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  • 当僵怖因任何原因死亡后,他会保持存活状态,但说书人会表现得如同僵怖死亡了一样。僵怖第二次死亡时,才会真正地死亡,且善良阵营获胜。
  • 看似死亡的僵怖在绝大多数情况下都算作已死亡。该玩家在城镇广场的生命标记会翻面以标识死亡。下一次该玩家投票时,会失去投票标记。该玩家不能发起提名,该玩家可以在有巫毒师的情况下投票,该玩家不算作茶艺师的存活邻近玩家,等等。不同之处是游戏还会继续,僵怖仍然能发起攻击,且游戏会在只剩两名其他存活玩家的情况下继续进行。
  • 如果无人在白天死亡,僵怖才会在夜晚被唤醒并发起攻击。如果一名已死亡的玩家被处决,该玩家无法再次死亡,因此僵怖仍然会被唤醒。
  • 如果一个醉酒或中毒的僵怖死亡,善良阵营获胜。如果一个“死亡”的僵怖醉酒或中毒,不要宣布该玩家存活。






  • 死于今日





  • 死亡





  • The sinister Zombuul is the deadliest Demon in Bad Moon Rising for its stealth and survivability. The Shabaloth and Po may kill many and the Pukka may strike with their poison, but they are all disappointingly fragile when the town eventually uncovers them. Not so for you - you're hard to find and harder to kill, and your patience is legendary; you're content to lie among the dead and listen peacefully as the town tears themselves apart looking for a Demon among the living, not ever suspecting that one of the rotting corpses in the graveyard still draws breath. The good team should pray you're not the Demon they're facing, because then no player is safe; the dead and the living alike are all equally and terrifyingly suspect.邪恶的僵怖因其隐匿性和生存能力而成为黯月初升中最致命的恶魔。沙巴洛斯可能会杀死许多人,而普卡可能会让你被毒药侵扰,但当小镇确定它们在场时,它们都脆弱得令人失望。但对你来说不是这样——你很难被找到也更难被杀死,你的耐心是恐怖的;你会满足于躺在死者中间,静静地听着小镇分崩离析,在活人中寻找恶魔,从没想过墓地里的一具腐烂的尸体还在呼吸。善良阵营应该祈祷你不是他们所面对的恶魔,因为那样的话没有玩家是安全的;死者和生者都同样令人恐惧。
  • You only have the ability to kill at night if nobody has died during the day. This can be difficult, since even though players are dying, it is primarily the good team that is killing them, meaning that a troublesome Exorcist or Courtier hovering around may continue to survive when you badly need them gone. One way to work around this limitation is to speak up for no executions, but the good team may find that suspicious and start questioning your allegiance if you push for that too often. A more reasonable strategy is to encourage executions that you don't think will cause death - for example, a Sailor claim, or the neighbours of a Tea Lady. This gives the good team information, but will also grant you your precious kill... providing the Tinker doesn't drop dead in the middle of the day, anyway. You could also (probably only once) argue for a Mastermind, leveraging the good team's paranoia about whether or not they killed the Demon to have them hold off for a night rather than risking losing the game.你只有在白天没有人死亡时才有晚上杀人的能力。这可能很困难,因为即使玩家被提名,处决他们的大多数人仍然是善良玩家,这意味着当你急需他们死亡时,麻烦的驱魔人侍臣可能仍然活着。解决这个麻烦的一种方法是大声引导不执行任何处决,但如果您过于频繁地这样做,善良阵营可能会发现这很可疑并开始质疑您的角色。更合理的策略是鼓励处决您认为不会导致死亡的处决——例如,清醒的水手茶艺师的邻居. 这提供了善良阵营清楚的信息,但也将给予你宝贵的杀戮......无论如何,只要修补匠不会在白天死去。你也可以(可能只有一次)引导主谋在场的言论,利用善良阵营对是否杀死恶魔的怀疑,让他们推迟一晚,而不是冒着输掉比赛的风险。
  • Kill yourself, and hide in plain sight as a dead player! This can be especially effective if the good team thinks a different Demon is in play, since they will ignore the dead as suspects and focus on the living. Even if they do suspect you, choosing to die at the right moment can throw them off your trail - for example, get yourself executed early to "test" your Sailor immunity, and blame a Pukka for your death. Alternatively and more simply, you can just choose yourself and die at night - players who die at night tend to be good and considered trustworthy. Finally, you can coordinate with your Godfather to take you out at an opportune time, making it look like there isn't a Zombuul in play and that you are an innocent victim of circumstance. Then, you can use your death as a platform to spread misinformation and confuse the good team... or simply sit back and watch the game unfold.杀死自己,然后像死去的玩家一样躲在众人的视线中!如果善良玩家认为另一个恶魔在场,这可能特别有效,因为他们不会将死者视为嫌疑人而将注意力集中在生者身上。即使他们确实怀疑你,选择在正确的时间死去也可以让他们减少对你的怀疑——例如,让自己早日被处决以“测试”你的水手不死能力,并将你的死归咎于普卡。或者更简单地说,你可以选择自己并在晚上死去——在晚上死去的玩家往往是善良的并且被认为是值得信赖的。最后,你可以配合你的教父在适当的时候送你出去,让大家看起来好像没有僵怖在游戏中,你是游戏的无辜受害者。然后,您可以利用您的死亡作为传播错误信息的平台并迷惑优秀团队......或者只是坐下来观看比赛的展开。
  • Rather than dying early, you can instead decide to be a sophisticated undead who lives among the people and lives as long as possible! Surviving this way has several advantages - for one, you can keep bluffing and giving out new information, helping mislead the good team. You're guaranteed to survive death at least once, so you have a backup in the event that suspicion turns on you. Finally, if the good team starts to suspect that you are the Demon in play, you can direct their suspicions to the dead - if they spend an execution or two on your victims, that's an execution or two they can't use on you!与其过早死去,不如决定做一个老练的生存者,活在人间,活得越久越好!以这种方式生存有几个优势——其中之一,你可以不断地虚张声势并提供新​​信息,从而误导善良阵营。你可以保证至少在死亡中幸存一次,所以你有一个plan b,以防万一大家怀疑你。最后,如果善良阵营开始怀疑你是游戏中的恶魔,你可以将他们的怀疑引向其他死者——如果他们对其他人执行一两次死刑,那你就可以逃过一两次死刑!



