沙漏双星的某处传来了一个量子信号。
  • The Nomai noticed a strange wandering rock that appeared in multiple caves on Ember Twin's northern hemisphere.
  • 挪麦人注意到了一块奇怪的流浪岩石,它会出现在余烬双星北半球的多个洞穴里。
  • I found a strange rock shard that moves when I'm not watching. It emits a signal on the Quantum Fluctuations frequency.
  • 我发现了一块奇怪的岩石碎片,当我不看它的时候,它就会移动。它发射出一种具备量子波动频率的信号。


  • The Nomai survivors who crashed on Ember Twin decided to seek shelter in the caves beneath their crashed escape pod.
  • 余烬双星上失事的挪麦幸存者们决定在坠毁逃生舱下面的洞窟里需求庇护所。
  • The Nomai discovered a promising long-term shelter site at the end of one of the passages beneath the escape pod.
  • 挪麦人在逃生舱下方其中一条通道的尽头发现了一个可行的长期庇护所。
  • Chert thinks the lack of surface ruins means the Nomai must have lived somewhere underground.
  • 切特觉得地表很少有废墟这个事实,说明挪麦人一定住在地下的什么地方。
  • There is a path leading to the High Energy Lab from the Sunless City.
  • 背阴城有一条道路可以通往高能实验室
  • I found a trailmarker for the the Sunless City, but the path is blocked.
  • 我找到了背阴城的路标,但是路被堵死了。
  • A Nomai city built into the walls of a huge underground cavern. The city is divided vertically into four districts.
  • 一座挪麦城市,建立在由巨型地下洞窟组成的城墙里。这座城市被分成四个垂直区划。
  • The Nomai debated building a Sun Station in order to power the Ash Twin Project. Several Nomai opposed its construction, arguing that failure could result in the destruction of the solar system.
  • 挪麦人曾经考虑过建造一座太阳站,来为灰烬双星计划提供动力。有些挪麦人反对这个提议,辩驳称建造失败可能会导致这个太阳系的毁灭。
  • The Nomai traveled to this solar system in pursuit of a signal from something older than the universe itself. They named the source of this signal the "Eye of the universe."
  • 挪麦人为了追寻某个信号,所以才来到了这个太阳系。那个信号是从某个比宇宙还要古老的地方发出来的。他们将信号的源头称为“宇宙之眼”。


  • Chert has set up their astronomy gear on the north pole of Ember Twin.
  • 切特余烬双星的北极安设好了自己的天文器材。
  • Chert has spotted an unusually high number of supernovae recently.
  • 切特发现最近超新星的数量高得不寻常。
  • All of the stars in the universe are dying, including our sun.
  • 宇宙里所有的恒星都在死亡,我们的太阳也不例外。
  • The stars are simply dying from old age. Apparently they're much older than we realized.
  • 这些恒星只是走到了生命的尽头,所以才会死亡。很显然,它们比我们以为得还要古老。
  • Chert has become catatonic in response to our sun's imminent death.
  • 我们的太阳即将走向终结,这让切特紧张不已。


  • One of the three Nomai escape pods landed somewhere on the Hourglass Twins.
  • 三个挪麦逃生舱里,有一个降落在了沙漏双星的某个地方。
  • Chert saw a Nomai shipwreck shooting a beam of light into the sky somewhere on Ember Twin's southern hemisphere.
  • 切特看见一艘挪麦宇宙飞船残骸向余烬双星南半球的某个地方发射了一道光束。
  • One of three Nomai escape pods that crashed in our solar system.
  • 三个挪麦逃生舱里,有一个坠毁在了我们的太阳系。
  • All three escape pods were launched from something called the Vessel, which was badly damaged.
  • 所有三个逃生舱都是从某个损坏严重、名叫飞船的东西发射出来的。


  • I found a cave with an anglerfish fossil inside, but the opening is only big enough for my scout.
  • 我找到了一座山洞,里面有一副安康鱼的化石。但是开口太小,只有我的侦查兵才能进去。
  • The Nomai learned how to evade anglerfish (theoretically, at least) by studying an anglerfish fossil they found on Ember Twin.
  • 通过研究在余烬双星上发现的安康鱼化石,挪麦人学会了如何躲开安康鱼(至少从理论上是这样的)。
  • Nomai children used to play a game in Fossil Fish Cave. There is a way to enter Fossil Fish Cave from Stepping Stone Cave.
  • 挪麦人的孩子们以前在化石鱼洞里面玩游戏。有条路可以从垫脚石洞进入化石鱼洞。
  • The entrance from Stepping Stone Cave is hard to see unless the anglerfish is fed a light first.
  • 垫脚石洞的入口很难发现,除非先把一道光喂给安康鱼吃。
  • Nomai children used to play a game here. One player was the anglerfish and wore a blindfold. The rest of the children (the littlefish) lined up against one wall. When the anglerfish said go, the littlefish had to sneak across to the other side.
  • 挪麦人的孩子们以前在这里玩游戏。其中一个人会戴上眼罩,当安康鱼。其他的孩子们(小鱼)靠着一面墙排成一排。安康鱼说开始,小鱼就必须悄悄地跑到另一边去。
  • The blindfold rule was added because real anglerfish are blind.
  • 之所以加入眼罩这个规则,是因为真正的安康鱼就是看不见的。
  • The adult Nomai were delighted to see the children incorporate their research into the game's rules.
  • 成年挪麦人很高兴看到孩子们把他们的研究运用到了游戏规则里去。


  • The wandering rock was first spotted in a cave at the bottom of the dry lakebed at Ember Twin's north pole.
  • 有人第一次目击流浪岩石,是在余烬双星北极干涸湖床底部的一个洞穴里。
  • A Nomai named Coleus mysteriously vanished from a cave at the bottom of the dry lakebed at Ember Twin's north pole.
  • 一个叫做科利耶斯挪麦人神秘地消失在了余烬双星北极干涸湖床底部的一个洞穴里。
  • A Nomai named Coleus was standing on the wandering rock when another Nomai's lantern died. When they relit the lantern, Coleus and the rock were both gone.
  • 另一个挪麦人的灯熄灭的时候,一个叫做科利耶斯挪麦人正站在流浪岩石上。当他再次把灯点亮的时候,科利耶斯和那块岩石就都不见了。
  • To travel with a quantum object, I must stand on the object and cease to observe my surroundings (meaning I must be in complete darkness). Coleus used this quantum rule to escape the cave he was trapped in.
  • 我必须站在量子对象上,停止观察我的周围(也就是说我必须完全处于黑暗之中),才能和该对象一起移动。科利耶斯利用这条量子法则从被困的洞穴里逃了出来。
  • Coleus and Merolae returned to examine the rock. They theorized that when a conscious being is in contact with a quantum object and ceases to observe his or her surroundings, the being can become entangled with that quantum object, and they both move together.
  • 科利耶斯梅洛瑞回来再次查看那块岩石。他们提出一个理论,假如一个有意识的存在接触到一个量子对象,并且停止观察自己的周围,那么该存在就能和量子对象进入纠缠态,从而一起移动。


  • A Nomai device created to track the Quantum Moon's location.
  • 一台用来追踪量子卫星位置的挪麦设备。
  • The Nomai hypothesized that the Quantum Moon might be a form of macroscopic quantum mechanics.
  • 根据挪麦人的假设,量子卫星可能是宏观量子力学的一种形式。
  • The Quantum Moon travels to at least five locations, but sometimes the locator can't tell where the moon is.
  • 量子卫星一共会出现在五个位置。
  • The Nomai shuttle that's frozen on the Interloper can be called home to the gravity cannon on Ember Twin.
  • 冻结在闯入者上的挪麦航天飞机可以被召回到余烬双星的重力炮那里去。
  • I recalled a Nomai shuttle from the Interloper.
  • 我从闯入者那里召回了一艘挪麦人的航天飞机。



  • The central chamber inside Ash Twin was physically sealed off by an immensely thick protective shell.
  • 灰烬双星的中央舱室由极厚的保护外壳与外界物理隔绝。
  • The Nomai planned to construct technology capable of producing a 22-minute negative time interval on Ash Twin.
  • 挪麦人打算实现一种技术,从而在灰烬双星上制造出22分钟的时间倒流间隔。
  • Every memory recorded by a Nomai statue is transmitted to a corresponding storage unit within Ash Twin.
  • 每一座挪麦雕像保存的回忆都会传输到灰烬双星中对应的存储单元里去。
  • An advanced warp core was approved for installation in the central chamber of Ash Twin.
  • 一颗高级跃迁核心已经通过审批,可以在灰烬双星的中央舱室中安装了。
  • A hollowed-out chamber inside Ash Twin. The energy cables from the surface are plugged into a protective casing at the center of the planet.
  • 灰烬双星内部被挖出了一个空舱室。能量缆线从地面接下来,插在这颗行星中央的保护外壳上。
  • There are eight monoliths with Nomai masks attached. Three of the masks are actively receiving data from the Probe Tracking Module, Giant's Deep, and Timber Hearth respectively.
  • 有八座巨石戴着挪麦面具。其中三副面具正在分别从探测器跟踪模块、深巨星木炉星主动接收传来的数据。
  • The Ash Twin Project was designed to use the energy from a supernova (triggered by the Sun Station) to send probe data from the Orbital Probe Cannon 22 minutes into the past.
  • 灰烬双星计划的目的是通过一颗(太阳站触发的)超新星的能量,将轨道探测炮的探测数据送往22分钟前的过去。
  • The Sun Station did not work. Although the Ash Twin Project was theoretically sound, the Nomai were unable to power it.
  • 太阳站没能起作用。尽管灰烬双星计划在理论上是可行的,但是挪麦人无法提供足够的动力。
  • There is an advanced warp core inside the protective casing at the center of the planet. Removing the core will disable the Ash Twin Project.
  • 行星中央的保护外壳内部有一颗高级跃迁核心。移除核心将会关闭灰烬双星计划


