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“  哪个更好?是生而为善,抑或尽你的全力去克服你心底的恶性?  ”






在4E 201中,奥杜因再次出现,预言中的最后的龙裔抵达天际。龙裔很快被灰胡子召唤到高吼峰,并最终遇到了帕图纳克斯,帕图纳克斯已经一百多年没有训练过另一个人了,但还是决定帮助龙裔击败奥杜因。在世界之喉帕图纳克斯与奥杜因对峙时,奥杜因指出他的兄弟的力量已经减弱,并给了帕图纳克斯再次加入的机会,但帕图纳克斯拒绝了。帕图纳克斯随后主动向被奥杜因复活的剩余巨龙传授吼声之道,以便他们也能控制对权力的欲望。然而,刀锋卫士发现了帕图纳克斯的下落,并警告龙裔杀死帕图纳克斯以作为对他之前的反人类罪行的惩罚,否则拒绝向龙裔提供进一步的协助。帕图纳克斯的命运目前未知。

实际上随着游戏的进行,在玩家与刀锋战士对话后“杀死帕图纳克斯” 将作为杂项任务一直存在于任务栏中无法消除,而帕图纳克斯最终也承认了刀锋战士的观点的合理性。而玩家只有杀死帕图纳克斯后才能继续与戴尔芬和伊斯本交互,开启刀锋战士的后续剧情(但灰胡子将责备你并不再告知龙语遗迹的位置)。因此在官方文集中帕图纳克斯极有可能是被龙裔杀死了。恭喜你达成成就:背刺之王


  • 世界之喉:接受帕图纳克斯的教导,学习龙语“火焰之息”的一个字符。
  • 上古卷轴:找回上古卷轴,了解远古秘密,找到击败奥杜因的办法。
  • 奥杜因克星:利用上古卷轴进入时间裂痕,向诺德英雄学习龙语“龙魂撕裂”,在世界之喉击败奥杜因。
  • 堕落者:抓获并审问奥杜因的盟友傲达威英,知晓进入松加德的办法。
  • 屠龙者:在松加德和诺德英雄们协力击败世界吞噬者。





锥姆 尤 洛克(问候语,字面意思为和平 火焰 天空),你好。翁都尼克,我是帕图纳克斯.你是谁?你为何来到我的斯特伦马(山)……我的山脉……

Drem Yol Lok. Greetings, wunduniik. I am Paarthurnax. Who are you? What brings you to my strunmah…my mountain?



You are bold, wunduniik. You dare enter a Dovah's home without permission.


选择 回答
没想到你会是龙 我父亲阿卡托什造就了我。正如你……都瓦克因。

I am as my father Akatosh made me. As are you… Dovahkiin.

你是灰胡子的大师? 他们把我看作大师。乌丝(老)。欧尼(明智)。年老而睿智。真的,我老了……

They see me as master. Wuth. Onik. Old and wise. It is true I am old…

我想你已经知道我是谁了 是的。瓦扎(正确)。你说得对,都瓦克因。原谅我。

Yes. Vahzah. You speak true, Dovahkiin. Forgive me. It has been long since I held tinvaak with a stranger. I gave in to the temptation to prolong our speech.

如果你喜欢谈话,为什么要独自住在山上? 伊文那 巴罗(消除饥饿)。饥饿的人太多了,遗忘他们比喂养他们好。

Evenaar Bahlok. There are many hungers it is better to deny than to feed. Dreh ni nahkip. Discipline against the lesser aids in qahnaar… denial of the greater.



Tell me. Why do you come here, volaan? Why do you intrude on my meditation?



Drem. Patience. There are formalities which must be observed, at the first meeting of two of the dov.


帕图纳克斯:“ 据传统,该由长辈先讲话。听我的吐姆(吐纳)!用你的全身去感受它。如果你是都瓦克因的话,试着学我吼!尤……拖……苏'(火焰 炼狱 太阳)!'

