本WIKI编辑权限开放,正由 恋与深空Evol攻略组搭建基础框架ing,期待更多猎人加入WIKI建设!



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                                           class="image-button" @click="toggleFilterTable"
                                           style="width:90px; height: 90px; vertical-align: middle;" />
                                           <input id="customCheckbox" class="custom-checkbox"
                                               v-model="currentTabData.memoryModule.awakend" type="checkbox"
                                               @change="roleSet(currentTabData.memoryModule)" />
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                                       <input class="level-input" v-model="currentTabData.memoryModule.level"
                                           type="number" @change="roleSet(currentTabData.memoryModule)"
                                           @blur="checkMemoryLevel" min="1" max="80" />
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                                               alt="Set Max" style="width: 60px; cursor: pointer" />
                                           <select style="width: 80px;height: 30px;line-height: 20px;"
                                               class="role-input select-custom"
                                               <option v-for="step in steps" :value="step">模板:Step</option>
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                                       :style="{ backgroundImage: 'url(' + currentTabData.coreIconUrl + ')', backgroundRepeat: 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition: 'left 5px center', paddingLeft: '35px', backgroundSize: '30px 30px' }"
                                       <option style="font-size: 20px; color: #545257;" v-for="select in selects"
  • {{{3}}}
  • </option> </select>
                                       <input class="level-input" v-model="currentTabData.coreModule.level" type="number"
                                           @blur="checkCoreLevel(currentTabData.coreModule)" max="15" min="0" />
                                           <img @click="setMaxCore(currentTabData.coreModule)"
                                               alt="Set Max" style="width: 60px; cursor: pointer" />


                                           <select class="core-input select-custom" style="width: 150px;"
                                               <option v-for="coreoption in coreoptions" :value="coreoption">模板:Coreoption</option>
                                   <transition name="fade-slide">
    <thead> </thead> <tbody> <template v-if="currentTabData.coreModule.attributes.primary && Object.keys(currentTabData.coreModule.attributes.primary).length"> </template> <template v-if="currentTabData.coreModule.attributes.secondary && Object.keys(currentTabData.coreModule.attributes.secondary).length"> </template> </tbody>
    属性类型 属性词条 初始值 提升值/次 成长次数 汇总
    主属性 模板:Key 模板:Value.初始值 模板:Value.每次提升值 模板:CurrentTabData.coreModule.level
                                                               {{ calculateAndFormat(key,value.初始值, value.每次提升值,
                                                               currentTabData.coreModule.level) }}
                                                               <select class="select-custom-table"
                                                                   :ref="'select'+ this.currentTabIndex + '-' + index"
                                                                       v-for="(value, key) in currentTabData.coreModule.attributes.secondary"
                                                                       :key="key" :value="key">
                                                                   <option v-if="index > 2" value=""></option>
                                                                   :placeholder="getAttributeRange(currentTabData.coreModule.selected, currentTabData.selectedSecondaryOptions[index],'initial').min + 
                                                                       getAttributeRange(currentTabData.coreModule.selected, currentTabData.selectedSecondaryOptions[index],'initial').suffix + 
                                                                       ' - ' + getAttributeRange(currentTabData.coreModule.selected, currentTabData.selectedSecondaryOptions[index],'initial').max +
                                                                       getAttributeRange(currentTabData.coreModule.selected, currentTabData.selectedSecondaryOptions[index],'initial').suffix"
                                                                   @change="validateAndSetCustom(currentTabData.coreModule, currentTabData.selectedSecondaryOptions[index], 'initial', $event)">
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                                                                   :placeholder="getAttributeRange(currentTabData.coreModule.selected, currentTabData.selectedSecondaryOptions[index],'growth').min + 
                                                                       getAttributeRange(currentTabData.coreModule.selected, currentTabData.selectedSecondaryOptions[index],'growth').suffix + 
                                                                       ' - ' + getAttributeRange(currentTabData.coreModule.selected, currentTabData.selectedSecondaryOptions[index],'growth').max +
                                                                       getAttributeRange(currentTabData.coreModule.selected, currentTabData.selectedSecondaryOptions[index],'growth').suffix "
                                                                   @change="validateAndSetCustom(currentTabData.coreModule, currentTabData.selectedSecondaryOptions[index], 'growth', $event)">
                                                           <input v-else disabled placeholder="无可用选项">
                                                           <input v-if="currentTabData.selectedSecondaryOptions[index]"
                                                               type="number" :value="currentTabData.growthCount[index]"
                                                               @blur="updateGrowthCount(index, $event.target.value)">
                                                           <input v-else disabled placeholder="无可用选项">
                                                               {{ totalValues(currentTabData.coreModule,
                                                               currentTabData.growthCount)[index] }}
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                                           :style="{ backgroundImage: 'url(' + currentTabData.coreIconUrl1 + ')', backgroundRepeat: 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition: 'left 5px center', paddingLeft: '35px', backgroundSize: '30px 30px' }"
                                           <option style="font-size: 20px; color: #545257;" v-for="select in selects"
  • {{{3}}}
  • </option> </select>
                                       <input class="level-input" v-model="currentTabData.coreModule1.level" type="number"
                                           @blur="checkCoreLevel(currentTabData.coreModule1)" max="15" min="0" />
                                           <img @click="setMaxCore(currentTabData.coreModule1)"
                                               alt="Set Max" style="width: 60px; cursor: pointer" />


                                           <select class="core-input select-custom" style="width: 150px;"
                                               <option v-for="coreoption in coreoptions" :value="coreoption">模板:Coreoption</option>
                                   <transition name="fade-slide">
    <thead> </thead> <tbody> <template v-if="currentTabData.coreModule1.attributes.primary && Object.keys(currentTabData.coreModule1.attributes.primary).length"> </template> <template v-if="currentTabData.coreModule1.attributes.secondary && Object.keys(currentTabData.coreModule1.attributes.secondary).length"> </template> </tbody>
    属性类型 属性词条 初始值 提升值/次 成长次数 汇总
                                                               <select class="select-custom-table"
                                                                       v-for="(value, key) in currentTabData.coreModule1.attributes.primary"
                                                                       :key="key" :value="key">
                                                               currentTabData.coreModule1.level) }}
                                                               <select class="select-custom-table"
                                                                   :ref="'select'+ this.currentTabIndex + '-' + index"
                                                                       v-for="(value, key) in currentTabData.coreModule1.attributes.secondary"
                                                                       :key="key" :value="key">
                                                                   <option v-if="index > 2" value=""></option>
                                                                   :placeholder="getAttributeRange(currentTabData.coreModule1.selected, currentTabData.selectedSecondaryOptions1[index],'initial').min + 
                                                                       getAttributeRange(currentTabData.coreModule1.selected, currentTabData.selectedSecondaryOptions1[index],'initial').suffix + 
                                                                       ' - ' + getAttributeRange(currentTabData.coreModule1.selected, currentTabData.selectedSecondaryOptions1[index],'initial').max +
                                                                       getAttributeRange(currentTabData.coreModule1.selected, currentTabData.selectedSecondaryOptions1[index],'initial').suffix"
                                                                   @change="validateAndSetCustom(currentTabData.coreModule1, currentTabData.selectedSecondaryOptions1[index], 'initial', $event)">
                                                           <input v-else disabled placeholder="无可用选项">
