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世界动态第四季从2017年11月28开始更新[1] 。它是对 激战2:烈焰征途故事的延续。[1] 本文假设您对故事情节和烈焰征途的内容有一定的了解。
- 文件:Kralkatite Ore.png 伊斯坦领域,位于伊斯坦岛,伊伦娜的东南部
- 文件:Difluorite Crystal.png 沙掠群岛,位于德雅卡,伊伦娜西部。
- 文件:Inscribed Shard.png 克南领域,位于克南,伊伦娜西南部。
- 文件:Lump of Mistonium.png 亚哈悬崖,位于克南,伊伦娜东南部。
- 文件:Branded Mass.png 雷云高峰,位于德里莫前线,席瓦山脉南部。
- 文件:Mistborn Mote.png 坠龙之地,位于无尽之海,清道夫之径的海岸上。
- 文件:Spirit Vale (achievements).png 锁链殿堂
- 文件:Spirit Vale (achievements).png 秘法对决
- 文件:Spirit Vale (achievements).png 阿达西姆之钥
- 模板:Map icon雪人密巢
- 文件:Fractals of the Mists (achievements).png 暮光绿洲
- 文件:Fractals of the Mists (achievements).png 深石坑
- 文件:Fractals of the Mists (achievements).png 海妖暗礁
- 欧茹恩 - 格林特的第二个后裔,她是一条有着克拉卡托血统的水晶龙。她在帮助指挥官杀死巴萨泽后飞走了。
- 卡丝蜜尔·米德 - 一个帮助阻止巴萨泽、墨德摩斯和绯红的人类贵族幻术师。在庆祝巴萨泽的失败时,她和她的爱人玛乔丽团聚了。
- 玛乔丽·德拉奎 - 凯珊死灵法师。当脱下拉撒路的伪装时,她被巴萨泽击伤,且伤势严重。在巴萨泽被击败后,她很快恢复健康,与巨龙守望一起前往安努。
- 罗克丝 - 她是一名夏尔游侠,曾陪同伯拉罕北上与卓玛作战。她是个孤斗士,因为她的前战友在一次矿难中丧生。
- 里特洛克·硫磺石 - 作为命运之刃的前成员,他陪同指挥官在水晶沙漠和伊洛娜地区击败了巴尔萨泽。
- 泰蜜 - 一个年轻的阿苏拉,由于她的退化性疾病,她使用魔像来移动。她信任的魔像小邋遢最近被重建了,尽管它仍然有一些漏洞。她曾经是卓加的学徒,但现在是独立的,因为卓加处于恢复期,他在荆棘之心的剧情中受伤了。她在指挥官的背包里放了一个通讯器,这样她就可以随时保持联系。
- 比里斯 -一名阿苏拉审讯团员,格里克的兄弟、泰蜜的老朋友,他知道约科的一些计划。
- 伯拉罕 - 伊尔·斯特加金的儿子,他创立了一个致力于战胜卓玛的纯诺恩公会组织,并称其为“命运的边缘”。他总是喜欢与指挥官争吵。
- 格里克 - 一名阿苏拉审讯团员,格里克的兄弟、泰蜜的老朋友。他也知道一些约科的计划。
- 暗影探员奇托 - 暗影教团的一员,暗影教团是密语教团的分支。他和他的骑士团一直在帮助巨龙守望的成员对抗巴萨泽和约科。
- 赛伊达 - 海盗团成员,狡诈团的船长,玛格丽特的后代。她总是想办法让自己的传奇和家族名声更响亮。
- 凯西 - 初代席尔瓦里之一,她在对抗墨德摩斯的行动中表现异常,随后她把她的一生都奉献给了照顾欧茹恩。
- 克拉卡托 - 上古水晶巨龙,在巴萨泽死后,吸收了它的魔力变得更加强大。它飞遍库尔纳,将巨龙烙印的影响力一直扩展到了安努和艾斯坦。
- 帕拉瓦·约科 - 瓦比之灾和永恒的君主,在夜幕降临之后,他占领水晶沙漠以南的全部区域。最后一次出现是在迷失领域被巴萨泽的魔力束缚着。
文件:Shadow of the Mad King (2017 achievements).png 序章: 疯王阴影
在巴萨泽死后,疯王回归的这一段时间内,两件奇怪的事情发生了。出现了新的疯王朝臣,帕拉瓦.约科的苏醒者小规模的出现在悲伤之海和无尽之洋的海岸线上。据科内尔准将说,这些部队是在有人在伊伦娜“挑起事端”,约科派他们来报复后派遣的,但是科内尔也指出,约科拒绝派遣他的大部分军队参加这样的攻击。 随着疯王的离开,奇怪而神秘的骷髅开始出现在靠近地下世界的地方,古兰斯的许多祭司都听到一位红衣女人把他们带到那里的召唤。这些祭司都被发现死于死亡之力和身上都是斧头的伤痕。
文件:Daybreak.png 第一幕: 黎明将至[2]
—— 游戏内描述
文件:Fractals of the Mists (achievements).png 暮光绿洲
