| |
ID: | MS06 |
发布: | |
地点: | 天堂乐园, 地球殖民飞船永恒号 |
前置: | |
后续: | |
经验: | |
信用币: | |
其他收益: | |
FormID: | 00258694 |
- 玩家有三种不同的路线可以选择。
ID | 说明 |
0 | (Debug stage) |
1 | (DEBUG Stage: Choice) |
2 | (DEBUG: Give resources) |
3 | (DEBUG: Give credits) |
10 | (DEBUG: Move the ECS Cosntant landing party to Paradiso, and set the proper stages. Used if natural progression with ships breaks) |
100 | 我接到了天堂乐园安保主管杉山次郎发来的信息,他说想要和我讨论一个敏感事项。我得去天堂乐园见他。 (Player needs to speak with the Chief Security Officer on Paradiso) |
101 | (Jiro asked the player to be discreet) |
102 | (Jiro explained the situation) |
105 | (Player told Jiro they already tried communicating with the Constant) |
106 | (Player used the Starborn perk with Jiro) |
200 | 天堂乐园上空的轨道上出现了一艘不祥的飞船,我应该尝试与它通讯。 (Approach the ship and attempt to hail it) |
300 | 与飞船的通讯失败了。尽管可能有危险,我还是应该看看自己能不能与它完成对接程序并登船。 (Dock with the ship and enter) |
301 | (Player docked with the ship without hailing first.) |
400 | 飞船上有人,我得去和船长谈谈。 (Speak with the ship's captain) |
500 | 布拉肯里奇船长简要说明了情况,并迎接我上船。我应该跟着她去舰桥,更深入地研讨事宜。 (Follow Captain Brackenridge) |
600 | 布拉肯里奇船长正在等着与我讨论她的飞船的状况。 (Speak with Captain Brackenridge) |
601 | (Diana asked the player to be a diplomat.) |
602 | (Diana asked the player to negotiate with Paradiso) |
603 | (The player agreed to help) |
605 | (Set the next stage, depending on who the player spoke to first.) |
607 | (The player asked Captain Brackenridge about finding a new home) |
610 | (Player left the ECS Constant after agreeing to help) |
650 | 在与布拉肯里奇船长讨论了地球殖民飞船永恒号的状况之后,我得去一趟天堂乐园,和那里的安保主管杉山次郎谈谈,他在我进入轨道时联络了我的飞船。 (Speak with Jiro. Only if the player boarded the Constant without going to Paradiso first.) |
651 | (Jiro asked the player to be discreet) |
652 | (Jiro explained the situation) |
653 | (The player is going to explain more) |
690 | (Player must speak with Keavy to enter the room) |
691 | (Player spoke to Keavy, who let them into the board room) |
700 | 次郎向我介绍了天堂乐园集团首席执行官,奥利弗·坎贝尔。鉴于他以及其他董事会成员有权力做出决策,我应该去找他谈谈地球殖民飞船永恒号的事。 (Negotiate Settlement Rights with Oliver Campbell) |
701 | (Oliver asked the player about Marketing.) |
702 | (Oliver wants the player to explain more about the ship.) |
703 | (The Paradiso board presented options) |
704 | (The player needs to choose an option) |
707 | (Oliver mentioned the Centaurus Proclamation) |
710 | (Player proposed settling the Constant at Paradiso.) |
720 | (Player proposed getting the ship to find somewhere else.) |
730 | (Player proposed blowing up the ship) |
731 | (The companion commented on the player's suggestion about blowing up the Constant) |
999 | 我需要和布拉肯里奇船长谈谈我和天堂乐园商定的协议。 (Inform Captain Brackenridge of the plan) |
1000 | 在我帮助地球殖民飞船永恒号的殖民者在天堂乐园安顿下来之前,奥利弗想要我收集资源来改善他们的设施,从而能够更好地招待新来者。 (Option A: Help settle the Colonists on Paradiso. Gather resources) |
1001 | (Option A: The player told Diana that Paradiso will allow them to settle, but the Constant will owe a debt) |
1010 | (MS06_999_Diana_PlanAScene Speech Challenge Success) |
1020 | (MS06_999_Diana_PlanAScene Speech Challenge Failure) |
1050 | 我需要先收集到奥利弗要求的资源,才能帮助殖民者安顿下来。布拉肯里奇船长告诉我,我可以去地球殖民飞船永恒号找大浦拿一些船上的资源。 ((optional) Talk to Daisuke to get stuff) |