                                                                   :placeholder="getAttributeRange(currentTabData.coreModule1.selected, currentTabData.selectedSecondaryOptions1[index],'growth').min + 
                                                                       getAttributeRange(currentTabData.coreModule1.selected, currentTabData.selectedSecondaryOptions1[index],'growth').suffix + 
                                                                       ' - ' + getAttributeRange(currentTabData.coreModule1.selected, currentTabData.selectedSecondaryOptions1[index],'growth').max +
                                                                       getAttributeRange(currentTabData.coreModule1.selected, currentTabData.selectedSecondaryOptions1[index],'growth').suffix"
                                                                   @change="validateAndSetCustom(currentTabData.coreModule1, currentTabData.selectedSecondaryOptions1[index], 'growth', $event)">
                                                           <input v-else disabled placeholder="无可用选项">
                                                           <input v-if="currentTabData.selectedSecondaryOptions1[index]"
                                                               @blur="updateGrowthCount1(index, $event.target.value)"
                                                               :value="currentTabData.growthCount1[index]" type="number"
                                                           <input v-else disabled placeholder="无可用选项">
                                                               {{ totalValues(currentTabData.coreModule1,
                                                               currentTabData.growthCount1)[index] }}

    生命 {{ formatValue(currentTabData.cores['生命'], '生命') }}
    防御 {{ formatValue(currentTabData.cores['防御'], '防御') }}
    模板:Key {{ formatValue(currentTabData.cores[key], key) }}
    攻击 {{ formatValue(currentTabData.cores['攻击'], '攻击') }}
    模板:Key {{ formatValue(currentTabData.cores[key], key) }}
                       <label for="tiesValue" style="font-size: 20px;color: #322d32;margin-top: -3px;">搭档牵绊等级
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                               style="margin-left: 3px;margin-top: -2.5px;" alt="">
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                               weak_increase: 0,
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                               talent: "攻击",
                               star: "5"
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                               level: 0,      // 芯核等级
                               coreoption: '平均值',// 副属性取值类型
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                                   primary: {},
                                   secondary: {
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                               hp: 0,
                               crit: 0,
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                                   primary: {},
                                   secondary: {
                               }, // 副属性的具体值
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                               hp: 0,
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                               level: 1,
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                                   primary: {},
                                   secondary: {
                               }, // 副属性的具体值
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                               hp: 0,
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                                   primary: {},
                                   secondary: {
                               }, // 副属性的具体值
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                               璀璨: { 生命: { 初始值: 1000, 每次提升值: 200 } }
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                           gamma: {
                               稀有: { 攻击: { 初始值: 25, 每次提升值: 5 } },
                               珍贵: { 攻击: { 初始值: 30, 每次提升值: 8 } },
                               璀璨: { 攻击: { 初始值: 50, 每次提升值: 10 } }
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                           最大值: {
                               生命: { 初始值: 594, 每次提升值: 297 },
                               攻击: { 初始值: 30, 每次提升值: 15 },
                               防御: { 初始值: 15, 每次提升值: 8 },
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                               暴伤: { 初始值: 0.016, 每次提升值: 0.008 },
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                               虚弱增伤: { 初始值: 0.013, 每次提升值: 0.007 },
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                               生命: { 初始值: 416, 每次提升值: 208 },
                               攻击: { 初始值: 21, 每次提升值: 11 },
                               防御: { 初始值: 11, 每次提升值: 6 },
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                               暴伤: { 初始值: 0.011, 每次提升值: 0.006 },
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                               虚弱增伤: { 初始值: 0.009, 每次提升值: 0.005 },
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                               攻击加成: { 初始值: 0.035, 每次提升值: 0.018 },
                               防御加成: { 初始值: 0.035, 每次提升值: 0.018 }
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                               生命: { 初始值: 505, 每次提升值: 252.5 },
                               攻击: { 初始值: 25.5, 每次提升值: 13 },
                               防御: { 初始值: 13, 每次提升值: 7 },
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                               暴伤: { 初始值: 0.0135, 每次提升值: 0.007 },
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                               攻击加成: { 初始值: 0.0425, 每次提升值: 0.0215 },
                               防御加成: { 初始值: 0.0425, 每次提升值: 0.0215 }
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                               生命: { 初始值: "", 每次提升值: "" },
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                               防御: { 初始值: "", 每次提升值: "" },
                               暴击: { 初始值: "", 每次提升值: "" },
                               暴伤: { 初始值: "", 每次提升值: "" },
                               誓约增伤: { 初始值: "", 每次提升值: "" },
                               虚弱增伤: { 初始值: "", 每次提升值: "" },
                               生命加成: { 初始值: "", 每次提升值: "" },
                               攻击加成: { 初始值: "", 每次提升值: "" },
                               防御加成: { 初始值: "", 每次提升值: "" }
                       珍贵: {
                           最大值: {
                               生命: { 初始值: 891, 每次提升值: 446 },
                               攻击: { 初始值: 45, 每次提升值: 23 },
                               防御: { 初始值: 23, 每次提升值: 11 },
                               暴击: { 初始值: 0.012, 每次提升值: 0.006 },
                               暴伤: { 初始值: 0.024, 每次提升值: 0.012 },
                               誓约增伤: { 初始值: 0.009, 每次提升值: 0.005 },
                               虚弱增伤: { 初始值: 0.02, 每次提升值: 0.01 },
                               生命加成: { 初始值: 0.075, 每次提升值: 0.038 },
                               攻击加成: { 初始值: 0.075, 每次提升值: 0.038 },
                               防御加成: { 初始值: 0.075, 每次提升值: 0.038 }
                           最小值: {
                               生命: { 初始值: 624, 每次提升值: 312 },
                               攻击: { 初始值: 32, 每次提升值: 16 },
                               防御: { 初始值: 16, 每次提升值: 8 },
                               暴击: { 初始值: 0.008, 每次提升值: 0.005 },
                               暴伤: { 初始值: 0.017, 每次提升值: 0.008 },
                               誓约增伤: { 初始值: 0.006, 每次提升值: 0.003 },
                               虚弱增伤: { 初始值: 0.014, 每次提升值: 0.007 },
                               生命加成: { 初始值: 0.053, 每次提升值: 0.026 },
                               攻击加成: { 初始值: 0.053, 每次提升值: 0.026 },
                               防御加成: { 初始值: 0.053, 每次提升值: 0.026 }
                           平均值: {
                               生命: { 初始值: 757.5, 每次提升值: 379 },
                               攻击: { 初始值: 38.5, 每次提升值: 19.5 },
                               防御: { 初始值: 19.5, 每次提升值: 9.5 },
                               暴击: { 初始值: 0.01, 每次提升值: 0.0055 },
                               暴伤: { 初始值: 0.0205, 每次提升值: 0.01 },
                               誓约增伤: { 初始值: 0.0075, 每次提升值: 0.004 },
                               虚弱增伤: { 初始值: 0.017, 每次提升值: 0.0085 },
                               生命加成: { 初始值: 0.064, 每次提升值: 0.032 },
                               攻击加成: { 初始值: 0.064, 每次提升值: 0.032 },
                               防御加成: { 初始值: 0.064, 每次提升值: 0.032 }
                           自定义: {
                               生命: { 初始值: "", 每次提升值: "" },
                               攻击: { 初始值: "", 每次提升值: "" },
                               防御: { 初始值: "", 每次提升值: "" },
                               暴击: { 初始值: "", 每次提升值: "" },
                               暴伤: { 初始值: "", 每次提升值: "" },
                               誓约增伤: { 初始值: "", 每次提升值: "" },
                               虚弱增伤: { 初始值: "", 每次提升值: "" },
                               生命加成: { 初始值: "", 每次提升值: "" },
                               攻击加成: { 初始值: "", 每次提升值: "" },
                               防御加成: { 初始值: "", 每次提升值: "" }
                       璀璨: {
                           最大值: {
                               生命: { 初始值: 1188, 每次提升值: 594 },
                               攻击: { 初始值: 60, 每次提升值: 30 },
                               防御: { 初始值: 30, 每次提升值: 15 },
                               暴击: { 初始值: 0.016, 每次提升值: 0.008 },
                               暴伤: { 初始值: 0.032, 每次提升值: 0.016 },
                               誓约增伤: { 初始值: 0.012, 每次提升值: 0.006 },
                               虚弱增伤: { 初始值: 0.026, 每次提升值: 0.013 },
                               生命加成: { 初始值: 0.1, 每次提升值: 0.05 },
                               攻击加成: { 初始值: 0.1, 每次提升值: 0.05 },
                               防御加成: { 初始值: 0.1, 每次提升值: 0.05 }
                           最小值: {
                               生命: { 初始值: 832, 每次提升值: 416 },
                               攻击: { 初始值: 42, 每次提升值: 21 },
                               防御: { 初始值: 21, 每次提升值: 11 },
                               暴击: { 初始值: 0.011, 每次提升值: 0.006 },
                               暴伤: { 初始值: 0.022, 每次提升值: 0.011 },
