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Prof. Andrews

A document about Dr. Andrews; Not found ingame.

Prof. Andrews was a Senior Research Supervisor who worked at Site-88 and Site-11 before being transferred to Site-02. He began working for the Foundation on the 12th of April in 1967 at Site-88 in the Clerical Service Sector, acting as an Administrative under the title, Drs. Andrews. He had a clearance level of 1A while under this position. Later he was assigned to the position of Principal Clerk with a clearance level of 2A under the title of Dr. Andrews. He was later moved to Site-11 and given the position of Jr. Asst. Researcher of SCP-5700 with a clearance level of 2R. This was the first time he worked in the research service sector of the Foundation. He was later assigned to SCP-986 as a Researcher and later on as a Research Supervisor. Near the end of his time at Site-11, he was assigned the position of Asst. project lead for SCP-330 under the title of Associate Prof. He would eventually move to Site-02 and be given the position of Senior Research Supervisor for SCP-330 with a clearance level of 3R under the title of Prof. Andrews. He would later be killed by a resulting shockwave during a test with SCP-330.

Prof. Andrews had a mostly clean incident record while working at the Foundation, with any incidents most likely being done on accident. Relations with other site staff were purely professional with some staff seeing him as a model scientist. Prof. Andrews seems to have hidden anxiety according to his psychologist. The document for Prof. Andrews is not found ingame, and instead was given to SCP SL patrons as a bonus. Despite this, the document itself is for public eyes.


Name: Gerard Andrews
Security Clearance: 3
Status: Deceased
Position: Senior Research Supervisor of SCP-330
Former Postings: Site-88, Site-11
Current Location: Site-02

DATE: 19/10/2021 15:30:29


Anomalous Studies professor, Material Analyst, and Researcher formerly working at Site-02. Employed as a Senior Research Supervisor by the Foundation for the SCP-330 project.

Site-02 Psychologist's Report:

Dr. Gerard Andrews could be considered a man who follows the rules and not much else. Due to this, it seems that his relationships with other site staff were purely professional. Even so, the staff of Site-02 are grieved by his loss. Some regarded him as a model scientist, and it's hard to argue otherwise. Very few infractions associated with his record exist, and those that do exist, could be argued to have been accidents.

The infractions found against Dr. Andrews never seemed to publicly affect him, nor did he show any decrease in productivity as a result of them. During our mandated sessions, it became clear to me that Dr. Andrews was affected and felt some sense of shame because of those violations. The best summary I could make in our limited time together is that his stoicism appears to be a facade; hiding an unknown anxiety I never got a chance to learn about.

His death reminds me that not everyone can be helped. Still, maybe I could have done something, been a friend maybe.

Service Record

The following chart uses DD/MM/YY

Service Record
Site Region Service Sector Position Held Dates of Service Official Projects Title (Most Relevant) Clearance Level
S-88 Americas Clerical Administrative 12/04/67 to 04/03/69 N/A drs. 1A
S-88 Americas Clerical Principal Clerk 04/03/69 to 07/03/79 N/A Dr. 2A
S-11 Americas Research Jr. Asst. Researcher 07/03/79 to 07/03/79 SCP-5700 Dr. 2R
S-11 Americas Research Researcher 24/07/79 to 03/06/90 SCP-986 Dr. 2R
S-11 Americas Research Research Supervisor 03/06/90 to 03/06/13 SCP-986 Dr. 2R
S-11 Americas Research Asst. project lead 27/09/13 to 08/09/17 SCP-330 Associate Prof. 2R
S-02 ██████ Research Senior Research Supervisor 09/09/17 to ███████ SCP-330 Prof. 3R

Dr. Saffron

A document about Dr. Saffron; Not found ingame.

Dr. Saffron is a Research Supervisor who worked at Site-17 before being transferred to Site-02. She began working for the Foundation on the 16th of March in 2014. During her work at Site-17, Dr. Saffron had a distaste for using Class-Ds for experiments. Though, she was more willing to use them when she was transferred to work at Site-02. Following the demise of Dr. Andrews, Dr. Saffron was put in charge of experiments of SCP-330. While she reported being stress at first when experimenting with SCP-330, overtime she started to become at ease. The document for Dr. Saffron is not found ingame, and instead was given to SCP SL patrons as a bonus. Despite this, the document itself is for public eyes.


