
Door Mechanics











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Doors in SCP: Secret Laboratory have multiple different Mechanics, such as resistance, keycard level and opening/closing speed.


Doors are often used by Human players to slow down chasing SCPs, they are also used by SCP-079 to help SCPs catch up to humans.
SCP-106 can walk through any door that isn't Evac Shelter at a speed of 1 m/s.
SCP-079 can open doors at the cost of AP, the amount of AP depends on the door.
Some doors require Keycards with a certain tier to open.


There are five main door types, a Light Door, Heavy Door, Window Door, Checkpoint and Gates.

Light Doors have a fast opening and closing speed. Mainly used in Light Containment Zone. These doors are also used for most keycard doors.
Unopenable/undestroyable Light Doors are found in Entrance Zone.

Heavy Doors have a slow opening and closing speed. They are only used in Heavy Containment Zone for non keycard doors.

Checkpoint Doors have a fast opening and closing speed and will auto close after a certain amount of time. They share the same model as the Light Door.

Window Doors have a fast opening and closing speed plus a window on the door. They are mainly used in Entrance Zone and are weaker than normal doors.

Gates are large doors that have a slow opening and closing speed. The Gate for Evac Shelter can not be opened by any means.
An enraged SCP-096 can charge at a closed Gate to force it open for a split second to go through, allowing SCP-096 to get targets behind Gates.


Doors have different strengths values that determine what can destroy them and what won't

Normal- can be destroyed by SCP-018, Fragmentation Grenades, SCP-096 and Remote Admin.

Strong- can be destroyed by SCP-096 and Remote Admin.

Very Strong - can only be destroyed by Remote Admin.

Indestructible- can not be destroyed by any means, including Remote Admin.

Ingame Doors

Normal LCZ Door
Type: Light
AP Cost: 5
No Keycard required.
Strength: Normal
Door HP: 150
Glass Room 18 Door
Type: Gate
AP Cost: 5
No Keycard required.
Strength: Indestructible
Door HP: N/A
Class-D Cell Door
Type: Light
AP Cost: 5
No Keycard required.
Strength: Normal
Door HP: 170
Inner Airlock Doors
Type: Light
AP Cost: 5
No Keycard required.
Strength: Normal
Door HP: 170
Checkpoint Doors
Type: Checkpoint
AP Cost: 10
Access Level: Checkpoint Access Checkpoint Access 

Janitor Icon.png

Guard Icon.png

ZManager icon.png

Scientist Icon.png

Private Icon.png

Owner Icon.png

Research Supervisor Icon.png

Operative icon fr.png

Chaos card icon2.png

CEngineer icon.png

Captain Icon.png

O5 icon.png

Checkpoint Access

Strength: Very Strong
Door HP: 80
SCP-914's Containment Door
914 CC.png
Type: Gate
AP Cost: 50
Access Level: Containment Access 1 Containment Access 1 

Janitor Icon.png

Guard Icon.png

ZManager icon.png

Scientist Icon.png

Private Icon.png

Owner Icon.png

Research Supervisor Icon.png

Operative icon fr.png

Chaos card icon2.png

CEngineer icon.png

Captain Icon.png

O5 icon.png

Containment Access 1

Strength: Indestructible
Door HP: N/A
SCP-012's Containment Door
012 Door.png
Type: Light
AP Cost: 40
Access Level: Containment Access 2 Containment Access 2 

Janitor Icon.png

Guard Icon.png

ZManager icon.png

Scientist Icon.png

Private Icon.png

Owner Icon.png

Research Supervisor Icon.png

Operative icon fr.png

Chaos card icon2.png

CEngineer icon.png

Captain Icon.png

O5 icon.png

Containment Access 2

Strength: Normal
Door HP: 200
LCZ Armory Door
LCZ Armory.png
Type: Light
AP Cost: 50
Access Level: Armory Access 1 Armory Access 1 

Janitor Icon.png

Guard Icon.png

ZManager icon.png

Scientist Icon.png

Private Icon.png

Owner Icon.png

Research Supervisor Icon.png

Operative icon fr.png

Chaos card icon2.png

CEngineer icon.png

Captain Icon.png

O5 icon.png

Armory Access 1

Strength: Normal
Door HP: 200

Normal HCZ Door
Type: Heavy
AP Cost: 5
No Keycard required.
Strength: Normal
Door HP: 150
HCZ Armory Door
HCZ Armory.png
Type: Light
AP Cost: 50
Access Level: Armory Access 1 Armory Access 1 

Janitor Icon.png

Guard Icon.png

ZManager icon.png

Scientist Icon.png

Private Icon.png

Owner Icon.png

Research Supervisor Icon.png

Operative icon fr.png

Chaos card icon2.png

CEngineer icon.png

Captain Icon.png

O5 icon.png

Armory Access 1

Strength: Normal
Door HP: 200
Nuke Armory Door
Nuke Armory door.png
Type: Light
AP Cost: 60
Access Level: Armory Access 2 Armory Access 2 