  • Several large Nomai towers form a ring around Ash Twin's equator.
  • 几座巨大的挪麦高塔围绕灰烬双星的赤道组成了一个圆环。
  • The White Hole Station was used as a model for these towers, which were built for the Ash Twin Project.
  • 灰烬双星计划而建造的白洞站就是这些高塔的原型。



  • The one and only Hearthian village, as well as the main source of explosions on this planet.
  • 哈斯人唯一的村子就坐落在这颗行星上。它也是爆炸的主要来源。
  • The Nomai statue in the observatory opened its eyes and looked at me! I saw strange glowing lights and my own memories flashed before my eyes.
  • 天文台里的那座挪麦雕像睁开了眼睛,还盯着我看!我看见了奇怪的光芒,我的回忆在眼前闪过。
  • Hal says the statue has never opened its eyes before (despite Hornfels' best efforts).
  • 哈尔说雕像以前从来没有睁开过眼睛(虽然霍恩费斯什么办法都用过了)。

  • I hear Gossan has the zero-g cave set up if I want a refresher before I launch.
  • 我听说古萨零重力洞窟准备好了,就看我发射前要不要去进修一下。
  • A cave at the very center of Timber Hearth used by Outer Wilds Ventures to train new astronauts.
  • 那是一个位于木炉星正中央的洞窟,Outer Wilds探险队用它来训练新的宇航员。
  • I successfully repaired another "satellite" for Gossan.
  • 我成功地为古萨修好了另一颗“卫星”。


  • A radio tower designed to receive photos taken by the deep space satellite. There are several photos of the entire solar system hanging on the walls. Hornfels noticed something strange in one of the photos, but concluded equipment malfunction was the only sensible explanation.
  • 这座无线电塔的作用是接收深空卫星拍摄的照片。几面墙上挂着数张太阳系全貌的照片。霍恩费斯发现其中一张照片有些不对劲,然而最终得出的唯一合理解释是设备故障。


  • Esker's signalscope log reports harmonica music coming from somewhere on Timber Hearth. They claim it sounds just like Feldspar's harmonica, but Feldspar disappeared in space ages ago.
  • 埃斯科信号镜日志报告说,木炉星的某处传来了口琴声。他说那声音听起来和费尔德斯巴的口琴一模一样。可是费尔德斯巴早就消失在太空里了。
  • A seed from Dark Bramble crashed here and has already taken root. Tektite wants to use a scout launcher to get a look at what's inside.
  • 一颗黑棘星的种子坠落在了这里,并且已经扎了根。泰克泰特想要用侦查发射器去看看里面是什么样子。
  • My signalscope picks up harmonica music when I aim it at the seed.
  • 我用信号镜对准种子的时候,听到那里传来了口琴声。
  • I launched my Little Scout into the seed. Somehow the seed is much bigger on the inside.
  • 我往种子里发射了一个小侦查兵。不知道为什么,种子的里面比外面要大。


  • Chert detected a strange signal coming from the crater at Timber Hearth's south pole. It's very similar to the signal emitted by the Quantum Moon.
  • 切特检测到从木炉星南极的环形山那里传来了一个奇怪的信号。它和量子卫星发射出来的信号十分类似。
  • The Nomai detected a quantum signal coming from somewhere on Timber Hearth.
  • 挪麦人检测到从木炉星的某处传来了一个量子信号。
  • There is a strange rock shard in this grove that moves when I'm not watching. It emits a signal on the Quantum Fluctuations frequency.
  • 这片树林里有一块奇怪的岩石碎片。当我不看它的时候,它就会移动。它发射出一种具备量子波动频率的信号。
  • I found a poem written on one of the trees in the grove.
  • 我发现有人在树林的一棵树上写了一首诗。


  • The Nomai were mining ore somewhere on Timber Hearth.
  • 挪麦人木炉星的某处开采矿石。
  • The Nomai mined ore from this site to craft a protective shell designed to physically seal off the central chamber inside Ash Twin.
  • 挪麦人从这里开采矿石,然后拿去建造保护外壳,以便将灰烬双星的中央舱室与外界物理隔绝。
  • Once the shell was finished, the Nomai checked to ensure there were no longer any physical entrances or cracks.
  • 保护外壳一经完成,挪麦人便对其进行检查,确认其上没有裂缝,也没有任何与内部物理接触的方式。
  • The Nomai discovered a species of four-eyed, semi-aquatic lifeforms in the waterways near the mine.
  • 挪麦人在矿井附近的航道里发现了一个长着四只眼睛的半水生物种。



  • I hear there are Nomai ruins somewhere on the Attlerock. No one knows what they are or why they were built.
  • 我听说废岩星上有挪麦人的废墟。没人知道它们是干什么用的,也不知道挪麦人为什么要造它们。
  • The Nomai text in the observatory talks about calibrating some sort of device on the Attlerock.
  • 天文台里的挪麦文字提到,挪麦人正在对废岩星上的某种设备进行校准。
  • A Nomai device created to pinpoint the sources of distant signals.
  • 一套挪麦人用来定位远距离信号来源的设备。
  • The Nomai were disappointed by their failure to detect a signal from something called the Eye of the universe.
  • 挪麦人没能检测到从他们称之为宇宙之眼的地方发出的信号。这让他们非常失望。


  • Sounds like Esker is still stationed on the Attlerock. They've been there by themself for a while.
  • 听起来埃斯科依然驻扎在废岩星。他已经在那儿独自待了好一阵子了。
  • Esker is growing a crop of trees at their camp. They seemed to be doing ok, but they've probably been alone on the moon for too long.
  • 埃斯科在营地里种了一大批树。他看起来挺好的,不过他可能在月球上待得太久了。


  • Esker says the Attlerock's north pole (marked in red on my minimap) is a great spot to listen for the other travelers' music with a signalscope.
  • 埃斯科废岩星的北极(在我的小地图上用红色标出)非常适合用信号镜去聆听其他旅行者演奏的音乐。
  • A lookout platform with a spectacular view of the solar system. Esker uses their signalscope here to keep tabs on the other travelers.
  • 一座能够看到这个太阳系壮观景色的瞭望平台。埃斯科会在这里用信号镜查看其他旅行者的情况。



  • Riebeck headed to Brittle Hollow to investigate something the Nomai were doing at the south pole.
  • 瑞拜克前往碎空星去调查挪麦人在南极的活动。
  • Riebeck landed their ship near the big dome at the south pole. The door leading inside was broken, so they decided to head north to the ruins on the equator in search of a way beneath the surface.
  • 瑞拜克将宇宙飞船降落在了南极巨大天文台的附近。通往内部的大门坏掉了,因此他决定向北前往位于赤道的废墟,寻找进入地下的方法。
  • Riebeck discovered an old Nomai path near their campsite on the equator. The path starts inside the ruined building with trees growing out of it.
  • 瑞拜克在赤道营地附近发现了一条古老的挪麦道路。道路从树木丛生的废墟建筑里延伸了出去。
  • Riebeck reached the Crossroads and continued downward in search of oxygen.
  • 瑞拜克来到了十字路口,继续向下走,寻找氧气。
  • Riebeck has set up camp at the bottom of the Crossroads. Their excitement at being surrounded by so much Nomai history is matched only by their terror of the black hole.
  • 瑞拜克在十字路口的底部扎了营。身边有这么多挪麦历史遗迹,这让他兴奋不已。不过黑洞也让他同样心生恐惧。
  • Riebeck is Timber Hearth's only archaeologist. They overcame their fear of space to explore Brittle Hollow's treasure trove of Nomai culture.
  • 瑞拜克木炉星唯一的一名考古学家。他克服了对太空的恐惧,前去探索碎空星的挪麦文化宝藏。


  • The Nomai decided to build a larger, more sophisticated Eye signal locator on Brittle Hollow's south pole.
  • 挪麦人曾经考虑过在碎空星的南极建造一个规模更大、更加复杂的眼信号定位器。
  • There are two paths beneath Brittle Hollow's surface that lead to the observatory. One starts at the gravity cannon, and the other starts at the Tower of Quantum Knowledge.
  • 碎空星地下有两条通往天文台的路。一条起始于重力炮,另一条起始于量子知识之塔。
  • Riebeck says you can't get into the observatory from the surface (they tried), but there's probably a path to it beneath the crust somewhere.
  • 根据瑞拜克的说法,从地面进入天文台是不可能的(他试过了),不过地壳下某个地方可能有条通路。
  • There's a door to the observatory on the surface, but it's broken.
  • 地面上有扇通往天文台的大门,不过它已经坏了。
  • The new, more sensitive locator the Nomai built in this observatory was unable to detect any trace of the Eye's signal.
  • 挪麦人在这个天文台里新造出来的定位器更加敏感,但是它无法检测到眼信号的任何踪迹。
  • Based on their knowledge of the Quantum Moon, the Nomai believed the Eye was in a distant orbit around the sun.
  • 基于挪麦人量子卫星的了解,他们相信眼位于环绕太阳的遥远轨道上。
  • The Nomai decided to stop searching for the Eye's signal and instead look for it visually by sending out a deep space probe.
  • 挪麦人决定不再搜寻眼信号,转而通过发射深空探测器来用肉眼去寻找它。
  • There were concerns that the probability of launching a probe in the correct direction would be absurdly small.
  • 有人担心,找到正确的探测器发射方向的可能性微乎其微。