文件:Spirit Vale (achievements).png 锁链殿堂
文件:Current Events.png 外传: 威胁觉醒
在击退第一次入侵后,和平制造者尼恩请求契约团指挥官协助建立追踪入侵的装置。尼恩和指挥官利用共振调谐器,以太坦克和星门测斜仪,创建了一种相位扰动检测器,可以预测星门位置。 指挥官保留了原型,而尼恩则将图纸发送给了和平制造者进行批量生产。
文件:A Bug in the System.png 第二幕: 系统故障[3]
—— 游戏内描述
文件:Current Events.png 外传:危险再临
随着拉塔初城的星门网络的破坏,苏醒者入侵部队已放缓到侵蚀的速度。但是令人惊讶的是,他们并没有停止。和平缔造者尼恩要求契约指挥官提供进一步协助以调查此事,怀疑星门网络的破坏造成一些故障,并建议在新地点寻找苏醒者。指挥官最终在南阳海湾的小岛上发现了这些苏醒者。在调查该地区当地人的谣言和报道后,指挥官最终从拉塔初城发现了 拆解装置残骸,并将其带到了尼恩。在研究了一天的碎片之后,尼恩整理并提交了有关其发现的报告。
文件:Long Live the Lich.png 第三幕: 巫妖万岁[4]
—— 游戏介绍
文件:Fractals of the Mists (achievements).png 深石坑碎层
黛萨解锁了一个全新的迷雾碎层:深石坑碎层. 迷雾碎层探险家队伍里增加了一对全新的探险者,凯和托林,他们正在探索德里莫的失落宝库深石坑。但是,随着他们深入研究宝库,他们逐渐意识到,矮人陷阱并不是为了阻止小偷而设计的,而是为了防止宝库内部的某些东西逃出来。探索者很快通过激活水晶发现了德里莫之光。事实证明,德里莫之光不仅是使其余矮人守卫停止攻击的关键,而且还是一种强大的工具,可用来对抗越来越多的暗影生物。 在宝库的最底端,托林不耐烦的性格使他轻易被一个古老的恶魔(称为之深石之音)所控制。迷雾探险家用德尔德里莫之光来抵御非自然的黑暗,最终不得不杀死托林来击败恶魔。碎层很快就结束了,而凯独自留在深石坑深处为失去同伴而悲伤。
文件:A Star to Guide Us.png 第四幕: 指路之星[5]
帕拉瓦·约科一去不复返了,伊伦纳终于可以开始重建了。 但是当在亚哈举行的领导人峰会被意外中断时,伊伦纳陷入了另一场危机的中心。
—— 游戏内描述
幸运的是,高斯及时出现并击败了伊布鲁。随后又有另一种骚扰到来了:破碎者回来了,并向附近的所有敌人发起攻击。 指挥官协助护送各个代表团然后穿越要塞,营救尽可能多的自由苏醒者,使其免于再次被杀死或烙印。在要塞的另一边,破碎者飞过一个巨大的裂痕,重新回到迷雾之中。克拉卡托已经进入迷雾之地,甚至击倒了阿尔莫拉将军的飞艇。
打散ed around the 亚哈悬崖, a number of disturbances has changed the landscape. There was a replica Tower of Orr, with an eternal battle between Orrians and 烈焰军团 soldiers; a large field straight out of the 迈古玛丛林, complete with chak; and a strange cave with otherworldly mushrooms, that give strange visions from those who breathe in the spores too deeply. These disturbances are related to 克拉卡托's meddling, and linked to creatures like the 烙印裂隙行者. A nearby village had been the victim of the Brand just moments after the conference was disrupted, but then Braham managed to find survivors of this event. They had managed to hide in a stable carved out of solid rock, thick enough to prevent the Brand from penetrating it. This causes Koss to remember about a location nearby that the 烈阳之矛s used to use that was also deep underground.