                               誓约增伤: { 初始值: 0.008, 每次提升值: 0.004 },
                               虚弱增伤: { 初始值: 0.018, 每次提升值: 0.009 },
                               生命加成: { 初始值: 0.07, 每次提升值: 0.035 },
                               攻击加成: { 初始值: 0.07, 每次提升值: 0.035 },
                               防御加成: { 初始值: 0.07, 每次提升值: 0.035 }
                           平均值: {
                               生命: { 初始值: 1010, 每次提升值: 505 },
                               攻击: { 初始值: 51, 每次提升值: 25.5 },
                               防御: { 初始值: 25.5, 每次提升值: 13 },
                               暴击: { 初始值: 0.0135, 每次提升值: 0.007 },
                               暴伤: { 初始值: 0.027, 每次提升值: 0.0135 },
                               誓约增伤: { 初始值: 0.01, 每次提升值: 0.005 },
                               虚弱增伤: { 初始值: 0.022, 每次提升值: 0.011 },
                               生命加成: { 初始值: 0.085, 每次提升值: 0.0425 },
                               攻击加成: { 初始值: 0.085, 每次提升值: 0.0425 },
                               防御加成: { 初始值: 0.085, 每次提升值: 0.0425 }
                           自定义: {
                               生命: { 初始值: "", 每次提升值: "" },
                               攻击: { 初始值: "", 每次提升值: "" },
                               防御: { 初始值: "", 每次提升值: "" },
                               暴击: { 初始值: "", 每次提升值: "" },
                               暴伤: { 初始值: "", 每次提升值: "" },
                               誓约增伤: { 初始值: "", 每次提升值: "" },
                               虚弱增伤: { 初始值: "", 每次提升值: "" },
                               生命加成: { 初始值: "", 每次提升值: "" },
                               攻击加成: { 初始值: "", 每次提升值: "" },
                               防御加成: { 初始值: "", 每次提升值: "" }
                   memories: [],
           computed: {
               currentTabData() {
                   return this.tabs[this.currentTabIndex];
               isLevelMultipleOfTen() {
                   return this.tabs[this.currentTabIndex].memoryModule.level % 10 === 0;
               uniqueRoles() {
                   return ['全部', '沈星回', '黎深', '祁煜', '夏以昼', '秦彻'];
               uniqueCharts() {
                   const uniqueCharts = [...new Set(this.memories.map(memory => memory.starchart))];
                   return ['全部', ...uniqueCharts];
               filteredMemories() {
                   const currentTab = this.tabs[this.currentTabIndex];
                   const keySet = new Set(); // 用于存储已存在的 key
                   const memories = this.memories.filter(memory => memory.role && memory.starchart);
                   return memories.filter(memory => {
                       // 根据 id 进行的过滤逻辑
                       if ((this.currentTabIndex === 0 || this.currentTabIndex === 1) && memory.position === '月晖') {
                           return false;
                       } else if (this.currentTabIndex !== 0 && this.currentTabIndex !== 1 && memory.position === '日冕') {
                           return false;
                       // 处理 activeRole 和 activeStarchart 的 "全部" 选项
                       const roleMatches = !currentTab.activeRole || currentTab.activeRole === '全部' || memory.role === currentTab.activeRole;
                       const starchartMatches = !currentTab.activeStarchart || currentTab.activeStarchart === '全部' || memory.starchart === currentTab.activeStarchart;
                       return roleMatches && starchartMatches;
               groupedMemories() {
                   const groupSize = 5;
                   return this.filteredMemories.reduce((accumulator, current, index) => {
                       const groupIndex = Math.floor(index / groupSize);
                       if (!accumulator[groupIndex]) {
                           accumulator[groupIndex] = [];
                       return accumulator;
                   }, []);
               totalValues() {
                   return (module, selectedOptions, growthCounts) => {
                       return selectedOptions.map((option, index) => {
                           if (module.coreoption == '自定义') {
                               if (module.attributes.secondary[option]) {
                                   const initial = Number(module.attributes.secondary[option].初始值);
                                   const perLevel = Number(module.attributes.secondary[option].每次提升值);
                                   const growthCount = growthCounts[index];
                                   return this.calculateTotalValue(option, initial, perLevel, growthCount);
                               return 0; // 如果数据不完整,返回0
                           else {
                               if (module.attributes.secondary[option]) {
                                   const initial = Number(module.attributes.secondary[option].初始值);
                                   const perLevel = Number(module.attributes.secondary[option].每次提升值);
                                   const growthCount = growthCounts[index];
                                   return this.calculateAndFormat(option, initial, perLevel, growthCount);
                               return 0; // 如果数据不完整,返回0
               nonEmptyCount() {
                   // 使用Array.prototype.filter()方法过滤非空选项
                   const nonEmpty1 = this.currentTabData.selectedSecondaryOptions1.filter(option => option !== "").length;
                   const nonEmpty = this.currentTabData.selectedSecondaryOptions.filter(option => option !== "").length;
                   return {
                       count1: nonEmpty1,
                       count: nonEmpty
               // 计算总提升次数和已使用的提升次数
               totalPromotions() {
                   const levelPromotions1 = Math.floor(this.currentTabData.coreModule1.level / 3);  // 每3级提供1次提升机会
                   const compensationPromotions1 = Math.max(0, 4 - this.nonEmptyCount.count1); // 补偿提升
                   const totalAvailablePromotions1 = levelPromotions1 + compensationPromotions1; // 总可用提升次数
                   const levelPromotions = Math.floor(this.currentTabData.coreModule.level / 3);  // 每3级提供1次提升机会
                   const compensationPromotions = Math.max(0, 4 - this.nonEmptyCount.count); // 补偿提升
                   const totalAvailablePromotions = levelPromotions + compensationPromotions; // 总可用提升次数
                   // 计算已经分配的提升次数总和
                   const usedPromotions1 = this.currentTabData.growthCount1.reduce((total, count) => total + count, 0);
                   const usedPromotions = this.currentTabData.growthCount.reduce((total, count) => total + count, 0);
                   // 返回总次数和已使用的次数
                   return {
                       total1: totalAvailablePromotions1,
                       used1: usedPromotions1,
                       remaining1: usedPromotions1,
                       compensation1: compensationPromotions1,
                       total: totalAvailablePromotions,
                       used: usedPromotions,
                       remaining: usedPromotions,
                       compensation: compensationPromotions
               memoryTotal() {
                   return this.tabs.reduce((totals, tab) => {
                       totals.attack += Number(tab.memoryModule.attack);
                       totals.defense += Number(tab.memoryModule.defense);
                       totals.hp += Number(tab.memoryModule.hp);
                       totals.crit += Number(tab.memoryModule.crit);
                       totals.critDamage += Number(tab.memoryModule.critDamage);
                       totals.weak_increase += Number(tab.memoryModule.weak_increase);
                       return totals;
                   }, {
                       attack: 0,
                       defense: 0,
                       hp: 0,
                       crit: 0,
                       critDamage: 0,
                       weak_increase: 0
               coresTotal() {
                   return this.tabs.reduce((totals, tab) => {
                       totals['攻击'] += Number(tab.cores['攻击']);
                       totals['生命'] += Number(tab.cores['生命']);
                       totals['防御'] += Number(tab.cores['防御']);
                       totals['暴击'] += Number(tab.cores['暴击']);
                       totals['暴伤'] += Number(tab.cores['暴伤']);
                       totals['虚弱增伤'] += Number(tab.cores['虚弱增伤']);
                       totals['加速回能'] += Number(tab.cores['加速回能']);
                       totals['誓约回能'] += Number(tab.cores['誓约回能']);
                       totals['誓约增伤'] += Number(tab.cores['誓约增伤']);
                       return totals;
                   }, {
                       '攻击': 0,
                       '生命': 0,
                       '防御': 0,
                       '暴击': 0,
                       '暴伤': 0,
                       '虚弱增伤': 0,
                       '加速回能': 0,
                       '誓约回能': 0,
                       '誓约增伤': 0
           created() {
               this.tabs.forEach((tab, index) => {
                       () => tab.selectedMemoryImage,
                       (newValue, oldValue) => {
                           if (newValue !== oldValue) {
               this.tabs.forEach((tab, index) => {
                   this.$watch(() => tab.coreModule.selected, (newVal, oldVal) => {
                       if (newVal !== oldVal) {
                   }, {
                       immediate: true
               this.tabs.forEach((tab, index) => {
                   this.$watch(() => tab.coreModule1.selected, (newVal, oldVal) => {
                       if (newVal !== oldVal) {
                   }, {
                       immediate: true
           methods: {
               resetTabs() {
                   const initialCores = {
                       '攻击': 0,
                       '生命': 0,
                       '防御': 0,
                       '暴击': 0,
                       '暴伤': 0,
                       '虚弱增伤': 0,
                       '加速回能': 0,
                       '誓约回能': 0,
                       '誓约增伤': 0,
                   const initialTabValues = {
                       '攻击': 0,
                       '生命': 0,
                       '防御': 0,
                       '暴击': 0,
                       '暴伤': 0,
                       '虚弱增伤': 0,
                       '加速回能': 0,
                       '誓约回能': 0,
