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-- l10n text, needs to be translated.
local l10n = mw.loadData('Module:exclusive/l10n')

-- exclusive info database, please read the documentation of Module:exclusive/data
local exclusive_info = mw.loadData( 'Module:exclusive/data' )

------- The following is not related to l10n. --------------
local trim = mw.text.trim

local args_table -- cache
-- helper function
local getArg = function(key)
	local value = trim(args_table[key] or '')
	return (value ~= '') and value or nil

local function parameter(parameter, base)
	if parameter then
		if parameter == 'y' or parameter == 'yes' then
			return 'y'
		if parameter == 'n' or parameter == 'no' then
			return nil
	return base

local standAndExtr = function(page)
	-- standardize pagename (remove section parts ('x#section' -> 'x') and replace underscores with spaces)
	page = mw.getContentLanguage():ucfirst(string.gsub(string.gsub(page, '#.*', ''), '_', ' '))
	-- extract info
	local raw, ex_d, ex_c, ex_o, ex_m, ex_3, ex_j, cached = exclusive_info[page]
	if raw then
		ex_d, ex_c, ex_o, ex_m, ex_3, ex_j, cached = raw:find('d'), raw:find('c'), raw:find('o'), raw:find('m'), raw:find('3'), raw:find('j'), 'y'
	return ex_d, ex_c, ex_o, ex_m, ex_3, ex_j, cached

local getInfo = function(page, invert, pagenot)
	local ex_d, ex_c, ex_o, ex_m, ex_3, ex_j, cached = standAndExtr(page)

	-- invert?
	if invert then
		ex_d = not ex_d
		ex_c = not ex_c
		ex_o = not ex_o
		ex_m = not ex_m
		ex_3 = not ex_3
		if ex_j then 
			ex_j = false
	-- exclude some versions, depending on pagenot
	if pagenot then
		exnot_d, exnot_c, exnot_o, exnot_m, exnot_3, exnot_j = standAndExtr(pagenot)
		ex_d = not (ex_d and exnot_d) and ex_d or false -- if both ex_d and exnot_d are something, set to false, else keep ex_d
		ex_c = not (ex_c and exnot_c) and ex_c or false
		ex_o = not (ex_o and exnot_o) and ex_o or false
		ex_m = not (ex_m and exnot_m) and ex_m or false
		ex_3 = not (ex_3 and exnot_3) and ex_3 or false

	return ex_d, ex_c, ex_o, ex_m, ex_3, ex_j, cached

local eicons = function(ex_d, ex_c, ex_o, ex_m, ex_3, ex_j, _small, _link, lang)
		local link = ''
		local space = false
		local size
		local result = ''
		local l10n = l10n[lang] or l10n['en']
		if ex_d then
			result = 
			'[[File:Desktop only.png|' .. (_small and '12' or '16') ..'px|link='
			.. (_link and l10n['icon_link_d'] or '') .. '|' .. l10n['icon_text_d'] .. ']]'
			space = true
		if ex_c then
			result = result .. (space and ' ' or '') ..
			'[[File:Console only.png|' .. (_small and '13' or '17') ..'px|link='
			.. (_link and l10n['icon_link_c'] or '') .. '|' .. l10n['icon_text_c'] .. ']]'
			space = true
		if ex_o then
			result = result .. (space and ' ' or '') ..
			'[[File:Old-Gen Console only.png|' .. (_small and 'x12' or 'x16') ..'px|link='
			.. (_link and l10n['icon_link_o'] or '') .. '|' .. l10n['icon_text_o'] .. ']]'
			space = true
		if ex_m then
			result = result .. (space and ' ' or '') ..
			'[[File:Mobile only.png|' .. (_small and 'x12' or 'x16') ..'px|link='
			.. (_link and l10n['icon_link_m'] or '') .. '|' .. l10n['icon_text_m'] .. ']]'
			space = true
		if ex_3 then
			result = result .. (space and ' ' or '') ..
			'[[File:3DS.svg|' .. (_small and '24' or '32') ..'px|link='
			.. (_link and l10n['icon_link_3'] or '') .. '|' .. l10n['icon_text_3'] .. ']]'
			space = true
		if ex_j then
			result = result .. (space and ' ' or '') ..
			'[[File:Flag jp.svg|' .. (_small and '12' or '16') ..'px|link='
			.. (_link and l10n['icon_link_j'] or '') .. '|' .. l10n['icon_text_j'] .. ']]'
		return mw.text.tag('span',{class='eico'}, result)

local getExclusiveInfo = function(page, invert, pagenot)
	local ex_d, ex_c, ex_o, ex_m, ex_3, ex_j
	if page then
		ex_d, ex_c, ex_o, ex_m, ex_3, ex_j = getInfo(page, invert, pagenot)
	-- override
	ex_d = parameter(getArg('dsk'), ex_d)
	ex_c = parameter(getArg('cns'), ex_c)
	ex_o = parameter(getArg('old'), ex_o)
	ex_m = parameter(getArg('mbl'), ex_m)
	ex_3 = parameter(getArg('3ds'), ex_3)
	ex_j = parameter(getArg('jas'), ex_j)

	return ex_d, ex_c, ex_o, ex_m, ex_3, ex_j


return {
	-- for template; get all exclusive info, set it in dplvars.
	-- parameters: $1 = pagename, $lang = language, $autotr = apply auto translation on pagename? y/n
	getInfo = function(frame)
		args_table= frame.args -- cache
		local page = getArg(1)
		if not page then
			frame:callParserFunction{ name = '#dplvar:set', args = {
				'ex_d', '', 'ex_c', '', 'ex_o', '', 'ex_m', '', 'ex_3', '', 'ex_j', '', 'ex_cached', ''
			} }
		local ex_d, ex_c, ex_o, ex_m, ex_3, ex_j, cached = getInfo(page, getArg('invert'), getArg('pagenot'))
		frame:callParserFunction{ name = '#dplvar:set', args = {
			'ex_d', ex_d and 'y' or '',
			'ex_c', ex_c and 'y' or '',
			'ex_o', ex_o and 'y' or '',
			'ex_m', ex_m and 'y' or '',
			'ex_3', ex_3 and 'y' or '',
			'ex_j', ex_j and 'y' or '',
			'ex_cached', cached and 'y' or ''
		} }

	-- for {{eicons}}
	eicons = function(frame)
		args_table = frame.args -- cache
		local ex_d, ex_c, ex_o, ex_m, ex_3, ex_j = getExclusiveInfo(getArg(1), getArg('invert'), getArg('pagenot'))
		if not(ex_d or ex_c or ex_o or ex_m or ex_3 or ex_j) then
			return ''
		return eicons(
			ex_d, ex_c, ex_o, ex_m, ex_3, ex_j,
			getArg('small'), getArg('link'), getArg('lang')

	-- for other modules such as Module:item; simple eicons:
	simpleEicons = function(page, lang, small, link)
		local ex_d, ex_c, ex_o, ex_m, ex_3, ex_j = getInfo(page)
		if not(ex_d or ex_c or ex_o or ex_m or ex_3 or ex_j) then
			return ''
		return eicons(
			ex_d, ex_c, ex_o, ex_m, ex_3, ex_j, 
			small, link, lang