更新日志/2024-12-06 (大更新)
< 更新日志
- 为英雄沙盒添加新英雄,Raven
- 为紫线添加了公园主题
- 为地图的公园侧添加了公园背景
- 更新树木模型,使其具有新的视觉风格,并增加了玩家与树冠的碰撞
- 对于主排行榜上的每位玩家,你可以看到他们的前 3 名英雄以及他们的总体水平评级
- 将赛后调查移至最终计分板阶段
- 在赛后调查中添加了文本框
- 静音玩家现在也会静音其地图绘制、标点和聊天轮盘消息
- 地图资产的各种渲染性能改进
- 在设置中添加“强制显示英雄英文名”和“强制显示物品英文名”,开启后会在显示这些名字时使用英文,无视你选择的语言
- 添加了切换下蹲按键绑定
- 添加了新的设置选项:“额外出装搜索语言”,可以让你在搜索出装时,除了当前的客户端语言之外再额外选择一种语言
- 修复了当从主菜单“资源”选项卡进入商店时,商店搜索不可用的问题
- 修改近战格挡效果并移除格挡失败效果,使格挡更加清晰
- 调整了酒店音乐的距离衰减和变调
- 为提箱客的弹幕添加了释放延迟音效
- 更新了提箱客的提箱遁形释放音效
- 被动物品冷却指示器现在在物品冷却时间完全转好后出现,而不是结束前一秒
- 修复了免疫debuff的音效在错误的时间播放的问题
- 修复了尽管近战没有造成伤害,近战音效却被播放的问题
- 修复了在英雄沙盒中复活石的收集音效从错误的位置被播放的问题
- 更新了格挡的释放和格挡成功音效
- 蜃景的绝大多数核心动作现在都拥有了自己的动画
- 修复了可以从一个表面反复蹬墙跳的问题
- 修复了在沙盒中,伤害报告UI切到商店的问题
- 修复了如果你之前导航到英雄出装,然后从资源中打开它,商店会显示损坏的出装选项卡的问题
- Fixed clicking on minimap not taking you to that location as a spectator
- 淡化屋顶天线的环境效果,使其在远处不可见
- 更新了量子闪现的视觉特效
- 回退了近期对西弗奔跑动画的更新
- 为缴械时射击和沉默时使用技能的音效增大了音量并调整了混音
- 更新了神鞭鞭笞的命中音效,以使其在攻击玩家时有更好的反馈
- 修复了玩家在购买或自动购买主动和加强物品时播放用于bug调试的音效的问题
- 更新了蜃景的枪口闪光和弹道特效
- 更新了子弹Flurry(疑似为暗影大招)的弹道特效,使其基于元灵
- 修复了比波普的炸弹伤害成长不会显示在技能提示中
- 修复了灰爪通过大招获得的元灵力量不会显示在商店中的问题
- 修复了大和的暗影变身术的视觉特效在击杀英雄后提早结束的问题
- 修复了部分物品的音效不从目标而是从释放者播放的问题
- 更新隧底双煞配音:大部分是重置,但有些新内容
- 更新青藤配音:大部分都是重置,但修复了一些语音中西班牙语的发音问题
- 修复了凯尔文叫错灰爪名字的问题
- 更新了神圣屏障的释放音效
- 在设置菜单中添加了遥测HUD。遥测HUD是一个游戏内的HUD,用来检测帧数和网络情况。遥测HUD可以从设置->游戏中启用。更多关于遥测HUD的信息请访问[1]
- 在与Toastyghostey(instargram)的合作下添加了新的教程图片
- Steam输入支持:
- 为新的下蹲切换按钮添加支持
- 添加了三种新的官方手柄方案:标准、陀螺仪、FlickStick。感谢 @FlickStickVids 的咨询
- Added an Extra Competitive option to allow players to control what type of players are placed on their team. If you prefer to play with higher levels of coordination, communication, and competitiveness, then you can use this option to tell the matchmaker to build your team with like-minded allies. This option will sometimes be inactive in scenarios where the pool is very shallow (large portions of Eternus, off peak hours like 5am, extremely long queue, etc.), but otherwise in most normal scenarios the matchmaker will attempt to find you similar players.