Janitor Icon.png

Guard Icon.png

ZManager icon.png

Scientist Icon.png

Private Icon.png

Owner Icon.png

Research Supervisor Icon.png

Operative icon fr.png

Chaos card icon2.png

CEngineer icon.png

Captain Icon.png

O5 icon.png

Armory Access 2

Strength: Normal
Door HP: 200
SCP-049's Armory Door
049's Armory.png
Type: Light
AP Cost: 60
Access Level: Armory Access 2 Armory Access 2 

Janitor Icon.png

Guard Icon.png

ZManager icon.png

Scientist Icon.png

Private Icon.png

Owner Icon.png

Research Supervisor Icon.png

Operative icon fr.png

Chaos card icon2.png

CEngineer icon.png

Captain Icon.png

O5 icon.png

Armory Access 2

Strength: Normal
Door HP: 200
Micro H.I.D. Armory Door
Micro HID Door.png
Type: Light
AP Cost: 70
Access Level: Armory Access 3 Armory Access 3 

Janitor Icon.png

Guard Icon.png

ZManager icon.png

Scientist Icon.png

Private Icon.png

Owner Icon.png

Research Supervisor Icon.png

Operative icon fr.png

Chaos card icon2.png

CEngineer icon.png

Captain Icon.png

O5 icon.png

Armory Access 3

Strength: Normal
Door HP: 200
SCP-079 Containment Doors
079 CC.png
Type: Gate
AP Cost: 110
Access Level: Containment Access 3 CC3 doesn't exist anymore you idiot!!!! 

Janitor Icon.png

Guard Icon.png

ZManager icon.png

Scientist Icon.png

Private Icon.png

Owner Icon.png

Research Supervisor Icon.png

Operative icon fr.png

Chaos card icon2.png

CEngineer icon.png

Captain Icon.png

O5 icon.png

Containment Access 3

Strength: Indestructible
Door HP: N/A
SCP-096 Containment Door
096's CC Door2.png
Type: Light
AP Cost: 40
Access Level: Containment Access 2 Containment Access 2 

Janitor Icon.png

Guard Icon.png

ZManager icon.png

Scientist Icon.png

Private Icon.png

Owner Icon.png

Research Supervisor Icon.png

Operative icon fr.png

Chaos card icon2.png

CEngineer icon.png

Captain Icon.png

O5 icon.png

Containment Access 2

Strength: Normal
Door HP: 200
SCP-106 Containment Doors
106's CC Door.png
Type: Checkpoint
AP Cost: 110
Access Level: Containment Access 3 CC3 doesn't exist anymore you idiot!!!! 

Janitor Icon.png

Guard Icon.png

ZManager icon.png

Scientist Icon.png

Private Icon.png

Owner Icon.png

Research Supervisor Icon.png

Operative icon fr.png

Chaos card icon2.png

CEngineer icon.png

Captain Icon.png

O5 icon.png

Containment Access 3

Strength: Strong
Door HP: 700

Normal EZ Door
Type: Window
AP Cost: 5
No Keycard required.
Strength: Normal
Door HP: 90
EZ Checkpoint Doors
EZ Checkpoint.png
Type: Checkpoint
AP Cost: 10
Access Level: Checkpoint Access Checkpoint Access 

Janitor Icon.png

Guard Icon.png

ZManager icon.png

Scientist Icon.png

Private Icon.png

Owner Icon.png

Research Supervisor Icon.png

Operative icon fr.png

Chaos card icon2.png

CEngineer icon.png

Captain Icon.png

O5 icon.png

Checkpoint Access

Strength: Very Strong
Door HP: 80
Intercom Door
Type: Window
AP Cost: 30
Access Level: Intercom Access Intercom Access 

Janitor Icon.png

Guard Icon.png

ZManager icon.png

Scientist Icon.png

Private Icon.png

Owner Icon.png

Research Supervisor Icon.png

Operative icon fr.png

Chaos card icon2.png

CEngineer icon.png

Captain Icon.png

O5 icon.png

Intercom Access

Strength: Normal
Door HP: 100
Gate A and Gate B
Gate A door.png
Type: Gate
AP Cost: 80
Access Level: Gate Access Gate Access 

Janitor Icon.png

Guard Icon.png

ZManager icon.png

Scientist Icon.png

Private Icon.png

Owner Icon.png

Research Supervisor Icon.png

Operative icon fr.png

Chaos card icon2.png

CEngineer icon.png

Captain Icon.png

O5 icon.png

Gate Access

Strength: Indestructible
Door HP: N/A

Escape Area Door
Type: Window
AP Cost: 5
No Keycard required.
Strength: Normal
Door HP: 90
Warhead Activation Room Door
Nuke Surface.png
Type: Light
AP Cost: 110
Access Level: Nuke Access Nuke Access 

Janitor Icon.png

Guard Icon.png

ZManager icon.png

Scientist Icon.png

Private Icon.png

Owner Icon.png

Research Supervisor Icon.png

Operative icon fr.png

Chaos card icon2.png

CEngineer icon.png

Captain Icon.png

O5 icon.png

Nuke Access

Strength: Strong
Door HP: 725