Koss and his distant descendant, Kossan, lead Braham and the 指挥官 deep into the former 烈阳之矛 sanctuary. The bad news is that the place had been overtaken by spiders, but the good news is that they are not 烙印, despite the base being squarely in the Brand. The central flame is lit, intending to bring light and safety back to the cave, but the sticky webs have prevented Kormir's fire from reaching the other sconces. The spiders and their broodmother are killed after a fierce battle, just as refugees start to file into the cave. However, a rift had just opened up outside of the newly redubbed 烈阳难民营, threatening all within. 指挥伏法 and Braham go off to fight off the 烙印 invaders, and are shortly aided by 伊尔.斯特加金, Braham's mother, and 斯奈夫, former member of Destiny's Edge who died after 克拉卡托's first flight. They had come bearing a message for Aurene: it is time for her to kill 克拉卡托 and take his place as an Elder Dragon. However, Aurene receives her own vision: multiple visions of various allies fighting with her against the Elder Dragon in various locations. And yet, they all end the same: with Aurene dying. Upset by this, the dragon flies off and out into the open skies.
Watching the allied dragon fly off worries many of the refugees, but Blish assures them all that he has a plan. He thinks that he could build a tracker that he could use to track 克拉卡托's movements through the rifts, if only he had a huge magical item, like perhaps 巴萨泽利剑. Various Priory members have already been searching for it and plotted a flight path for where it should have landed after the god's defeat. However, a sniper had beaten the Priory scouts in finding it and stole it away to a nearby fort. 指挥伏法 goes in to retrieve it, and finds that the sniper priestess seems very familiar, but could not remember from where. Eventually, the priestess accepts defeat and throws herself at the 指挥官 feet, prepared to be kill. 指挥伏法, however, shows remarkable kindness and spares her, only looking to retrieve the sword. The priestess, 萨弗拉, is humbled by this gesture. However, Blish notes that the sword seems to be unpowered. 里特洛克 is asked to use 苏哈辛 to reignite the sword, which acts as if it had a mind of its own. However, everything was now in place for a journey into the Mists, to feed 克拉卡托 the laced bait.
Within the Mists, a mighty battle rages on, as Glint helps lead soldiers against the 烙印 there. Blish sets to work on putting the tracking device on the sword, while the 指挥官 protects him. After several minutes of work, though, Blish tells the 指挥官 to leave, as he still needs to make some final adjustments. This, however, was a lie. Blish instead sacrificed his golem body to be the power source for the tracker. He says his goodbyes to the 指挥官, and asks that Dragon's Watch no longer kept any secrets from each other. He says this, because Taimi had neglected to tell that her condition has come back, affecting her worse than ever, and she has an expiry date coming up soon.
But in the final moments of grieving, who should appear but Caithe, having much to tell the 指挥官。
文件:Spirit Vale(achievements).png 秘法对决
学者 格里娜 alerts the raiders to once-in-a-lifetime invitation from 虫师 to tour the fabled 神秘熔炉. However the raiders soon find themselves caught in the middle of a wager made between 虫师 and the fire djinn, 卡迪姆. 淹没射击d by his gambling debts, 虫师 had bet the contents of his entire 神秘熔炉 against three challenges set by Qadim: a massive golem made from the piles of items in the 神秘熔炉资产堆, a dreg shark set loose into 分类与鉴定, and twin largoses the fire djinn had trapped inside his menagerie, 尼凯尔和科纳特. While the raiders managed to overcome all three challenges, they soon reveal Qadim's own gambit: the 秘法煅炉, a powerful artifact 虫师 had hidden under the 神秘熔炉 itself. After an intense battle against Qadim over the 大锅, the raiders managed to finally the fire djinn. Unfortunately, the djinn's body had slipped off the edge, falling into the 大锅. Qadim rose from the 秘法煅炉, infused with its powers, and fled.