- The new Extra Competitive option, Incoming Chat, and Lane Preference (party only) settings are now collected within a 'Queue Options' button on the dashboard below the profile area
- The recent change to increase party size allowed at the top MMR (from 2 to 3) reverted for Eternus and up, but maintained for Ascendant
- The matchmaker will now try to prioritize each team having at least 2 frontliners when it has the option to do so
- 技能范围属性现在叠加收益逐渐递减
- 技能持续时间现在叠加收益逐渐递减
- 射速现在拥有-50%的最低值
- 英雄现在初始拥有+0.5冲刺速度
- 疾跑靴从+2冲刺速度降低至+1.5
- 疾速不怠从+2冲刺速度降低至+1.5
- 携带灵瓮现在会将移动速度锁定在13,无法增加或减少,包括青藤的空投等技能。不再阻止冲刺
- 灵瓮的初始刷新点固定在左侧,而不是随机(后续照常交替)
- 射击滑索上的小兵回导致其周围的小兵同时被打下来
- 飞过建筑不再导致被电击,站在建筑商时才会
- 守护神生命值从10k降低至7.5k
- 守护神二阶段 生命值从18k降低至13.5k
- 守护神生命值从20分钟后开始以250/分钟的速度成长
- 守护神二阶段的生命值从20分钟后开始以450/分钟的速度成长(总体来看,在20分钟前-25%生命值,30分钟时0%,40分钟时+25%)
- 添加了一个系统,使一个队伍中灵魂净值最低的两名玩家每秒钟获得小额的灵魂。可供两名玩家分配的灵魂量时基于队伍收集的灵魂(2%和1%)。这个系统会在对线期后启用。
- 为对线期的小兵灵魂球复制添加了限制函数。在正常的游戏流程中不会有任何差异。玩家每波兵线只能共享到4个灵魂球,之后玩家会被标记为低优先级。低优先级的玩家不会参与灵魂球共享。例子:一个玩家在第一波兵时死在了四个小兵边,并在复活后前往一个还剩下一个第一波兵的友军的线,这名玩家不再会导致这波线的灵魂生成翻倍,因为他们对于这波线来说有低优先级。生成的灵魂会被正常的分发。
- 回退了近期一些关于灵魂球复制的改动
- 回退: 一塔现在对小兵造成25%的额外伤害
- 回退: 一塔现在从小兵和玩家处受到25%的额外伤害
- 回退: 灵魂共享范围降低5米
- 回退: 小兵现在对对方造成20%额外伤害
- 基本弹匣:武器伤害从15%降低至12%
- 近战火拼:武器伤害从25%降低至22%
- 近战火拼:子弹抗性从5%降低至4%
- 爆头奖励:冷却从7.5s增长至8.5s
- 高速弹匣:武器伤害从13%降低至11%
- 空尖结界:触发阈值从60%增长至65%
- 空尖结界:武器伤害从22%降低至20%
- 猎怪弹:武器伤害vs NPC 从30%降低至26%
- 快手连发:射速从11%降低至10%
- 疗愈子弹:武器伤害从6%降低至3%
- 狂战士: 现在升级为末路狂徒
- 高速装填:弹药从18%增长至24%
- 轻盈飞步:冷却从19s增长至20s
- 近战蓄力: 额外生命值从+75降低至+65
- Spellslinger Headshots: Proc额外从3%元灵Power更改至3%元灵Amp
- 近身猛击: Now provides +20% Melee Resistance
- 毒弹: Bleed伤害从2.5%增长至2.75%
- 炼金之火:元灵力量从11降低至7
- 神枪手: Now reduces your射速by 10% and移动速度by 0.5
- 神枪手:武器伤害从20%增长至30%
- 神枪手: Far range武器伤害从+50%增长至+70%
- 巨型弹匣:近战抗性从25%增长至30%
- 炼金之火: Added alternate desaturated variant for friendly versions of this
- 末路狂徒: Now builds from 狂战士. Grants 狂战士 passive. Increases额外per stack from 6% to 8%. Provides +12 ammo, 150额外Health, +10%子弹Resist. Stat bonuses when 50% below unchanged (4 m/s, 40% Fire Rate, 55%子弹Resist, has 4s buffer memory)
- 爆头破防: The headshot debuff will now stack from different sources, diminishingly (24%, 12%, 6%, etc)
- 来去无踪: Spot radius 从22m增长至26m
- 幸运一击: Proc Chance 从35%降低至34%
- 沉默子弹: Buildup difficulty increased by 18%
- 元灵漫溢:冷却缩减从15%降低至12%
- 耐力补给:射速从6%降低至5%
- 治疗仪式:生命值bonus 从+45降低至+30
- Healing Nova: Time to治疗从2s增长至2.75s
- 灵力魔障: 冷却缩减从8%降低至6%
- 回应射击不再has +9元灵Power
- 回应射击 now has +3 生命值 Regen
- 回应射击 now has +10% Ammo
- 疗愈护符:冷却从30s降低至25s
- 玄幕行者: When shot while invisible, you will require 1s to go back invisible rather than 0.25s
- 玄幕行者:冷却从18s增长至22s
- 升空飞跃:不再gets interrupted on slam down if you get shot
- 铜墙铁壁:持续时间从3.5s增长至4s
- 铜墙铁壁: Stamina movement distance reduced by 25%
- 营救光束: Range 从32m降低至28m
- 减益消除: Buff持续时间从4s增长至5s
- 减益消除:治疗on active 从10%最大生命值增长至300 生命值
- 势不可挡: Now has 20%减速Resistance
- 吸血蝗:不再provides +12%冷却Reduction
- 吸血蝗: Now upgrades from 不治魔咒. Provides +60% Anti Healing for 8s on Spirit伤害dealt.
