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怎样阻止一个暴怒的神? 人类六真神中的巴萨泽回来了,但他不再是人类以前崇尚的神了,他一心想要杀死上古巨龙,吸取它们的能量。在吸取卓玛派莫德斯能量的行动失败后,战争之神率领着一支由其狂热追随者组建的军队前往水晶沙漠,去猎杀仅剩的目标:上古水晶巨龙克拉卡托。当人类在与他们突然回归的守护神抗争时,契约团指挥官追踪着巴萨泽,以在他残忍的远征扰乱泰瑞亚脆弱的魔法平衡之前阻止他,避免世界毁灭。由此开启了激战2第二个资料片:烈焰征途

剧透提示:简要说明,本文假定世界动态第三季及其之前的情节为基本常识。烈焰征途始于1330 AE,而个人史诗发生于1325AE,之前的故事线索可能在烈焰征途中延续,因此本文可能包含了之前故事的剧透。








  • 欧茹恩 —— 格林特的第二个子嗣,选择契约团指挥官作为她的守护者。她住在由尊者看护的塔瑞尔庇护所中。她是格林特的遗产这个计划中不可或缺的一部分,以保证泰瑞亚有着一个更加光明的未来。
  • 卡纳克 —— 一个令人头疼的希尔瓦里继生者,在女伯爵阿妮丝手下服完刑后,最终获得自由。他发现自己陷入了水晶沙漠的冲突中,向指挥官再次施以援手。
  • 卡丝蜜尔·米德 —— 她已恢复了贵族地位,这次作为神佑之城的使节出现。最近,她和玛乔丽·德拉奎的关系出现了问题,一位她所崇敬的六真神的背叛也使她的日子并不好过。在面对信任危机时,她仍想要找出巴萨泽暴怒的原因。
  • 里特洛克·硫磺石 —— 鲜血军团护民官,不愿透露近期他身上发生的事情。他来到水晶沙漠对抗巴萨泽,但不得不面对一个事实:对抗巴萨泽就需要保护克拉卡托,那个多年前曾夺去他两位朋友的生命并导致命运之刃解散的上古巨龙。
  • 泰蜜 —— 与指挥官在一起的阿苏拉后代。她留在拉塔新城的实验室中,通过远程通讯器在沙漠各处的信号点与指挥官联络。


  • 巴萨泽 —— 人类六真神之一,现已变为堕神,他想要获取力量来报复那些“抹去了他荣光”的人,丝毫不在乎泰瑞亚将为此付出什么代价。他一直觊觎着上古巨龙的魔法,目前最有可能成为其目标的巨龙是克拉卡托。他手中的势力由像战神会这样狂热的追随者和构造体仆从塑形军队组成。
  • 巴萨泽使者 —— 塑型军队最高阶成员,巴萨泽的左膀右臂,率领塑型军队寻找任何可帮助巴萨泽消灭克拉卡托的东西。她将目标锁定到指挥官身上,认为像指挥官这样的英雄无论是自愿加入还是杀死成为奴隶,都会对巴萨泽猎杀巨龙有所助力。 




—— 激活剧情前的史诗日志

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文件:Path of Fire Act 2.png 烈焰征途:第二幕





At the tomb, the team deliberated their plan. On Kasmeer's insistence that they hope to find answers inside, Rytlock reiterated the idea that her answer is the human gods abandoned Tyria, which Kasmeer refused to accept. On approaching the entrance, they were met by Queen Nadijeh, the Primeval ruler who founded the Order of the Sunspears. Believing them to be more thieves, she fought Dragon's Watch and was ultimately defeated and let them pass. Inside, the team encountered King Wasi, a ruler who rallied the people during war. The team defeated him and gained entrance to the inner tomb, where they met the twin rulers 娜拉女王 and 达拉女王, the last of the Primeval dynasty.

Despite Kasmeer's insistence, the twins accused Dragon's Watch of being agents of Joko, and also revealed that Joko may be claiming the Primeval dynasty continued beyond the twins' death. They attacked the team, switching off and then attacking together. When defeated, Queen Nadijeh and King Wasi appeared to confront the team. King Wasi was unconvinced that Dragon's Watch were working with Joko, and asked the other rulers to consider that the Commander's team were not raiders. Queen Nadijeh asked them to demonstrate the proper respect for the tomb and the spirits within. the Commander did so, and promised to honor the memory of the Primeval dynasty, to prove they had no harmful intentions. Queen Nadijeh relented at this show of respect, and the team were allowed to pass through the portal to the Mists.