  • The Nomai at the Southern Observatory constructed a model of Giant's Deep that revealed how an object might sink below the strong ocean current.
  • 挪麦人在南部天文台构筑了一个深巨星的模型,它告诉了我们为什么物体会沉到湍急的洋流下面去。
  • Most cyclones on Giant's Deep rotate clockwise. These are the cyclones the Nomai used to send components into orbit.
  • 深巨星上的大多数气旋都是顺时针旋转的。挪麦人会用这种气旋把部件运送到轨道上去。
  • There also exists a rarer type of cyclone that spins the opposite direction and pushes objects beneath the waters and below the current.
  • 还有一种较为罕见的气旋,会反方向旋转,把对象往水面和水流下方推。


  • The north pole of Brittle Hollow is covered in snow and ice. There is a uniquely shaped Nomai ruin on the surface.
  • 碎空星的北极覆盖着冰雪。地面上还有一座形状奇特的挪麦废墟。
  • The Nomai were able to warp here from the White Hole Station. This is where they first recreated warp technology.
  • 挪麦人白洞站跃迁到了这里。这是他们首次再现跃迁技术。


  • The Nomai decided to migrate from the Old Settlement to the northern glacier. They used gravity crystals to craft a stable path beneath the surface.
  • 挪麦人决定从旧定居点向北部冰川迁移。他们使用重力水晶在地下制造出了一条稳定的道路。
  • There's a huge Nomai city just to the north of Riebeck's campsite.
  • 瑞拜克营地的北方坐落着一座巨大的挪麦城市。
  • A Nomai city suspended beneath Brittle Hollow's northern glacier. The city is divided vertically into four districts.
  • 一座悬挂在碎空星北部冰川下的挪麦城市。这座城市被分成四个垂直区划。
  • I found a switch in the Meltwater District that raises and lowers the Black Hole Forge
  • 我在融水区找到了一个可以升降黑洞熔炉的开关。
  • The Nomai debated how to obtain the powerful, highly advanced warp core required for the Ash Twin Project.
  • 灰烬双星计划需要一颗威力强大的高级跃迁核心挪麦人曾经就如何才能得到它展开过一系列争论。
  • The Nomai traveled to this solar system in pursuit of a signal from something older than the universe itself. They named the source of this signal the "Eye of the universe."
  • 挪麦人为了追寻某个信号,所以才来到了这个太阳系。那个信号是从某个比宇宙还要古老的地方发出来的。他们将信号的源头称为“宇宙之眼”。


  • This tower (located on Brittle Hollow's equator) held useful knowledge for Nomai embarking on their first pilgrimage to the Quantum Moon.
  • 这座高塔(位于碎空星的赤道)保存着挪麦人前往量子卫星,踏上首次朝圣之旅所需的有用知识。
  • A Nomai named Solanum was told to visit the Tower of Quantum Knowledge (on Brittle Hollow's equator) to learn one final rule before embarking on her pilgrimage to the Quantum Moon.
  • 有人告诉一个叫做所莱内姆挪麦人,在踏上前往量子卫星的朝圣之旅前,要去量子知识之塔(位于碎空星的赤道)学习最后一条法则。
  • The Nomai built a shrine on the Quantum Moon to aid in the pilgrimage to its sixth location. "Remember this final rule: To explore the sixth location, the shrine must be on the moon's north pole."
  • 挪麦人量子卫星上建造了一座祭坛,帮助人们朝圣的时候前往第六个位置。“把最后的这条法则铭记在心:要想探索第六个位置,祭坛必须位于卫星的北极。”
  • The pilgrimage to the Quantum Moon was a deeply significant journey for the Nomai.
  • 前往量子卫星的朝圣之旅对于挪麦人而言意义非同凡响。
  • After the two groups of Nomai stranded on Ember Twin and Brittle Hollow were reunited, it became their united goal to find and visit the Quantum Moon.
  • 被困在余烬双星碎空星的两批挪麦人汇合之后,寻找并拜访量子卫星就成了他们共同的目标。

  • The Nomai noticed a strange rock shard that appeared to wander when no one was watching.
  • 挪麦人注意到,貌似有一块奇怪的岩石碎片会在没有人看着它的时候到处乱跑。
  • A strange rock shard that wanders when no one is watching. The Nomai determined this shard is the reason objects in this grove behave in a quantum manner.
  • 一块奇怪的岩石碎片,没有人看着它的时候就会到处乱跑。挪麦人做出推断,这片树林的物体之所以会表现出量子特征,就是因为这种碎片。
  • The Nomai hypothesized that this shard is actually a piece of the Quantum Moon.
  • 根据挪麦人的假设,这块碎片其实是量子卫星的一部分。
  • This shard emits the same signal as the Quantum Moon.
  • 这块碎片也发射出了和量子卫星一样的信号。

  • The Black Hole Forge is suspended below the Hanging City. I found a switch in the Meltwater District that raises and lowers the forge.
  • 黑洞熔炉悬挂在悬空城的下方。我在融水区找到了一个可以升降熔炉的开关。
  • The Black Hole Forge District is the highest district in the Hanging City.
  • 黑洞熔炉区是悬空城最高的区划。
  • A Nomai named Poke planned to create a new advanced warp core in the Black Hole Forge.
  • 一个叫做珀克挪麦人打算在黑洞熔炉制造一颗新的高级跃迁核心
  • The Nomai crafted warp cores at the Black Hole Forge before delivering them to Ash Twin.
  • 挪麦人黑洞熔炉制造跃迁核心,然后把它们送往灰烬双星
  • A warp tower's alignment point is not its warp receiver. Rather, a warp tower always aligns with the center of its corresponding astral body.
  • 跃迁塔的对准点不是它的跃迁接收点。跃迁塔会始终对准对应天体的中心。
  • The warp receiver must be located on (or in close orbit around) the relevant astral body.
  • 跃迁接收点必须位于相关天体上(或在它的相邻轨道中)。
  • The Hourglass Twins are so close together they function as a single astral body, with a shared alignment point in between them.
  • 沙漏双星离得特别近,就像一个天体一样,它们共用的对准点就在双星之间。
  • All of the warp towers were being constructed on Ash Twin, while the six warp receivers were being constructed at different locations.
  • 所有跃迁塔都会建在灰烬双星上,但六个跃迁接收点会建在不同的位置。
  • A Nomai named Poke successfully forged an advanced warp core for the Ash Twin Project.
  • 一个叫做珀克挪麦人成功地为灰烬双星计划铸造出了一颗高级跃迁核心

  • A diagram depicting the alignment angle between a warp tower and its corresponding astral body.
  • 一张描绘跃迁塔和它对应天体间的对齐角度的简图。
  • Warp tower alignment angles are not exact. They only need to be within five degrees of the astral body's center.
  • 跃迁塔对齐角度不必精确,只需要对准天体中心周围五度的范围内即可。    
  • This results in slightly longer warp windows that last roughly several seconds.
  • 这样就有了稍微长一些的跃迁时间,大概会有几秒钟。
  • Anyone stepping onto the warp platform during the active window will be immediately warped.
  • 在有效时间内踏上跃迁平台的任何人都会立即跃迁。


  • One of the three Nomai escape pods landed somewhere on Brittle Hollow.
  • 三个挪麦逃生舱里,有一个降落在了碎空星的某个地方。
  • One of three Nomai escape pods that crashed in our solar system.
  • 三个挪麦逃生舱里,有一个坠毁在了我们的太阳系。
  • All three escape pods were launched from something called the Vessel, which was badly damaged.
  • 所有三个逃生舱都是从某个损坏严重、名叫飞船的东西发射出来的。


  • The Nomai survivors who crashed on Brittle Hollow climbed down the cliff to a shelter site below the surface.
  • 坠毁在碎空星的挪麦幸存者们爬下悬崖,来到了地表下的一处庇护所。
  • The Nomai constructed a temporary settlement beneath their crashed escape pod.
  • 挪麦人在失事逃生舱的下方建造了一个临时的定居点。
  • The Nomai worked together to recall an eye-shaped signal they encountered while aboard the Vessel.
  • 这些挪麦人一同回想起了在飞船上遭遇的一个信号,它的形状好像眼睛一样。    
  • The signal was somehow older than the universe itself. The Nomai decided to call it the "Eye of the universe."
  • 那个信号比宇宙本身还要古老。挪麦人决定将其称为“宇宙之眼”。
  • The Nomai abandoned this settlement over growing concerns about its stability.
  • 由于担心定居点不够稳固,挪麦人放弃了它。

  • A mural of a Nomai vessel encountering a signal.
  • 一幅挪麦飞船遭遇信号的壁画。

  • A mural of Dark Bramble ensnaring the Nomai vessel.
  • 一幅黑棘星缠住挪麦飞船的壁画。

  • A mural of three escape pods evacuating the Nomai vessel.
  • 一幅三个逃生舱从挪麦飞船里撤离的壁画。