文件:Shadow of the Mad King (2017 achievements).png 疯王阴影
模板:Map icon 雪人密巢
Bereft of 德薇娜's guidance, the hearts of the 雪人 have frozen over, turning snowy joy into cruel ice. Fearing the return of Grentches and Humbugs to threaten 冬幕节 with the absence of its guardians, the snowman 棒棒 recruited brave adventurers from 皇冠高阁 in 神佑之城 to venture into the 雪人密巢, in hopes that they will be able to save his friends. Within the lair, the adventures help 祖莉·唐尼 return the warmth of joy back into hearts of the disillusioned snowmen. Deep within the lair, the adventurers encounter 冻冻, the Greatest 雪人 Ever Made, the ancient leader of the snowmen whose broken heart had turned him into frigid monstrosity. In an epic battle of ice, frost, and snowballs, the adventurers succeeded in returning 冬幕节 joy to 冻冻's heart, saving the snowmen and 冬幕节 in the process.
文件:All or Nothing.png 第五幕: 孤注一掷[6]
When the details of Glints legacy are revealed, the commander and Aurene must prove their trust for one another and prepare their allies for the battle of their lives: bringing down the 水晶 Dragon.
—— In game description
Caithe arrives in Vabbi and tells the 指挥官 that it's time to discuss plans with Ogden. Shortly after meeting the stone dwarf, he instantly tells them both that they are heading to 雷云高峰, the location where the spear that was meant to kill 克拉卡托 was first forged. But first, the 指挥官 and Aurene must undergo yet another trial in Glint's lair, with Caithe accompanying them to keep watch. In the lair, the 指挥官 learns how to use use the resonance crystals and gets to try out the crystal spear. Aurene gets a vision of herself 烙印, but the 指挥官 assures her that that will not happen. With the trial complete, Glint teaches Aurene about Ascension and tells the 指挥官 much about 克拉卡托, like how he saw a vision of a world where he did not exist. After leaving the lair, Caithe mentions that it had been 2 days since they had both entered the lair, and they all head off to the Keep.
At the keep, nearly every allied force has gathered there to prepare for the assault on 克拉卡托, from 苏醒者 and Olmakhan to the members of the Pact. An Exalted stands by the forge, prepared to forge a new spear, but she needs oil that the dredge harvest to the south of the forge. The dredge's settlement has been attacked by 克拉卡托, with 烙印 crystals choking various parts of their machinery. Then, a new mold is taken out of an old dwarven tomb in order to craft the new spears. Sadly, the new spears are far more fragile than the original spears, but many more can be crafted, so they can be distributed among the troops.
Moving into the inner chamber, 一位幽灵 sent by Glint informs the 指挥官 about the situation in the Mists. Rifts start opening in the large chamber, but shortly thereafter, Aurene Brands the ground, but in a positive way. Caithe herself gets Aurene-烙印, and is able to speak on behalf of the dragon spawn, communicating: "我不是他。" Unfortunately, Aurene's visions of the battle turn out to be accurate, and she is killed by 克拉卡托。
文件:Current Events.png周边故事:裂隙缠绕
As 克拉卡托's influence within the 迷雾之地 grew, 迷雾裂隙s began appearing throughout Tyria, each emitting Brand crystals into the surrounding areas. 冒险者s dove into the rifts to kill the 裂隙行者 within, thereby sealing the portals.
文件:War Eternal.png 第六幕: 永恒战争
—— In game description
Quite a while after 欧茹恩 got encased in crystal, 凯西 contacted the 指挥官, asking that everyone gather around for a final moment. Upon arriving at the site, 凯西 decides to remove part of the crystal shell, and Aurene's body started to glow. 指挥伏法 blasts the body a couple times, and Aurene is freed, speaking for the first time. It seems having eaten Joko's magic allowed her to come back from the dead. 所有人's resolve is renewed, and 格里克 gives the 指挥官 the location of 克拉卡托. 指挥伏法 mounts onto Aurene's back, and she opens a rift to chase after her grandfather. After flying through three of the gods' realms, 梅兰朵, Grenth and 巴萨泽, and failing to force 克拉卡托 out with just opening a portal in front of him, Aurene manages to blast off one of his wings, and Aurene manages to open a portal back to Tyria. He crashes into the ocean southeast of Orr, buried up islands that had been torn out 迷雾. This new region is dubbed "坠龙之地".
