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  • 和酒鬼很相似,疯子不知道自己的真实角色和真实阵营。疯子每个夜晚都会被唤醒来发动攻击,就如同他是场上真正的恶魔,但是疯子的选择没有效果,因为他没有恶魔的能力。
  • 疯子会在首个夜晚被唤醒来得知三个不在场的角色,以及与当前游戏数量符合的爪牙,但是这些信息可能是错误的。
  • 真正的恶魔会知道疯子每个夜晚攻击了哪些玩家。








  • 被选择(共3枚)




  • 是疯子(仅线上魔典,实体没有此标记)



  • Drawing a demon token is always an exciting experience: you will be fighting the good team, killing them off at night and lying to their faces by day! You are a dangerous scourge on the town, threatening to rip them all to shreds!! .... Well, either that, or you're the Lunatic.抽出恶魔角色总是令人兴奋的体验:你将与善良阵营对战,晚上将他们杀死,白天则当着他们的面撒谎!你是镇上危险的祸害,威胁要把他们都撕成碎片!!....好吧,要么,要么你是疯子
  • The Lunatic is a unique outsider, tricking a good player into believing they are playing for evil, only to find that reality does not match up with that belief. Fortunately, these breaks in your evil narrative will be what helps you determine if you are truly evil or not! In nearly all cases, it's best to assume you are legitimate, and only actually begin to doubt if you encounter something that doesn't make sense. For example:疯子是一个独特的外来者,欺骗善良玩家相信他们是在为邪恶而战,却发现实际与你认为的不符。幸运的是,你的邪恶叙述中的这些问题将帮助你确定你是否真的是邪恶的!在几乎所有情况下,最好假设您是正确的,并且只有真正开始怀疑您是否遇到了错误事情。例如:
    • The players you kill don't die, but others do. You're a Shabaloth, but for some reason only 1 out of 2 of your kills are happening every night. You're the Zombuul, but there was an execution and a kill last night. While the real demon can see and try to mimic your choices to kill, the demons in Bad Moon Rising are colorful and varied - pay close attention to why kills succeed or fail. Is a wily Innkeeper getting the better of you, or does the real demon not care for your delusions?你杀死的玩家不会死,但其他人会。你是一名沙巴洛斯,但由于某种原因,你的每晚的2次杀戮中只有1次发生。你是僵怖,但昨天有处决和杀戮。虽然真正的恶魔可以看到并尝试模仿你的杀戮选择,但《黯月初升》中的恶魔色彩丰富且多种多样——密切关注杀戮成功或失败的原因。是狡猾的旅店老板占了你便宜,还是真正的恶魔不在乎你的妄想?
    • Talk to your 'minions'. Like a real demon, you will be told players who are evil along with you. If they are real minions, they will know you are the demon. If you are a Lunatic, however... they could be anyone! Townsfolk, other Outsiders, the real demon's minions... Keep an eye on your evil team and see how they behave. If they are backing you up and working with you, you probably have nothing to fear. If they are giving you odd looks, fighting against you, or even outright tell you that they're not your minion, well... that might be an indication everything isn't on the level.与你的“爪牙”交谈。就像一个真正的恶魔一样,你会被告知与你一起的邪恶的玩家。如果他们是真正的爪牙,他们就会知道你是恶魔。但是,如果您是疯子……他们可能是任何人!镇民、其他外来者、真正恶魔的爪牙……密切关注你的邪恶队伍,看看他们的行为方式。如果他们支持你并与你合作,你可能没什么好害怕的。如果他们给你奇怪的表情,与你对抗,甚至直接告诉你他们不是你的爪牙,那么......这可能表明一切都与你的认知不符。
    • Like a real demon, you will also receive three characters that are not in play. If you are the [Lunatic|Lunatic]], these can be anything, and often will include characters that are actually in play - a hint to your true nature. If you know there's no Tea Lady in play, and then across the room a Tea Lady proves they are (by executing one of their neighbours), it might be time to doubt your evil identity.像真正的恶魔一样,您还将收到三个不在游戏中的角色。如果你是疯子,你可以得知任何东西,并且通常会包括实际在游戏中的角色 - 暗示你的真实本性。如果您知道游戏中没有茶艺师,然后坐在对面的茶艺师证明了他们的角色(通过处决他们的一个邻居),那么可能是时候怀疑您的“邪恶”角色了。
    • The one seems obvious, but should you die and the game continue, that's a huge indication that you were probably not the demon haunting this town. Of course, keep in mind that if you are the Zombuul, you get one extra life, and the Mastermind forces the game to continue for one more day in the event of your death. So maybe don't jump to conclusions right away depending on how the game is looking.这似乎很明显,但如果你死了并且游戏继续进行,那么这表明你可能不是困扰这个城镇的恶魔。当然,请记住,如果您是僵怖,那您将获得额外的生命,而主谋会在您死亡的情况下强制游戏再继续一天。因此,根据游戏的特性,也许不要立即下结论。
  • If you have come to the conclusion that you are the Lunatic, don't despair - all that means is that your true objective has been revealed, and it's time to fight for the good team. You may have spent the first half of the game believing you were a bloodthirsty demon, but that doesn't mean you can't be a productive member of society now, lending your vote and voice to the fighting off the true evil lurking in this town.如果你得出了你是疯子的结论,不要绝望——这意味着你的真正目标已经暴露,是时候为善良阵营而战了。您可能在游戏的前半部分都认为自己是一个嗜血的恶魔,但这并不意味着您现在不能成为小镇的一员,用您的投票和声音来对抗潜伏在其中的真正邪恶恶魔。
  • Don't come out right away once you figure it out - not only will the good team tend towards being suspicious and may just execute you anyway, but there's a lot you can do if the evil team thinks you're under the thrall of your own lunacy still. For example, the demon knows who you choose to die each night - if they believe you believe, then you may be able to point towards players you suspect are actually evil. If the demon has been faithfully following you until that night and suddenly swerves, you may have hit pay-dirt. Evil pay-dirt.一旦你弄清楚了,不要马上出来 - 不仅好团队会倾向于怀疑并可能无论如何都会处决你,但如果邪恶阵营认为你受到束缚,你可以做很多事情让他们认为你仍然觉得自己是个疯子。例如,恶魔每天晚上都知道你选择去死谁——如果他们相信的选择,那么你可能会指向你怀疑实际上是邪恶的玩家。如果恶魔一直忠实地追随你直到那天晚上突然转向,那你可能已经打到了罪魁祸首,真正的邪恶恶魔。
  • If you think that you are the Lunatic, tell the group this as soon as possible. The sooner that you stop accidentally playing for the evil team, and start playing for the good team, the sooner you can put all your information together. When the good team believes that you are the Lunatic, the correct number of Outsiders can be determined, and any false information that you have given up until this point can be reversed.如果您认为自己是疯子,请尽快告诉团队。你越早停止意外地为邪恶的阵营效力,而开始为善良阵营效力,你就能越早将所有信息放在一起。当善良阵营认为你是疯子时,可以确定正确的外来者数量,并且可以逆转你之前放弃的任何虚假信息。