- 灵力灌注:持续时间从6s增长至8s
- 灵力灌注:不再提供+50 Health
- 灵力灌注:现在提供+70元灵Shield
- 凋零之鞭:持续时间从4.5s增长至5s
- 凋零之鞭:子弹抗性从-11%降低至-12%
- 减速魔咒:冷却从26s增长至28s
- 元灵压制:持续时间从2s增长至2.5s
- 衰变: Bleed伤害从1.4%增长至1.5%
- 火速充能:冷却for charged abilities 从30%降低至25%
- 身躯虚化: Allows you to float around slowly (2 m/s)
- 沉默符文: Now pierces through all enemies in the path
- 沉默符文: Projectile and collision size increased by 40%
- Arcane Surge: 技能范围从+20%降低至+18%
- Arcane Surge: 技能持续时间从+20%降低至+18
- Arcane Surge:元灵力量从+20降低至+18
- 秘术缓速:持续时间从2s增长至2.5s
- 灵能涌动:射速从10%增长至15%
- 天锤压顶: Stun持续时间从0.9降低至0.75
- 天锤压顶: Stun now lasts 1s longer against airborne targets based on how high off the ground they are (up to 30m)
- 技能刷新: Cast delay 从0.3s增长至0.6s
- 金刚宝衫:冷却缩减从12%降低至10%
- 金刚宝衫:技能持续时间从7%增长至10%
- 秘术余波:伤害从45%增长至50%
- 魔毯:持续时间从7s增长至8s
[ Heroes ]
- 亚伯拉姆斯:子弹伤害decreased from 4.68 to 4.5
- 亚伯拉姆斯:元灵Siphon元灵力量缩放从0.5增长至0.65
- 比波普: Uppercut now only locks enemies out of air control for a最大of 0.5s (down from 1s)
- 比波普: 钩子 now shows a hero icon when you connect with a target
- 比波普: 钩子 delay reduced when pulling allies
- 比波普: 钩子 T1 now also improves melee damage
- 奇能教授: Fixed 量子闪现 not deselecting if you get silenced while targeting
- 奇能教授: 动能脉冲 T2 now affects melee伤害too
- 奇能教授: Fixed 魔毯 + 奇能教授治疗interaction
- 奇能教授: 奇点冷却从191s增长至215s
- 奇能教授: 奇点 now造成half伤害to objectives
- 奇能教授: 奇点 fixed tooltip referencing knock-up that it doesn't do
- 灰爪: 定身陷阱 renamed to元灵Snare
- 灰爪:元灵Snare now applies a 诅咒 debuff for 1.75s to all enemies in the radius when it triggers instead of a tether
- 灰爪:元灵Snare T2不再increases减速by 1s
- 灰爪:元灵Snare T2 now increases 诅咒 debuff by 0.5s
- 灰爪: You can now shoot 蓄力射击 onto元灵Snare center to trigger it to detonate immediately in a 30% increased radius
- 灰爪: 蓄力射击 can now secure orbs
- 暗影: 烟雾弹T1冲刺速度从+6降低至+5
- 暗影: 烟雾弹 T3 charge time 从10s降低至7s
- 暗影: Fixed 锁定 not working correctly with debuff resist
- 暗影: 锁定T3从0.15降低至0.12
- 暗影: Sleep state不再disables the target. It instead allows them to move at 2 m/s and be unable to take any other action (including stamina, mantle, parry etc). The target still wakes up on damage.