  • A huge cylindrical structure that generates a strong upward gravity field.
  • 一座巨大的圆柱形建筑,可以制造强有力的向上重力场。
  • I recalled a Nomai shuttle from the Quantum Moon.
  • 我从量子卫星那里召回了一艘挪麦人的航天飞机。



  • Ore samples from the Nomai Mines on Timber Hearth were sent to this volcano for durability testing.
  • 木炉星的挪麦矿井里提取的矿石样本会送到这座火山来进行耐久度测试。
  • The Nomai were trying to craft a (briefly) supernova-proof shell to encase the Ash Twin Project.
  • 挪麦人计划打造一个(短暂)隔绝超新星的保护壳,以此来保护灰烬双星计划
  • Even the smallest crack or opening in the protective shell would destroy everything.
  • 保护外壳上哪怕出现最微小的裂缝,也会让一切都前功尽弃。



  • Hal says Gabbro went back to Giant's Deep to try to learn more about the Nomai statue in the observatory.
  • 哈尔加布罗打算回到深巨星,对天文台的挪麦雕像作进一步的调查。
  • Gabbro is lounging in a hammock near the island's shore.
  • 加布罗闲躺在岛屿岸边的吊床里。
  • Gabbro found a Nomai statue on another island. The statue's eyes started glowing and Gabbro saw their memories flash before their eyes.
  • 加布罗在另一个岛上发现了一座挪麦雕像。雕像的眼睛开始发光,加布罗看见自己的回忆在眼前闪过。
  • Gabbro remembers dying. They saw their memories flash before their eyes, just like the time with the statue.
  • 加布罗记得自己死了。他看见自己的回忆在眼前闪过。就好像遇到雕像那次一样。
  • Gabbro and I seem to be the only ones aware that we're in a time loop.
  • 看来只有加布罗和我意识到自己处在时间循环里。


  • The Nomai detected a Quantum signal coming from somewhere on Giant's Deep.
  • 挪麦人检测到从深巨星的某处传来了一个量子信号。
  • This tower held knowledge a Nomai needed to make his or her first quantum journey.
  • 这座高塔保存着挪麦人踏上第一次量子之旅所需要了解的知识。
  • "Observing a quantum object; observing an image of a quantum object. These are the same."
  • “观察一个量子对象;观察一个量子对象的图形。它们是一样的事情。”
  • The Nomai called this the "Rule of Quantum Imaging."
  • 挪麦人称其为“量子成像法则。”
  • "Remember, the other quantum shards have other lessons to teach."
  • “记住,其它的内容可以从别的量子碎片那里学习。”


  • One of the islands on Giant's Deep has a Nomai statue on the beach just like the one Gabbro brought back to Timber Hearth.
  • 深巨星某些岛屿的海滩上有挪麦雕像,这是其中的一座。这些雕像就和加布罗带回到木炉星的那个没什么两样。
  • Statue Island (as Gabbro calls it) is the one with two islands connected by a natural rock arch.
  • 雕像岛(加布罗是这么称呼它的)就在两座由天然石拱门连接的岛屿那里。
  • This island must be where the Nomai created statues like the one in our observatory.
  • 那些雕像和我们在天文台里的那座一样。一定是挪麦人在这座岛上制作了它们。
  • I found a Nomai statue lying on the beach. It looks just like the one in our observatory.
  • 我发现海滩上躺着一座挪麦雕像。它看起来和我们天文台里的那座没什么两样。

  • I found a sign for a "Statue Workshop" next to a broken door that used to lead inside the island.
  • 我在一扇破损的大门旁发现了一块牌子,上面写着“雕塑车间”。这扇门一度可以通往岛屿的内部。
  • Some Nomai children debated bypassing the Statue Workshop's door and sneaking inside via an alternate (more dangerous) route.
  • 一些挪麦孩子曾经考虑过要不要绕过雕塑车间的大门,通过另一条路(更加危险)偷偷溜进去。
  • I can see into a large cave from one of the ruins on top of the island. The bottom of the cave is filled with water.
  • 从岛屿顶端的其中一个废墟上,我可以看到一个巨大的山洞内部。山洞的底部全是水。
  • Nomai statues were designed to pair with a single user, record their memories, and send those memories to a storage unit within the Ash Twin Project.
  • 挪麦雕像的作用是和单一使用者进行匹配,记录他们的回忆,将那些回忆送到灰烬双星计划中的存储单元里。
  • Each storage unit inside the Ash Twin Project was equipped with a mask (the statue's counterpart), which could then send those stored memories back to the corresponding user.
  • 灰烬双星计划里的每个存储单元都配有一副面具(和雕像配对),然后就可以将那些存储起来的回忆重新发送给相应的使用者。
  • The statues were designed to only activate once the Ash Twin Project succeeded, or in the event that it failed.
  • 那些雕像只有在灰烬双星计划成功后才会启动,或者在它失败的时候也会启动。


  • Gabbro says there's a strong current beneath the surface of the ocean that prevents anything from sinking below it.
  • 加布罗说水面下有一股很强劲的水流,使得水里的东西无法沉下去。
  • The Nomai on the Construction Yard saw something sink beneath the underwater current, which they'd previously thought was impossible.
  • 建造厂的挪麦人看见有东西沉到了水流的下面。在此之前,他们觉得这种事情是不可能的。
  • Feldspar found a way to reach the core of Giant's Deep.
  • 费尔德斯巴找到了抵达深巨星核心的方法。
  • The ocean is surprisingly calm beneath the current. Some sort of electrical field surrounds the planet's core.
  • 水流下面的海洋出奇地宁静。某种电场环绕着行星的核心。
  • I passed through the electric barrier and reached the coral forest at the planet's core.
  • 我穿过电流屏障,来到了在行星核心的珊瑚森林。


  • The Nomai built the Orbital Probe Cannon at a Construction Yard on Giant's Deep.
  • 挪麦人深巨星的一座建造厂里建造轨道探测炮
  • This island is where the Nomai built the Orbital Probe Cannon.
  • 这座岛就是挪麦人建造轨道探测炮的地方。
  • For some reason, the Nomai put the Orbital Probe Cannon on indefinite hiatus. The cannon was not asked to fire.
  • 出于某种原因,挪麦人轨道探测炮无限期地搁置了起来。大炮并没有获得发射请求。
  • According to a Nomai computer, a long-range probe was recently launched from the Orbital Probe Cannon.
  • 根据一台挪麦电脑的说法,一枚远程探测器最近从轨道探测炮里发射了出去。


  • An island of thorny vines and what appears to be a frozen jellyfish. It looks like Feldspar camped here before heading off to Dark Bramble.
  • 一座长满了有刺藤蔓的岛屿,样子像是一只冻住的水母。看起来费尔德斯巴在前往黑棘星之前曾经在这里扎营。



  • The Nomai on Brittle Hollow observed a phantom moon that would sometimes appear in the sky.
  • 碎空星上的挪麦人观察到有时候天空里会出现一颗幻影卫星。
  • The Nomai on Ember Twin observed a moon that would disappear when no one was watching.
  • 余烬双星上的挪麦人观察到一颗只有没人看见它的时候才会出现的卫星。
  • A Nomai named Solanum landed a shuttle on the Quantum Moon.
  • 一个叫做所莱内姆挪麦人开着航天飞机降落在了量子卫星上。
  • Chert's research notes mention a Quantum Moon that no Hearthian has been able to land on.
  • 切特的研究笔记提到了一颗哈斯人从来没有登上过的量子卫星
  • I was able to land on the surface of the Quantum Moon.
  • 我登上了那颗量子卫星的表面。
  • I found a dead Nomai in a space suit near the south pole.
  • 我在南极附近发现了一个穿着宇航服的挪麦人。那个挪麦人已经死了。

  • A Nomai named Solanum landed her shuttle at the Quantum Moon's south pole and prepared to make the rest of the journey on foot.
  • 一个叫做所莱内姆挪麦人开着航天飞机降落在了量子卫星的南极,准备步行完成接下来的旅程。
  • Visitors to the Quantum Moon always arrive at the south pole (for reasons unknown to the Nomai).
  • 前往量子卫星的人总是会来到南极(挪麦人也不知道这是为什么)。

  • The Nomai built a shrine on the Quantum Moon to aid in the pilgrimage to its sixth location.
  • 挪麦人量子卫星上建造了一座祭坛,帮助人们朝圣的时候前往第六个位置。
  • A Nomai shrine that wanders about the Quantum Moon.
  • 一座在量子卫星上流浪的挪麦祭坛。
  • "You have recalled the rule of quantum imaging" is inscribed next to a mural of a tower on an island.
  • 某个岛屿上画着一座高塔的壁画,旁边的文字写着“你已经回想起了量子成像法则”。
  • "Recall the rule of quantum entanglement" is inscribed next to a mural of a quantum shard in a cave.
  • 某个洞穴里画着一块量子碎片的壁画,旁边的文字写着“回想量子纠缠法则”。
  • "Recall the rule of the sixth location" is inscribed next to a mural of a tower hanging above a black hole.
  • 某个黑洞上方悬挂着一座高塔的壁画,旁边的文字写着“回想第六个位置法则”。