By long tradition, the elder speaks first. Hear my Thu'um! Feel it in your bones. Match it, if you are Dovahkiin!Yol…Toor…Shul!


帕图纳克斯:“ 词语在召唤你,快去。” “ The Word calls you. Go to it.

帕图纳克斯:“ 我已经说了。罗特姆拉格(力量之语)在等着你。” “ I have spoken. The Rotmulaag awaits.

帕图纳克斯:“ 如果不是为了提瓦(交谈),你为什么闯进来?” “ Why do you intrude here, if not for tinvaak?


帕图纳克斯:“ 一个赐福,都瓦克因。“尤”和都瓦(龙)一样了解火焰。” “ A gift, Dovahkiin. Yol. Understand Fire as the dov do.


帕图纳克斯:“ 别害怕。法斯努(不必害怕)。让我感受你吐姆的力量吧。” “ Do not be afraid. Faasnu. Let me feel the power of your Thu'um.


帕图纳克斯:“ 来吧,都瓦克因。宁 约尔(灼痛之火)。用你的吐姆之火洗礼我吧。” “ Come, Dovahkiin. Nin Yol. Strike me with the fire of your Thu'um.

帕图纳克斯:“ 你为什么犹豫不决?你是不是都瓦克因? ” “ Why do you delay? Are you Dovahkiin or not?

帕图纳克斯:“ 现在,展现你的能力吧。以都瓦的方式问候我,而不是亚龙人/精灵/卡吉特/凡人/兽人!” “ Now, show me what you can do. Greet me not as Argonian/elf/khajiit/mortal/orc, but as dovah!

你对他使用烈焰吐息后,他会说: 帕图纳克斯:“ 啊…是的!索瑟都瓦 洛斯 目尔(强大的龙族之血)。你体内涌动着龙血。我很久没跟同类如此开心地交谈了。 ” “ Aaah… yes! Sossedov los mul. The Dragonblood runs strong in you. It is long since I had the pleasure of speech with one of my own kind.


帕图纳克斯:“ 那么。你来到这里,见我。对于约尔(凡人)……凡人……来说不是件容易的事情。甚至对于一位都瓦 索斯(龙 血)……龙之血脉……来说也是如此。 ” “ So. You have made your way here, to me. No easy task for a joor… mortal. Even for one of Dovah Sos. Dragonblood. What would you ask of me?


帕图纳克斯:“ 啊。我一直在等你。普洛达(预言)。你不会为了提瓦(交谈)大老远跑来找一个老都瓦吧。不。你在寻找对抗奥杜因的武器。 ” “ Ah. I have expected you. Prodah. You would not come all this way for tinvaak with an old dovah. No. You seek your weapon against Alduin.

选择 回答
你怎么知道我是来找龙魂撕裂的? 奥杜因 科迈 提德(奥杜因的回归时间,字面意思为奥杜因 问题 时间)。除此之外你还能找到什么?奥杜因和都瓦克因是同时回归的。

Alduin komeyt tiid. What else would you seek? Alduin and Dovahkiin return together. But I do not know the Thu'um you seek. Krosis. It cannot be known to me.

灰胡子根本不想让我来 嗯,是的。他们对我的保护意识很强烈。巴拉恩 法赫杜恩(一群良友,字面意思为贤达 朋友)。

Hmm. Yes. They are very protective of me. Bahlaan fahdonne. But I do not know the Thu'um you seek. Krosis. It cannot be known to me.

你知道龙魂撕裂吗? 克洛斯(抱歉)。很遗憾,不。我不可能知道。

Krosis. Sorrowfully, no. It cannot be known to me.




Your kind - joorre - mortals - created it as a weapon against the dov… the dragons. Our hadrimme, our minds cannot even… comprehend its concepts.



Drem. All in good time. First, I have a question for you. Why do you want to learn this Thu'um?



You have not answered my question: Why do you need to learn this Thu'um?


选择 回答
那不关你的事 尼德(不)。如果你希望我回答你的问题,你就得先回答我的。

Nid. If you wish me to answer your question, you must answer mine.