- 暗影: Sleep dagger now takes effect immediately, rather than after a brief delay
- 暗影: Fixed creeps sometimes attacking and waking on sleeping targets
- 暗影: 子弹之舞冷却从138s增长至150s
- 暗影: 子弹之舞 T1 从+7降低至+6元灵Damage
- 暗影: 子弹之舞T2从-38s增长至-40s
- 暗影: 子弹之舞 fixed an issue causing the game to freeze for the持续时间of the ult channel
- 炽焱: 烈焰冲刺冷却从40s降低至35s
- 炽焱: 烈焰冲刺T3从-19sCD更改至-15s
- 炽焱: 烈焰冲刺 T3 now also makes the ability charged (15s charge time)
- 炽焱: 残焰元灵力量缩放从0.5增长至0.6
- 青藤: Melee伤害and growth reduced by 15%
- 青藤: Starting生命值从550降低至525
- 青藤: 守望者的盟友 fixed to replicate healing even when you are full
- 青藤: 守望者的盟友 now initially locks onto the target in your facing direction if there is one
- 青藤: 石像形态 now shows the 青藤 player a visible radius indicator for where your hero will hit
- 青藤: 葛根炸弹 now grows on the ground if it hits geo instead of floating in the air
- 青藤: 空投伤害从150降低至125
- 青藤: Fixed 幻影突袭 not grounding 青藤 when using 空投
- 青藤: 空投 now lets you choose to significantly reduce your initial upward momentum by holding the fly key down while casting the ability
- 凯尔文: Fixed some issues with being unable to shoot over half-height cover
- 凯尔文: 冰霜手雷 now also reduces Stamina Regeneration during the减速duration
- 凯尔文: 冰冻庇护 now created on key up. While the key is down an outline of the area will be shown
- 凯尔文: 冰冻庇护冷却从127s增长至130s
- 凯尔文: 冰冻庇护T2从-38s增长至-40s
- 盖斯特夫人: 恶念 can now secure orbs
- 盖斯特夫人: 灵魂互换 T2 从"-10% Min Health"更改至"On cast +40%射速for 8s"
- 盖斯特夫人: 灵魂互换 T3 从"On cast, +40%射速and +40%元灵抗性for 8s"更改至"Silences enemies in 15m radius for 3s"
- 盖斯特夫人: 生命汲取持续时间从2s增长至2.5s
- 盖斯特夫人: 生命汲取 T3 从"Enemy is Silenced while being 生命汲取ed"更改至"Ability becomes charged and grants +1 Charge". You can cast multiple 生命汲取s at the same time on different targets, no Charge Time.
- 神鞭: 震撼大地 T1 从-9.5s Cooldown提升至-10s
- 神鞭: 死亡猛击冷却从137s增长至140s
- 神鞭: 死亡猛击 channel time 从2s增长至2.3s
- 神鞭: 死亡猛击 Impact radius 从5m增长至6m
- 神鞭: 死亡猛击 cone angle 从75增长至85
- 神鞭: 死亡猛击释放距离从18m增长至20m
- 神鞭: 死亡猛击 T2 从+100 damage更改至-30s Cooldown
- 神鞭: 死亡猛击 T3 从-56s Cooldown更改至Impact Area Stuns for 1s
- 神鞭: 死亡猛击 fixed a rendering issue that could lead to crashes, especially in tight spaces like 中场Boss arena
- 麦金尼斯: 迷你炮塔s 生命值 gain per boon 从20增长至30
- 麦金尼斯: 迷你炮塔s不再limit the伤害they take to 33% of 生命值 per second
- 麦金尼斯: 迷你炮塔s now have a minimum lifetime of 4s. If they are killed during this time, they will be marked for death regardless of what happens during that time. There will be a visual indication that they are malfunctioning/dying.