  • Bluff as a different character for a while first. Act like a demon would act for a little while before "figuring out" that you are a Lunatic. This can work even if the bluff you have chosen duplicates an in-play good character. After all... a real Lunatic often gets shown bluffs that are in-play characters.首先作为一个不同的角色虚张声势。在“弄清楚”你是个疯子之前,表现得像一个恶魔去行动一会。即使您选择的虚张声势复制了游戏中的善良角色,这也可以实现。毕竟......一个真正的疯子经常被展示到游戏中角色作为虚张声势。
  • Sincerity is key. Whilst most other characters can coldly give their information, Lunatics tend to have an obvious emotional reaction - an "aha!" moment - when they figure out that they are the Lunatic. This emotional reaction can be difficult to fake for some people, but you are much more talented than that. You know how to put a little oomph into your words, and you know how effective it can be in convincing the good team that you are good.真诚是关键。虽然大多数其他角色可以冷淡地提供他们的信息,但疯子往往会有明显的情绪反应——“啊哈!” 那一刻——当他们发现自己是疯子的时候。对于某些人来说,这种情绪反应很难伪装,但你比这更有才华。你知道如何在你的话语中加上一点魅力,你知道它在让善良阵营相信你是善良的方面是多么有效。
  • If you come out as the Lunatic, the good team will want to know which players you were shown as your Minions. This is something that you will want to have thought about beforehand - pick the appropriate number of good players, and approach them privately, asking them "are you my Minion?". When they say "no", which they will, because they are good players, that will give you further credibility when you do come out as the Lunatic later on.如果您以疯子的身份出现,那么善良阵营会想知道您得知的爪牙是哪些玩家。这是您需要事先考虑的事情 - 选择适当数量的善良玩家,并私下接近他们,问他们“你是我的爪牙吗?”。当他们说“不”时,他们会说“不”,因为他们是善良的玩家,当你后来成为疯子时,这会给你更多的可信度。
  • Another way to falsely claim to be the Lunatic, is to reveal your actual Minion(s) to the group when you come out publicly. Tell the group that you approached your (actual) Minions, but they claimed to not be your Minions... which makes you believe that you are the Lunatic.另一种错误地声称自己是疯子的方法是,当您公开自己的身份时,将您的真实爪牙透露给其他人。告诉团队您私聊了您的(实际)爪牙,但他们声称不是您的爪牙……这使您确信自己是疯子。
  • If you are claiming to be the Lunatic, the group may want to know which players you attempted to attack at night time. You can claim to have attacked the same players that the Demon has attacked, or different ones. It is up to you.如果您声称自己是疯子,善良阵营可能想知道您在夜间试图攻击哪些玩家。你可以声称攻击了恶魔攻击过的同一个玩家,也可以声称攻击了不同的玩家。它是由你决定。
  • If you are a Minion, and the real Demon has talked to you in private to confirm that you are indeed a Minion, so as to confirm to themselves that they are not the Lunatic, feel free to lie to your own Demon. If the Demon's Minions claim to not be Minions, then the Demon will be completely convinced that they are the Lunatic, and the sincerity with which they tell the group that they are good will be palpable. After all, it is not difficult to bluff as the Lunatic if you genuinely believe that you are! You can always tell the Demon the truth later in the game, after they have convinced the good team that they are the Lunatic, so that they have all the information that they need to win as evil.如果你是爪牙,而真正的恶魔私下与你交谈,确认你确实是爪牙,从而向自己确认他们不是爪牙,随意对自己的恶魔撒谎。如果恶魔的爪牙声称自己不是爪牙,那么恶魔将完全相信他们是疯子,并且他们告诉团队他们是善良的诚意将是显而易见的。毕竟,如果你真的相信自己是疯子,那么虚张声势并不难!你总是可以在游戏后期告诉恶魔真相,在他们说服善良阵营他们是疯子之后,这样他们就拥有了赢得胜利所需的所有信息。


  • 英文名:Lunatic
