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  • 每个夜晚,魔鬼代言人需要选择一名存活的玩家,保护他不会因处决而死亡。在下一个白天,如果该玩家被处决,处决会成功但该玩家依然存活。
  • 魔鬼代言人不能连续两个夜晚选择同一名玩家,无论该玩家是否从处决中被救出,并且魔鬼代言人也不能选择被当作死亡的僵怖。




  • 处决不死





  • The Devil's Advocate interferes with due process, keeping nominated players alive even if their execution succeeds. As you can imagine, a clever player with a good sense of timing can use this ability to undermine the good team's strongest ability to hunt down the demon!魔鬼代言人会干扰流程,即使被处决成功,也让被提名的玩家存活。可想而知,一个时机敏锐的聪明玩家,可以利用这个能力,严重破坏善良阵营猎杀恶魔的能力!
  • Protect your demon - if you believe they are due for execution! Since your protection can't work on the same player twice in a row, timing the days you pick the demon is pretty important - if you leave them high and dry on a day when the town is getting bloodthirsty, that could cost you and the evil team the game! Pay close attention to the good team, their information, and where their suspicion is leading.保护你的恶魔——如果你认为他们可能被处决!因为你的保护不能连续两次对同一个玩家起作用,所以选择恶魔的时机非常重要——如果你在血腥的一天让恶魔孤立无援,那你和你的队伍可能会为此付出代价!密切关注善良团队、他们的信息以及他们的怀疑导向。
  • If you survive to the final day, set yourself up to be protecting your demon. (Beware the Minstrel or the Innkeeper being alive at this point though - they may be able to execute you and then interrupt the demon's ability that way, thus overturning you at the last possible moment.)如果你能活到最后一天,就做好保护你的恶魔的准备。(注意此时吟游诗人旅店老板如果活着——他们可能会处决你,然后以这种方式打断恶魔的能力,从而在最后一刻推翻你们。)
  • Protect yourself and the other minions. Even though the demon should really be your top priority, the more evil players alive, the better! This is especially true if you have a Mastermind, who only benefits if they survive when all else fails, or even just an Assassin who hasn't gotten to stab anyone yet. Just like with the demon, pay attention to who the good team is suspicious of, and try to time who you grant immunity to with their targets.保护自己和其他爪牙。尽管保护恶魔才是你的头等大事,但活着的邪恶玩家越多越好!如果您有一个主谋尤其如此,只有在其他一切都失败时他们才能幸存下来,或者甚至只是一个还没有刺伤任何人的刺客,他才会受益。就像恶魔一样,注意善良团队怀疑谁,并尝试用他们的目标来确定你授予谁免疫处决的机会。
  • Protects good players that you think will be executed - this has the advantage of making those players look incredibly suspicious, especially if the good team already knows (or suspects) you are in play. While other effects could save a good player from their execution, a well timed save coupled with a whisper campaign or just old-fashioned good team paranoia will see them turn on the poor schmuck.保护你认为会被处决的善良玩家——这样做的好处是让这些玩家看起来非常可疑,特别是如果善良阵营已经知道(或怀疑)你在游戏中。虽然其他能力可以让一名善良玩家免于被执行,但那你适时的拯救加上一个耳语动作或只是因为偏执的善良玩家思维会让他们怀疑那些可怜的笨蛋。
  • You can use your ability to recreate the behavior of good character abilities that protect from execution - for example, the Tea Lady, Sailor or Pacifist. Out of all of these, the Pacifist is the easiest claim since its activation is random, and so the good team cannot try to 'test' you by executing the same player twice in a row - but if you think you can get away with it, your bluff will look extra solid!您可以使用您的能力来模仿防止处决的善良角色能力 - 例如,茶艺师水手和平主义者。在所有这些伪装中,和平主义者是最简单的伪装,因为它的能力是随机的,所以善良团队不能尝试通过连续两次处决同一个玩家来“测试”你——但如果你认为你可以侥幸逃脱,你的虚张声势会显得格外稳固!



  • When a player is executed but doesn't die, do whatever you can to determine the cause. There may be a Tea Lady or a Pacifist in-play, or the executed player may be a Fool or a Sailor. If you think the executed player was good, you can keep them alive, but if you think that the player was evil and protected by a Devil's Advocate, then execute them again later on.当玩家被处决但没有死亡时,尽你所能确定原因。游戏中可能有茶艺师和平主义者,或者被处决的玩家可能是弄臣水手。如果你认为被处决的玩家是好人,你可以让他们活着,但如果你认为玩家是邪恶的并受到魔鬼代言人的保护,那么稍后再处决他们。
  • Execute suspicious players twice in a row. Since the Devil's Advocate can not protect the same player twice in a row, killing a player tomorrow if they survived an execution today is a sure way to circumvent a tricky DA.连续两次处决可疑的玩家。由于魔鬼代言人不能连续两次保护同一个玩家,如果玩家在今天的处决中幸存下来,明天杀死他们是规避棘手的魔鬼代言人的可靠方法。
  • If you believe someone is evil and pushing very intensely for the execution of a particular player, wait a day and execute that player tomorrow instead. The Devil's Advocate wants you to executed their protected player, so if you pay attention to which players are pushing hard for particular players to be executed, you can avoid them using their power, whilst still executing the player(s) you want to.如果您认为某人是邪恶的并且非常强烈地引导大家处决那个玩家,请等待一天并在明天处决该玩家。魔鬼代言人希望你处决受他们保护的玩家,所以如果你注意哪些玩家正在努力引导特定玩家被处决,你可以避免他们的能力生效,同时仍然处决你想要的玩家。
  • Once you have figured out a Devil's Advocate is in play, hunt them down immediately! Whilst some other Minions can be ignored, the Devil's Advocate can not. For example, if you learn which player the Baron is, you are probably best focusing your execution attentions on different player, and keeping the Baron alive. Or, if you figure out which player is the Assassin, it may be best to keep the Assassin alive and put all your efforts into hunting the Demon. However, a Devil's Advocate really, really, needs to die for good to win. Hunt the Devil's Advocate down and kill them before focusing your attentions on the Demon if at all possible.一旦你发现有魔鬼代言人在场,立即处决他们!虽然你可以忽略其他一些爪牙,但魔鬼代言人却不能。例如,如果你知道男爵是谁,你可能最好将注意力集中在其他玩家身上,并让男爵继续活着。或者,如果你确定了哪个玩家是刺客,你可以把他晾着,然后全力以赴处决恶魔。然而,魔鬼代言人真的,真的,无论如何都要死去才能获胜。如果可能的话,在将注意力集中在恶魔身上之前处决魔鬼代言人


  • 英文名:Devil's Advocate