我需要阻止奥杜因 当然,奥杜因……泽玛(兄弟),我的兄长。天资聪颖,贪婪成性并且令人生厌,这样的长子很常见。但为什么?为什么你要阻止奥杜因?

Yes. Alduin… Zeymah. The elder brother. Gifted, grasping and troublesome, as is so often the case with firstborn. But why? Why must you stop Alduin?

预言说只有龙裔才能阻止他 是的...但是预言只说了可能是什么,而不是应该是什么。科斯提德 萨洛 阿克(预言的引导是微弱的,字面意思为预言 弱 指引)。你有能力做,并不意味着你就应该做。难道你没有比命运更好的理由来行动吗?你只不过是德兹(命运)的玩物吗?

True… But qostiid - prophecy - tells what may be, not what should be. Qostiid sahlo aak. Just because you can do a thing, does not always mean you should. Do you have no better reason for acting than destiny? Are you nothing more than a plaything of dez… of fate?

我来这里不是为了和你辩论哲学 哈哈哈!那么,你有很多关于都瓦的东西要学习。作为一个都瓦来说,除了哲学之外别无他物。我们与我们的吐姆,我们的吼声进行战斗并非偶然。辩论和战斗对龙来说没有区别。Tinvaak los grah.(交谈即是战斗,字面意思为谈论 是 战斗)对我们来说,这是一回事。

“' Hahaha! You have much to learn of the dov, then. There is nothing else but philosophy to a dovah. It is no accident that we do battle with our Thu'um, our Voices. There is no distinction between debate and combat to a dragon. Tinvaak los grah. For us it is one and the same.

还有什么比完成我的命运更好的理由呢? 如果你能看清自己的命运,你的视线就比我更清晰。达曼(谨记)-记住,奥杜因也追随着他的命运,正如他所看到的那样。但是,我在你的坚定面前低头。在某种程度上,我很羡慕你。知识太多的祸根往往是优柔寡断。

If you can see your destiny clearly, your sight is clearer than mine. Dahmaan - remember, Alduin also follows his destiny, as he sees it. But, I bow before your certainty. In a way, I envy you. The curse of much knowledge is often indecision.

我不相信命运。但我会阻止奥杜因 所以,也许,你的命运会实现。谁知道呢?德兹 莫特马胡斯(棘手的命运,字面意思为命运 棘手)。即使对于驾驭时间洪流的都瓦来说,命运也是难以捉摸的。奥杜因相信他会获胜,这是有充分理由的。罗克 穆尔(他很强大,字面意思为他 强大)。他不是傻瓜。尼梅,里尼克肠诺尔(并不愚蠢,富有远见,字面意思为不 愚蠢,非常 远 从)。远非如此。他一开始是我们所有人中最聪明、最有远见的人。

And so, perhaps, your destiny will be fulfilled. Who can say? Dez motmahus. Even to the dov, who ride the currents of Time, destiny is elusive. Alduin believes that he will prevail, with good reason. Rok mul. And he is no fool. Ni mey, rinik gut nol. Far from it. He began as the wisest and most far-seeing of us all.

我爱这个世界。我不希望它终结 与选项三相同
我爱这个世界。我不希望它终结 普拉扎(很好),理由很充分。有很多人和你有同样感受,尽管不是所有人。有人会说,所有事情都必须终结,这样下一件事才能发生。也许这场劫难正在孕育着下一个世界?莱因 沃金(未诞生的世界,字面意思为世界 未来的)你会阻止下一个世界的诞生吗?

Pruzah. As good a reason as any. There are many who feel as you do, although not all. Some would say that all things must end, so that the next can come to pass. Perhaps this world is simply the Egg of the next kalpa? Lein vokiin? Would you stop the next world from being born?