  • The Quantum Moon sometimes disappears, possibly to an unknown sixth location.
  • 量子卫星有时候会消失,可能是到未知的第六个位置去了。
  • Many Nomai went on a pilgrimage during which the Quantum Moon carried them to its sixth and most secret location.
  • 许多朝圣的挪麦人会让量子卫星带领他们前往第六个,同时也是最为秘密的位置。
  • To explore the sixth location, the shrine on the Quantum Moon must be on the moon's north pole.
  • 要想探索第六个位置,量子卫星的祭坛必须位于卫星的北极。
  • I met a living Nomai named Solanum at the south pole!
  • 我在南极遇到了一个叫做所莱内姆的活生生的挪麦人
  • The Quantum Moon is the Eye of the universe's moon.
  • 量子卫星宇宙之眼的卫星。
  • At this location, the Quantum Moon becomes a reflection of the Eye itself.
  • 在这个位置,量子卫星变成了宇宙之眼的倒影。
  • The Eye is likely the source of all macroscopic quantum phenomena in the solar system.
  • 宇宙之眼很有可能就是这个太阳系所有宏观量子现象的成因。
  • Solanum wonders what would happen if a concious observer were to enter the Eye.
  • 所莱内姆想知道,如果一个有意识的观察者进入宇宙之眼,那又会发生什么事情。
  • Solanum has a hypothesis that she may not be entirely alive.
  • 所莱内姆的假设是,她也许只能算是部分活着。



  • The Nomai finished building the final module for the Orbital Probe Cannon and sent it into orbit around Giant's Deep.
  • 挪麦人完成了轨道探测炮最终模块的建造,并把它送进了深巨星的轨道。
  • I used a Nomai projection pool and saw the interior of a space station in orbit around Giant's Deep.
  • 我用挪麦投影池看到了围绕深巨星轨道运行的太空站内部。
  • The Nomai decided to construct a probe cannon in orbit around Giant's Deep.
  • 挪麦人决定在深巨星的轨道上建造探测炮。
  • Gabbro sees a bright flash in the sky at the start of every loop. Something must be happening in orbit around Giant's Deep.
  • 加布罗在每个循环开始时,总会在天空中看到一道明亮的闪光。深巨星的轨道上一定发生了什么事情。
  • The broken remains of a Nomai space station in orbit around Giant's Deep. There are three accessways branching off from the central hub area.
  • 围绕深巨星轨道运行的破碎挪麦太空站残骸。中枢区域分出来三条通道。
  • The Orbital Probe Cannon was created to find the precise location of the Eye of the universe.
  • 轨道探测炮是用来寻找宇宙之眼的确切位置的。
  • The Nomai pushed the Orbital Probe Cannon above its maximum power setting to create the greatest chance of finding the Eye of the universe.
  • 挪麦人让动力超过轨道探测炮所能承受的极限,从而最大限度地增加发现宇宙之眼的机会。

  • One of the Orbital Probe Cannon's three modules.
  • 轨道探测炮的三个模块之一。
  • The Control Module (recently) received a request from the Ash Twin Project to launch the probe. The cannon was aligned with a randomly selected probe trajectory.
  • 控制模块(最近)收到了一份来自灰烬双星计划的探测器发射请求。大炮对准了随机选择的探测器轨道。
  • The probe was successfully launched, but the cannon's structural integrity was compromised in the process. Damage is detected in multiple modules.
  • 探测器成功地发射了出去,但是大炮的结构完整性在发射过程中遭到了破坏。多个模块都检测到了损伤。

  • One of the Orbital Probe Cannon's three modules.
  • 轨道探测炮的三个模块之一。
  • The Launch Module looks heavily damaged. There's a huge breach in the glass viewport.
  • 发射模块看起来损伤很严重。玻璃观察窗上破了一个大洞。
  • The Launch Module's viewport window is fractured, exposing it to the vacuum of space.
  • 发射模块的玻璃观察窗碎了,它被暴露在了真空里。
  • The Launch Module is badly damaged, but its projection pool is still intact.
  • 发射模块损伤严重,但是它的投影池依然完好。
  • A Nomai named Mallow argued that it wouldn't matter if the cannon's structural integrity was compromised, since they only needed to fire the probe once.
  • 一个叫做玛罗挪麦人辩称,大炮的结构完整性是否会遭到破坏无关紧要。因为他只要发射一次探测器就可以了。
  • A Nomai named Privet countered that they wouldn't be capable of receiving the probe's data if the Probe Tracking Module was destroyed.
  • 一个叫做普利维特挪麦人反驳说,如果探测器跟踪模块损毁,那么他将无法接收到探测器的数据。

  • One of the Orbital Probe Cannon's three modules.
  • 轨道探测炮的三个模块之一。
  • The Probe Tracking Module is receiving data from the launched probe.
  • 探测器跟踪模块正在从发射出去的探测器那里接收传来的数据。
  • Any Nomai aboard the Probe Tracking Module would be the first to see the coordinates of the Eye of the universe.
  • 所有乘坐探测器跟踪模块的挪麦人都将首次看到宇宙之眼的坐标。
  • A Nomai computer reports the Probe Tracking Module as "missing."
  • 一台挪麦电脑报告说,探测器跟踪模块“失踪”了。
  • I saw the Probe Tracking Module through a Nomai projection pool. It looks like the module is underwater. I could see purple electricity outside the viewport.
  • 我通过一个挪麦投影池看到了探测器跟踪模块。看起来模块在水下面。我可以看到观察窗外面的紫色电流。
  • The Orbital Probe Cannon has launched millions of probes.
  • 轨道探测炮发射了上百万枚探测器。
  • The 9,318,054th probe located a deep space anomaly matching all known criteria for the Eye of the universe.
  • 探测器9,318,054发现了与宇宙之眼所有已知指标相符的深空异常现象。
  • The statue in the Probe Tracking Module automatically records each probe's trajectory and transmits the data to the Ash Twin Project.
  • 探测器跟踪模块中的雕像会自动记录下每个探测器的轨道,并将数据传输给灰烬双星计划
  • I found Nomai coordinates marking the location of the Eye of the universe.
  • 我发现了标出宇宙之眼所在位置的挪麦坐标。



  • Feldspar headed off to Dark Bramble after reaching the core of Giant's Deep.
  • 抵达深巨星的核心之后,费尔德斯巴便向黑棘星出发。
  • When I launch my scout into the seed that crashed on Timber Hearth, it ends up in a much bigger space filled with fog and thorny vines.
  • 当我把侦查兵发射到坠落在木炉星的种子里面去的时候,它最后却出现在了一个充满雾气和尖刺藤蔓的更大的空间。    
  • Feldspar is alive! They crashed their ship and is now camping inside a huge anglerfish skeleton.
  • 费尔德斯巴还活着!他的飞船坠毁了,现在正在一条巨大安康鱼的骨架内部扎营。
  • Feldspar doesn't think my scout tracker is wrong when it says my scout is in two places at once. They have a theory that space doesn't work the same inside Dark Bramble.
  • 我的侦查跟踪器说,侦查兵同时出现在了两个地方。而费尔德斯巴认为跟踪器说得没错。他得出了一个理论,认为那里的空间和黑棘星内部的空间是不一样的。
  • Feldspar doesn't sound overly eager to return to civilization. They've been enjoying the (relative) peace and quiet.
  • 听上去费尔德斯巴对于回到文明世界并不十分热衷。他十分享受这种(相对来说)祥和安宁的生活。


  • One of the three Nomai escape pods never made it out of Dark Bramble.
  • 三个挪麦逃生舱里,有一个没能逃离黑棘星
  • One of three Nomai escape pods that crashed in our solar system.
  • 三个挪麦逃生舱里,有一个坠毁在了我们的太阳系。
  • All three escape pods were launched from something called the Vessel, which was badly damaged.
  • 所有三个逃生舱都是从一艘损坏严重,名叫飞船的地方发射出来的。
  • The survivors from Escape Pod 3 detected two distinct beacons from the Vessel, as if it was in two locations at once.
  • 3号逃生舱的幸存者检测到了从飞船发出的两个不同信标,好像飞船同时出现在了两个地方一样。


  • Feldspar hinted that a secret to reaching the core of Giant's Deep lies at the end of the hollow vine they crashed their ship into. To find Feldspar's ship, I'll want to go to the tail end of the anglerfish skeleton and look for a flickering light in the fog.
  • 费尔德斯巴提示说,抵达深巨星核心的秘密就藏在他的飞船坠毁的那棵空心藤蔓尽头里。我要去安康鱼骨架的尾巴那里,在迷雾里寻找闪烁的光亮,才能发现费尔德斯巴的飞船。
  • Feldspar documented their attempts to eat this enormous jellyfish frozen in the ice. The outside was all rubbery and tough, possibly because it insulates the jellyfish's insides from getting zapped by electricity.
  • 费尔德斯巴曾经多次尝试吃掉这条冰封起来的巨大水母,并把这些内容记录了下来。外皮就像橡胶,根本咬不动。可能是为了起到绝缘的作用,保护水母内部,以免触电。
  • Feldspar decided to venture into the jellyfish's interior cavity to see if it tasted any better on the inside.
  • 费尔德斯巴决定深入水母的内腔,看看里面的味道会不会好吃一些。
  • After tasting the inside of the jellyfish, Feldspar concluded that these jellyfish are only useful for insulation from electricity.
  • 品尝过水母的内部之后,费尔德斯巴得出了结论,这些水母只有在隔绝电流时才有用。


