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	"title": "艾欧尼亚",
	"content": "初生之土,艾欧尼亚。这片岛屿大陆上充盈着自然之美和原生魔法。居民散布于各个行省,崇尚灵性,追求和谐的存世之道。艾欧尼亚悠久的中立姿态随着诺克萨斯的入侵而被打破——野蛮的侵占迫使艾欧尼亚重新审视自己在这个世界上的位置,未来的道路也变得扑朔迷离。",
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	"content": "虽然诺克萨斯帝国残忍野蛮,崇尚扩张,但对于看透它好战外表的人来说,这里的社会氛围实际上异乎寻常地包容。只要能够展现出必要的能力,任何人都可能赢得权力和尊重,无论社会立场、身世背景、个人财富如何。诺克萨斯人尊崇力量高于一切,而且当然,力量的展现形式不止一种。",
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	"title": "德玛西亚",
	"content": "德玛西亚是一个实力雄厚、奉公守法的国家,有着功勋卓著的光荣军史。最初由一群符文战争的难民所建立。有些人认为,德玛西亚的黄金时代已经过去,除非它能够适应新时代的变化。作为自给自足的农耕社会,人们生来保守排外,将公正、荣誉和责任看作至高无上的准则。",
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	"title": "皮尔特沃夫",
	"content": "皮尔特沃夫临海而建,是一座繁荣、进步的城市。船舶穿梭经过巨大的海闸,带来了世界各地的货物。商会家族投入巨额的资金资助各种项目,包括庸俗的艺术和标榜个人权势的建筑。当越来越多的发明家着手海克斯科技的研发,皮尔特沃夫成了符文之地上最高超的手艺人们无不向往的聚集地。",
	"imageLink": "皮尔特沃夫.png",
	"link": "皮尔特沃夫"
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	"markType": 3,
	"title": "祖安",
	"content": "祖安是一座饱受污染的地下城,位于皮尔特沃夫下方。两座城市曾经不分你我,但是毫无节制的工业活动让城中的大小沟壑变成了剧毒的河流。即便如此,多亏了兴旺的黑市、炼金科技和机械增强技术,人们依然能够欣欣向荣地生活。",
	"imageLink": "祖安.png",
	"link": "祖安"
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	"markType": 2,
	"title": "比尔吉沃特",
	"content": "蓝焰群岛附近的天然港湾。港湾附近杂乱无章的定居点组成了比尔吉沃特——一座不法之徒的世外天堂。",
	"imageLink": "比尔吉沃特.png",
	"link": "比尔吉沃特"
}, {
	"id": "1dn3gyydn8t",
	"point": {
		"lng": 53.42575,
		"lat": -29.370411
	"markType": 9,
	"title": "暗影岛",
	"content": "暗影岛曾经是一片美丽的福地,但在很久之前便毁于一场魔法灾害。现在,黑雾永恒笼罩着这座岛屿,邪术已经污染腐化了一切。那些在黑雾中殒命的灵魂会受到诅咒,永远地成为了黑雾的一部分……更可怕的是,黑雾每一年都在扩张,意欲在符文之地吞噬更多的灵魂。",
	"imageLink": "暗影岛.png",
	"link": "暗影岛"
}, {
	"id": "2abxrwyiwew",
	"point": {
		"lng": 21.340864,
		"lat": -27.286811
	"markType": 11,
	"title": "以绪塔尔",
	"content": "于丛林中隔绝世界千年,以绪奥肯的精巧城市几乎没有受到外界的任何影响。以绪塔利们从远方见证了福光岛的破败以及随后发生的符文战争,从此便将符文之地的其他族群视为暴发户和觊觎者,决心用自己强大的魔法将他们拒之门外",
	"imageLink": "以绪塔尔.png",
	"link": "以绪塔尔"
}, {
	"id": "2j6ym7h7zts",
	"point": {
		"lng": 5.298421,
		"lat": -28.333772
	"markType": 10,
	"title": "恕瑞玛",
	"content": "恕瑞玛曾是一个繁荣昌盛的文明,疆域遍及南部大陆,却因为神皇驾崩而化成废墟。几千年过去,曾经的荣光已经成为了神话和信仰。现在,游牧部落在沙漠中竭力生存,或是成了任人指使的佣兵。不过,依然有人梦想着能重新再现昔日的盛景。",
	"imageLink": "恕瑞玛.png",
	"link": "恕瑞玛"
}, {
	"id": "1al7kxqd3y6",
	"point": {
		"lng": -17.21987,
		"lat": -28.463921
	"markType": 8,
	"title": "巨神峰",
	"content": "巨神峰位于恕瑞玛西部人烟稀少的山区,是符文之地的世界之巅。这里远离文明,高不可攀,只有意志最坚定的朝圣者,为了满足灵魂最深处的渴望,才有可能登顶。极少数幸存下来的人,要么变得失魂落魄、精神呆滞;要么变成超越一切认知的存在。",
	"imageLink": "巨神峰.png",
	"link": "巨神峰"
}, {
	"id": "2b4anfn1s84",
	"point": {
		"lng": -33.48308,
		"lat": 1.944502
	"markType": 14,
	"title": "",
	"content": "",
	"imageLink": "",
	"link": ""
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	"markType": 13,
	"title": "",
	"content": "",
	"imageLink": "",
	"link": ""
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	"point": {
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	"markType": 15,
	"title": "",
	"content": "",
	"imageLink": "",
	"link": ""
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	"markType": 16,
	"title": "",
	"content": "",
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	"id": "1iuyrmx1jyp",
	"point": {
		"lng": -16.557567,
		"lat": 27.467481
	"markType": 12,
	"title": "霜卫要塞",
	"content": "",
	"imageLink": "",
	"link": ""