Three distinct groups set up camps on this new landmass. 里特洛克 and 洛根 join up with the Mist Raiders, led by Gwen Thackery herself. 奥尔玛汗 ride off to the southwest. A group of soldiers call themselves the 水晶绽放, and head off to the west. Aurene keeps up assaults on 克拉卡托 to keep him down. Taimi joins Sayida on the latter's airship, circling the islands to watch the battle unfold. After scouting the island, Braham gives the 指挥官 surveillance probes to place all about the islands. There are islands flowing under the island which feeds and heals 克拉卡托。 After placing the three probes, Caithe and Aurene call the 指挥官 to a rocky outcropping in the southwestern island. There, Aurene had found the skyscales, a new type of dragon not ever witnessed before. 指挥伏法 approached and befriended one, feeding it unbound magic to better befriend it and then flies up onto the severed wing. The skyscale blasts open a crystal scab, then allows the 指挥官 to gather some of 克拉卡托's blood. With the help of 萨弗拉 and two 风裔s, the 指挥官 manages to forge a True 水晶 Spear to use against the elder dragon.
After some tests of the spear, including attacking a sore spot on 克拉卡托's claw, the 指挥官 enters a cave leading under the islands to shut off some subterranean leylines. 萨弗拉, Caithe and 里特洛克 aid the 指挥官, as does Aurene, while Logan and the other armies assault the body above. However, even though the body is dead, something still stirs inside the corpse. Aurene flies the 指挥官 into 克拉卡托's mouth, straight to his heart. Inside, 克拉卡托 is warring with his own 折磨, including the invasive magic it had already absorbed from 泽坦, 墨德摩斯 and 巴萨泽。 After much fighting with each invasive magics, these magical spires inside are sealed by Aurene, before the heart is finally vulnerable to the 水晶 Spear. Despite Aurene's animosity, 克拉卡托 in his final words was glad to see Aurene again for the last time.
With 克拉卡托 defeated, Aurene manages to ascend to become an Elder Dragon and flies off, as the rest of the crew flies back to 狮子拱门, having successfully defeating another Elder Dragon while leaving aside "new problem" for now.
文件:Spirit Vale (achievements).png 阿达西姆之钥
—— In-game description
模板:Stub After 卡迪姆's escape following the events in the 秘法对决,学者格里娜 and "the esteemed champions of the Forge" are told by 虫师 to follow his trail to the city of Adashim and seek the 阿达西姆之钥. They find the Key has been shattered across the courtyard packed with branded monsters. After fighting through the courtyard and assisting in retrieving the pieces restoring the Key in the fountain, the Key explains the status of the city: Qadim killed the cardinals of water and fire, coearced air and earth into joining him, and currently sits in the center draining the ley line. While the raiders are defeating both cardinals, 学者格里娜 tried to pursue the Key into sharing further information regarding about a powerful pylon. Only after the raiders manage to defeat the last cardinals that 学者格里娜 gave up and took the matter into her own hand by tempering with the pylon using flux disruptors to test her theories about ley line flow towards Qadim. Though annoyed, the Key agrees to aid the raiders and absorbs their power to prevent it flowing to Qadim. After a grueling battle with 无可匹敌的卡迪姆, he explodes into unbound magic which the Key gathers and then suddenly releases, saying all djinn will together share the burden.
剧目 | 免费时间 |
黎明将至 | 11月 28, 2017 – March 6, 2018 March 26, 2019 – April 1, 2019[7] |
系统故障 | March 6, 2018 – June 26, 2018 April 02, 2019 – April 08, 2019[8] |
巫妖万岁 | June 26, 2018 - 9月 18, 2018 11月 27, 2018 - 1月 7, 2019[9] April 9, 2019 - April 15, 2019[10] |
指路之星 | 9月 18, 2018 - 1月 7, 2019 April 16, 2019 - April 22, 2019[11] |
孤注一掷 | 1月 8, 2019 - May 14, 2019 |
永恒战争 | May 14, 2019 - 2019.9.16 |
- ↑ Guild Wars 2 Living World Season 4 Episode 1 Daybreak Trailer - YouTube
- ↑ 激战2世界动态第四季第二幕系统故障
- ↑ Guild Wars 2 Living World Season 4 Episode 3 Long Live the Lich Trailer - YouTube
- ↑ Guild Wars 2 Living World Season 4 Episode 4 A Star To Guide Us Trailer - YouTube
- ↑ Guild Wars 2 Living World Season 4 Episode 5 All or Nothing - YouTube
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