Upon entering the portal the team found themselves separated from each other, at a strange and desolate landscape. After searching the area, the Commander was able to reunite with the others and discovered a mysterious puzzle that had been hidden by a sandstorm. After completing the puzzle, apparently set as a challenge by the gods, a portal opened up. As the team entered the portal, they found themselves in a library unlike any other already seen where 克米尔, the Goddess of Truth, was the only deity to be found.

At an audience in her sanctum, Kormir told the team that the gods had left 泰瑞亚 completely to avoid a cataclysmic battle with the Elder Dragons. According Kormir, 巴萨泽 refused to accept this decision and threatened the other gods if they went through with their plan. His reaction resulted on the rest of the Six stripping Balthazar of his power and chaining him in the Mists, where he remained until Rytlock unwittingly released him. Once freed, Balthazar set out to recover his lost power, defeat the Elder Dragons, and claim their magic for himself in order to take vengeance on the other gods for imprisoning him. Kormir then concluded by saying the other gods were long gone, and she was about to follow them, so they could not and would not help the team against Balthazar.

Kasmeer felt devastated by the news but she ultimately accepted that the time for prayers is past. The team learned that its their responsibility to defend the world now. Before leaving, Kormir provided the team with a single bit of guidance in the fight against Balthazar: to seek answers in the desert. With such bit of guidance, the team decided to split up and search: Kasmeer went north, Canach and Rytlock went ask Canach's contacts in the Order of Shadows, and the Commander headed south to scour the Riverlands.

After a long walk, the Commander found a promising lead on the answers: Kesho, a city built by the Forgotten. The city had been swallowed by the desert sands long ago, being considered a lost city by the locals, but the Commander was able to nail down its location in the middle of the deadly sulfurous wastelands. Upon entering the lost city, the Commander encountered a traumatized Exalted named 萨迪兹, as well as a host of dangerous Forged-Exalted hybrids. Sadizi told then these hybrids were created by Balthazar and Palawa Joko, the two villains together stole the Forgotten ritual that makes Exalted and used it as a means of forcing spirits into armored bodies to create Balthazar's Forged.

The Commander then learned more about the true purpose of 格林特's legacy: to preserve Tyria's magical balance by replacing Elder Dragons with equally powerful but less predatory entities. The Commander also discovered why Balthazar was hunting 瓦拉斯特: 克拉卡托's blood is its unique weakness, meaning Vlast, Glint, the Dragonsblood Spear and 欧茹恩 were all viable weapons against Kralkatorrik. With this information, The Commander sent word to the guildmates and told them to meet up so they could return to Maguuma and protect the Crystal Dragon's last scion.

文件:Path of Fire Act 3.png Path of Fire: Act 3

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The 契约团指挥官 witnesses Aurene face off against Balthazar.

The Commander means to meet up with their guild on a plateau atop the Pillars of Supremacy. However, they don’t find their guild or the airship but instead, they find 巴萨泽. After a brief battle where the Commander is overpowered, 欧茹恩 arrives to try and defend the Commander but she too is overpowered by Balthazar. The last thing the Commander sees is Aurene in Balthazar’s chains before Balthazar finishes them off.

The Commander wakes up in a strange, dark landscape with no sense of where they are or even who they are. Nearby they find a figure behind bars who identifies himself as 帕拉瓦·约科 and says that they are in the Domain of the Lost – he also informs the character that they have died. He came with Balthazar who then imprisoned him in the realm. After listening to Joko’s ramblings, a fellow spirit, 奈娜, will introduce you to the master of the realm, a servant of Grenth by the name of 法官. He will send the Commander on a quest to reclaim both their name and purpose so that he may determine their final fate.

After defeating all of the other spirits who claimed their name, the Commander follows a bird which guides them on a journey of visions of their past. Beginning with their first combat encounter it follows their encounters with various forces of 泽坦 on to the dragon itself, Scarlet’s War and her attack on Lion’s Arch, the events of 墨德摩斯 rising and his decimation of the pact fleet, Mordremoth’s death, Aurene’s birth, and ending with the discovery of Balthazar causing the Commander to regain their memories.

The Commander returns to the Judge intent on convincing him to return them to the world of the living. The Judge does not have the power to return their spirit to their lifeless body but muses that you may be able to get the necessary energy by killing the Eater of Souls, a beast that has been preying on spirits since Balthazar left. The risk of losing that battle was that their spirit would simply cease to exist, but the Commander luckily defeats the beast. This opened a portal back to 泰瑞亚, but not before Joko tries to convince the Commander that they need him to defeat Balthazar. They tell Joko that they may need his army, but not him, and leave through the portal.

