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Central Autonomic Service System for Internal Emergencies (C.A.S.S.I.E) also known as CASSIE, is an automatic service system that is used for emergencies that happen at Site-02. CASSIE will make announcements throughout the facility during an emergency. These announcements can range from warning everyone in Light Containment Zone about the 净化程序 or the recontainment of an SCP. CASSIE is not a true Text To Speech system. Everything CASSIE can say is a pre-recorded line said by a real human. CASSIE is voiced by Narlor.


C.A.S.S.I.E stands for, Central Autonomic Service System for Internal Emergencies. It is their job to keep the staff of Site-02 safe from breaches, fires, Chaos Insurgency or biological threats. If any of those threats are detected. Site Management will be alerted and CASSIE will wait for a response. If no response is given CASSIE will act within its capabilities. CASSIE began operation in March of 2008 and function as a simple PA system that could act on its own to put out fires or detected a disease outbreak within staff. On December 2014 CASSIE was upgraded giving it new capabilities. To minimize outside threats and hacking, CASSIE can't be controlled remotely. One needs Level 5 permission to access CASSIE's core to override it.
For more info about CASSIE, the official public CASSIE Doc can be viewed by clicking here.


At the start of the game, CASSIE will initiate a P-B-3 security procedure, a schedule decontamination process, in Light Containment Zone. After 15 minutes, CASSIE will lock down Light Containment Zone decontaminate it, killing anyone left inside it. CASSIE will also make multiple announcements throughout the game, including the death of an SCP, time renaming until LCZ is decontaminated, activation of a generator, when 九尾狐特遣部队 spawn, and the activation and deactivation of the Alpha Warhead. Randomly, when CASSIE is making announcements, glitch sound effects will occur and CASSIE will even sometimes stutter on a word.
Using Remote Admin, one can custom announcements with CASSIE. There are over 700 possible words CASSIE can say, including numbers, ending sounds and NATO Alphabet. One can also changed the pitch of these custom announcements, add glitch sound effects and even make CASSIE stutter on a word.
If one tries to make CASSIE say a word that isn't in his database. The word will be skipped.


Nine Tailed Fox

One of the following will play when Nine Tailed Fox respawn.

Announcement when there are SCPs alive:

Mobile Task Force Unit, Epsilon-11, designated, [Military Phonetic Alphabet]-[#], has entered the facility. All remaining personnel are advised to proceed with standard evacuation protocols until an MTF squad reaches your destination. Awaiting re-containment of: [#] SCP subject(s).. 文件:Cassie Multiple SCPs remain.ogg

Announcement when there are no SCPs alive:

Mobile Task Force Unit, Epsilon-11, designated, "[Military Phonetic Alphabet-[#], has entered the facility. All remaining personnel are advised to proceed with standard evacuation protocols, until MTF squad has reached your destination, substantial threat to safety is within the facility -- exercise caution. 文件:CASSIE no scps.ogg

SCP Related Announcements

When an SCP dies, CASSIE will announce the SCP's death plus how the SCP dies.
If SCP-106 is killed by the femur breaker CASSIE will not announce the containment unit as the femur breaker and instead will list the containment unit as the class who activated the femur breaker.

When an SCP dies from NTF:

SCP-XXXX contained successfully, containment unit [Military Phonetic Alphabet]-[#].

When an SCP dies from Telsa:

SCP-XXXX contained successfully, containment unit Automatic Security System.

When an SCP dies from Light Zone Decontamination:

SCP-XXXX lost in Decontamination Sequence.

When an SCP dies from Nuke:

SCP-XXXX terminated by Alpha Warhead.

When an SCP dies from a Scientist:

SCP-XXXX contained successfully, containment unit Science Personnel

When an SCP dies from a Class D

SCP-XXXX contained successfully, containment unit Class D Personnel

When an SCP dies from Chaos:

SCP-XXXX contained successfully, containment unit Chaos Insurgency

When SCP-079 is kill by generators:

SCP-079 contained successfully, containment unit, generator recontainment system.

