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  • 如同其他的恶魔,珀可以在每晚攻击一名玩家。然而,如果珀不选择任何人,那么在下个夜晚珀可以攻击三名玩家。
  • 如果珀在上一个夜晚不选择任何人时处于醉酒或中毒,当晚珀仍然能够选择三名玩家。
  • 当要求珀选择三名玩家时,他必须要选择。珀不能再次不选择任何人。
  • 只有当珀不选择任何人,才能得到三次攻击的机会。如果珀在上一次进行选择时攻击了某人但该玩家没有死亡,珀也不会获得三次攻击的机会。
  • 珀在首个夜晚不行动,但这不算作珀“没有选择”。
  • 如果驱魔人选择了珀,珀不会行动,但是这并不算作珀“没有选择任何人”。然而,如果珀在驱魔人选择他的前一夜就没有选择任何人,那么在驱魔人选择珀的下一夜,珀能够选择三名玩家,因为珀在上一次选择时没有选择任何人。




  • 攻击三次




  • 死亡





  • The Po is the deadliest demon in Bad Moon Rising for its patience and its ferocity. Not a single one of them can hope to unleash as much devastation in a single night as you are capable of. Unlike the brutal Shabaloth, none of your victims are coming back from the dead unexpectedly. Unlike the Zombuul and the Pukka, you only wait if you choose it. The good team should tremble in fear at the mere thought that you are in play, knowing that at any time, you will unleash hell and leave the town torn asunder.耐心和凶残的黯月初升中最致命的恶魔。没有其他恶魔在一夜中能做出和你一样多的破坏。与饥饿的沙巴洛斯不同,你的受害者不会出乎你意料的复活。与僵怖普卡不同,你的不攻击是可以主动选择的。善良阵营一想到你在游戏中就应该吓得发抖,因为他们知道在任何时候,你都可能爆发并让城镇四分五裂。
  • Playing the Po is all about choosing how you want to kill. You have a few more options available to you than your average demon, and utilizing them well will be key for your victory.玩就是选择你想如何杀人。与其他几个恶魔相比,你有更多的空间可供选择,好好利用它们将是你胜利的关键。
    • Kill once per night, ignoring the charge ability entirely in favor of consistency. One advantage of this is it eliminates the 'charge' night of no deaths that is your most obvious tell, and makes you almost indistinguishable from a Zombuul or Pukka... at least initially. The good team wasting resources trying to detect a dead demon or doubting their own information is great for you! The obvious disadvantage is that you kill much less, which gives the good team a little longer to see through your deception and track you down.每晚攻击一个,完全无视攻击三次的能力以保持信息(死亡数量)的一致。这样做的一个好处是它消除了你最明显的“充能”之夜没有人死亡,并且让你几乎与僵怖普卡没有区别……至少在最初是这样。浪费资源试图处决假死恶魔或怀疑自己信息的善良玩家对您来说是一件好事!明显的缺点是你的杀戮会少得多,这让善良阵营有更长的时间来识破你的伪装并找到你。
    • Don't hold back - charge and kill consistently. By utilizing your charge ability every single night, you basically get to 'kill two, kill one free' - meaning that you get one more kill than normal across the two nights. If the good team is dead, they won't be able to detect a dang thing! The downside to this method is that it will be pretty obvious that you are in play - you get the most kills in a single night of any character, and the good team will pick up on that. This can back you unexpectedly into a corner, as characters like the Courtier may wine and dine you, making you drunk, or the Gossip can start getting very specific in the statements that they make.不要退缩 - 持续充能和爆发。通过每晚利用你的爆发能力,你基本上可以“买二赠一”——这意味着你在两个夜晚比正常情况下多杀一个。如果善良玩家死了,他们不会知道是什么鬼东西让他们死亡的!这种方法的缺点是很明显的让你暴露在游戏中 - 你会在一个晚上造成比任何角色都要多的杀戮,而善良阵营会认同这一点。这会让你理所当然地陷入困境,因为像侍臣这样的角色可能会与你痛饮三天三夜,或者造谣者可能会开始在他们的陈述中讲的非常具体。
    • Finally, mix and match! Both methods above are viable depending on the game, but it pays to be flexible - kill once per night for a while, wait until you have three targets earmarked who you know will die, and then unleash your charged kill. Or unleash a charged kill early... but bluff as a Moonchild to mask the extra kill, and then kill normally for the rest of the game. By mixing and matching your charged kill and regular kill, you can adapt to the situation as it unfolds - maybe the good team is wily and has a lot of information, and hiding your demon identity is crucial. Or maybe they're scattered, and you should finish them off before they have a chance to unite. Either way, you are versatile, so you might as well take full advantage of it. The downside to this method is that timing is everything - you have to plan your moves in advance, which means that if you didn't charge a kill on a night you really need more than one person dead, you could end up in hot water.最后,混搭!根据游戏情况的不同,上述两种方法都是可行的,但灵活一点是值得的——在一段时间内每晚杀死一个,等到你找到了三个你知道可以死的目标,然后开始你的充能,或者提前释放一次爆发杀戮……但伪装月之子在场来掩盖额外的杀戮,然后在剩下的游戏中正常杀戮。通过混合你的爆发杀戮和常规击杀,你可以看情况选择——也许善良阵营很狡猾,得知很多信息,所以隐藏你的恶魔身份是至关重要的。又或者善良阵营可能是不团结的,你应该在他们有机会团结之前杀掉他们。无论哪种方式,你都是有选择的,所以你不妨充分利用它。这种方法的缺点是时机难以把控——你必须提前规划你的行动,这意味着如果你在一个晚上没有进行杀戮,那么你真的需要杀死一个以上的人,这可能导致你陷入困境.
  • Co-ordinate with the Assassin and the Godfather (and even the good players!) to mask the nights you don't kill. If a death occurs on the night where you are preparing for a triple kill, the good players will usually believe the death was due to the Demon attacking, and this false information will lead them astray about which demon is in-play, and may even make them believe good players are lying when they are not. For example, if you don't kill one night (because you are preparing for a triple kill the following night), but that night, a player dies due to the Gossip having made a true public statement during the day, the good team may believe that the Gossip's statement was false, since they believe that the death was due to the Demon attacking and not the Gossip. Tricky.与刺客教父(甚至是善良的玩家!)配合,以掩盖你休息的夜晚。如果在充能三杀的当晚发生死亡,善良的玩家通常会认为死亡是由于恶魔的攻击,而这种虚假信息会导致他们误入歧途,甚至可能让他们相信有善良玩家在撒谎,而实际上他们并没有。例如,如果你一晚上没有杀人(因为你正在准备第二天晚上的三杀),但是那天晚上,由于造谣者在白天发表了真实的公开声明而导致一名玩家死亡,那么善良阵营可能相信造谣者的说法是错误的,因为他们认为死亡是由于恶魔的袭击而不是造谣者。真的很麻烦对吧。