  • The survivors from Escape Pod 3 abandoned the wreckage and attempted to return to the Vessel.
  • 3号逃生舱的幸存者放弃了残骸,打算回到飞船上去。
  • The survivors decided to follow the closer of the two Vessel beacons due to their limited air supply. They planned to leave a trail of lights behind them in case someone heard their distress signal.
  • 由于空气补给有限,因此幸存者们决定跟着两个飞船信标中距离比较近的那一个走。他们打算一路留下灯光做记号,以防有人收到自己的求救信号。    
  • The survivors from Escape Pod 3 followed one of the two Vessel beacons to a small Dark Bramble seed, where they could go no further.
  • 3号逃生舱的幸存者跟着两个飞船信标中的其中一个找到了一颗小型黑棘星种子。他们无法从那里继续前进。
  • The Nomai could faintly hear the Vessel's beacon from within the seed, but the opening was too small for a single Nomai to fit through, much less an escape pod.
  • 挪麦人只能勉强听到从种子内部传来的飞船信标信号。然而种子的开口太小,只能让一个挪麦人钻进去,更别提逃生舱了。
  • The Vessel's beacon was dying, and would soon be gone completely.
  • 飞船的信标正在衰退,随时可能完全消失。
  • If I launch my scout into the seed, I can take photos of an enormous derelict Nomai ship.
  • 如果我把侦查兵发射到种子里面去,我就可以拍下那艘被挪麦人废弃的巨大飞船的照片。


  • The Nomai warped to this solar system in a spaceship called the Vessel. They were attempting to follow a signal from the Eye of the universe.
  • 挪麦人乘坐着一艘叫做飞船的太空船,跃迁到了这个太阳系。当时他们正要追踪从宇宙之眼发出来的信号。
  • The Vessel crashed somewhere in Dark Bramble.
  • 飞船坠毁在了黑棘星某处。
  • The Vessel's warp core broke when the ship crashed in Dark Bramble.
  • 飞船坠毁在黑棘星上时,它的跃迁核心摔坏了。
  • I launched my scout into the seed at the Nomai Grave and took photos of an enormous derelict Nomai ship.
  • 我把侦查兵发射到挪麦坟墓的种子里面去,拍下了一艘被挪麦人废弃的巨大飞船的照片。
  • I found the derelict Nomai Vessel deep within Dark Bramble.
  • 我在黑棘星的内部深处找到了被挪麦人废弃的飞船。
  • The Vessel's warp core is long dead.
  • 飞船的跃迁核心早已失灵。
  • I activated a three-sided pillar on the Vessel's bridge that appears to be some sort of input device.
  • 我启动了飞船舰桥上的一根三面柱。它看上去像是某种输入装置。
  • The Nomai tried to call for help, but the Vessel's outgoing message system broke during the crash.
  • 挪麦人曾经试着发出求救呼叫,但是飞船的通讯发送系统在坠落时摔坏了。
  • The Vessel can still hear incoming messages from other Nomai vessels. The remaining Nomai clans are regrouping in response to the impending death of the universe.
  • 飞船仍然能够收到从其它挪麦飞船那里传来的消息。其它挪麦家族正在重新集结,应对宇宙即将面临的死亡。
  • I found a recording of the original signal the Nomai encountered from the Eye of the universe. The Nomai were worried the signal might disappear, so they warped
  • before they could tell another clan where they were going.
  • 我找到了一份记录,上面是挪麦人宇宙之眼那里收到的原始信号。挪麦人担心信号会消失,因此他们还没有来得及告诉其它家族自己要去哪里,就跃迁走了。



  • There is a White Hole Station on the other side of Brittle Hollow's black hole.
  • 碎空星黑洞的另一边有一个白洞站
  • Several Nomai returned to the station to investigate an equipment reading that appeared to violate causality.
  • 由于某个设备的读数貌似打破了因果律,于是几个挪麦人回到白洞站来进行研究。
  • The experiments at the High Energy Lab were based on extraordinary findings from the White Hole Station.
  • 基于在白洞站上的异常发现,他们在高能实验室上展开了实验。
  • The towers on Ash Twin were modeled after the White Hole Station.
  • 灰烬双星的高塔就是以白洞站为模型建造的。
  • Every Nomai warp tower is tuned to a specific astral body.
  • 每座挪麦跃迁塔都与某一特定天体匹配。
  • To use a tower, you must be standing on the warp platform during the tower's alignment with its corresponding astral body (the alignment happens when the astral body is directly overhead).
  • 要使用跃迁塔,你必须站在跃迁平台上,等待跃迁塔与其对应的天体匹配(对应天体经过头顶正上方时,匹配就会完成)。
  • The Nomai noticed something strange: Warped objects appeared to arrive at the receiver on Brittle Hollow slightly before they departed the White Hole Station.
  • 挪麦人注意到了一些奇怪的事情:跃迁对象抵达碎空星跃迁接收点的时间比离开白洞站的时间要稍微早那么一点点。
  • This negative time interval between an object arriving and departing was incredibly miniscule (roughly one hundred-thousandth of a second). The Nomai were skeptical if their equipment could even measure time to such a small degree.
  • 对象抵达和离开的时间倒流间隔异常微小(大约只有十万分之一秒)。挪麦人怀疑他们的仪器是否无法精确测量尺度如此微观的时间量。



  • I found a Nomai shuttle almost completely encased in ice.
  • 我找到了一艘几乎完全冰封住的挪麦航天飞机。
  • The Nomai landed on the Interloper not long after its arrival in the solar system. The shuttle's equipment heard strange energy readings coming from somewhere beneath the surface.
  • 闯入者抵达这个太阳系不久之后,挪麦人便在上面登陆了。航天飞机的设备从地表下面收到了奇怪的能量读数。
  • There were three Nomai aboard the shuttle. One of them stayed behind to keep the shuttle warm while the other two explored the Interloper.
  • 航天飞机上载着三个挪麦人。其中一个留了下来,保障航天飞机的温度。其他两个人则去探索闯入者。
  • Clary, the Nomai who stayed behind, lost contact with the other two after they descended below the Interloper's surface.
  • 其他两人进入闯入者地下之后,留下来的那个挪麦人克莱瑞便和他们失去了联系。


  • The shuttle's equipment heard strange energy readings coming from somewhere beneath the surface.
  • 我们的航天飞机上的设备发现,从彗星表面下传来了奇怪的能量读数。
  • Two of the Nomai located a fissure in the ice on the Interloper's sunward side. They descended inside to investigate.
  • 两个挪麦人在闯入者向阳面的冰块里发现了一道沟壑。他们爬了进去,想要进行调查。
  • I found the two missing members of the Nomai shuttle crew near a large ruptured stone that looks like it exploded from the inside.
  • 我在一块破裂的巨大石头附近发现了两个失踪的挪麦航天飞机乘员。石头看起来从里面炸了开来。
  • The Nomai traced the strange energy readings to a spherical stone casing filled with some form of exotic matter.
  • 挪麦人追踪奇怪的能量读数,来到了一颗球型石头外壳处。里面充斥着某种异常的物质。
  • They determined the exotic matter was both lethal and under extreme pressure. If the stone were to rupture, the exotic matter within would rapidly expand, completely blanketing the solar system almost instantaneously.
  • 他们推断这种异常的物质不但致命,而且目前正处在极度高压之下。如果岩石裂开来,那么里面的异常物质便会迅速扩散,几乎一眨眼就可以覆盖这个太阳系。
  • One of the Nomai stayed behind to examine the alien matter while the other rushed back to the surface to warn the rest of the Nomai.
  • 其中一个挪麦人留了下来,检查这种外星物质。另一个则赶紧回到地表,去警告其他挪麦人



  • A massive artificial ring world hidden within some sort of cloaking field. It does not appear to be Hearthian or Nomaian in origin.
  • 隐藏在某种隐蔽力场中的巨大人造环形世界。看上去并不是由哈斯人挪麦人所造。


  • A low-lying region near the entrance to the Stranger. There are wooden buildings along the banks of the river.
  • 外星站入口附近的一片低地区域。这条河流两侧的河岸上修建有一些木制建筑。
  • I found several ornate metal artifacts inside a workshop surrounded by ghost matter.
  • 我在一个被幽灵物质所包围的车间内找到了一些华丽的铁质文物。

  • A map I found in the Abandoned Temple reveals a secret location somewhere within the Stranger.
  • 我在遗弃神庙中找到了一张地图,显示了外星站内部的某处秘密地点。
  • A room full of burned slide reels piled next to a strange device.
  • 这个房间中装满了烧毁的幻灯片卷盘,还有一部奇异的设备。
  • I found a hidden slide reel that shows a container marked with a glowing symbol being handed to a shadowy figure. The figure follows a procession of green lights through a forest to a candlelit building, where they carry the container into a secret passage behind a roaring fireplace.
  • 我找到了一卷藏起来的幻灯片,其中显示一个鬼鬼祟祟的身影接过了一个标记有发光符号的容器。这个身影沿着一串绿灯穿过一片森林,来到了一座点满蜡烛的建筑物内,然后他带着这个容器走入了一个熊熊燃烧的壁炉后的秘密通道里。