When the last SCP dies that isn't SCP-079:

All SCP subjects have been secured, SCP-079 containment sequence commissioning, Heavy Containment Zone overcharge in t-minus, 1 minute

When an SCP dies by any other reason not listed above:

SCP-XXXX contained successfully, containment unit unknown.


When a generator is turned on CASSIE will play the following announcements

When generators 1-4 turn on:

X out of 5 generators activated.

When all 5 generators turn on:

5 out of 5 generators activated. All generators have been successfully engaged. Finalizing recontainment sequence. Heavy Containment Zone overcharge in t minus, 1 minute.

When Heavy Containment Zone 过载s:

过载 in 3 2 1.


CASSIE will announce the activation, reactivation and deactivation of the nuke, plus the time until detonation.


One of the following lines will play when the nuke is turned on for the first time in a round.

When the nuke starts (120 seconds):

Alpha Warhead Emergency Detonation Sequence engaged. The underground section of the facility will be detonated in t minus-120 seconds.

When the nuke starts (110 seconds):

Alpha Warhead Emergency Detonation Sequence engaged. The underground section of the facility will be detonated in t minus-110 seconds.

When the nuke starts (100 seconds):

Alpha Warhead Emergency Detonation Sequence engaged. The underground section of the facility will be detonated in t minus-100 seconds.

When the nuke starts (90 seconds) (default time):

Alpha Warhead Emergency Detonation Sequence engaged. The underground section of the facility will be detonated in t minus-90 seconds.

When the nuke starts (80 seconds):

Alpha Warhead Emergency Detonation Sequence engaged. The underground section of the facility will be detonated in t minus-80 seconds.


The following announcement will play when the nuke is cancelled:

Detonation cancelled, restarting systems.


One of the following lines will play when the nuke is reactivated after being cancelled.

When the nuke is reactivated after being cancelled (100 seconds left): Detonation Sequence resumed, t minus, 100 seconds.

When the nuke is reactivated after being cancelled (90 seconds left):

Detonation Sequence resumed, t minus, 90 seconds.

When the nuke is reactivated after being cancelled (80 seconds left):

Detonation Sequence resumed, t minus, 80 seconds.

When the nuke is reactivated after being cancelled (70 seconds left):

Detonation Sequence resumed, t minus, 70 seconds.

When the nuke is reactivated after being cancelled (60 seconds left):

Detonation Sequence resumed, t minus, 60 seconds.

When the nuke is reactivated after being cancelled (50 seconds left):

Detonation Sequence resumed, t minus, 50 seconds.

When the nuke is reactivated after being cancelled (40 seconds left):

Detonation Sequence resumed, t minus, 40 seconds.

When the nuke is reactivated after being cancelled (30 seconds left):

Detonation Sequence resumed, t minus, 30 seconds.


Throughout the round CASSIE will announce the status of Light Containment Zone 净化程序. All these announcements can only be heard by people in LCZ with the exception of the 1 Minute Left line and the Light Containment Zone is locked down line, which are played throughout the whole facility.

15 Minutes left

"Attention, all personnel, the Light Containment Zone decontamination process will occur in t-minus 15 minutes. All biological substances must be removed in order to avoid destruction."

10 Minutes left

Danger, Light Containment zone overall decontamination in T-minus 10 Minutes.

5 minutes left

Danger, Light Containment zone overall decontamination in T-minus 5 Minutes.

1 minute left

Danger, Light Containment zone overall decontamination in T-minus 1 Minute.

30 seconds left

Danger, Light Containment Zone overall decontamination in T-minus 30 seconds. All checkpoint doors have been permanently opened. Please evacuate immediately. 20. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10 seconds. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.

After Light Containment Zone Locks Down

Light Containment Zone is locked down and ready for decontamination. The removal of organic substances has now begun.