  • Pay attention to when and why death happens. If there are deaths at night, but not after a player died by execution, you almost certainly have a Zombuul in your midst. Once you know this, you can do the following...注意死亡发生的时间和原因。如果晚上有人死亡,但不是在玩家被处决后死亡,那么几乎可以肯定你中间有一个僵怖。一旦你知道了这一点,你可以执行以下操作...
  • Suspect the dead. Execute the dead you suspect the most. Talk to the dead to find out whose story is not making sense, and focus on those players. You don't know for certain that the Zombuul is among the dead players, but that is a good place to start. If you can confirm early on that certain dead players are not the Zombuul, you'll have the advantage later in the game.怀疑死者。处决你最怀疑的死者。与死者交谈,找出谁的话最没有意义,并专注于那些玩家。你不确定僵怖是死玩家之一,但这是一个很好的起点。如果你能尽早确认某些死去的玩家不是僵怖,那么你将在游戏后期获得优势。
  • Execute every single day. Even if you kill good players, at least that is better than executing nobody and having the Demon choose who dies instead.每天处决。即使你杀死了善良玩家,至少这也比不处决任何人并让恶魔选择谁死要好。
  • On the final day, the chances of the Zombuul being among the living is very unlikely. By this point, most Zombuuls will have killed themself at night, or simply been unlucky enough to be executed. Since the Zombuul kills much less frequently than other Demons, the chance that it is already dead when the final day dawns is high. If you have no other information, make sure that the final execution of the game is the execution of a dead player.在最后一天,僵怖出现在生者中的可能性很小。至此,大多数僵怖会在晚上自杀,或者只是运气不好被处决。由于僵怖的杀戮频率远低于其他恶魔,因此在最后一天黎明时它已经死亡的可能性很高。如果您没有其他信息,请确保游戏的最终处决是对死玩家的处决。


  • 英文名:Zombuul