我来这里不是为了和你辩论哲学 哈哈哈!那么,你有很多关于都瓦的东西要学习。作为一个都瓦来说,除了哲学之外别无他物。我们与我们的吐姆,我们的吼声进行战斗并非偶然。辩论和战斗对龙来说没有区别。Tinvaak los grah.(交谈即是战斗,字面意思为谈论 是 战斗)对我们来说,这是一回事。

“' Hahaha! You have much to learn of the dov, then. There is nothing else but philosophy to a dovah. It is no accident that we do battle with our Thu'um, our Voices. There is no distinction between debate and combat to a dragon. Tinvaak los grah. For us it is one and the same.

下一个世界将不得不照顾好自己 帕兹(公平)。一个公平的答案。罗 福斯(平衡 力量)...也许你只是平衡了加速这个世界末日的力量。就即使我们能驾驭时间洪流,也无法预见时间的尽头。伍德斯迪德 洛斯 塔罗蒂斯(时间是危险的漩涡)那些试图加速结束的人可能会推迟它。那些试图加速末日的人,可能会拖延末日。那些努力推迟末日的人,可能会让末日更近。

Paaz. A fair answer. Ro fus… maybe you only balance the forces that work to quicken the end of this world. Even we who ride the currents of Time cannot see past Time's end… Wuldsetiid los tahrodiis. Those who try to hasten the end, may delay it. Those who work to delay the end, may bring it closer.



But you have indulged my weakness for speech long enough. Krosis. Now I will answer your question. Do you know why I live here, at the peak of the Monahven – what you name Throat of the World?


没错。但现在很少有人记得,这正是奥杜因被先古的发声者击败的地方。瓦拉科特 昂斯拉得(回想往事,字面意思为记忆 永恒)……或许现在只有我能想起他是怎么被击败的了。

True. But few now remember that this was the very spot where Alduin was defeated by the ancient Tongues. Vahrukt unslaad... perhaps none but me now remember how he was defeated.


这是天际最神圣的山峰。左 雷瓦克 斯特伦马(最神圣的山,字面意思为大多 神圣 山)这世上最大的山,在这里,先古的发声者,第一代操纵龙吼的凡人,和奥杜因战斗并击败了他。

This is the most sacred mountain in Skyrim. Zok revak strunmah. The great mountain of the world. Here the ancient Tongues, the first mortal masters of the voice, brought Alduin to battle and defeated him.



Drem. Patience. I am answering, in my way. This is the most sacred mountain in Skyrim. Most Sacred Mountain. The great mountain of the world. Here the ancient Tongues, the first mortal masters of the voice, brought Alduin to battle and defeated him.



是也不是,唯克 怒 尼 可隆(失败了,但没有被征服,字面意思为击败 但 不 征服)奥杜因没有真正被打败。如果他被打败,你今天就不会在这里,寻求......打败他。当时的诺德人使用龙魂撕裂来削弱奥杜因。但是这是不够的。欧克 马拉戈 昂斯拉得(他的力量永无止境,字面意思为他的 力量 永恒)上古卷轴。他们用它来...让他在时间洪流中漂流。

Yes and no. Viik nuz ni kron. Alduin was not truly defeated, either. If he was, you would not be here today, seeking to… defeat him. The Nords of those days used the Dragonrend Shout to cripple Alduin. But this was not enough. Ok mulaag unslaad. It was the Kel – the Elder Scroll. They used it to... cast him adrift on the currents of Time.


嗯。如何用你的话来说?都瓦对这些事情有自己的说法,而乔尔却没有。这是…来自外部时间的神器。它并不存在,但它一直存在。神造之物。他们是...嗯。。。创世的碎片...上古卷轴,正如你所说的那样,它们经常被用来预言。是的,你的预言来自上古卷轴。但这只是他们力量的一小部分。佐法斯 苏牙(它们拥有难以想像的力量,字面意思为可怕 力量)

Hmm. How to explain in your tongue? The dov have words for such things that joorre do not. It is… an artifact from outside time. It does not exist, but it has always existed. Rah wahlaan. They are… hmm… fragments of creation. The Kelle… Elder Scrolls, as you name them, they have often been used for prophecy. Yes, your prophecy comes from an Elder Scroll. But this is only a small part of their power. Zofaas suleyk.


