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裴伦纳尔之歌,卷七 英雄之殇

On Pelinal's battle with Umaril, and his dismemberment


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在与巫摩瑞尔及其盟友的(多次激烈战斗之后),无数死去的极光妖灵们就像遍地的蜡烛一般躺满了王座四周。圣徒裴伦纳尔被最后仅存的亚历德精灵魔王们及小鬼们包围了,它们长得千奇百怪,甚是吓人。威斯奇用他的战锤砸碎了坚硬的岩石地面,他的威猛吓退了敌人们,它们四散奔逃,裴伦纳尔大吼道:给我把巫摩瑞尔送来!或者我去找它……然后,带着强大而邪恶外表的,浑身金色的巫摩瑞尔穿过重重敌人,出现在白金塔的阴影里。更多的士兵被派来和裴伦纳尔战斗,这简直是送死,但他们仍旧在试图用战斧、弓箭来突破他的神圣护甲。因为自从上一次战败之后,巫摩瑞尔养精蓄锐,并为小鬼们装备了更好的武器……眼前,半精灵把自己沐浴在子午之光中……他征募了他在精灵族的族人,并带着全盘计划,来自他的父亲,一位上一个冰河纪的神。它们最后终于得逞了,裴伦纳尔独力难支,浑身受了重伤,他艰难地呼吸着,拼尽全力挥出了最后一剑,然后倒在了血泊中…………[文字遗失] ……[后来]巫摩瑞尔被裴伦纳尔的神剑刺进了心脏而死去,他的天使的面孔在与裴伦纳尔的厮杀中被砍成一张丑陋的嘴脸。(而它的)无羽的翅膀也被裴伦纳尔的剑砍伤……它的尸体备受侮辱,被它的祖辈,和其他所有从古老的艾尔菲乘船来的人所嘲笑。这也激怒了其他的精灵魔王,它们几乎因愤怒而陷入疯狂……. [它们]用手里的利刃终止了裴伦纳尔的言语……然后把他的尸体切成了八块,而他在临死前挣扎的怒吼,很远之处依然能听见……[文字遗失] ……第二天早晨,裴伦纳尔的战友,公牛墨索奥斯带领着起义军用他强大的牛角撼动了整个白金塔,但那些亚历德精灵魔王们早已逃之夭夭,而即使墨索奥斯杀死再多的敌人,裴伦纳尔也已永远离去了。是墨索奥斯后来发现了裴伦纳尔·威斯奇的头颅,那些魔王在逃走前把它留了下来,以证明它们的勇猛和裴伦纳尔的失败…….但无论如何……对精灵族的反抗已经风起云涌,在众多魔神之间已经在流传着(更多的)话,虽然帕拉范特还不屑去听。

The Song of Pelinal, v7

The Song of Pelinal, Volume 7: On His Battle with Umaril and His Dismemberment

On Pelinal's battle with Umaril, and his dismemberment

[Editor's Note: Volumes 1-6 are taken from the so-called Reman Manuscript located in the Imperial Library. It is a transcription of older fragments collected by an unknown scholar of the early Second Era. Beyond this, little is known of the original sources of these fragments, some of which appear to be from the same period (perhaps even from the same manuscript). But, as no scholarly consensus yet exists on dating these six fragments, no opinions will be offered here.]

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[And so after many battles with] Umaril's allies, where dead Aurorans lay like candlelight around the throne, the Pelinal became surrounded by the last Ayleid sorcerer-kings and their demons, each one heavy with varliance. The Whitestrake cracked the floor with his mace and they withdrew, and he said, "Bring me Umaril that called me out!" ... [And] while mighty in his aspect and wicked, deathless-golden Umaril favored ruin-from-afar over close combat and so he tarried in the shadows of the white tower before coming forth. More soldiers were sent against Pelinal to die, and yet they managed to pierce his armor with axes and arrows, for Umaril had wrought each one by long varliance, which he had been hoarding since his first issue [of challenge.]... [Presently] the half-Elf [showed himself] bathed in [Meridian light] ... and he listed his bloodline in the Ayleidoon and spoke of his father, a god of the [previous kalpa's] World-River and taking great delight in the heavy-breathing of Pelinal who had finally bled... [Text lost] ... [And] Umaril was laid low, the angel face of his helm dented into an ugliness which made Pelinal laugh, [and his] unfeathered wings broken off with sword strokes delivered while Pelinal stood [frothing]... above him insulting his ancestry and anyone else that took ship from Old Ehlnofey, [which] angered the other Elvish kings and drove them to a madness of their own... [and they] fell on him [speaking] to their weapons... cutting the Pelinal into eighths while he roared in confusion [which even] the Council of Skiffs [could hear]... [Text lost] ...ran when Mor shook the whole of the tower with mighty bashing from his horns [the next morning], and some were slain-in-overabundance in the Taking, and Men looked for more Ayleids to kill but Pelinal had left none save those kings and demons that had already begun to flee... It was Morihaus who found the Whitestrake's head, which the kings had left to prove their deeds and they spoke and Pelinal said things of regrets... but the rebellion had turned anyway... [and more] words were said between these immortals that even the Paravant would not deign to hear.