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ID: City_ER_Peace
发布: 尼万·博恩(Nevan Bohn)
地点: 伊洛斯静息园阿基拉城
FormID: 001699FB




ID 说明
1 (DEBUG: Jump the player to Eleos Retreat)
2 (DEBUG: Jump the player to Akila.)
3 (DEBUG: Set vars up as though the player killed the Trackers)
4 (DEBUG: Set vars up as though the player tried to negotiate with the Trackers but failed)
5 (DEBUG: Give the player all the backgrounds for this quest)
6 (DEBUG: Player bribed the Trackers in Exorcism)
7 (DEBUG: Player Starborn'd the Trackers in Exorcism)
19 (DEBUG: Stage always set in a debug start)
100 (P1: Quest started. Direct the player to speak to Nevan.)我已经为伊洛斯静息园解决了追踪者的问题,但该设施的联合主管尼万似乎想跟我谈一些事。斯隆让我前往他的办公室找他。
102 (P2: Player hit Nevan's 2nd player dialogue scene. Get them back there.)
200 (P1: Scene with Nevan complete. Direct the player to check in with Snead in Akila.)静息园的创始捐赠者想跟我谈谈之前发生的事。尼万说我应该前往阿基拉城找捐赠者的安全主管贾斯汀·斯奈德,以便和她取得联系。
201 (P2: Player told Snead who they are. Proceed past initial player choice in the future.)
202 (P2: Player got to the choice with Snead. If they drop, get 'em back there.)
205 (P1: Player hit trigger in front of Snead. Kick off his scene.)
210 (P1: Snead's scene started. Turn off his forcegreet package and drop him into his other.)
290 (P2: Player hit the stage 290. If stage 300 isn't done, have Nevan shout and update the quest.)
300 (P1: Player checked in with Snead. Direct them upstairs to speak to Reisha.)我已经到楼上了,这里似乎是静息园的创始捐赠者的藏身之处。我应该在她的打手找我麻烦前先和她联系一下。我联系了贾斯汀·斯奈德,他让我上楼去找伊洛斯静息园的创始捐赠者“兰斯小姐”谈谈。
340 (P1: Player hit the trigger for the upstairs portion of the tower. Kick off Reisha's greeting scene.)
350 (P1: Greeting scene complete. Direct the player to take a sit)捐赠者在等我。她让我在讨论开始前先坐下。
400 (P1: Player sat. Kick off the scene with Reisha.)
401 (P2: Player hit Reisha 1st player choice)神秘的捐赠者是蕾莎·兰斯,拉锐多军火的首席执行官。她想跟我谈谈在静息园发生的事,感谢我的帮助。
402 (P2: Player hit Reisha 2nd player choice)
403 (P2: Player hit Reisha 3rd player choice)
404 (P2: Player hit Reisha 4th player choice (killed Trackers))
405 (P2: Player hit Reisha 5th player choice (negotiated with Trackers))
406 (P2: Player hit Reisha 6th player choice)
407 (P2: Player hit Reisha 7th player choice)
408 (P3: Player asked to move quicker. Skip the "Let's get to it" line.)
409 (BUG: Player hit Reisha's first line. Condition out the wait at the beginning of the sequence for subsequent activations.)
410 (P3: Player mentioned they bribed the Trackers with Reisha. Have her throw in some extra credits at the end.)
450 (P2: Reisha gave the player their custom Laredo.)
455 (P3: Give the player bonus credits for shelling out so much dough during Exorcism)
490 (P1: Nearly wrapped up. Give the player their reward item.)
1000 (P1: Quest complete!)我回答了蕾莎·兰斯的所有提问。作为回报,她给了我一份惊人的“谢礼”,感谢我为静息园提供的帮助。