提德 克伦特(被破坏的时间,字面意思为时间 破坏)因为古代诺德人对奥杜因的所作所为,这里的时间被破坏了。如果你把那个上古卷轴带回来,回到提德-阿兰,那个时间伤痕,带着用来打破时间的上古卷轴,你也许能……把自己送回去,到伤痕的另一端。你可以从创造者那里学习龙魂撕裂。

Tiid krent. Time was… shattered here because of what the ancient Nords did to Alduin. If you brought that Kel, that Elder Scroll back here… to the Tiid-Ahraan, the Time-Wound… With the Elder Scroll that was used to break Time, you may be able to… cast yourself back. To the other end of the break. You could learn Dragonrend from those who created it.


但不是有意为之。有一些人希望他永远离开,永远消失。梅伊(愚蠢)我更清楚。提德 波 亚玛提夫(时间飞跃,字面意思为时间 飞 出发)时光荏苒。总有一天他会浮出水面。这就是我住在这里的原因。几千年来,我一直在等待。我知道他会在哪里出现,但不知道什么时候出现。

Not intentionally. Some hoped he would be gone forever, forever lost. Meyye. I knew better. Tiid bo amativ. Time flows ever onward. One day he would surface. Which is why I have lived here. For thousands of mortal years I have waited. I knew where he would emerge but not when.





“Krosis. No. I know little of what has passed below in the long years I have lived here. You are likely better informed than I.”






“Trust your instincts, Dovahkiin. Your blood will show you the way.”



“把它带回这里,回到提德-阿兰(时间伤痕),然后......凯勒 沃明多克(Kelle vomindok)。事情会如何演变谁也不知…但是我相信卷轴与提德-阿兰的联系将使你获得……一种视觉,一种感知它创造之初情景的能力。之后你将感知——了解——龙魂撕裂,它最为原始的力量。你将会看到他们……乌斯 法多恩……我的朋友 - 哈肯、葛拉斯、费迪尔。”

“Return it here, to the Tiid-Ahraan. Then… Kelle vomindok. Nothing is certain with such things… But I believe the Scroll's bond with the Tiid-Ahraan will allow you a… a seeing, a vision of the moment of its creation. Then you will feel – know – Dragonrend, in the power of its first expression. You will see them… wuth fadonne… my friends – Hakon, Gormlaith, Felldir.”


“我传授吐姆的第一批凡人 - 首批发声者们。他们是对抗奥杜因的叛军领导者。在他们那个时代,他们个个都是绝顶高手。他们甚至去挑战巨龙奥杜因……沙哈洛特 哈尼(强大的英雄,字面意思为强大 英雄)。诺德人从那个时代以后出过很多伟大的英雄,但是始终没有一个人能超过他们。”

“The first mortals that I taught the Thu'um – the first Tongues. The leaders of the rebellion against Alduin. They were mighty, in their day. Even to attempt to defeat Alduin… sahrot hunne. The Nords have had many heroes since, but none greater.”


“沃明多。我不知道。或许使用后它甚至删除了时间本身对它的认知。都瓦是阿卡托什的孩子。因此我们对……时间的流动特别敏锐。你也可以说是对此特别敏感。我警告他们不要进行这么一个鲁莽的行动。甚至我都无法预见后果。拉斯特 泥 轰(他们 不 听)。他们不听。”

“Vomindok. I do not know. Perhaps in the very doing they erased the knowing of it from Time itself. The dov are children of Akatosh. Thus we are specially… attuned to the flow of Time. Perhaps also uniquely vulnerable. I warned them against such a rash action. Even I could not foresee its consequences. Nust ni hon. They would not listen.”