  • A slide reel that shows the origin of the Stranger and its inhabitants.
  • 这卷幻灯片显示了外星站及其居民的来源。
  • Several slides have been burned and cannot be viewed.
  • 其中有几张幻灯片已经被烧毁了,无法展示。


  • A pair of small rocky islands connected by a village of stilt houses.
  • 两座岩石岛,由高脚屋组成的小村庄将之连接起来。
  • I found a large metal symbol inside a burned-out building that closely resembles the Nomai symbol for the Eye of the universe.
  • 我在一座烧毁的建筑物中找到了一枚巨大的金属符号,此物与挪麦的宇宙之眼符号高度相似。
  • I found a large metal symbol for the Eye of the universe inside a burned-out building.
  • 我在一座烧毁的建筑物中找到了一枚巨大的宇宙之眼符号。

  • A room full of burned slide reels piled next to a strange device.
  • 这个房间中装满了烧毁的幻灯片卷盘,还有一部奇异的设备。
  • I found a hidden slide reel that shows a container marked with a glowing symbol being handed to a shadowy figure. The lights are extinguished, and the figure carries the container down into a dark well.
  • 我找到了一卷藏起来的幻灯片,其中显示一个鬼鬼祟祟的身影接过了一个标记有发光符号的容器。灯光熄灭了,然后这个身影带着这个容器走入了一个黑暗的水井里。

  • A slide reel that shows the Stranger's inhabitants analyzing an anomaly that closely resembles the Nomai symbol for the Eye of the universe.
  • 这卷幻灯片显示了外星站的居民们正在分析一件异物,此物和挪麦的宇宙之眼符号高度相似。
  • A slide reel that shows the Stranger's inhabitants analyzing the Eye of the universe.
  • 这卷幻灯片显示了外星站的居民们正在分析宇宙之眼
  • Several slides have been burned and cannot be viewed.
  • 其中有几张幻灯片已经被烧毁了,无法展示。


  • According to a slide reel, a strange vault was encased in a large metal structure and lowered underwater.
  • 根据一卷幻灯片显示,一座奇异的储藏库被包裹在巨大的金属构筑物中,然后沉入了水底。
  • I found a diagram of a hollow metal structure suspended by chains. There is a round hole underneath that appears to be the only entrance.
  • 我找到了一份图表,上面画着一个由铁链悬挂起来的中空金属构筑物。底部有一个圆形开孔,这似乎就是唯一的入口。    
  • A large metal structure suspended by chains. It can be entered by swimming from below.
  • 一个由铁链悬挂起来的巨大金属构筑物。可以通过游泳从下方进入。
  • There is a sealed vault illuminated by a green fire inside the structure.
  • 构筑物内部有一个由绿色火焰照亮的密封储藏库。

  • I looked through a peephole in the side of a large metal structure suspended by chains and saw a green fire burning inside.
  • 我通过一个小孔看向一个由铁链悬挂的巨大金属构筑物的内部,看到了其中燃烧着的绿色火焰。
  • I saw a vision-like recording of two figures taking artifacts into a large metal structure suspended by chains and going to sleep at the green fire in front of the sealed vault. Upon waking up with lit artifacts, the two figures picked up the vault and carried it down a staircase and out of sight.
  • 我看到了一段幻象般的记录,有两个人拿着文物走进了一个由铁链悬挂起来的巨大金属构筑物,并在密封储藏库前的绿色火焰旁睡下。他们醒来时,文物正在闪闪发光。于是这两个人搬起储藏库,下了楼梯,最终消失在了视野外。
  • I discovered a vast subterranean lake beneath the submerged structure. The sealed vault is resting on the shore of the lake. There are three interfaces, each marked with one of the three symbols from the vault.
  • 我在一座沉没的构筑物下方发现了一个巨大的地下湖。密封储藏库就放置在湖岸上,这里还有三部控制界面,每一个上都标记着储藏库上的三个符号之一。
  • I rotated the mechanism in front of the vault, causing it to strain against the chains holding it shut. Moments later rays of green light spilled out of the vault.
  • 我转动了储藏库前的机械装置,使它与锁着它的链条相抵。过了一会儿,绿色的光线从储藏库中溢出。

  • I found a strange vault wrapped in chains and marked with three glowing symbols.
  • 我找到了一个被铁链捆住的奇异储藏库,上面还标记着三个发光的符号。
  • A slide reel from the River Lowlands showed a strange vault being closed and sealed with chains and a glowing symbol.
  • 这卷在河流洼地找到的幻灯片显示了一个被铁链捆住的奇异储藏库,上面还标记着一个发光的符号。
  • A slide reel from the Cinder Isles showed a glowing symbol and chains appear around a strange vault.
  • 这卷在余烬群岛找到的幻灯片显示了一个发光的符号,和一个被铁链捆住的奇异储藏库。
  • A slide reel from the Hidden Gorge showed a glowing symbol and chains appear around a strange vault.
  • 这卷在隐藏峡谷找到的幻灯片显示了一个发光的符号,和一个被铁链捆住的奇异储藏库。
  • I met one of the Stranger's inhabitants who was imprisoned within the vault!
  • 我遇到了一名被囚禁在储藏库中的外星站居民!
  • The Prisoner showed me a vision revealing the actions they took that resulted in their eternal confinement.
  • 幽禁者向我显示了一个幻象,揭露了他们导致自己遭到永久囚禁的所作所为。
  • I used the vision torch to share my knowledge of the solar system's history with the Prisoner.
  • 我使用火把视野将我对太阳系历史的知识分享给了幽禁者。


  • I saw a building marked with a unique symbol recessed into one of the canyon walls, but the bridge that used to lead to it has rotted away.
  • 我看到了一座标记有独特符号的建筑物坐落于峡谷的岩壁中,不过通向这座建筑物的桥梁似乎已经腐朽坍塌了。
  • An abandoned temple marked with the symbol of a burning slide reel. It can be accessed from a passage in the Hidden Gorge.
  • 这座遗弃神庙标记着燃烧的幻灯片符号。隐藏峡谷中似乎有一条通道可以通向这座神庙。
  • There is an interface upstairs that can be used to line up symbols in a vertical sequence.
  • 楼上有一部控制界面,可以用来将符号进行垂直排列。
  • Entering the correct sequence opens the path to a secret room beneath the temple.
  • 输入正确的顺序就可以打开一条秘密通道,进入神庙下方的一间密室。
  • I found a slide reel that shows the Stranger's inhabitants removing all of the slide reels from their shelves, scanning each reel with a device, and incinerating specific slides as well as entire reels.
  • 我找到了一卷幻灯片,其中显示外星站的居民们正在从架子上搬走所有的幻灯片卷盘,用一部仪器扫描所有的幻灯片,然后烧毁部分或是整卷的幻灯片。

  • A projection that seems to reveal a secret location somewhere within the Stranger.
  • 这张投影片似乎显示了外星站内部的某处秘密地点。

  • A projection that seems to reveal a secret location somewhere within the Stranger.
  • 这张投影片似乎显示了外星站内部的某处秘密地点。

  • A projection that seems to reveal a secret location somewhere within the Stranger.
  • 这张投影片似乎显示了外星站内部的某处秘密地点。


  • An enormous reservoir with wooden piers and buildings on both shores.
  • 这是一座巨大的水库,岸边修建着木质码头和建筑物。
  • I found a room with a burned control interface and a projection that seems to indicate a broken connection between the Stranger and another craft.
  • 我找到了一个房间,其中有一部烧毁的控制界面,还有一张投影片,上面显示了外星站和另一艘太空船之间已然毁坏的连接。
  • I found a projection showing the Stranger's current trajectory and the sun's predicted supernova radius.
  • 我找到了一张投影片,上面显示着外星站当前的轨道以及太阳的超新星预计范围。

  • A slide reel that shows a strange vault being encased in a large metal structure and lowered underwater.
  • 这卷幻灯片中显示了一座奇异的储藏库,它被包裹在巨大的金属构筑物中,然后沉入了水底。
  • Nearly all of the slides have been burned and cannot be viewed.
  • 几乎所有的幻灯片都已经被烧毁,无法查看。


  • I found a projection that reveals a cave entrance at the base of a rocky island with a tall tower.
  • 我找到了一张投影片,上面显示了在一座建有高塔的岩石岛的底部有一个洞穴入口。
  • A tower that sits atop one of the Cinder Isles. The upper floors can only be reached from a second entrance at the back of the tower.
  • 这是坐落于余烬群岛中的某座岛上的高塔。塔的上层只能通过塔背后的另一个入口处登上。
  • I found a slide reel that shows the Stranger's inhabitants opening a secret passage in a round room filled with lanterns and murals. The inhabitants are shown filing into three of these rooms throughout the Stranger.
  • 我找到了一卷幻灯片,显示了外星站的居民们正在一个挂满提灯,绘制了无数壁画的房间中打开一处秘密通道。这些居民们走进了外星站各处的三个房间中。