                       '誓约增伤': 0,
                   this.tieLevel = 0;
                   this.selectedRole = null;
                   this.tabs.forEach((tab, index) => {
                       tab.backgroundImage = 'https://patchwiki.biligame.com/images/lysk/8/8e/519bi4fpcyn65047wk81zbo25g90nty.png',
                           tab.selectedMemoryImage = 'https://patchwiki.biligame.com/images/lysk/c/cf/gr1swq1t50edoyt297bdofygxzonsaq.png',  // 默认图片     
                           tab.coreModule.selected = '无芯核';
                       tab.coreModule1.selected = '无芯核';
                       tab.selectedMemory = false;
                       tab.memoryModule.name = '思念名字';
                       tab.imageSize = 80;
                       tab.cores = { ...initialCores };
                       tab.tabValues = { ...initialTabValues };
                       tab.selectedMemoryContent = ;
               async saveAsImage() {
                   const capture1 = document.getElementById('capture1');
                   const capture2 = document.getElementById('capture2');
                   // 显示 capture2
                   capture2.style.display = 'block';
                   // 确保所有图片都已加载完成
                   await this.waitForImagesToLoad(capture1);
                   await this.waitForImagesToLoad(capture2);
                   // 确保元素有正确的宽度和高度
                   const ensureElementSize = (element) => {
                       const style = window.getComputedStyle(element);
                       return element.clientWidth > 0 && element.clientHeight > 0 && style.visibility !== 'hidden' && style.display !== 'none';
                   if (!ensureElementSize(capture1) || !ensureElementSize(capture2)) {
                       console.error('One or both of the capture elements have a width or height of 0');
                       // 隐藏 capture2
                       capture2.style.display = 'none';
                   // 使用 html2canvas 渲染
                   Promise.all([html2canvas(capture1, { useCORS: true }), html2canvas(capture2, { useCORS: true })])
                       .then(canvases => {
                           let canvas1 = canvases[0];
                           let canvas2 = canvases[1];
                           // 给 capture2 添加边距
                           const padding = 30;
                           const paddedCanvas2 = document.createElement('canvas');
                           paddedCanvas2.width = canvas2.width + padding * 2;
                           paddedCanvas2.height = canvas2.height + padding * 2;
                           const paddedCtx2 = paddedCanvas2.getContext('2d');
                           paddedCtx2.fillStyle = "white"; // 填充背景为白色
                           paddedCtx2.fillRect(0, 0, paddedCanvas2.width, paddedCanvas2.height);
                           paddedCtx2.drawImage(canvas2, padding, padding);
                           canvas2 = paddedCanvas2;
                           // 获取中间宽度
                           const midWidth = (canvas1.width + canvas2.width) / 2;
                           // 调整canvas1和canvas2宽度,并将内容居中
                           const scale1 = midWidth / canvas1.width;
                           const tempCanvas1 = document.createElement('canvas');
                           tempCanvas1.width = midWidth;
                           tempCanvas1.height = canvas1.height * scale1;
                           const tempCtx1 = tempCanvas1.getContext('2d');
                           tempCtx1.fillStyle = "white";
                           tempCtx1.fillRect(0, 0, tempCanvas1.width, tempCanvas1.height);
                           tempCtx1.drawImage(canvas1, (midWidth - canvas1.width * scale1) / 2, 0, canvas1.width * scale1, canvas1.height * scale1);
                           canvas1 = tempCanvas1;
                           const scale2 = midWidth / canvas2.width;
                           const tempCanvas2 = document.createElement('canvas');
                           tempCanvas2.width = midWidth;
                           tempCanvas2.height = canvas2.height * scale2;
                           const tempCtx2 = tempCanvas2.getContext('2d');
                           tempCtx2.fillStyle = "white";
                           tempCtx2.fillRect(0, 0, tempCanvas2.width, tempCanvas2.height);
                           tempCtx2.drawImage(canvas2, (midWidth - canvas2.width * scale2) / 2, 0, canvas2.width * scale2, canvas2.height * scale2);
                           canvas2 = tempCanvas2;
                           // 创建一个新的Canvas,大小为两个Canvas的高度之和,宽度为中间值
                           const combinedCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
                           combinedCanvas.width = midWidth;
                           combinedCanvas.height = canvas1.height + canvas2.height;
                           const ctx = combinedCanvas.getContext('2d');
                           // 填充背景颜色
                           ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(156, 155, 176, 0.5)';
                           ctx.fillRect(0, 0, combinedCanvas.width, combinedCanvas.height);
                           ctx.drawImage(canvas1, 0, 0);
                           ctx.drawImage(canvas2, 0, canvas1.height);

                           // 在新Canvas上添加水印
                           ctx.font = '18px Arial';
                           ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(79, 80, 89, 0.5)';
                           ctx.textAlign = 'right';
                           ctx.fillText('恋与深空evol攻略组', combinedCanvas.width - 10, combinedCanvas.height - 10);
                           // 获取当前时间并格式化为文件名
                           const now = new Date();
                           const formattedTime = now.getFullYear() + '-' +
                               String(now.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0') + '-' +
                               String(now.getDate()).padStart(2, '0') + '_' +
                               String(now.getHours()).padStart(2, '0') + '-' +
                               String(now.getMinutes()).padStart(2, '0') + '-' +
                               String(now.getSeconds()).padStart(2, '0');
                           const fileName = `combined_divs_image_${formattedTime}.png`;
                           // 将新Canvas内容保存为图片
                           const imgData = combinedCanvas.toDataURL('image/png');
                           const link = document.createElement('a');
                           link.href = imgData;
                           link.download = fileName;
                   // 确保在任何情况下隐藏 capture2
                   capture2.style.display = 'none';

               waitForImagesToLoad(element) {
                   const images = element.getElementsByTagName('img');
                   const promises = [];
                   for (let i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
                       const img = images[i];
                       if (!img.complete) {
                           promises.push(new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                               img.onload = resolve;
                               img.onerror = reject;
                   return Promise.all(promises);
               fetchMemoriesData() {
                   const dataPage = "思念筛选"; // 替换为目标页面的路径
                   const gameName = "lysk";
                   const url = `https://wiki.biligame.com/${gameName}/${dataPage}`;
                       url: url,
                       method: 'GET',
                       success: (data) => {
                           const parser = new DOMParser();
                           const doc = parser.parseFromString(data, 'text/html');
                           const elements = doc.querySelectorAll("#CardSelectTr .divsort");
                           // 提取数据并存储到 memories 数组
                           const memories = Array.from(elements).map((element, index) => {
                               const clonedElement = element.cloneNode(true);
                               // 移除所有链接,并替换为span,添加点击事件
                               clonedElement.querySelectorAll('a').forEach(a => {
                                   const span = document.createElement('span');
                                   span.innerHTML = a.innerHTML;
                                   span.style.cursor = 'pointer';
                                   span.onclick = () => this.selectMemory(index);
                                   a.parentNode.replaceChild(span, a);
                               // 提取所需的子元素内容
                               const cardImg = clonedElement.querySelector('.card-img').outerHTML;
                               const cardImgSrc = clonedElement.querySelector('.card-img img').src; // 提取图片src
                               const cardFg = clonedElement.querySelector('.card-fg').outerHTML;
                               const cardColor = clonedElement.querySelector('.card-color').outerHTML;
                               const cardPos = clonedElement.querySelector('.card-pos').outerHTML;
                               const stars = clonedElement.querySelector('.stars').outerHTML;
                               const cardName = clonedElement.querySelector('.card-name').textContent.trim(); // 提取name
                               return {
                                   role: clonedElement.getAttribute('data-param1'),
                                   star: clonedElement.getAttribute('data-param2'),
                                   starchart: clonedElement.getAttribute('data-param3'),
                                   position: clonedElement.getAttribute('data-param4'),
                                   talent: clonedElement.getAttribute('data-param5'),
                                   name: cardName, // 存储name
                                   content: `${cardImg}${cardFg}${cardColor}${cardPos}${stars}`,
                                   path: cardImgSrc,
                           this.memories = memories;
                       error: (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) => {
                           console.error('Error fetching data:', textStatus, errorThrown);
               setGrowthCount(tab) {