“是的。我们的一些同伴反抗奥杜因的瑟尔(霸王)……反抗他的暴政。我们帮助人类推翻他。但是他们不相信我们。尼 沃(不 相信)。他们的内部议会对我们完全隔离。奥杜因被击败的那天我离这里很远。但是所有的都瓦都能感到……时间的崩坏。”

“Yes. There were a few of us who rebelled against Alduin's thur… his tyranny. We aided the humans in his overthrow. But they did not trust us. Ni ov. Their inner councils were kept hidden from us. I was far from here on the day of Alduin's downfall. But all dov felt the… sundering of Time itself.”



“I cannot tell you in detail. I never heard it used. Kogaan. It was the first Thu'um created solely by mortals. It was said to force a dragon to experience the concept of Mortality. A truly vonmindoraan… incomprehensible idea to the immortal dov.”




“你拿到它了,克尔——上古卷轴。提德 克雷……伽罗斯(时间 弯曲 触摸)。时间在它的触摸下也会颤抖。毫无疑问。你是毁灭驱策者。克甘(祝福)·阿卡托什。大地之骨任你处置。那么去吧。完成你的使命。将卷轴带去时间伤痕。不要迟疑。奥杜因通过时间的震动肯定知道卷轴出现在这里。它会知道这意味着什么的。”

“You have it. The Kel - the Elder Scroll. Tiid kreh... qalos. Time shudders at its touch. There is no question. You are doom-driven. Kogaan Akatosh. The very bones of the earth are at your disposal. Go then. Fulfill your destiny. Take the Scroll to the Time-Wound. Do not delay. Alduin will be coming. He cannot miss the signs.”


“洛斯 泛特,太迟了,奥杜因!都瓦克因!使用龙魂撕裂,如果你学会了它的话!”

“Lost funt. You are too late, Alduin! Dovahkiin! Use Dragonrend, if you know it!”


“安斯拉 克荣!(永恒 敌人)不可能!”

“Unslaad hokoron! Never again!”




“Dovahkiin, vosaraan! Use Dragonrend before Alduin consumes you!”


“Use Dragonrend, Dovahkiin!”


“He is too strong on the wing! Bring him to gol with Dragonrend!”


“Use Dragonrend! It is the only chance to defeat him!”



“Now, Dovahkiin! Now he is vulnerable!”


“This is your chance, Dovahkiin! Strike with all your force!”


“Hurt him while he is grounded!”





“刀锋卫士不信任我是明智之选。奥尼坎 尼 欧。是我也不会相信另一名都瓦。”

“The Blades are wise not to trust me. Onikaan ni ov. I would not trust another dovah.”


“都瓦 瓦拉 法 瑞尔(龙 创造 为 主导)。我们注定要成为主宰。我们的血液中流淌着对权力的渴望。你也感觉到了,不是吗?我值得信赖。我很清楚。而它们则不然。奥尼坎 尼 欧 都瓦克(智慧 不 相信 龙)。不相信一名都瓦是明智之举。通过冥想和对吼声之道的长期学习,我得以战胜了我的本性。我无时无刻不经受着回归本性的诱惑。辛 克理夫 赫瓦特 西 苏雷克。什么是更好的——哪个更好?是生而为善,抑或尽你的全力去克服你心底的恶性?”

“Dov wahlaan fah rel. We were made to dominate. The will to power is in our blood. You feel it in yourself, do you not? I can be trusted. I know this. But they do not. Onikaan ni ov dovah. It is always wise to mistrust a dovah. I have overcome my nature only through meditation and long study of the Way of the Voice. No day goes by where I am not tempted to return to my inborn nature. Zin krif horvut se suleyk. What is better - to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?”



“划下句点了吧,奥杜因 狄龙(死者)。最年长者已逝,前无来者,永恒存在。”

“So, it is done. Alduin dilon. The Eldest is no more, he who came before all others, and has always been.”