Name: Amelia Saffron
Security Clearance: 2
Status: Active
Position: Research Supervisor of SCP-330
Former Postings: Site-17
Current Location: Site-02

DATE: 20/10/2021 15:31:17


Amelia Saffron is a Research Supervisor; now in charge of the SCP-330 project. Previously serving at Site-17, Dr. Saffron was employed by the Foundation due to her exceptional work in physiology.

Site-17 Psychologist's Report:

Dr. Amelia Saffron has responded well to the anomalous items in Site-17 custody. Dr. Amelia seems to be capable of working well under stressful conditions. She has responded well to the inclusion into the SCP Foundation, however, Dr. Saffron reacted adversely to using Class-D personnel for experimentation.

Site-02 Psychologist's Report:

Dr. Amelia Saffron seems to be more at ease with the idea of using Class-D personnel for experiments. While she has stated that she is experiencing high levels of stress following experimentation with SCP-330, she has not expressed any desire to cease work on SCP-330 itself. Dr. Saffron has recovered well after the incident involving the late Dr. Andrews. She wishes to continue her work on SCP-330. While there are concerns regarding her mental well-being, I have no reason to believe she is unable to continue her work. I, therefore, deem her fit to resume her duties on the SCP-330 project and to be moved to the position of Junior Research Supervisor.

Service Record

The following chart uses DD/MM/YY

Service Record
Site Region Service Sector Position Held Dates of Service Official Projects Title (Most Relevant) Clearance Level
S-17 Europe Research Junior Physiologist Assistant 16/03/14 to 29/03/16 SCP-2020
Dr. 2R
S-17 Europe Research Junior Researcher 4/11/16 to 11/08/17 SCP-2404 Dr. 2R
S-02 ██████ Research Junior Researcher 25/09/17 to ██████ SCP-330 Dr. 2R
S-02 ██████ Research Research Supervisor ███████ to Present SCP-330 Dr. 2R

SCP-330 Message Logs

SCP-330 message logs; Not found ingame

A list of message logs between Gerard Andrews and Amelia Saffron. Some of the logs refer to them by their first initial, G and A respectfully. The message logs focus on SCP-330 and theories over the anomalous effect of its candies.


(The following logs uses MM/DD/YY)

DATE:███/███/█████ 15:30:29

The following files were recovered from the computer terminal in Test Chamber [REDACTED], following incident 330-10/31-07. It has been transcribed for permanent storage.

10/09/███████ Log 330-B-1

"Watching Class-D take candy from 330 leads me to speculate whether 330 "considers" candy added to its bowl part of its own rule. As an extension to that question, could the individual who placed the candy in the bowl take it back without consequence? Because if it does, that means 330 keeps a record of the candies it contains, which may imply some kind of anomalous intelligence associated with the bowl...? I'll log a request for some candy and a Class-D tomorrow.

If my hypothesis is correct, that raises even more questions; for example, does 330 act similar to a computer that "saves and stores" its information? Or does it have the ability to actively remember and posses some basic intelligence?

Does an added candy then gain anomalous property like those we discovered last week?

So many questions. Such is life down here, I suppose. But I have to wonder... Why can't I stop thinking about these tests?"


10/11/███████ Log 330-F-1

"Test 330 - 10/08 was a resounding success! SCP-330's candies have been confirmed to posses anomalous effects. I have therefore informed the containment team that the candies should henceforth be referred to as SCP-330-1. I'll write the addendum tomorrow."


10/12/███████ Log 330-G-8

"Given the success of test 330 - 10/08, I was able to secure permission to perform the same test on the 31st of October (as a consequence, the rewrite will have to wait until then). Using test 10/08 as a control, I hope to find out if there is any significant differences between the candies produced on each date. I hypothesize no change but the anomalous is often surprising."


October 14,███████ Message Log Extract

<Dr. Saffron> "I think SCP-330 comes from Mars."
<Dr. Andrews> "Interesting theory, explain your reasoning. Do you perhaps wish to assert a connection with SCP-██████?"
<Dr. Saffron> "What? No, It just was a joke."
<Dr. Andrews> "If you say so, Doctor. But please, don't use the terminal for recreation."

10/12/███████ Log 330-G-8

"Test chamber [REDACTED] is prepared and ready for test 330-1-10/31. 330 has been transferred and the Class-D are prepared. All that's left to do is to repeat our control and get observation equipment ready, It's not exactly standard that test are performed without an observation room but I have no reason to believe we should expect any danger."


SCP-330 Document

SCP-330 experiment logs.