                   tab.growthCount = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
               setGrowthCount1(tab) {
                   tab.growthCount1 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
               updateGrowthCount(index, value) {
                   const parsedValue = parseInt(value, 10);
                   if (isNaN(parsedValue) || parsedValue < 0) {
                       // 如果值无效,重置为当前值
                       this.$set(this.currentTabData.growthCount, index, this.currentTabData.growthCount[index]);
                   } else {
                       // 计算新的总提升次数
                       const newGrowthCount = [...this.currentTabData.growthCount];
                       newGrowthCount[index] = parsedValue;
                       const usedPromotions = newGrowthCount.reduce((total, count) => total + count, 0);
                       const totalPromotions = this.totalPromotions.total;
                       // 检查是否超出提升次数
                       if (usedPromotions > totalPromotions) {
                           this.originalGrowthCount = [...this.currentTabData.growthCount]; // 保存当前的增长计数值
                           this.modalMessage = `合计可使用的提升次数:${usedPromotions}`;
                           this.message = `目前已使用的提升次数:${totalPromotions}`;
                           this.showModal = true; // 显示模态框
                           // 重置为当前值
                           this.$set(this.currentTabData.growthCount, index, this.currentTabData.growthCount[index]);
                       } else {
                           // 更新实际的 growthCount 数组
                           this.$set(this.currentTabData.growthCount, index, parsedValue);
               updateGrowthCount1(index, value) {
                   const parsedValue = parseInt(value, 10);
                   if (isNaN(parsedValue) || parsedValue < 0) {
                       this.$set(this.currentTabData.growthCount1, index, this.currentTabData.growthCount1[index]);
                   } else {
                       // 计算新的总提升次数
                       const newGrowthCount1 = [...this.currentTabData.growthCount1];
                       newGrowthCount1[index] = parsedValue;
                       const usedPromotions1 = newGrowthCount1.reduce((total, count) => total + count, 0);
                       const totalPromotions1 = this.totalPromotions.total1;
                       // 检查是否超出提升次数
                       if (usedPromotions1 > totalPromotions1) {
                           this.originalGrowthCount1 = [...this.currentTabData.growthCount1]; // 保存当前的增长计数值
                           this.modalMessage1 = `合计可使用的提升次数:${usedPromotions1}`;
                           this.message1 = `目前已使用的提升次数:${totalPromotions1}`;
                           this.showModal1 = true; // 显示模态框
                           // 重置为当前值
                           this.$set(this.currentTabData.growthCount1, index, this.currentTabData.growthCount1[index]);
                       } else {
                           // 更新实际的 growthCount1 数组
                           this.$set(this.currentTabData.growthCount1, index, parsedValue);
               resetGrowthCount1() {
                   this.showModal1 = false; // 关闭模态框
               resetGrowthCount() {
                   this.showModal = false;
               isPercentage(key) {
                   return this.percentageKeys.includes(key);
               formatValue(value, key) {
                   //const percentageValue = value * 100;
                   return this.percentageKeys.includes(key) ? `${value}%` : value;
               formatTableValue(value, key) {
                   const percentageValue = Number((value * 100).toFixed(2));
                   return this.percentageKeys.includes(key) ? `${percentageValue}%` : value;
               resetCoreLevel(module) {
                   module.level = 0;
               showPanel(key) {
                   let total = 0;
                   Object.keys(this.tabs).forEach(tab => {
                       if (this.tabs[tab].tabValues[key] !== undefined) {
                           total += parseFloat(this.tabs[tab].tabValues[key]);
                   const showTotal = total.toFixed(1);
                   return this.percentageKeys.includes(key) ? `${showTotal}%` : total.toFixed(0);
               checkMemoryLevel() {
                   if (this.currentTabData.memoryModule.level < 0) {
                       this.currentTabData.memoryModule.level = 0;
                       console.log(this.currentTabData.memoryModule.level, this.currentTabData.memoryModule.attack)
                   } else if (this.currentTabData.memoryModule.level > 80) {
                       this.currentTabData.memoryModule.level = 80;
               checkCoreLevel(module) {
                   if (module.level < 0) {
                       module.level = 0;
                   } else if (module.selected === '璀璨' && module.level > 15) {
                       module.level = 15;
                   else if (module.selected === '珍贵' && module.level > 12) {
                       module.level = 12;
                   else if (module.selected === '稀有' && module.level > 9) {
                       module.level = 9;
               checkTieLevel() {
                   if (this.tieLevel < 0) {
                       this.tieLevel = 0;
                   } else if (this.tieLevel > 130) {
                       this.tieLevel = 130;
               updateAttributes() {
               setMaxTie() {
                   this.tieLevel = 130; // 将等级设置为最大值
                   this.totalAttributes(); // 更新属性
               getAttributeRange(quality, attribute, type) {
                   const subAttrData = this.subAttributeData[quality];
                   const minAttr = subAttrData['最小值'][attribute];
                   const maxAttr = subAttrData['最大值'][attribute];
                   if (type == 'initial') {
                       if (this.isPercentage(attribute)) {
                           return {
                               min: minAttr ? Number((minAttr.初始值 * 100).toFixed(2)) : 0,
                               max: maxAttr ? Number((maxAttr.初始值 * 100).toFixed(2)) : 0,
                               suffix: '%',
                       else {
                           return {
                               min: minAttr ? minAttr.初始值 : 0,
                               max: maxAttr ? maxAttr.初始值 : 0,
                               suffix: ,
                   else {
                       if (this.isPercentage(attribute)) {
                           return {
                               min: minAttr ? Number((minAttr.每次提升值 * 100).toFixed(2)) : 0,
                               max: maxAttr ? Number((maxAttr.每次提升值 * 100).toFixed(2)) : 0,
                               suffix: '%',
                       else {
                           return {
                               min: minAttr ? minAttr.每次提升值 : 0,
                               max: maxAttr ? maxAttr.每次提升值 : 0,
                               suffix: ,
               validateSelections1(index) {
                   const selectedOptions = this.currentTabData.selectedSecondaryOptions1;
                   const currentValue = selectedOptions[index];
                   // Check for duplicates
                   const duplicates = selectedOptions.filter(option => option === currentValue && option !== );
                   if (duplicates.length > 1) {
                       // Show tooltip first
                   } else {
               validateSelections(index) {
                   const selectedOptions = this.currentTabData.selectedSecondaryOptions;
                   const currentValue = selectedOptions[index];
                   // Check for duplicates
                   const duplicates = selectedOptions.filter(option => option === currentValue && option !== );
                   if (duplicates.length > 1) {
                       // Show tooltip first
                   } else {
               showTooltip(index) {
                   const tooltip = this.$refs['tooltip' + this.currentTabIndex + '-' + index][0];
               hideTooltip(index) {
                   const tooltip = this.$refs['tooltip' + this.currentTabIndex + '-' + index][0];
               showTooltip1(index) {
                   const tooltip = this.$refs['tooltip1' + this.currentTabIndex + '-' + index][0];
               hideTooltip1(index) {
                   const tooltip = this.$refs['tooltip1' + this.currentTabIndex + '-' + index][0];
               validateAndSetCustom(module, attribute, type, event) {
                   const range = this.getAttributeRange(module.selected, attribute, type);
                   let value = parseFloat(event.target.value) || 0;
                   if (value < range.min) {
                       value = range.min;
                   } else if (value > range.max) {
                       value = range.max;
                   if (type == 'initial') {
                       module.attributes.secondary[attribute].初始值 = value;
                   else {
                       module.attributes.secondary[attribute].每次提升值 = value;
                   if (module === this.currentTabData.coreModule1) {
                   } else if (module === this.currentTabData.coreModule) {
               setCustom(module, key, type, event) {
                   const value = event.target.value;
                   if (type === 'initial') {
                       this.$set(module.attributes.secondary[key], '初始值', value);
                   } else if (type === 'growth') {
                       this.$set(module.attributes.secondary[key], '每次提升值', value);
                   if (module === this.currentTabData.coreModule1) {
                   } else if (module === this.currentTabData.coreModule) {
               resetMemoryModuleData(index) {
                   const tab = this.tabs[index];
                   tab.memoryModule.level = 0;
                   tab.memoryModule.awakend = false;
                   tab.memoryModule.advancement = 0;
                   tab.memoryModule.attack = 0;
                   tab.memoryModule.defense = 0;
                   tab.memoryModule.hp = 0;
                   tab.memoryModule.crit = 0;
                   tab.memoryModule.critDamage = 0;