选择 回答
你听起来不是很开心。 “高兴?不,我一点都不高兴。泽玛西 洛斯特 奥 杜乌 博玛胡(兄弟 失去 一旦 王冠 父亲)。奥杜因曾是我们父亲手下最优秀的存在。”

“Happy? No, I am not happy. Zeymahi lost ont du'ul Bormahu. Alduin was once the crown of our father Akatosh's creation.”

我一点都不后悔。奥杜因必须被毁灭 “确实。奥杜因 瓦蓝 达尼埃(创造 注定)。要非我想法跟你一致,我不会帮你的。”

“Of course. Alduin wahlaan daanii. I would not have helped you if I thought otherwise.”

这是奥杜因它自找的 “是的。奥杜因 瓦蓝 达尼埃(创造 注定)。当它宣布自己拥有统治权的时候,它的灭亡便已注定。因为那本是属于博玛胡——我们的父亲阿卡托什的。”

“Indeed. Alduin wahlaan daanii. His doom was written when he claimed for himself the lordship that properly belongs to Bormahu - our father Akatosh.”



“You did what was necessary. Alduin had flown far from the path of right action in his pahlok - the arrogance of his power.”

“但我无法庆祝它的死。祖乌 提艾拉兹 阿斯 乌克 玛(我是 悲伤 在 他的 坠落)。好歹它曾是我的兄弟,一切都已经变了。”

“But I cannot celebrate his fall. Zu'u tiiraaz ahst ok mah. He was my brother once. This world will never be the same.”


选择 回答
我只是在履行我作为龙裔的使命 “你曾告诉过我你不相信命运。”/“确实,你看得比我更清楚——当然也比奥杜因更清楚。洛克 方塔 克拉夫(他 失败 看)。”

“You once told me you did not believe in destiny.”/“Indeed, you saw more clearly than I - certainly more clearly than Alduin. Rok funta koraav.”

我告诉过你我会阻止他,我做到了。 “你曾说过你不信宿命,但还是难逃预定的结局。”

“And so you fulfilled your destiny, which you once said you did not believe in.”

没有奥杜因,这个世界更完美了。 “也许吧。至少它会继续存在。格理克 罗斯 雷恩(如此 是 世界)。而且,正如你曾说过的那样,下个时代的人民只能自求多福了,福尔 尼 罗斯(如此 不 是)。连我也看不透时空的终结。”/“我很高兴你能够相信。至少它会继续存在。格理克 罗斯 雷恩。连我也看不透时空终结以后,将会迎来些什么?尼埃德 克拉夫 泽埃姆 蒂诺可赛迪埃德。我们必须尽力去帮助世界。”

“Perhaps. At least it will continue to exist. Grik los lein. And, as you told me once, the next world will have to take care of itself. Ful nii los. Even I cannot see past Time's ending.”/“I am glad you believe that. At least it will continue to exist. Grik los lein. Even I cannot see past Time's ending to what comes next. Niid koraav zeim dinoksetiid. We must do the best we can with this world.”



“Perhaps now you have some insight into the forces that shape the vennesetiid... the currents of Time. Perhaps you begin to see the world as a dovah.”

“我失态了,克洛西斯。索 罗斯 米得 法尔顿。都瓦很容易陷入忧郁的陷阱之中。你获得了一个伟大的胜利。萨罗特 克罗格拉——那将会在这世界的文明里永远流传下去。享受你的胜利吧,都瓦克因。这并不是你在时间洪流所写下的最后篇章。”

“But I forget myself. Krosis. So los mid fahdon. Melancholy is an easy trap for a dovah to fall into. You have won a mighty victory. Sahrot krongrah - one that will echo through all the ages of this world for those who have eyes to see. Savor your triumph, Dovahkiin. This is not the last of what you will write upon the currents of Time.”



“Goraan! I feel younger than I have in many an age. Many of the dovahhe are now scattered across Keizaal. Without Alduin's lordship, they may yet bow to the vahzen... rightness of my Thu'um. But willing or no, they will hear it! Fare thee well, Dovahkiin!”