Back on the plateau where they died, the Commander awakes to members of their guild and the Phoenix Dawn's crew surrounding them. After convincing everyone that they were, in fact, alive, the Commander reveals their plan to disguise themselves in order to acquire an army big enough to rescue Aurene from Balthazar.

The Commander then visits 暗影探员奇托 to begin acting on their plan to disguise themselves as 执政官伊布鲁 to command Joko's warmarshals and armies. Based on Kito's intel, the best way to lure Iberu out of the Bone Palace would be to create the illusion of a Sunspear uprising by showing Sunspear propaganda in the villages and signs of Sunspear victories in Awakened camps south of The Bone Wall. The Commander replaces Joko portraits atop buildings in the Village of Purity with Sunspear propoganda, and clears out the nearby Awakened camps on the way to the Bone Palace posting Sunspear banners as they go. After placing many signs of an imminent Sunspear revolution, the Commander goes to the Bone Palace to wait for Iberu to show himself.

Near the entrance to the Bone Palace, the Commander meets up with Canach, Rytlock, and Kasmeer. Archon Iberu has been sighted en route to the palace to meet with 大维齐尔阿图米什, and the small team take Iberu out so that they can take his place. Kasmeer casts an illusion on the Commander to make them look like Archon Iberu, and the rest of the team to look like lesser Awakened. They enter the Palace without being exposed as impostors.

In the main hall of the Bone Palace, the Commander (disguised as Iberu) speaks with Utumishi and 地虫统帅奥萨·艾克洛. The Commander instructs them to prepare for war against Balthazar. Utumishi is surprised to be ordered to prepare for war even though he is only in charge of civil affairs, and is initially doubtful of the return of Joko. However, Ekolo immediately pledges her loyalty and her troops to the cause. She also reveals the location of the other warmarashals, Troopmarshal Ogun in Vehjin, and Beastmarshal Eranko near the Necropolis. The Commander and Kas, Canach, and Rytlock successfully leave the palace without being revealed. After discussing the previous conversation, they decide to gather information on Ogun and meet up in Vehjin.

At Vehjin, Kasmeer disguises the group once more. Ogun informs the Commander that while he would lend his army, he can't due to a nearby Forged foundry with a portal that delivers reinforcements. Ogun also can't assault the foundry with his training recruits. The Commander offers to take some recruits and proceeds to destroy the portal, ordering Ogun to bring his troops to the Kodash Bazaar.

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Balthazar confronts Kralkatorrik atop King Joko's Sky Garden.

Afterwards, the group travels to meet Eranko. When the Commander arrives, Rytlock and Canach (disguised) are already speaking with the Beastmarshal, praising the Commander's riding capabilities. Eranko is intrigued, and introduces them to necromantic draining to speed up their mount. However, the Beastmarshal refuses to let her troops be led by someone she considers inept. In order to win her trust, the Commander must complete a race using the new skill.

With all three warmarshals pledging their troops, Dragon's Watch gathers at the Kodash Bazaar to prepare for the final fight. Rytlock gives the Commander 苏哈辛, claiming that Balthazar will only focus them and won't expect them to have it, giving the Commander the best chance to kill the god. The guild then splits up to defend the Bazaar. The Commander fights against waves of Forged until Balthazar's Warbeast, carrying 欧茹恩, forces its way in. As the Commander follows the Warbeast, Taimi attempts to contact them, but cannot be understood. At the top of King Joko's Sky Garden, the Warbeast begins to attract 克拉卡托. Once the Commander arrives, they destroy the Warbeast, freeing Aurene from it. Together, Aurene and the Commander kill Balthazar. The death of the god causes a massive release of energy, most of which is absorbed by Kralkatorrik, but Aurene receives some as well. Aurene then flies off, with Kralkatorrik following. After the fight, the rest of the guild arrives, and agrees to discuss everything back in Amnoon.

In Amnoon, the Commander meets Taim and informs her of Kralkatorrik's empowered state. A messenger arrives to announce a celebration in honor of the Commander, and along the way they meet Utumishi. They discreetly reveal that they were impersonating Iberu, and Utumishi hurries away. At the party, the Commander is asked for a speech. Afterwards, the group meet up at the docks to discuss what to do. The Commander proposes reforming Dragon's Watch, and 玛乔丽·德拉奎 reappears. Kasmeer and Marjory apologize to each other before the ground shakes. A cutscene shows Kralkatorrik flying over the Crystal Desert, Branding everything underneath. Path of Fire ends with a shot of an adolescent Aurene roaring out.

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