                   tab.memoryModule.weak_increase = 0;
                   this.$nextTick(() => {
               hideTable() {
                   this.currentTabData.isFilterTableVisible = false;
               selectMemory(memory) {
                   let existingRole = null;
                   existingRole = this.selectedRole;
                   memoryName = memory.name;
                   const existingMemory = this.tabs.find(tab => tab.memoryModule.name !== '思念名字' && tab.memoryModule.name === memory.name);
                   // 检查选择的 memory.role 是否与现有角色匹配
                   if (existingRole && existingRole !== memory.role) {
                       this.memoryMessage = '请上阵同一角色的思念';
                       setTimeout(() => { this.memoryMessage = ; }, 3000);
                   if (existingMemory) {
                       this.memoryMessage = '请选则不重复的思念';
                       setTimeout(() => { this.memoryMessage = ; }, 3000);
                   this.currentTabData.selectedMemoryContent = memory.content; // 更新为盒子内容
                   this.currentTabData.memoryModule.name = memory.name; // 更新名称
                   this.currentTabData.memoryModule.position = memory.position;
                   this.currentTabData.coreModule.selectedType = memory.position;
                   this.currentTabData.coreModule1.selectedType = memory.position;
                   this.currentTabData.memoryModule.talent = memory.talent;
                   this.currentTabData.memoryModule.star = memory.star;
                   this.selectedRole = memory.role;
                   this.currentTabData.isFilterTableVisible = !this.currentTabData.isFilterTableVisible;
                   this.tabs.forEach((tab, index) => {
                       if (this.currentTabIndex === index) {
                           tab.backgroundImage = memory.path;
                           tab.imageSize = 90;
                           tab.maskImage = 'https://patchwiki.biligame.com/images/lysk/a/af/1y385o0ewqa50kfvwaavo5k252zte6x.png';
                           tab.selectedMemory = true;
               setMaxMem(memoryModule) {
                   this.currentTabData.memoryModule.level = 80;
                   this.calculateAttributes(this.currentTabData.memoryModule); // 更新思念信息
               toggleFilterTable() {
                   this.currentTabData.isFilterTableVisible = !this.currentTabData.isFilterTableVisible; // 切换表格的显示状态
               roleSet(module) {
                   module.level = Number(module.level);
               filterByRole(role) {
                   console.log('Selected role:', role);
                   this.currentTabData.activeRole = role;
               filterByStarchart(chart) {
                   console.log('Selected chart:', chart);
                   this.currentTabData.activeStarchart = chart;
               coreSet(module) {
                   module.level = Number(module.level);
                   if (module.selected == "无芯核") {
                   else {
                       if (module === this.currentTabData.coreModule1) {
                       } else if (module === this.currentTabData.coreModule) {
               reSetCore(module) {
                   module.level = 0;     // 芯核等级
                   module.coreoption = '平均值';// 副属性取值类型
                   module.attributes = {
                       primary: {},
                       secondary: {
                   if (module === this.currentTabData.coreModule1) {
                       this.currentTabData.selectedSecondaryOptions1 = [, '攻击加成', '暴击', , ];
                       this.currentTabData.growthCount1 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
                   else {
                       this.currentTabData.selectedSecondaryOptions = [, '攻击加成', '暴击', , ];
                       this.currentTabData.growthCount = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
                   this.currentTabData.cores = {
                       '攻击': 0,
                       '生命': 0,
                       '防御': 0,
                       '暴击': 0,
                       '暴伤': 0,
                       '虚弱增伤': 0,
                       '加速回能': 0,
                       '誓约回能': 0,
                       '誓约增伤': 0,
               updateSelections1() {
                   const options = [...this.currentTabData.selectedSecondaryOptions1];
                   if (this.currentTabData.coreModule1.attributes.secondary) {
                       options.forEach((option, index) => {
                           if (this.currentTabData.coreModule1.attributes.secondary[option]) {
                               const attributeDetails = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.currentTabData.coreModule1.attributes.secondary[option])) || { 初始值: 0, 每次提升值: 0 };
                               this.$set(this.currentTabData.selections1, index, {
                                   attribute: option,
                                   initialValue: parseFloat(attributeDetails.初始值) || 0,
                                   growthValue: parseFloat(attributeDetails.每次提升值) || 0,
                                   growthCount: this.currentTabData.growthCount1[index] || 0// 同步成长次数
                           } else {
                               // 清空或重置无效的选项
                               this.$set(this.currentTabData.selections1, index, { attribute: , initialValue: 0, growthValue: 0, growthCount: 0 });
               updateSelections() {
                   const options = [...this.currentTabData.selectedSecondaryOptions];
                   if (this.currentTabData.coreModule.attributes.secondary) {
                       options.forEach((option, index) => {
                           if (this.currentTabData.coreModule.attributes.secondary[option]) {
                               const attributeDetails = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.currentTabData.coreModule.attributes.secondary[option])) || { 初始值: 0, 每次提升值: 0 };
                               this.$set(this.currentTabData.selections, index, {
                                   attribute: option,
                                   initialValue: parseFloat(attributeDetails.初始值) || 0,
                                   growthValue: parseFloat(attributeDetails.每次提升值) || 0,
                                   growthCount: this.currentTabData.growthCount[index] || 0 // 同步成长次数
                           } else {
                               // 清空或重置无效的选项
                               this.$set(this.currentTabData.selections, index, { attribute: , initialValue: 0, growthValue: 0, growthCount: 0 });
               setMaxCore(module) {
                   if (module.selected === '璀璨') {
                       module.level = 15;
                   else if (module.selected === '珍贵') {
                       module.level = 12;
                   else {
                       module.level = 9;
                   this.mergeAndCalculateTotalValues(); // 更新芯核信息
               updateCoreAttributes(module) {
                   let position = this.currentTabData.memoryModule.position;  // 确保memoryModule已经定义并有position属性
                   let selectedCore = module.selectedCore;    // 使用传入模块的selectedCore
                   let selectedType = module.selected;        // 使用传入模块的selected
                   if (!position || !selectedCore || !selectedType) {
                       return;  // 如果必要的信息不完整则退出
                   let typeData = this.coreData[position][selectedCore];
                   if (typeData) {
                       let qualityData = typeData[selectedType];
                       if (qualityData) {
                           module.attributes.primary = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(qualityData)); // 深拷贝 primary 属性,重要
                           if (module.coreoption) {
                               module.attributes.secondary = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.subAttributeData[selectedType][module.coreoption])); // 深拷贝 secondary 属性
                               //console.log("After secondary update:", this.currentTabIndex,  JSON.stringify(this.tabs[0].coreModule.attributes.secondary));
                           } else {
                               console.warn("Sub-attribute data missing or core option not selected.");
                       } else {
                           console.warn("No quality data found for selected type.");
                   } else {
                       console.warn("No type data found for selected core.");
               calculateTotalValue(option, initialValue, perLevelIncrease, level) {
                   result = initialValue + level * perLevelIncrease;
                   resultPercentage = Number((initialValue + level * perLevelIncrease).toFixed(1));
                   return this.percentageKeys.includes(option) ? `${resultPercentage}%` : result.toFixed(0);
               calculateAndFormat(key, initialValue, perLevelIncrease, level) {
                   result = initialValue + level * perLevelIncrease;
                   resultPercentage = ((initialValue + level * perLevelIncrease) * 100).toFixed(1);
                   return this.percentageKeys.includes(key) ? `${resultPercentage}%` : result.toFixed(0);
               calculateAttributes(module) {
                   const baseValues = {
                       attack: 120,
                       defense: 60,
                       hp: 2400,
                       crit: module.position === '日冕' ? 0 : 2.6,
                       critDamage: module.position === '日冕' ? 5.2 : 0
                   const growthValues = {
                       attack: 6,
                       defense: 3,
                       hp: 120
                   const breakValues = {
                       attack: 24,
                       defense: 12,
                       hp: 480,
                       crit: module.position === '日冕' ? 0 : 0.3,
                       critDamage: module.position === '日冕' ? 0.6 : 0
                   const awakendValues = {
                       attack: 60,
                       defense: 30,
                       hp: 1200,
                       crit: module.position === '日冕' ? 0 : 0.8,
                       critDamage: module.position === '日冕' ? 1.6 : 0