“I have taught the Way of the Voice for centuries and the Thu'um since long before that. But no, Dovahkiin. Others do not come here to train anymore. Saraan. You are the first in over a hundred years. I meditate on the Rotmulaag - the Words of Power. I counsel in their use. It is enough for me.”



“Knowing a Word of Power is to take its meaning into yourself. Contemplate the meaning of a Rotmulaag. You will become closer to that Word, as it fills your inner self. Will I teach you, Dovahkiin? What Word calls you to deeper understanding? There are three to master: Fus, Feim, and Yol.”




“用你们的话来说就是“力量”。但当你向外界施加压力时,外界也会对你产生反作用力。想象一下无穷的力量在你的胸中涌动。想象一下只需只字片语就可排山倒海的力量。这就是“伏斯”。让它的奥义填满你。苏姆 阿克 莫拉。你要向外界施加比其更强大的力量。”

“It is called 'Force' in your tongue. But as you push the world, so does the world push back. Think of the way force may be applied effortlessly. Imagine but a whisper pushing aside all in its path. That is 'Fus.' Let its meaning fill you. Su'um ahrk morah. You will push the world harder than it pushes back.”



“用你们的话来说就是“枯萎”。凡人与这个符文的关系比都瓦来得紧密。凡人的一切都会随着时间流逝而消失,但灵魂是永存的。思考一下灵魂的含义。安斯拉 兹。在凡人血肉枯萎和死去的地方,灵魂永存。是“费姆”。让它的奥义填满你。苏姆 阿克 莫拉。你会发现你的灵魂会给予你更多的力量。”

“Fade' in your tongue. Mortals have greater affinity for this Word than the dov. Everything mortal fades away in time, but the spirit remains. Ponder the meaning of spirit. Unslaad zii. Where mortal flesh may wither and die, the spirit endures. That is 'Feim.' Let that meaning fill you. Su'um ahrk morah. You will find that your spirit will give you more strength.”



“照你们的话来说,这个字的意思仅仅是“火焰”。它会改变形态,它是力量的最原始状态。那就是“尤”的真正含义。苏列,力量。你和所有的龙一样都拥有力量。但是不加选择、不以行动的力量,就是怠惰。把这个当作是你存在于你的苏姆之中,在你的呼吸之中。苏姆 阿克 莫拉。你会燃烧什么,会放过什么?”

“In your tongue, the Word simply means 'Fire.' It is change given form. Power at its most primal. That is the true meaning of 'Yol.' Suleyk. Power. You have it, as do all dov. But power is inert without action and choice. Think of this as the fire builds in your su'um, in your breath. Su'um ahrk morah. What will you burn? What will you spare?”




“Which calls to you, Dovahkiin? Fus, Feim, or Yol?”


  • 来自洛利克镇的年轻女孩希塞尔会告诉你,她梦见了一条“好龙”,它“又老又白”,但“并不可怕”。虽然这很可能是帕图纳克斯,但在游戏中没有证实这一点。
  • 在与他的对话中,他提到了一个时间周期,Kalpa,这是一个梵语单词,有时被翻译为永恒。
  • 帕图纳克斯由查理斯·马提尼特配音。这位老哥的另一个大名鼎鼎的配音角色是马里奥......
  • 当问帕图纳克斯关于其他来和他一起训练的人时,他说你是一百多年来的第一个。当乌弗瑞克·风暴斗篷与灰胡子一起学习时,他在自己成为灰胡子之前就离开了,艾恩盖尔在世界之喉告诉你,帕图纳克斯很少与他们见面,也从不与外人见面。因此,乌弗瑞克·风暴斗篷从未与帕图纳克斯本人一起学习过。
  • 帕图纳克斯似乎会使用三个词作为问候:“Drem Yol Lok”,而其他龙不会使用


  1. 来自伊思本的对话
  2. 巨龙战争》——托豪尔·布乔理克
  3. 高吼峰上的石碑
  4. 来自傲达威英的对话
  5. 来自艾恩盖尔的对话