1060 | (Player got supplies from Daisuke.) |
1070 | (Player got some stuff to sell from Daisuke) |
1500 | 我现在已经有了足够的资源。我得回去找布拉肯里奇船长,告诉她我们已经准备好把人送去天堂乐园了。 (Speak with Captain Brackenridge) |
1501 | (The player told Diana they're ready to go to Paradiso) |
1502 | (Diana asked the player if they would help ferry her down to Paradiso) |
1600 | 既然我们已经拿到了奥利弗·坎贝尔要求的资源,是时候把布拉肯里奇船长和她的一部分船员们送到天堂乐园了。 (Help Ferry the colonists down to Paradiso) |
1601 | (Player arrived on their ship after agreeing to ferry the colonists.) |
1605 | (Player's ship arrives at Paradiso. Colonists disembark. Player needs to follow them) |
1610 | (Player arrives in Paradiso. Begin Scene.) |
1700 | 我带着殖民者来到了天堂乐园。我应该去和布拉肯里奇船长谈谈,确保她没有其他需要。 (Speak with Captain Brackenridge) |
1710 | 我帮助了地球殖民飞船永恒号的殖民者,与奥利弗·坎贝尔商定了一项协议,允许他们在天堂乐园定居,但有一个条件:他们因此而欠下天堂乐园一笔债务,必须通过为度假区工作来偿还。 (Option A End) |
1711 | (Option A: Quest Stop) |
2000 | 我已经决定帮助地球殖民飞船永恒号,为他们的飞船购买一台重力推动器。奥利弗·坎贝尔向我推荐了霍普科技的本努·圣詹姆斯,他对于飞船定制改装有着一定的经验。 (Option B: Outfit the Constant with a Grav Drive. Go to HopeTech.) |
2001 | (Option B: The player told Diana about the grav drive) |
2002 | (Option B: Diana asked if the player needs anything else) |
2010 | (MS06_999_Diana_PlanBScene Speech Challenge Success) |
2020 | (MS06_999_Diana_PlanBScene Speech Challenge Failure) |
2100 | (Order the custom Grav Drive) |
2101 | (Bennu agreed to do the job, and laid out the price for the player.) |
2110 | (Grav Drive Speech Challenge Success) |
2111 | (Remove Credits (Speech Challenge Success)) |
2120 | (Grav Drive Speech Challenge Failure) |
2121 | (Remove Credits (Speech Challenge Failure)) |
2200 | 既然我们已经为地球殖民飞船永恒号找到了一台适配的重力推动器,现在我需要和他们的工程官亚敏·卡兹米谈谈,弄清楚在安装前需要为飞船做哪些准备工作。 (Speak to Amin about installing the Grav Drive) |
2201 | (Amin asks the player for help with the grav drive.) |
2300 | 亚敏拜托我做好三项准备工作:首先把左涡轮泵的电力转移到辅助低温散热器上;然后把等离子流量抑制器调节至5%;最后把磁性法兰管道外壳与辅助模块组件分离。 (Prepare to retrofit the ship with the Grav Drive. Player must complete 3 interactions in the ship's engineering bay) |
2310 | (Player Completed the first Retrofit task) |
2320 | (Player Completed the second Retrofit task) |
2330 | (Player Completed the third Retrofit task) |
2400 | 重力推动器已经做好了安装准备,这应该能让地球殖民飞船永恒号启程寻找新家园。我应该去和布拉肯里奇船长谈谈,确保她没有其他需要。 (Speak with Captain Brackenridge) |
2410 | 我帮助了地球殖民飞船永恒号的殖民者,为他们的飞船装配了重力推动器。现在他们可以自由去寻找新家园了,但我感觉布拉肯里奇船长不会满足于任何不如东上相II的地方。 (Option B End) |
2411 | (Option B: Quest Stop) |
3100 | (Option C: Overload the main reactor) |
3150 | 我已经对地球殖民飞船永恒号的反应堆进行了过载设置,但还需要通过舰桥上的船长电脑确认。最好趁她不在的时候过去。 (Confirm the reactor override) |
3200 | 地球殖民飞船永恒号即将爆炸!我得赶紧逃回自己的飞船上! (Player must escape) |
3250 | (ECS Constant explodes) |
3300 | 既然地球殖民飞船永恒号已经被摧毁,现在我应该通知奥利弗·坎贝尔它已经不成问题了。 (Report back to Oliver) |
3310 | 我帮助了天堂乐园集团,通过使地球殖民飞船永恒号的反应堆过载而将其从内部摧毁了。现在天堂乐园的上空再次清澈,当然,不算太空垃圾的话。 (Option C end) |
3311 | (Option C: Quest Stop) |
3320 | (Option C end. Threatened Oliver. No reward.) |
3321 | (Option C (Threatened Oliver): Quest Stop) |
3330 | (Option C End. Player somehow overloaded the reactor before speaking with Oliver) |
3331 | (Option C (Prematrure Overload): Quest Stop) |