- 麦金尼斯: 迷你炮塔s射速reduced by 20%
- 蜃景: 烈焰圣甲虫 now applies its drain over 4s instead of frontloaded
- 蜃景: 烈焰圣甲虫不再restricts you from hitting the same target (debuff持续时间refreshes)
- 蜃景: 烈焰圣甲虫 launch window 从5s增长至8s (can be extended by持续时间extender)
- 蜃景: 旅行者 now allows you to rotate the camera
- 蜃景: 旅行者 T2 从"-56 Cooldown"更改至"Grants Ally 旅行者 Benefits" (if cast on an enemy, it'll give the额外to the closest ally hero within 30m)
- 隧底双煞: 钻地 is不再affected by 冲锋陷阵
- 隧底双煞: 幻影屏障不再hits you while you are 钻地ed
- 隧底双煞: 蔑视 now heals you instantly rather than over 1s
- 隧底双煞: 连招生命值gain tooltip clarified
- 悖论: 时间之墙 Time Stop持续时间从0.6s降低至0.5s
- 悖论: 动力卡宾枪最大Stop持续时间从0.5s降低至0.4s
- 悖论: 动力卡宾枪T1从+0.5s降低至+0.4s
- 提箱客:生命值growth 从31降低至27
- 提箱客: 提箱遁形T1从-4.75s增长至-5s
- 提箱客: 提箱遁形 Escape持续时间从2s降低至1.5s
- 提箱客: 提箱遁形 T3 now also increases Escape持续时间by +0.5s
- 提箱客: 飞行斗篷持续时间从3.2增长至3.4s (slower speed, same overall distance)
- 提箱客: 痛苦 now immediately造成18% of当前生命值 on application
- 提箱客: 痛苦DPS从27降低至12
- 提箱客: 痛苦 DPS元灵力量scaling 从0.3降低至0.22
- 提箱客: 痛苦 radius 从14m降低至9m
- 提箱客: 痛苦T3从+27DPS降低至+15DPS
- 提箱客: 痛苦 T3 now also increases range by +5m and increases initial伤害by 5%
- 老七: 雷霆风暴现在提供you a secondary ability Lightning Strike. It is a one time use AoE ability. You can target anywhere in your ultimate range, after a 2s delay it releases a vertical lightning strike onto a 6m area, knocking enemies away from that radius (6m knockback) and dealing 150伤害(1.5元灵scaling). There is a visual indicator for enemies that that area is about to be hit.
- 老七: 雷霆风暴DPS从125降低至110
- 老七: 雷霆风暴 T3 now also allows you to float around at 2.5m/s speed
- 西弗: Fixed some targeting issues with 乘胜追击
- 复仇女巫:生命值从550降低至525
- 复仇女巫: 渡鸦使魔 projectile速度从3500增长至4750
- 复仇女巫: 钉桩冷却从42s降低至40s
- 复仇女巫: 钉桩 T2 从-19s Cooldown增长至-20s
- 复仇女巫: 钉桩T3从+0.75s降低至0.5s
- 复仇女巫: 钉桩 T3 now also increases capture radius by +2m
- 复仇女巫: 暗杀 time between charges 从1.6s增长至2s
- 复仇女巫: 暗杀 base伤害从130降低至120
- 复仇女巫: 暗杀T2伤害从140降低至130
- 魔液: Fixed visual parry冷却bug with 绿水神拳
- 魔液: 复原立方冷却从48s降低至42s
- 魔液: 复原立方释放距离从30m降低至26m
- 魔液: 绿水神拳 radius 从4增长至4.5
- 魔液: 绿水神拳减速从20%降低至15%
- 魔液: 绿水神拳T2减速从20%降低至15%
- 魔液: 绿水神拳 T3 now also causes the Punch to become a heavy melee
- 魔液: 浓浆滚滚 damage元灵力量scaling 从1.3降低至1.1
- 魔液: 浓浆滚滚伤害T2从120降低至90
- 守望者: Fire Rate元灵力量scaling 从0.25降低至0.22
- 守望者: 屹立不倒 Resistance 从60%降低至30%
- 守望者: 屹立不倒 now only goes on冷却for 20s when interrupted rather than full
- 守望者: 屹立不倒 T2 now also reduces冷却by 35s
- 守望者: 屹立不倒 T3 从"-56s Cooldown"更改至"+50%子弹and元灵Resistance During Channel and +2.5s Duration"
- 灵魅: 子弹伤害growth increased 0.37 to 0.39
- 灵魅: 全自动 T2 Spirit伤害Per子弹now has default 0.05元灵力量scaling
- 灵魅: 全自动 T3 reduces the improved元灵力量scaling from 0.1 to 0.05
- 灵魅: 全自动 T3 从30% 子弹吸血更改至20%子弹and 元灵吸血
- 灵魅: 念力施法时间从0.7s降低至0.4s
- 灵魅: 念力 projectile速度从650增长至750
- 灵魅: 念力 now briefly lifts the enemy and then slams them to the ground and leaves the target with 2.5s of沉默and disarm
- 灵魅: 念力 T2持续时间now applies to the沉默and disarm, increased to +0.75s
- 灵魅: 念力 T3 now causes the projectile to bounce to another nearby hero within 20m
- 大和: 飞跃进击 T3 now also lets you grapple to ally heroes
- 大和: 暗影变身术施法时间从2s降低至1.5s
- 大和: 暗影变身术不再has a 0.6s post cast time
- 大和: 暗影变身术 T3 now also increases Resist by 15%