  • Figure out that the Po is in play as soon as you can. Determine how deaths happen due to a night action - 1 player dying each night as regular as Clockwork implies a Po is in play, as does nobody dying one night then 2 or 3 people dying the next. The Shabaloth usually kills more players each and every night, and the Zombuul and the Pukka often have a night with no death, but without the extra kills the following night. If you figure out a Po is in play, the Courtier can nullify their power effectively, and other good players that kill players, such as the Moonchild, Grandmother, Gambler and Gossip, know to be particularly careful.尽快找出正在策划阴谋。确定由于夜间行动导致死亡的方式 - 每晚有1名玩家死亡,就像暗示在场一样,如果没有人在晚上死亡,然后2或3个人在下一个晚上死亡也一样。沙巴洛斯通常每晚都会杀死更多的玩家,僵怖普卡经常导致夜晚没有死亡,但在接下来的晚上也不会有额外的杀戮。如果你发现一个在游戏中,侍臣可以有效地消除他们的能力,并且其他可能杀死玩家的善良角色,例如月之子祖母赌徒造谣者,他们会变的特别小心。
  • Good characters that can prevent death need to co-ordinate well, and use their abilities to the fullest. Tea Ladys, Fools, Innkeepers, even Goons and Sailors, should be doing whatever that can to use their powers to the maximum, saving valuable lives so that the Po triple-kill doesn't destroy the town.能防死的善良角色需要配合好,才能发挥的淋漓尽致。茶艺师弄臣旅店老板,甚至是莽夫水手,都应该尽最大努力发挥自己的能力,挽救宝贵的生命,让的三杀不至于毁灭小镇。
  • Always pay attention to how many players are left alive. Once just 5 players are left alive, the Po can win that night if the good team executes nobody that day. If other characters that cause death due to a night action are in-play, that number is even higher. If you think a Po is in-play, and 4, 5 or even 6 players are alive, think seriously about who you will execute that day... it may be your last!始终注意有多少玩家还活着。一旦只剩下 5 名玩家还活着,如果善良阵营那天没有人处决,那么可以在那天晚上获胜。如果其他因夜间行动导致死亡的角色在场,这个数字会更高。如果您认为正在游戏中,并且有4、5甚至6名玩家还活着,请认真考虑那天您将处决谁……这可能是您的最后一次机会!


  • 英文名:Po