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                r = n.sourceMap;
            if (a ? e.setAttribute("media", a) : e.removeAttribute("media"), r && btoa && (i += "\n/*# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,".concat(btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(r)))), " */")), e.styleSheet) e.styleSheet.cssText = i;
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                for (; e.firstChild;) e.removeChild(e.firstChild);
        var f = null,
            v = 0;

        function g(e, t) {
            var n, i, a;
            if (t.singleton) {
                var r = v++;
                n = f || (f = l(t)), i = u.bind(null, n, r, !1), a = u.bind(null, n, r, !0)
            } else n = l(t), i = m.bind(null, n, t), a = function() {
                ! function(e) {
                    if (null === e.parentNode) return !1;
            return i(e),
                function(t) {
                    if (t) {
                        if (t.css === e.css && t.media === e.media && t.sourceMap === e.sourceMap) return;
                        i(e = t)
                    } else a()
        e.exports = function(e, t) {
            (t = t || {}).singleton || "boolean" == typeof t.singleton || (t.singleton = a());
            var n = s(e = e || [], t);
            return function(e) {
                if (e = e || [], "[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(e)) {
                    for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++) {
                        var a = c(n[i]);
                    for (var r = s(e, t), l = 0; l < n.length; l++) {
                        var d = c(n[l]);
                        0 === o[d].references && (o[d].updater(), o.splice(d, 1))
                    n = r
    17: function(e, t, n) {
        var i = n(1),
            a = n(18);
        "string" == typeof(a = a.__esModule ? a.default : a) && (a = [
            [e.i, a, ""]
        var r = {
            insert: "head",
            singleton: !1
        i(a, r);
        e.exports = a.locals || {}
    18: function(e, t, n) {},
    20: function(e, t, n) {
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        var i = n(0);

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                                    r = n._params.link && "" !== n._params.link ? `<a target="_blank" href="${n._params.link}" class="btn btn-default btn-xs" style="float:right"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-search" aria-hidden="true"></span> 查看详情</a>` : "",
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                                e.openInfoWindow(c, new BMap.Point(n._center.lng, n._center.lat))
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<a categoryid="${e.markType}" order="${e.order}" class="select-item">
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</a>`, $(".items-wrap").eq(e.order).append(f)
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