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ID: City_GG_Mark
发布: 海伦娜·斯特里克兰(Helena Strickland)
地点: 加加林着陆点
FormID: 0018BC56




ID 说明
1 (DEBUG: Get the player to Hawley!)
2 (DEBUG: Jump the player back to Gagarin.)
10 (DEBUG: Move Bonifac and the captive marker to the player)
100 (P1: Get Bonifac into place and direct the player to find him)我已经同意帮助海伦娜·斯特里克兰追查她失窃的数据。她认为找到数据的关键在于她的一位员工,波尼法·马克西莫夫,她在附近的霍雷星追踪到了他的飞船,我必须找到他。
110 (P1: Player approached Bonifac. Trigger attract scene (set from alias script on Bonifac))
115 (P1: Player has LOS to Bonifac. Now throw the objective to speak to him.)我找到了波尼法,他被人五花大绑,身边还围着许多雇佣兵。我得和他谈谈,弄清楚怎么回事。
120 (P1: Player spoke to Bonifac. Get him out of his bonds (and clear his captive data))
121 (P2: Bon Intro: 1st player dialogue)
122 (P2: Bon Intro: 2nd player dialogue)
123 (P2: Bon Intro: 3rd player dialogue)
190 (P1: Player chose to have Bonifac accompany them.)
200 (P1: Player wrapped things up with Bonifac. Direct them to collect the data (and confront Maldonado))看样子波尼法被一个叫“马尔多纳多”的家伙绑架了,那人还准备把偷数据的罪行嫁祸给他。现在我和波尼法准备去追捕他,并夺回安泰医学的数据。或:我救了波尼法和数据。是时候回去找海伦娜,告诉她这个好消息了。
250 (P1: Player triggered Mal's scene with Bonifac)
261 (P2: Player triggered Maldonado's intro while in combat. Change up his first line once the player's close enough)
263 (P3: Player eliminated all the enemies in the dungeon. They can now speak with Maldonado)
265 (P2: Maldonado's intro scene has gotten started in earnest. Get Maldonado to the right location)
267 (P2: Have Bon point his gun at Mal)
270 (P2: Mal and Bon's intro scene complete. Open up the big scene.)我和波尼法找到了马尔多纳多……但他似乎想要和我做个交易。我得听听他有什么要说的。
271 (P2: Player hit 1st player dialogue option in main scene. Get them back there if they drop.)
272 (P2: Player hit 2nd player dialogue option in main scene. Get them back there if they drop.)
273 (P3.5: Player heard Maldonado's offer. Changes up the player line in Helena's scene where they mention more money (if they didn't hear that))
280 (P2: Player decided to betray Bonifac. Give the player their credits.)
285 (P2: Main scene ended after the player decided to betray Bonifac. Get him in a killing mood.)我已经决定答应马尔多纳多的交易,让他保留数据板,并杀死波尼法,以获得一大笔信用币作为交换。波尼法好像不怎么喜欢这个计划,看来我们只能把他做掉了。或:我拒绝了马尔多纳多保留数据板的提议,而他对此无法接受。他攻击了我和波尼法,我也许应该处理一下这事。
290 (P1: Player refused to work with Mal in the intro or had his combat state trigger and this was set from an alias script. Either way, get him in a killing mood.)I've refused Maldonado's offer to keep the slate, which he's not taking well. He's attacked Bonifác and I. I should probably deal with that.
295 (P1: Mal's dead. Play Bonifac's wrap-up scene and direct the player to collect the data.)
299 (P2: Player killed Bonifac. Play Mal's fare well scene.)波尼法死了,我得回去找海伦娜,“通知”她这里发生了什么。
300 (P1: Things resolved with Mal via any method.)马尔多纳多死了,我应该去检查一下他有没有失窃的数据。
305 (P2: Player scared Maldonado into handing over the slate. Give the player the item and let things proceed from there.)
307 (P4.5: Set from either stage 295 or 310. Player did something that invalidates the scene between Maldonado and Bonifac (killed him/already got the data, etc.))
310 (P1: Player collected the data. Play Bonifac's wrap up scene and direct them back to Helena.)我救了波尼法,并且取得了丢失的数据。是时候回去找海伦娜,告诉她这个好消息了。
311 (P2: Player hit Helena's 1st wrap-up scene player dialogue choice)
312 (P2: Player hit Helena's 2nd wrap-up scene player dialogue choice)
313 (P4: Player completed Bonifac's wrap-up scene. Don't play it again.)
320 (P2: Maldonado unloaded after the player gave him the slate. Disable him.)
960 (P2: Player told Helena Bonifac is dead in final scene. Used to change up her dialogue post-quest.)
963 (P2: Player returned slate to Helena in final scene. Used to change up her dialogue post-quest.)
965 (P2: Player told Helena Maldonado was involved in final scene. Used to change up her dialogue post-quest.)
970 (P2: Player got the lesser reward for failing to recover the data.)
980 (P2: Player got the full reward for returning the data.)
990 (P2: Player got Helena's reward for being a good person (same as the stage 980 reward))
1000 (P1: Helena's wrap-up scene complete. )海伦娜、波尼法和马尔多纳多的状况终于得到了解决。