  • The light coming out of the vault gave me a vision of climbing a spiral staircase to a room near the top of a tower. One of the Stranger's inhabitants pointed at a mural of an identical tower beneath a ringed planet, then picked up an artifact and carried it downstairs to a room with a green fire. Some time later, several lamps in the mural room turned on while others turned off, plunging the mural into darkness and revealing a secret passage.
  • 从储藏库内映射出的灯光让我看到了一个幻象。我看到自己登上一道螺旋状的楼梯,来到一座在高塔顶部附近的房间里。一名外星站的居民指向一面壁画,上面画着一座完全相同的高塔矗立在围绕着光环的行星下,然后他拾起了一件文物,带着它下了楼,来到了一间燃烧着绿色火焰的房间。不久后,壁画房间中的部分灯亮起,其他灯熄灭,这使得壁画陷入了黑暗,露出了一条秘密通道。
  • A secret room filled with wooden containers marked with different symbols.
  • 这间密室内装满了标记有不同符号的木制容器。
  • Three of the containers are marked with glowing vault seals, but their contents have been burned away.
  • 其中三个容器标记着发光的储藏库封印,但其中的内容已经被烧毁。
  • I opened the container marked with the symbol of a burning slide reel and found a vertical sequence of symbols inside.
  • 我打开了一个标记有燃烧的幻灯片卷盘符号的容器,在其中找到了一串垂直排列的符号。


  • A narrow gorge along the rightmost branch of the river. There are dwellings built into both cliff faces high above.
  • 最右侧的河支流两旁是高耸的狭窄峡谷。两侧的悬崖峭壁高处修建有许多居所。

  • I found a slide reel in the Hidden Gorge that shows an explosion blowing a hole in the side of the Stranger.
  • 我在隐藏峡谷中找到了一卷幻灯片,其中显示发生了一场爆炸,在外星站的侧面炸出了一个洞。
  • A laboratory with three test chambers. The second chamber is badly damaged and can be entered through a hull breach in the side of the Stranger.
  • 一个带有三个测试间的实验室。第二个测试间已经严重损毁,可以通过外星站侧面的外壁破洞处进入。
  • I saw a vision-like recording of someone picking up an artifact and going to sleep in front of a green fire. The rest of the vision was distorted and difficult to make out, but a flame seemed to appear inside the artifact.
  • 我看到了一段类似幻象的记录,其中有人拾起了一件文物,然后在一团绿色火焰前入睡。幻象的其余部分都十分扭曲,难以辨认,不过这件文物内部似乎燃烧着一团火焰。
  • I found a slide reel that shows three experiments conducted with three different artifacts. The third experiment appears to have been a success.
  • 我找到了一卷幻灯片,显示人们对三件文物分别进行了实验。第三次实验似乎成功了。

  • A room full of burned slide reels piled next to a strange device.
  • 这个房间中装满了烧毁的幻灯片卷盘,还有一部奇异的设备。
  • I found a hidden slide reel that shows a container marked with a glowing symbol being handed to a shadowy figure. The lights are extinguished, and the figure carries the container into a secret passage behind a mural of a large tree.
  • 我找到了一卷藏起来的幻灯片,其中显示一个鬼鬼祟祟的身影接过了一个标记有发光符号的容器。灯光熄灭了,然后这个人带着这个容器走入了一幅画着大树的壁画后的秘密通道里。

  • A slide reel that shows the Stranger's inhabitants congregating around a strange green fire.
  • 这卷幻灯片显示外星站的居民聚集在一团奇异的绿色火焰旁。
  • Several slides have been burned and cannot be viewed.
  • 其中有几张幻灯片已经被烧毁了,无法展示。


  • I rode a raft through the bottom of a massive canyon. It looks like there are buildings set into the cliff face high above.
  • 我乘一艘木筏驶过一个巨大峡谷的底部。两侧的悬崖峭壁高处似乎修建有许多建筑物。
  • A massive canyon that stretches into the distance. A candlelit lodge is built into the far cliff face.
  • 这道巨大峡谷一直延伸到远处。一座亮着烛光的小屋修建在悬崖峭壁之中。
  • I found a mural of a large tree on the bottom floor of the lodge.
  • 我在小屋一层找到了一副壁画,其中画着一棵大树。

  • The reel I found in the slide burning room shows a container marked with a glowing symbol being handed to a shadowy figure. The lights are extinguished, and the figure carries the container into a secret passage behind a mural of a large tree.
  • 我在幻灯片焚烧室中找到了一卷幻灯片,其中显示一个鬼鬼祟祟的身影接过了一个标记有发光符号的容器。灯光熄灭了,然后这个身影带着这个容器走入了一幅画着大树的壁画后的秘密通道里。
  • I found a slide reel that shows the Stranger's inhabitants congregating around a strange green fire.
  • 我找到了一卷幻灯片,显示外星站的居民聚集在一团奇异的绿色火焰旁。
  • Intact slides reveal the creation of a simulated reality modeled after their home moon.
  • 这些完好的幻灯片显示了他们按照母星的样子打造虚拟现实的过程。
  • I found a slide reel that appears to be some sort of error report. It shows one of the Stranger's inhabitants dropping their artifact on the ground and walking beyond its projection radius.
  • 我找到了一卷幻灯片,似乎是某种错误报告。其中显示了一名外星站居民扔下了他的文物,然后走出了投影的范围。


  • I rode a raft through a densely wooded stretch of river. I can see buildings along the banks of the river.
  • 我乘着一艘木筏穿过密林中的河段。我可以看到河岸两旁分布着许多建筑物。
  • A dense forest along the banks of a river.
  • 河岸两旁的一片浓密森林。    
  • I heard music coming from a candlelit building across the water.
  • 我听到音乐从水对面的一座点燃蜡烛的建筑物中传来。
  • I found a covered bridge leading into the darkest part of the forest.
  • 我找到了一座通向密林深处的廊桥。

  • I found a hidden slide reel that shows a container marked with a glowing symbol being handed to a shadowy figure. The figure follows a procession of lights through a forest to a candlelit building, where they carry the container into a secret passage behind a roaring fireplace.
  • 我找到了一卷藏起来的幻灯片,其中显示一个鬼鬼祟祟的身影接过了一个标记有发光符号的容器。这个身影沿着一串灯光穿过一片森林,来到了一座点满蜡烛的建筑物内,然后他带着这个容器走入了一个熊熊燃烧的壁炉后的秘密通道里。
  • A library full of intact slide reels hidden deep underground.
  • 这座隐藏在地下深处的图书馆中装满了完好的幻灯片卷盘。
  • There is a container marked with one of the vault seals, but its contents have been destroyed.
  • 那里是一个标有储藏库封印的容器,但里面的东西已经被销毁了。
  • I found a slide reel that shows the origin of the Stranger and its inhabitants.
  • 我找到了一卷幻灯片,其中显示了外星站及其居民的来源。
  • Intact slides reveal the sacrifice that was made to build the Stranger.
  • 这些完好的幻灯片显示了他们为了修建外星站而付出的牺牲。
  • I found a slide reel that appears to be some sort of error report. It shows one of the Stranger's inhabitants jumping off a raft during a transition between areas and falling below the world.
  • 我找到了一卷幻灯片,似乎是某种错误报告。其中显示了一名外星站居民在区域间移动时跳下一艘木筏,然后掉到了星球下方。


  • I rode a raft past an island with a tall candlelit tower.
  • 我乘着一艘木筏驶过了一座小岛,岛上修建了一座点满蜡烛的高塔。
  • A secluded village nestled within a cove. A candlelit tower sits atop a nearby island.
  • 这是一座隐藏在一个海湾中的偏远村庄。附近的一座岛屿上修建着一座点满蜡烛的高塔。
  • The well at the bottom of the village is guarded by a statue that activates an alarm bell when it sees me.
  • 村庄底部的水井旁守着一座雕像,当它看到我时立刻敲响了警报钟。
  • I found the remains of a burned-out building on the outskirts of the village.
  • 我在村庄外围找到了一座被烧毁的建筑物残骸。
  • I reached the tower's upper floors by projecting a path to a second entrance at the back of the tower.
  • 我投射出了一条道路,抵达了位于高塔背部的另一个入口处,来到了高塔的上层。

  • The reel I found in the slide burning room shows a container marked with a glowing symbol being handed to a shadowy figure. The lights are extinguished, and the figure carries the container down into a dark well.
  • 我在幻灯片焚烧室中找到了一卷幻灯片,其中显示一个鬼鬼祟祟的身影接过了一个标记有发光符号的容器。灯光熄灭了,然后这个身影带着这个容器走入了一个黑暗的水井里。
  • I found a slide reel that shows the Stranger's inhabitants analyzing an anomaly that closely resembles the Nomai symbol for the Eye of the universe.
  • 我找到了一卷幻灯片,显示了外星站的居民们正在分析一件异物,此物和挪麦的宇宙之眼符号高度相似。
  • I found a slide reel that shows the Stranger's inhabitants analyzing the Eye of the universe.
  • 我找到了一卷幻灯片,显示了外星站的居民们正在分析宇宙之眼
  • Intact slides reveal the construction and launch of a spacecraft designed to block the Eye's signal.
  • 这些完好的幻灯片显示了一艘太空船的建造和发射过程,它的用处是阻挡宇宙之眼的信号。
  • I found a slide reel that shows two artifacts being lit near a green fire. The first artifact lights after its bearer falls asleep, and the second artifact lights after its bearer dies.
  • 我找到了一卷幻灯片,里面提到有两种方法可以点亮文物。
  • I found a slide reel that appears to be some sort of error report. It shows an alarm bell failing to wake up one of the Stranger's inhabitants.
  • 我找到了一卷幻灯片,似乎是某种错误报告。其中包含警报未能唤醒外星站居民的情况。