                   const advancementValues = {
                       crit: module.position === '日冕' ? 0 : 1.5,
                       critDamage: module.position === '日冕' ? 3.0 : 0
                   const starLevelMultipliers = {
                       upgradeBreak: module.star === '5' ? 1.0 : module.star === '4' ? 0.67 : 0.42,
                       normaladvancement: module.star === '5' ? 0.12 : 0.05,
                       highadvancement: module.star === '5' ? 1.0 : module.star === '4' ? 0.3333 : 0.2
                   const level = module.level < 1 ? 1 : module.level;
                   // 计算基础属性值
                   const baseAttack = baseValues.attack + growthValues.attack * (level - 1);
                   const baseDefense = baseValues.defense + growthValues.defense * (level - 1);
                   const baseHP = baseValues.hp + growthValues.hp * (level - 1);
                   let breakCount;
                   if (module.level < 80) {
                       if (module.level % 10 === 0) {
                           breakCount = Math.max(0, Math.min(7, Math.floor(module.level / 10) - (module.awakend ? 0 : 1)));
                       else {
                           breakCount = Math.max(0, Math.min(7, Math.floor(module.level / 10)));
                   } else {
                       // 等级等于80时的突破计数
                       breakCount = Math.min(7, Math.floor(module.level / 10));
                   // 计算突破属性值
                   //const breakCount = Math.min(7, Math.floor(module.level / 10));
                   const breakAttack = breakValues.attack * breakCount;
                   const breakDefense = breakValues.defense * breakCount;
                   const breakHP = breakValues.hp * breakCount;
                   // 计算觉醒属性值(仅80级时)
                   const awakendAttack = module.level === 80 && module.awakend ? awakendValues.attack : 0;
                   const awakendDefense = module.level === 80 && module.awakend ? awakendValues.defense : 0;
                   const awakendHP = module.level === 80 && module.awakend ? awakendValues.hp : 0;
                   // 总属性值(不包括进阶,未放大)
                   const totalAttack = baseAttack + breakAttack + awakendAttack;
                   const totalDefense = baseDefense + breakDefense + awakendDefense;
                   const totalHP = baseHP + breakHP + awakendHP;
                   // 应用星级间属性比例(升级突破)
                   const adjustedAttack = totalAttack * starLevelMultipliers.upgradeBreak * (1 + starLevelMultipliers.normaladvancement * module.advancement);
                   const adjustedDefense = totalDefense * starLevelMultipliers.upgradeBreak * (1 + starLevelMultipliers.normaladvancement * module.advancement);
                   const adjustedHP = totalHP * starLevelMultipliers.upgradeBreak * (1 + starLevelMultipliers.normaladvancement * module.advancement);
                   // 计算进阶属性值(暴击/暴伤)
                   const advancementCrit = advancementValues.crit * starLevelMultipliers.highadvancement * module.advancement;
                   const advancementCritDamage = advancementValues.critDamage * starLevelMultipliers.highadvancement * module.advancement;
                   // 计算基础暴击/暴伤
                   const breakCrit = breakValues.crit * breakCount;
                   const breakCritDamage = breakValues.critDamage * breakCount;
                   // 计算觉醒暴击/暴伤(仅80级时)
                   const awakendCrit = module.level === 80 && module.awakend ? awakendValues.crit : 0;
                   const awakendCritDamage = module.level === 80 && module.awakend ? awakendValues.critDamage : 0;
                   const baseCrit = baseValues.crit * starLevelMultipliers.upgradeBreak;
                   const baseCritDamage = baseValues.critDamage * starLevelMultipliers.upgradeBreak;
                   // 总暴击/暴伤值
                   const totalCrit = baseCrit + (breakCrit + awakendCrit) * starLevelMultipliers.upgradeBreak + advancementCrit;
                   const totalCritDamage = baseCritDamage + (breakCritDamage + awakendCritDamage) * starLevelMultipliers.upgradeBreak + advancementCritDamage;
                   // 放大系数
                   const finalAttack = adjustedAttack * (module.talent === '攻击' ? 1.1 : 1.0);
                   const finalDefense = adjustedDefense * (module.talent === '防御' ? 1.1 : 1.0);
                   const finalHP = adjustedHP * (module.talent === '生命' ? 1.1 : 1.0);
                   const selectedValues = module.talent === '攻击' ? { finalValue: finalAttack, value1: 400, value2: 20 } :
                       module.talent === '防御' ? { finalValue: finalDefense, value1: 200, value2: 10 } :
                           module.talent === '生命' ? { finalValue: finalHP, value1: 8000, value2: 400 } :
                               { finalValue: null, value1: 0, value2: 0 };
                   let absresult = (selectedValues.finalValue - selectedValues.value1) < 0 ? 0 : (selectedValues.finalValue - selectedValues.value1);
                   const weak = absresult / selectedValues.value2;
                   const totalweak = Math.floor(weak) * 0.2;
                   attack = finalAttack;
                   df = finalDefense;
                   hp = finalHP;
                   crit = totalCrit;
                   critDamage = totalCritDamage;
                   weak_increase = totalweak;
                   if (module.level === 0) {
                       module.attack = 0;
                       module.defense = 0;
                       module.hp = 0;
                       module.crit = 0;
                       module.critDamage = 0;
                       module.weak_increase = 0;
                   else {
                       // 更新属性
                       module.attack = Math.floor(finalAttack);
                       module.defense = Math.floor(finalDefense);
                       module.hp = Math.floor(finalHP);
                       module.crit = totalCrit.toFixed(1);
                       module.critDamage = totalCritDamage.toFixed(1);
                       module.weak_increase = totalweak.toFixed(1);
               mergeAndCalculateTotalValues() {
                   let resultMap = {};
                   let key = Object.keys(this.currentTabData.coreModule.attributes.primary);
                   const attributeDetails = this.currentTabData.coreModule.attributes.primary[key];
                   if (attributeDetails) {
                       let newAttribute = {
                           attribute: key[0],
                           initialValue: attributeDetails.初始值,
                           growthValue: attributeDetails.每次提升值,
                           growthCount: this.currentTabData.coreModule.level, // 同步成长次数
                       let newAttributeTotalValue = Number(newAttribute.initialValue) + Number(newAttribute.growthValue) * Number(newAttribute.growthCount);
                       resultMap[newAttribute.attribute] = newAttributeTotalValue;
                   let keys = this.currentTabData.selectedPrimaryAttribute;
                   const attributes = this.currentTabData.coreModule1.attributes.primary[keys];
                   if (attributes) {
                       let newAttribute1 = {
                           attribute: keys,
                           initialValue: attributes.初始值,
                           growthValue: attributes.每次提升值,
                           growthCount: this.currentTabData.coreModule1.level, // 同步成长次数
                       let newAttributeTotalValue1 = Number(newAttribute1.initialValue) + Number(newAttribute1.growthValue) * Number(newAttribute1.growthCount);
                       resultMap[newAttribute1.attribute] = Number((newAttributeTotalValue1 * 100).toFixed(1));
                   // 遍历第一个数组,从索引1开始
                   this.currentTabData.selections.forEach(item => {
                       if (item.attribute && this.currentTabData.coreModule.selected != '无芯核') {
                           let totalValue = Number(item.initialValue) + Number(item.growthValue) * Number(item.growthCount);
                           if (!resultMap[item.attribute]) {
                               if (this.percentageKeys.includes(item.attribute) && this.currentTabData.coreModule.coreoption !== '自定义') {
                                   resultMap[item.attribute] = Number((totalValue * 100).toFixed(1));
                               else {
                                   resultMap[item.attribute] = totalValue;
                           } else if (this.percentageKeys.includes(item.attribute) && this.currentTabData.coreModule.coreoption !== '自定义') {
                               resultMap[item.attribute] += Number((totalValue * 100).toFixed(1));
                           else {
                               resultMap[item.attribute] += totalValue;

                   // 遍历第二个数组,从索引1开始
                   this.currentTabData.selections1.forEach(item => {
                       if (item.attribute) {
                           let totalValue = Number(item.initialValue) + Number(item.growthValue) * Number(item.growthCount);
                           if (!resultMap[item.attribute]) {
                               if (this.percentageKeys.includes(item.attribute) && this.currentTabData.coreModule1.coreoption !== '自定义') {
                                   resultMap[item.attribute] = Number((totalValue * 100).toFixed(1));
                               else {
                                   resultMap[item.attribute] = totalValue;
                           } else if (this.percentageKeys.includes(item.attribute) && this.currentTabData.coreModule1.coreoption !== '自定义') {
                               resultMap[item.attribute] += Number((totalValue * 100).toFixed(1));
                           else {
                               resultMap[item.attribute] += totalValue;
                   // 将结果对象转换为数组
                   this.currentTabData.mergedResults = Object.keys(resultMap).map(key => ({
                       key: key,
                       value: resultMap[key]
               totalAttributes() {
                   // 获取思念和芯核基础数值
                   const sinenAttack = parseFloat(this.currentTabData.memoryModule.attack) || 0;
