黎明守卫DLC 包含39个新任务,既有主线任务,也有支线和杂项任务。 当你第一次添加黎明守卫时,你的任务列表不会立即增加任务。
主线任务会从你第一次从NPC那里听说吸血鬼猎人的事情开始。 支线任务可以通过与NPC、新物品互动来开启。 一些任务受Radiant AI系统影响,一些任务是可重复的。
- 黎明守卫 Dawnguard (任务代码:DLC1VQ01MiscObjective)
- 苏醒 Awakening(任务代码:DLC1VQ01)
- 血脉相连 Bloodline(任务代码:DLC1VQ02)
- 加入黎明守卫
- 新的教团 A New Order (Radiant AI)(任务代码:DLC1HunterBaseIntro)
- 预言 Prophet (Dawnguard)(任务代码:DLC1VQ03Hunter)
- 加入吸血鬼
- 血石圣杯 The Bloodstone Chalice(任务代码:DLC1VampireBaseIntro)
- 预言 Prophet (Vampire)(任务代码:DLC1VQ03Vampire)
- 加入黎明守卫
- 泄露天机 Seeking Disclosure(任务代码:DLC1VQ04)
- 找寻卷轴 Scroll Scouting (任务代码:DLC1VQElderHandler)
- 捕风捉影 Chasing Echoes (任务代码:DLC1VQ05)
- 跨越死亡 Beyond Death(任务代码:DLC1VQElder)
- 无形幻景 Unseen Visions (任务代码:DLC1VQ06)
- 触及天空 Touching the Sky (任务代码:DLC1VQ07)
- 大义灭亲 Kindred Judgment(任务代码:DLC1VQ08)
- 古代科技 Ancient Technology (radiant)(任务代码:)
- 增添人员 Bolstering the Ranks: Find Florentius Baenius and recruit him into the Dawnguard.(任务代码:DLC1RH05)
- 净化之光 Cleansing Light: Kill the boss of a vampire lair. (radiant)(任务代码:DLC1RH02)
- 捉迷藏 Hide and Seek: Kill a vampire masquerading as a citizen. (radiant)(任务代码:DLC1RH01)
- 猎杀怪物 Hunting the Monster: Destroy the vampire target. (radiant)(任务代码:DLC1RH04)
- 领主的正义 A Jarl's Justice: Kill a vampire masquerading as a Visiting Advisor. (radiant)(任务代码:DLC1RH07)
- 失落的神器(随机刷一件)Lost Relic: Retrieve a relic of the original Dawnguard. (radiant)(任务代码:DLC1RH08)
- 先发制人 Preemptive Strike: Destroy the vampire before it turns its allies. (radiant)(任务代码:DLC1RH03)
- 救援 Rescue: Rescue a victim from vampires. (radiant)(任务代码:DLC1RH06)
- 暗夜之力护符(点了召唤石像鬼的perk后才有概率刷出) Amulets of Night Power: Retrieve the Amulets of Night Power. (radiant)(任务代码:DLC1RV09)
- 古代之力 Ancient Power: Retrieve vampire parts from varied locations around Skyrim. (radiant)(任务代码:DLC1RV05)
- 为民除害 Culling the Beast: Kill the thin-blooded vampires. (radiant)(任务代码:DLC1RV02)
- 欺骗众人 Deceiving the Herd: Frame the Dawnguard for murder. (radiant)(任务代码:DLC1RV03)
- 摧毁黎明守卫 Destroying the Dawnguard: Kill the Dawnguard leaders.(任务代码:)
- 礼物 The Gift: Turn your spouse into a creature of the night.(任务代码:)
- 猎杀行动 The Hunt: Kill the Dawnguard spy. (radiant)(任务代码:DLC1RV01)
- 新的同盟 New Allegiances: Turn the target into a vampire. (radiant)(任务代码:DLC1RV07)
- 保护血统 Protecting the Bloodline: Destroy a vampire before it turns its allies. (radiant)(任务代码:DLC1RV04)
- 血魔法戒指 Rings of Blood Magic: Retrieve the Ring of the Erudite and the Ring of The Beast. (radiant)(任务代码:DLC1RV08)
- 不耐烦的圣人 Impatience of a Saint: Collect the ten missing pages of Saint Jiub's Opus.(任务代码:Dlc1vqsaint)
- 遗忘时光 Lost to the Ages: Search for the Dwemer's Aetherium Forge.
- 度尼维尔 Durnehviir: Learn a dragon shout from Durnehviir.
- 遗世山谷书籍任务 Forgotten Vale Books Quest: Bring the Ancient Falmer Tome to Urag gro-Shub.
- Soul Cairn Horse Quest: Find Arvak's skull.
- Surgery: Change your appearance.