The SCP-330 Document can be found ingame in Light Containment Zone in Test Chamber 1. The item can be picked up and read, but it is not added to the player's inventory. The document details experiments performed with SCP-330.



ITEM # SCP-330
TEST ROOM █████████ LCZ-TC-01
SUPERVISOR Dr Andrews and Dr Saffron
"Due to the apparent lack of physical effects outside halloween due being able to detect most of them in time, it can be presumed most effects rapidly decline."

"Note: Due to Test 10/31 - 07, the provisional containment chamber for SCP-330 was destroyed. SCP-330 remained undamaged, and an order was issued to move to a more suitable testing chamber in subsection-03. Further testing of SCP-330 will resume upon review of its special containment procedures, and the removal of all pink-colored SCP-330-1 instances for disposal."


The following chart uses MM/DD

# Subject Notes, Results
10/08 - 01 Subject D-330-1.
one yellow piece of 330-1:
D-330-1 was asked to describe any felt effects of 330-1. D-330-1 described being highly invigorated, stating "I didn't know this candy was laced! Damn that shit hit quick!" Note: The subject said this verbatim. I did not paraphrase.
10/08 - 02 Subject D-330-2.
one blue piece of 330-1:
Upon consumption, Subject D-330-2 claimed to "feel stronger", and when asked to clarify, D-330-2 said: "it's like I'm detached from the world, like I'm my own being and nobody can hurt me". D-330-1 claims the feeling subsided quickly.
10/08 - 03 Subject D-330-3.
one purple piece of 330-1:
No effect was noticed on consumption, and similar to subject D-330-2 in the previous test, D-330-3 responded with a lengthy and stuttery response, summarized to "my skin felt toucher", upon examination, no physical changes had been found.
10/08 - 04 Subject D-330-4.
one rainbow piece of 330-1:
Subject initially refused, stating "this bowl is freaky, why would I eat this?" Subject cooperated after being offered access to the site buffet. No noticeable effect occurred, however, D-330-4 reportedly felt better the entire day and was generally more alert.
10/08 - 05 Subject D-330-5.
one green piece of 330-1:
No noticeable effect. Requires further study.
10/08 - 06 Subject D-330-6.
one red piece of 330-1:
No emotional reaction other than enjoying the flavor, observing researchers notice a bruise on the subject upper wrist recede, potential medical applications resulted in several pieces of red candy sent for applicative medical study.
10/31 - 01 Subject D-330-1.
one yellow piece of 330-1:
Subject experienced symptoms of hyperactivity and became incredibly agile. Ten (10) seconds after consumption, D-330-1 immediatley suffered a transient ischemic attack, also known as a "ministroke."
10/31 - 02 Subject D-330-2.
one red piece of 330-1:
Subject was inflicted with serious mutations causing bulbous growth in muscles and tissue. Subject showed signs of extreme hostility and appeared to be nigh invulnerable to blunt and ballistic attacks. Subject terminated within 15 seconds. Note: I believe this relates to another project. Additional testing required.
10/31 - 03 Subject D-330-2.
one purple piece of 330-1:
Subject experienced a rapid increase in his body weight. When asked how he felt, D-330-2 responded with "It's not fat. It's power."
10/31 - 04 Subject D-330-1.
one rainbow piece of 330-1:
Immediately upon consumption, the subject emitted a sweet-odored, multicolored particulate from all pores. Awaiting chemical analysis.
10/31 - 05 Subject D-330-5.
one green piece of 330-1:
Subject claimed to feel more athletic. Immediately after, the subject began to jump around the testing chamber at great heights. Approximately 30 seconds later, the subject broke her legs.
10/31 - 06 Subject D-330-4.
one red piece of 330-1:
Subject immediately suffered a ministroke. Shortly after recovery, the subject claimed to feel the "healthiest she has ever been"
10/31 - 07 Subject D-330-4.
one pink piece of 330-1:
Subject immediately ████████ and the resulting shockwave injured the attending Dr. Andrews, and damaged Foundation property. Doctor Saffron (me)has taken Doctor Andrews' position of research supervisor for the SCP-330 project.



  • The SCP-330 Testing log for experiment 10/31-02 incorrectly list Red Candy as the one responsible for causing serious mutations causing bulbous growth in muscles and tissue. When during the Halloween 2021 Event, the Blue Candy caused the mutations.
    • Experiment 10/31-06 correctly list Red Candy with its Halloween 2021 effects.