                   const sinenDefense = parseFloat(this.currentTabData.memoryModule.defense) || 0;
                   const sinenHP = parseFloat(this.currentTabData.memoryModule.hp) || 0;
                   const sinenCrit = parseFloat(this.currentTabData.memoryModule.crit) || 0;
                   const sinenCritDamage = parseFloat(this.currentTabData.memoryModule.critDamage) || 0;
                   const sinenWeakIncrease = parseFloat(this.currentTabData.memoryModule.weak_increase) || 0;
                   const increment = Math.floor(this.tieLevel / 5); // 输入等级除以5向下取整
                   const attackBonus = increment * 10;
                   const defenseBonus = increment * 5;
                   const hpBonus = increment * 200;
                   const lifeItem = this.currentTabData.mergedResults.find(item => item.key === '生命');
                   const coreHP = lifeItem ? lifeItem.value : 0;
                   const critItem = this.currentTabData.mergedResults.find(item => item.key === '暴击');
                   const coreCrit = critItem ? critItem.value : 0;
                   const attItem = this.currentTabData.mergedResults.find(item => item.key === '攻击');
                   const coreAttack = attItem ? attItem.value : 0;
                   const dfItem = this.currentTabData.mergedResults.find(item => item.key === '防御');
                   const coreDefense = dfItem ? dfItem.value : 0;
                   const cdItem = this.currentTabData.mergedResults.find(item => item.key === '暴伤');
                   const coreCritDamage = cdItem ? cdItem.value : 0;
                   const attincreaseItem = this.currentTabData.mergedResults.find(item => item.key === '攻击加成');
                   const attincrease = attincreaseItem ? attincreaseItem.value : 0;
                   const dfincreaseItem = this.currentTabData.mergedResults.find(item => item.key === '防御加成');
                   const dfincrease = dfincreaseItem ? dfincreaseItem.value : 0;
                   const hpincreaseItem = this.currentTabData.mergedResults.find(item => item.key === '生命加成');
                   const hpincrease = hpincreaseItem ? hpincreaseItem.value : 0;
                   const weakItem = this.currentTabData.mergedResults.find(item => item.key === '虚弱增伤');
                   const coreWeakIncrease = weakItem ? weakItem.value : 0;
                   const syItem = this.currentTabData.mergedResults.find(item => item.key === '誓约增伤');
                   const coresy = syItem ? syItem.value : 0;
                   const hnItem = this.currentTabData.mergedResults.find(item => item.key === '誓约回能');
                   const corehn = hnItem ? hnItem.value : 0;
                   const jsItem = this.currentTabData.mergedResults.find(item => item.key === '加速回能');
                   const corejs = jsItem ? jsItem.value : 0;
                   this.currentTabData.cores['暴击'] = Number(coreCrit.toFixed(1));
                   this.currentTabData.cores['暴伤'] = Number(coreCritDamage.toFixed(1));

                   this.currentTabData.cores['攻击'] = (sinenAttack * Number(attincrease / 100) + coreAttack).toFixed(0);
                   this.currentTabData.cores['防御'] = (sinenDefense * Number(dfincrease / 100) + coreDefense).toFixed(0);
                   this.currentTabData.cores['生命'] = (sinenHP * Number(hpincrease / 100) + coreHP).toFixed(0);
                   this.currentTabData.cores['虚弱增伤'] = coreWeakIncrease;
                   this.currentTabData.cores['誓约增伤'] = coresy;
                   this.currentTabData.cores['誓约回能'] = corehn;
                   this.currentTabData.cores['加速回能'] = corejs;
                   // 使用 parseFloat 并转换为固定的小数位数
                   let finalCrit = Number(this.currentTabData.memoryModule.crit) + Number(coreCrit.toFixed(1));
                   let finalCD = Number(this.currentTabData.memoryModule.critDamage) + Number(coreCritDamage.toFixed(1));
                   // 基础属性加成
                   let finalAttack = (sinenAttack * (1 + Number(attincrease / 100)) + coreAttack).toFixed(0);
                   let finalDefense = (sinenDefense * (1 + Number(dfincrease / 100)) + coreDefense).toFixed(0);
                   let finalHP = (sinenHP * (1 + Number(hpincrease / 100)) + coreHP).toFixed(0);
                   // 加上牵绊增加的属性
                   let finalAttackbonus = (sinenAttack * (1 + Number(attincrease / 100)) + coreAttack + attackBonus).toFixed(0);
                   let finalDefensebonus = (sinenDefense * (1 + Number(dfincrease / 100)) + coreDefense + defenseBonus).toFixed(0);
                   let finalHPbonus = (sinenHP * (1 + Number(hpincrease / 100)) + coreHP + hpBonus).toFixed(0);
                   // 虚弱增伤
                   const selectedValues = this.currentTabData.memoryModule.talent === '攻击' ? { finalValue: finalAttack, value1: 400, value2: 20 } :
                       this.currentTabData.memoryModule.talent === '防御' ? { finalValue: finalDefense, value1: 200, value2: 10 } :
                           this.currentTabData.memoryModule.talent === '生命' ? { finalValue: finalHP, value1: 8000, value2: 400 } :
                               { finalValue: null, value1: 0, value2: 0 };
                   let absresult = (selectedValues.finalValue - selectedValues.value1) < 0 ? 0 : (selectedValues.finalValue - selectedValues.value1);
                   let totalweak = Math.floor(absresult / selectedValues.value2) * 0.2 + coreWeakIncrease;
                   this.currentTabData.tabValues['暴击'] = finalCrit;
                   this.currentTabData.tabValues['暴伤'] = finalCD;
                   this.currentTabData.tabValues['攻击'] = finalAttackbonus; //计算虚弱增伤的三维属性和最终面板不同
                   this.currentTabData.tabValues['防御'] = finalDefensebonus;
                   this.currentTabData.tabValues['生命'] = finalHPbonus;
                   this.currentTabData.tabValues['虚弱增伤'] = totalweak.toFixed(1);
                   this.currentTabData.tabValues['誓约增伤'] = coresy;
                   this.currentTabData.tabValues['誓约回能'] = corehn;
                   this.currentTabData.tabValues['加速回能'] = corejs;
           watch: {

               'currentTabData.memoryModule.level': {
                   handler(newValue, oldValue) {
                       if (newValue !== oldValue) {
                           this.currentTabData.memoryModule.awakend = false;
                   deep: true
               'currentTabData.selectedSecondaryOptions1': {
                   handler(newValues, oldValues) {
                       newValues.forEach((option, index) => {
                           if (option) {
                               const attributeDetails = this.currentTabData.coreModule1.attributes.secondary[option] || { 初始值: 0, 每次提升值: 0 };
                               this.currentTabData.selections1[index] = {
                                   attribute: option,
                                   initialValue: attributeDetails.初始值,
                                   growthValue: attributeDetails.每次提升值,
                                   growthCount: this.currentTabData.growthCount1[index] // 同步成长次数
                           } else {
                               // 清空或重置无效的选项
                               this.currentTabData.selections1[index] = { attribute: , initialValue: 0, growthValue: 0, growthCount: 0 };
                   deep: true,
                   immediate: true
               'currentTabData.growthCount1': {
                   handler(newValues, oldValues) {
                   deep: true,
                   immediate: true
               'currentTabData.coreModule1.attributes.secondary': {
                   handler(newValues, oldValues) {
                       if (newValues && typeof newValues === 'object') {
                           Object.keys(newValues).forEach(key => {
                               const index = this.currentTabData.selectedSecondaryOptions1.indexOf(key);
                               if (index !== -1 && this.currentTabData.selections1[index]) {
                                   this.currentTabData.selections1[index].growthCount = this.currentTabData.growthCount1[index];
                   deep: true,
                   immediate: true
               'currentTabData.selectedSecondaryOptions': {
                   handler(newValues, oldValues) {
                       newValues.forEach((option, index) => {
                           if (option) {
                               const attributeDetails = this.currentTabData.coreModule.attributes.secondary[option] || { 初始值: 0, 每次提升值: 0 };
                               this.currentTabData.selections[index] = {
                                   attribute: option,
                                   initialValue: attributeDetails.初始值,
                                   growthValue: attributeDetails.每次提升值,
                                   growthCount: this.currentTabData.growthCount[index] // 同步成长次数
                           } else {
                               // 清空或重置无效的选项
                               this.currentTabData.selections[index] = { attribute: , initialValue: 0, growthValue: 0, growthCount: 0 };
                   deep: true,
                   immediate: true
               'currentTabData.growthCount': {
                   handler(newValues, oldValues) {
                   deep: true,
                   immediate: true
               'currentTabData.coreModule.level': {
                   handler(newValue, oldValue) {
                       if (newValue !== oldValue) {
                   deep: true
               'currentTabData.coreModule.coreoption': {
                   handler(newValue, oldValue) {
                       if (newValue !== oldValue) {
                   deep: true
               'currentTabData.coreModule1.level': {
                   handler(newValue, oldValue) {
                       if (newValue !== oldValue) {
                   deep: true
               'currentTabData.coreModule1.coreoption': {
                   handler(newValue, oldValue) {
                       if (newValue !== oldValue) {
                   deep: true
               'currentTabData.selectedPrimaryAttribute': {
                   handler(newValue, oldValue) {
                       if (newValue !== oldValue) {
                   deep: true
           mounted() {
